1111 us. oi: N. DAILY. .VOL. XIII. ANlN ARBOR, MIR., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1903 No. 1.52 OCNGRESS MAN LITTLEFIELD (ao aresfot rnpntn od Well Rec ird by His Audience-He civent} Itc goods Spoke on "frusts and Federal Tin].ril iviin it ii i fo tr ;iny cr Lgislation'' i ltiula cly byowrn th r SCsi iiilii ii li'C . . X i-nliii-sv ofii late'vril.isig ihea.i commonlvii hit i slvins'i'il )iv ii the 1in ner i l'i' ivivli1':11yi'n stsvIlin lati-fi t in th S.L. A. youXliii ai l ut.uiydig orpbicto vsi liiti sliugvlli rat shoiws1n thei tuneiii'ilil deliveredionelofite host add, eille I~i~gihviiii'' Mr. ivllliimvads ter, ohjoot and y olpmmullgi'vv miiililid lvi fea 11r 111ome i ltiivme.lilireadenege t frifth. Prii ngi 11101.iv rvgvriio i- e1 L iti ngi ii 'it iiviilimiiispeakriwh took( iite pcning liignion.llillllil i sory m'iivm ii ii 1viillvlmli r would miiii sheI iii' tteo g~eis nin" v S i r. Lvs ifie ldi s t''hieiii 'id l iiird 'etcomi sivr it uirvinly ' iiiiii r ioimit''ilii uv'i iinlte owe-husi'fcoires vne l igisivof vii isiTie i'act ithat'yooii in th ater fi i ff reivisions' ;endiv miliviivvi ii' inr isiiiitl eo tke trus Irgslammiiind is it liigav i' i siii1i"i 11 ii', l ii m'ioli'iis if otiigh'e d-alii -iii) h orh's l oxvililofhi d e o heI ii illirsi'fmleonlvii ymto rs iii I II iahn 1111up ii i' iul is lilvivtei- ] o il'! sVi:hEn.11)VAL. d t ispe ii 15r iiiiiiiii l iii vib-li' ii __a________om ofCop tl vI' irsithe ii r-iltij"isdimiionsil i' rogrons is th 'eauiuly Iltrted- vt I liii l ii ii lii the Statei an lii ire ivii'r-":ap ite o ex m n P vii h'un-u' I ii ii15 suindpneto ahor. iiiv lis C lsatur as prpi TheIi- e liiiliower toii xli se co-'11( Tuh Wi o II"dearlll'to neinuiliof iionopo li i deri'iv rmuimth - lius ic elo ip'y fiiispecial o vi' Avv tr iisrnv'ongreslls iii iiilii o rlnii untoi his' v ithhsto iyioiiFedeyalolirs- Tis iihor ise liery lx i n lieiti ts aliu h h iw isn t sefetilr Insiii J"t~tls ain stii rui nol ess iiilio mlii ile reo dosis uni isili alolll .i iroll Innilm I'll's uw iii'i'ei statesiianui for' iiiails 'Ii ii ithis g iie1t , bli ii'vil. 'rsisiitie v' lisirs rl l ustion iii'e-if rogrinllisv Beautiiiif liy Ilustrated-Oi 'iii- ior reguilat 11' iing m iais i ll Wvl i Ilvi m ii, mmn IS 512e v'ext k hetint liii tiiado iliis muevIrateiug nlv- \iivsu-s I-s .mt 'tv- ul ShillSn n 'vi']' 'in 1' ridmiyIlio'nSwcre ''S a i i v I by de uec iin moallymufn hr vviu- arliii king o u-wnvrdnwih plns-im .rsni -me i'vs i 'iiivnI rod vIli'ui lcvgl- o une usiv uThur sayluFriara Si' ait- - X i ii'ate mr ss ioni. iiiiiig 'verii in liiis ic Si teinv'. I y i- ihoo virrsr0 h e famius