Noc. 1.51
No Athletic Daic-c This Year
'1l c h l r eli" e-ci ecilc'ic (11cbe -
An Interesting Game Looked For- Imee.-- ~ ic-coleittrce efels cc s p ingec 5c-
Teaoo Rosodiog Into Shape- onte.tIcic I fle ief andm
Trainlee gTabe Started ,Vccca)gie n icfecc cin ld i
5- i-syit (lc uh' 'T':.\1s. I c-ic-ih ' popr eri sin v s
Weeq. Locs. ('u 1i. ceec-c I eccecis ochestrac Coinn, -ccc cp
NIcni .......c. . . ,it 0 75cc see eeera e sni,-nicecoSic lcoy-ce. Ccec--ea'
ceic-eecccecc -iwipactt ecn f a iilly b- l e e eecl~'e c 'c Ii'cehi ise
-the seresefeHo le amecoilVeccet e s eccee ccn dme ie' heat iche
11) icolo e. Ticue wcccci c c i ll bs e gi ce e irt cca, eanl te c-cc e Iee--cC ce 'Fcs i
Aceci ccci c c-eec cniof ec Itd eie 0cc' 'icelcwhic hvessccccitcc e itstee c
ta ice l c ccc cc li_ t e rlinc encjoycaccbleceventsc in fcer yccccc eccees c
lrac ot tchcicse litte cc eil c' c-ec cO c c'ecc'c Cc clicer
'Cic-l ccc iocraona dpe rnc-'cc c eam ccc- 'onght ancrutsc'd ed
ccIeiie lice's ccc' i-eegeon ccthe'cci cehr ? eral Legislation - One of the
sprn rps leicco leeicecc' s
legecec cc allcCarly eicsthu ccs ccllowing Strongest Seakers in Hose
th0 1c teoccig e d eccinto iod ei)' at ac
nee c ''ciec'tim c' eh neeauccccSiic-ticice. 1 'Viceceii ni c- e lcs. L. A. curse" eel
Tee-'Varscc' llcee" cc i ce"hsscSho el i e llohs i'ec''ce i Cc e ntrai' l .fiue inie
cs c c-ce e'c-ce'llinoisceldie cc c- ccc cclcccs. Col ecei .. I'iee-c eeels',d
lec-eci ocfecworkc cci c ch es ie' c Iceon n'cccou.Yok outy
gcc-eec 'mc'llccccwork' iscebeginning'toit]-ecc 1cceccS c i'lee
liep ea 'cc--c cc c cc'in ch r v r i; ~-ic ccid Icee aendec c ce i ciieecc ie
s~arcrl duction bu sli no Lac th
cc-c" -eeecee c cci c race'fiinegice.s.
c-eec eirlhe _rolyels c- eded hic e mber of cth e -ici: o~kice c iceelc
t~s rri~er i ia tiec' oisc etecicc
ilSce ac aiic -ee-c'cc ecc' -c eitce':"ccsew illc"(
.e')eece'""eeel noun cn y i*I c o1 itrc t f ii to e :cBu-cl
rooins 4 -cc--c-c ccbie' c e'tinuedeeec'" lic e' eii f el'n 'cileie ndice
M allo-eI iccthi c-eec c cei-c'
Sic I Inc.c'.;c dccc Ifch ; ice%
a ty Th me er : C p a n i he ecl ce'o eeoaeel cc ce-''e ec-eif cecce c
1,C'. e a i. ec-a, id C-ri lII,' h dc to e e mie -eceec il.ec inec e ic' ce--c
'rb fes ma meicl las et ud fw idcese-eecis' teesWest.lice
pile'n' 55-cc" whoeewicc'hecpowerfulecpoliice-i
The attndciee ofic he c clieewase' acel s"insic-e ic lcevee c-c d is slecelchcc
Go ~ to 5 tlS cfor Fs o heMedics eec-eellice'illccecdoelubet ecl ice"ta eclrank'c-c
bmsIon lisc-ccMny lanc-esfs limm ice" w iccccchcstoccecee u'ies
'br e"ough stcup ecand c-etis-thorougle is-heel icie fe' cpeiel'ssich ite lieor t eceec
Bussed.i hel e s ccieesofle lee cycliwa cto eqe stionkica le neh a ecee theIcc-cniBi eiec
heliive icen i ce iielleesy eesteelebltesom ede Cohra oleexcansion.a hen to ee re
sied a i hul o dped cencee-eccc es ci ig 'e feeiitliiel
iciizi cllo' lear.'s-In helrili e -f l uc' ie wac- icci t cel d oblssk e i efeas ehis -sue
Sheersophoi mre ccccc .me iIic c-;ccwould"ieii-'eehavlie a s i tetprifexofrcclifee
,ieniiet iee cial c'and thiecase ig dis- i-c i-ccoqu ieeentul inc-ccpfle e c r-itande
;]iroueeb. lice eiece f li the-kso as c-ec ti) hc e icc-i ice hal cf hup c ei.~c-eorlce
mume cc-c-ieee wse-ic thnsys tei, c t ciefe- cc lee ecnec en x i vetim Sieiind ie-lc
'sire oveShe ifieelf ce le eeciculty.In tihe oe'r i e'eciec t. liiei.e
uelse-c-loof truc' ble eec eme ole ioc
-gi'ec Stci vic lecue lie ecis i }iglt e ce l lde s ae i er i e rsoc-f ie
lipoc'lass'fmte-lhen sc' iee "ci did S ltIcie' c-cc cci c-f hs no~cc-e
-bci-n c--licgees - ii" sieeiiS I- 'ii'' ec--Scete Ion 1)s neic'i' ce lleil'
cI c-c-' iins Cielic-dr 'lieiupc-iee ''c -bcliii ccc-ciciess cileilily houcdciii ees e-
iidi. cctiithciCos, icer vey m ssesby'nyo e c-te ccite e'id eiiei
oun s i li- lc e scelutionelSsweere adc-pted in ihe snaking cithle' Iitory -f t oiy.
As amienediihe(c's ed:_
"Be i resove celhat 1'e-tlic lss
of l'5-il, lice'h ecdiccarm et cf leceeiGirls' Glee Club
Mini ee i 15e elndilee of c'hi'c-it"" cf IEeryefioI-itIis ieig iiadetie sure
M ih i i hingleutoc-plicerseles liii"success" ocf lt e (Gils' Glee ('hle
on i'e'e-c aseoel os e d -eito ac iiishcIcne-tydo cne-rt eet MSnc-ycige-hf iefBarbocur
in examinateionse pile dge or ic-crel sole- 05 iniic-iiiiT is irt nappearac eeof
McrtI ece ii nills sed severely, 1to liii'Girls' Glee MEhile ifore theepulici
sippesse-c-ll i clciceist practices duer hold nclieet wcihe i generoues rsoc-nse
big -liscw itt etx'ire'c-s uieililocice'gred- eec 0nices iy cl dc-i w c- e irlelis- lie
gyratien"' -filiiowinglaicles cre cssising s beef'
-Ice thw 1rgYcnifeachembeeiter is reelesse:
la~d 1,- a- atinor. There is Mrs. An~el, SMs. Jcrdn, Srs. Pact-
-aolbiills- Ic tiales to be 'i--eson, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Mec~aeiihlin
AWeld f sonie studet breaks hs Mr. Lombard, SMrs. Kelsey, Mrs. Sc-t,
peii o.l is left Ito tbe student him- Irs. Wiaite, Mrs. Htclhins, Mrs. Beal,
~e hs" plan more nearly ap- Miss Condon, Mrs. 'Markley, Mrs. Pat-
proas an iden lo stem than tengill, Mrs. Pettee, SMr. Stanley, M-rs.
any as ht Ii rd x0-of the Sol,Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Stranss, Mrs.
Coll 1Pelecoon, fis. Lloyd, Mrs Lawrence.
DR. ERNEST R. BUCKLEY Invitation for Chess Club
President ice'ft'e e-sClidel'cicer-
Will Give Four Lectures Undr tile cci Si icidcii 5 ciga An llci'. lideh.:
Auspices of Economiic Depat- icceeiiy cof ildicacecescircesetod ar-
ment and Civic Improve- cc ii' ach -e-c iess cinnc C cc-dieams
m -et Socety ic--i-'atcling yield cc ivce-ic-us:icd ctmrs.
sucssucilhe Ias: Icc- ieeedndy
eel. forse ccil Cc' eeecic'wigvcf u e' d i -cce's dibore.cII eit cis po -ild-cicullithice
tor e iiccdc in iicc dcied icr--bor i'thcis ek T re, IaII anI r t, c - cedit dtcill dfu lhe
ofdthese llb un er lire i1slc icc edIi-0-'1 eldde-ce-sr ff i, iii itic
ciii' lice' -dc iceetydide lio e- l ecurs 111d ie i' c da :111c'id i m i e' co iea'rc
deites ii iicc-'ciii'ieiit[Hg e o a " i eiiedctioncc w iideda . 1 cmi.
ccilh i enliin i ledii'lece 3,00111 o Ve ryc'Sc i ccli- ccci's.
Tappan hall i at -1 i enesday. II~i;i 'IANN ..'I ilISINCIOE.
'l'liiisdii cund lridayci. AXrlii 0 ec n-cPiri.iC-h le-sC-s lie.1' c-fC
SlI s nd ccil lie-"objel'-icts to be ccci-
c-eel am: de Si iecs(i c-iilciic THE 'VARSITY MEET
ofi Meic ad e -ealidecc 'ue el
Hesonces."Is Nose Only Ten Days Away-Track
ciii ciii"lie' Iiewlicleidc iiofl lie Men Working ard--Sme Good
"idletaIllide- Sic ie-i-l PI' --ii s
eel cc "lifee- lcelidned dccofcitlie Perfornances Yesterday
Sic cllii I c-c-ccecces
lice adde ss b'cc- efere' the' Xciinn ic-c ice licicTded-dcnu s e t ini a 1dec5' ice
Cvc Ieccidc ececes"ociety l ci cc Ieldii ce'-leri'ele ndcci dd- y tl e ' fiavorablcccce
I hi c c y eeing,- Apil ill, ii i c h te r 1 cc-'o'ciliieio s steded- ' elid' ecid-
Theioidle' iwdecide illiiddseidiii biacieilerli li-c
licreopt ic c viowscccii encet iic -eio l C il-'" s-iic-h e c di e nelw r u
shled C H),-ie stree" c-h ie mcii dils e ce l iecii an li ied' dice- d e-i'heci
iccCat c' ccibll deiccal eeiwiher Cte orth csc1Iiii htst lud d'lcc iiiecaiccr dice
ede'ndethe l iki dci ttiee-c'l l the " c' ilolcec-i lecic c-hees clld' -i
ndccclfudcccl lier e w ic c i e cinore d p a"i ll edd~n1is''l eci ci e - i iilccii icc 5'
dcc beldii'ee-d cei c ec clned det n c- s oceico : lnce'an in aboutle'
lice'. ilecelle's is s .ieo i iInd cc caedI
eco loist coiro cid ciii Cli're ute [ c-c':nd-iced lce'ce-di ca -e cilt: ice
lic t e' y erslti's sdd;-:)Id hie'wacc rl- traci : seces iis eic- [e~ i i csei eis
metedi i cliil ich ic sl e ological-c-idic-c ice1c-cedelice'lowi Iciedle's ccdi lie
dnrccci Hoi asc a assitant 'diddled 110M Y d ci is iing. cfio-h
c-ee licr:,o ssi1 ue ic Icccth e mateurcii 55i . lrideiliwhichci
(11 11 c'to41 ccoduce e e dscdlrco r~~ nafw ol.iii y ]igh-cic
of lhe eh'sm'ccccee' sfiece-le cc lice' l ince ~ o le d' or eercsd
and i Sc dcire ie iidcci e-cic-ic- lee-cue educ tt ig et ipo to ix icc-ci- eil,
ile'st ci at oi -- i ccee "h :1ricicle ci hch efcihu c i e Si-Ic -dedreel
c-cmelt ceof i ci -c~ t e'iAn''uii ic e 'uInst- that lice'sh'e c-icc' n diced-tiiclyenleu
totol'insid g wrte Xi'eiii'ee icl-Ing ti-e-icCic ieddal ce'lIr eucds.
si lc X ce-le of I Hic ciii an-te i A cl i he dedce'i1-he - Ieeic - ncl ee olyihee n-
co neidldArlc seesoice- focccuee'iey. I e 's 01cc' w yie i ni iieiceacleiz'e thayttheea
ccciiiecesnleeie ececice c-de t cccti e r cuce - ieee celxc'ceeilee"usely. ic-cn
lee-icit Hue "vslei-thusoSIdereog Shec e dtess'n d alestate yeteda
While atl lie tLisers-iy of 'iSe1 c-iComedy Club
c-llu liceeeecreci advanceded -ehin
economdies iecas cseleec gec-o clog n ini ITle- Coedecy Cleis sai eleg ocit s
c-cegeeiei'is cc-c-l fitt e-cltee dicussie s tIc-ic-e-i-Ic fcitehearcsls cand fromcn lie
quccicustion citfec-feedegeology. pr'eset culook-hc is feeir toc-aeseieof
lie hasu- crittenicseseechpliedriiea-ulie- gretiet sdce"ss5 ee-se u niit11
l"upoinee ecc-nomuiccs ameonug cc-iche:Iilhtist'c-ey. lnele he-u iecindi-uof Sr
"Thce Indephenent Tr-fSieasury 8cystem,"Ic iGerclch lc-ecs is rehearsinceg efte-
'Cuicdce cf satehFundshc. Aliiig'thee"ooe de-vciien~uig fori'the e icc-u-feeeccee
ieeocf igeolcgy he-hees publihed vIcc-h Ic- t chce' clc'e lf lie" Ahenus 'T che e
ie oii'n-d "lice- leinleiug leechciiin-icnlie-u eeing cfSiacy5 ieeug liMe
due-dcalii siet'c-of c itSS'ceec-ui-lu"d '''ie Icist se's- e a--es lie'(cile ics ee-e
c'eceiue'' llesse y (Cnstrc-ti on'l U c-eu-ice- cic-cdc" andchaimi-ng dies hast
'iWk(e c-o sic.'' "stues fo- 'cr Suedendcct id i in r ilI s arcle" Iet l"he ecuece"A'S e-ecp
Biliiliuce sIones."et'' "e. O qaecr.''"A Ganeeocf C1, c-'' '728'
Chosen State Representative
C. T . w'lsc-h, -afr'eshmane'clacussis lice
rep'iicedt ofincu xe ddc-leiicdiced'ordfrolh
ihe ste priohe hleheleceelcecblcarde. lIe- c---ee
hedihatelynoiiu~llee e hi-ic-e iceeencho-cc-ee
ice r''ieprsc'ntl ichee cc cc ite Naioc-eel
Proehciic-eu Orauic c on eetest.
Althee proieiiltii oratoriceil c-c-u
tis- lie-re Smr 'iS elsic cwc-nciirc-fplace
cued cciiselioscic Itoirepreesenti die lUni-
veresity cut lice-niter--diae'cc-iciest.
'1cc-re Sir. We lshc re-ceciedlice highesf
markihelng hut hisdoratuionucwseshrowccnu
cut becase-eceif ec-ded liiieccwcrdel imit.
'isi erreini lie lenugthofthue ecueelic-e
csas cuee in ignorancece of lice intler-stae
wourd limcit, cwhichcl is 100 wcordls, less
thaencthat ini lie Univsersihy contuest.
lice Miller-Bryan Comedy company
cvili be the attraction at lice Athens
Thecatre thcis eveening, wheen they ccill
present "Thee Flaming Millions"
if"'1'l'ricketil Scae leu'e t ccc Ngh t ic
iComcfortsc cf a Hiocme."e''lieSis-c
'lice-p1a11i' hich'iie-ule- chicleiccto
apea odd'dCcil T'ueday c-f net-icceek us
c-I a socmiewshact iffe~rent elu'ceer
fec-ec is credec(esso-rs' i- cmedyci-'of
c-medianse-reuiue ininihlic-lgi e en
"Sic- Fr'iend lFromcenie"eiccGe-n
hBrc-adhucrst, is liheplusy cue siccle
'i-dtec'Pesehehues de im cieself famuis
it the Broaidwayeiyleewc-c Yorkc a few
yeaers agncud is cc-ill knowss n toall
tlce~ci re-goeers. Amon.-ug lie artishs
svchh ie Coedcuy Clb hues gls''n Co
lice icrofessinael ostage are Normoan
Blaciket, Tom W'eadock, Die Htnll
Tenvis, Ms~ls Bock anedMis Lorayne.
The resersved seat seane openls SMon-
day, Slay 4, at 8Sci. cue, at Shceelian's
book store. