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April 30, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-30

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"The Niagara Falls Route."
7r 111.,_ 11111 i i i i a~ugi, thI:,-! .!1iton 11
11) 11 toV, . W CASE. As it AiilArbor~
A )e L eSubject: "The Trusts and Federal Legislation."
a L0rUniversity Hall, Wednesday, April 29th.
C ou s Course Tickets $1.00. Single Admission 50 cents.
IYIILVVT RD9 Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain-
M I W A roDi ng prettiest line of 'liome-Spuns ever shown

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