ofhermaundvuoAmini Hirl.grof A.vAt iii nleyv t il he iiiiOY "2 Xt il ws pauiesijsed nis onethu fi' or, is ill cilecistu' mrsnthe vmiu'riniglin hidnn iimat ices ro (2)ilvatmni- ody enornv ,iiiCi sMay h4 iatiin2o'lo r ;flin t uS. sIt p vriiililovdsa og thr W ne ay M yimviat i'cockeano i3 libs is iiiiiI vandiFriiiali a s-vry vx-Fst u "1. That allus erm iiirt fi'iiiii liii' oviiimii aidi 3 oiou ock, inr oo mvuGkof liii iaesi n retra'ini' ofritiii enetrofitlegli siis Iboiding.sTill PublicmireS iniit-15 'cja -vttlis]guiltiii0kviivt ai'issus'1o"th rest intret s miPymiio-Stleyi-i dress nv' prsoniisim in 0894y hevo- wltgisve sishii nnsare so ifer uiisig ' ;ctiog'f lii' iv(l)niof 2)thyreiiveotieimii uriclveaittis u'insoreblio tiree'o ld S da' mags."uistheimidithan theiyiiss'i caniim giki i-ill aony iotihermi arii'ng mea~surobtiiiiio'd thehi alltls 'imriv oichiilvr ihm iboouts: iiofimth ' vf 'liii ofi casesi isi ng ot of it av , imu' vv. 'lill humu s-ilacedi on'sale10 'hin v'A o binusfthet inefectualto'tmoiii fsmirriw.iI'tusifferlfiiipreiou S r etetet h exm-suui s' io s s t vmntf 'ies inmevriety's avi iiiv i mmmii trIhi' ivov ioiSii 'asiin 18m4vvcoitin' fSih i lf ustsim h-m'e-pp ial-to us lini ofifi0 viii]sepct io o he iiiiimv HmmvuWiiu uisn paemwr ae i lNew'Yorki byshemli mIi- ifaw'phm ibis t lii smitingicombnstionln msiiwichm aki s hal-tnil Sus i'- otmimr ilium liii' fiiaiii 'miiifisIini limit li vv Smionsmioilteliii iiis of lea ing~ '- - , i'>. I uimiioii h h 11" law.liimmia s 'h b o illibei' hmhmi'iv ll 1m-n - i'mio''t'hsi-interpfmtvtin olsi' snab1 s sovn'v miiI.dil ir. s 1hiii i ill theiiiie-ini n act, thiiri centi ease ofiThtimthoiirv -m i' mi ''itisii of i itii Vn v sii rifl nf "loi ng mi to m hieluiumbivi n ce dis5 ribution of he libretto Messrs si~rmithvi tm-silormiid flo udohat(vmig A SNO''l'Iandi 21011.5Hiy ivy Csniimivst iorporadot Slums cs'-un sif r''eii iThpice ms]fi'th'k lim]e nil hugs trussopolsand c fminaioinIvi oto l oii csi-ill ei reqiume tefor oliii ovimuas poi alm i the western rai'irasoissiod vii] d o te rt sig i im ms iiisi suming theii il I- ~ I msii ii s e iRoofevetodasmlwaosro e Thyivieregd. m i uiisr rs st rim o f e, ndinetorismse, t o NiOTrIsesEs.SNORtSo. i hr :#rrioci'GenieralKnx'io subomsittod soime in miiiling the picture comopetes. Those ,recossssuosilmtions for logisiution, which dsireinig iphotos inocvp fned gown's will In his judgmesnt would oifer relief. for be gvess sittings at 'the-same rvtes vs 'existing evils. ils firet proposition for regulasr seormpicuies. 'wvas to iprolibit railroads or other cons- Chairsmans. Pictisrs Cossmsittee. ANOTHER VICTORY U. tf HA Teaim Put Up Good Game Yesterday, Defeating Oberlin by a Scsi's of 12-1 TIii' lim i'isiy oi ii'iimhmigvvmii 'hmmsuim :om k pt p its tininulg v 'imm y'.y-i o whieiini it isuciceeded hiill lowesmurinmg tie l or" of 1 O1m 5. liii'gmol'l ls 'limth- (-orevm]of i12 mmI. hemumniue- \\iiailmha r- iii~t M4 h oolatiii (I \ ,rho ' uirviht mis liiiy- mimmii'h yin-tlr- was regu 1ar 1an ' heiitea lm imi-i'ow11h1 iii dn toi mi ;yetuhitmog llytmher ] in e rln-' iine chalii ii mp ilshi mstle. Themlyi ng o hi -riii. ." Ni y g oa. Itr ' iroatsc nvwere hinmuvei'm'oi'uh Ia~g fiil '111 iA N. ndItd dent nm~htdesered It Ii I' .frint li i nfi le t : ie i(' e pecte filedtil vohr I dc ".In 2he "hmurt-to 1)oi 1 l wn id igoi l'hcfali}7rn.,i" tei"ore AF, lii Iii I'i AI.:i I' le , ). .. .. .. . 0 t) ( ; ( hums 1 7s.".... 1 1 1 eO I.'its IN. All it Hot hi s r fI .. . I llirr '11 s.i.mi, i u i 274 1 2 14 11 MICHIGAN NOTES. Theii'Soial m] Iiiimcum sill] guyethiir Thei mmlming liii] 4 oiat Almumai'Assvoc'iatluio si-ll lbe humd05n lilrs party -h in irne oml'i v1hgim-s iof thei'. C. A. sill] iHi'e-i mui' r sillil]d i u-u'he ir Th usdaii mm sou in I'l iiit u -;ikum is insivmad of' 1hem' n - The lElu-his miii unets :ile toimbinug i Uri. 'sS'mmivofv it NuYovrSun itys. ue iii i~h mmmii auhorum mimituiSmate pamen 111aw, is lecturing, on that liit su- mel tis simm-ikPmolthe l'reshmenu'ummandl mIdrlii'clsse's. 'Pl i m u'rs ofill, V15ii li lmss siill Ntbry111m]. ''lipu'uulid umus 'of ihe mmmirn tmu armiIwhll' m e linsmu]lle on hiusr illhm ~ 1.-i'simm mt lh XIH t .ien' suLegue r illive liians i'n"xmane . mood musmialsu'm'tu'uhtsd Miss Sunts. 'tateuscretar. siill mudS d o io co i'ii(' ii uumuu'uuat] lii' . SW. C. A. luoomms at1017 Norith i 5iuiuisi' o mi-m at i:I p. mi. Siiu lma i a inial Ii Is {.li. iiMolmyni 'Iu'll' su1;l[ii Everyineliiwholmihums fru'ionds lv hu 're tmliim iiof visiting XAiiiArboriishouldhm 11111] hemtht lip i'mlainii mmhiv lower'u' mu'uiusuiu illsi-lllv ieixcurionviiu mum oSiit1- i'uuooitoilalv I s1, oliiac- countlii ete eti'hi'anniuail Mayi Si-s - tilmi] fotsihv sumihoudbe umdehim hike Co-Ed Detects Thief '1'temmhlumi'iumis imuCipinusg from tee Detroiimt'rimus i'of NSS'm'usi'sumii hon- isnmy ''Ios' sou' vtieupasv muthielmihasmbnmo oppoatig slucessfullyIn theiilibase- mentv f Barbur' gus'~ymnamsiiuuu. Durig the amufimrimimi, swhileivthi'gynasimiumn clamsses aremmmeeoting, tlime men'uut is desertedi'u, asumShesim'verals's undruuuied lcrs msny'of thsemm cmontiing selothing mandmvalumbeshihv, offer'edmuiavfine u'hamnce'm'fyi'tieve'sry. 1Tilnmosoes, siamthesi's.ieryuhi.tacovs, vt'rlig sier hlyhuu'kleiii.ansdImny oheurarties haveiu'b5iu'ustsoe'n. Suilat anirteusit iuden't clled a smeting of thysvictim. A siheme wsu mrrmu im avd umlthmoisl-hli hsoef beh'indumheiacchm ulation 110of0'ubbshii aguish lim ofmtiesofmundatim oss wimll. Shum'hlu-it'sg"odvuSsio'of lim ockriers, andiisimoniispottedmvtheh churit begininiug opeatinsthaiislsuhotlyuih'humv r- sleina2sO ikiirt bleig 'imaked mu-mu'.' Thematte mhr hms been keipt sr' plum'] mandithy "rs havmmsolvsedS hum gil-u'lihe iculpruit anotheruu'chamnce, so nuoummms mi uh nams uao usntined milhos' of tcap tiveuortins'e1m'foxy io-ed deteivehs. "Nows' -t limoe hievoing hums ben stope in~u'hu ihimur yiimivldui, ass e'pidmic ou'uf robberyhu'a siblrokon out in Llibraryu--m . Ah-ugemIiumor ms'eauusuing liotw hi soh i-mt ws svlens a few nightsag"frommiiono oh the comt roomss. '1e 1mm 5 umi'u'ss autuhitmies mmmc i- stsigaiimliv Nshl1 15)(?"P. Twiuolhumes 'at this ice hin iansuwer o yourssad Phmonessisnsvs Mmna- gem, No400. Allithe '06 lit track menss isho hauve si-muss eialssvtihis iear are requested ho meetoSatifemmryi mFied'ijday at 4:a0. TRACK IiMANAGER. 'totls.......:1-1:24 15 8 ii mum' it-si i-miis. I'ime iaiumsm' hulls liit-i I Iii um's Sumcrifimevhums-I mmiv. Roche. hum s ilbls-ff 'usmsuviy. .5; miii 1 him s5' "1 Si-k must--By Tenneyo. 1: byUtlehim G. Stolen baisesy--Toddi~ih Simhmii's I uiiiiiu' IRiumhm':3). Camp-mi huh]. Camrruther'us.iH i-syvpiched hums]- Biirdb (2),1Utley. Ball.i-Tennmumy. T ll' bumsByon m Attendanceuuvbiss-50C0. Stick to the Bleachers 'limomthetic uiiolan iyhushih iish So i--milItivematentionm of thsos-Iso ttendi them immsubluhinsssto thesonece'ssity' of spctatorm's's emiiusg vffthe fhimdliid thes tracks. ThslimackItns iumust 5prac-v liii'a'itheim sameiv time thamt time :gliels miri guinouims.liiihhand t vhep lieCof ltmit' vimdurs sitin theimolimits establihediim fr.Ily interf'reus Nillhiie 'work it is nsim-uavmry fth in o hodo.hum ammiiovi mind glus hiy hSnmmersxthe plyers, mu tursimhp'earancevv 5siiwell. It is ivielivil limit mis sooni ms theipeplel mssdmersi.ammdltheisefac'ts, 110 fiuther ut- fotimvwiil]livbe necessmary' in 1ea us hes'e obstrhuctionlmus ivosuu'ceussfmul mthlic:,ihutoi Balcomb, the Lucky Man Altmu contemst held iTuesdaiyl5 m'su'uisug. i-. _AL Iimsiu'sm ofmi mit ordiaimm, Bitm., wsi-i select'di auort ormi*of- sthshi elinirlawuls class avndliiwill sudem'livr ihei' rum c uiutn oionis. Theresweris'su'vi'eull1- testmantsvill allmanS C. tP. Johnusonmlhus] luy c sinsgle iosint. iBy'sbhss uommms mof covmpiution t lmoho st ormator is alsiays selectedb. Thle judebsstore Ieu1. W5. W. SXedeuvoye'i, Ih. J. -Ahhott ansd Otto I-ans. Subscribe for thleV. of M Daily.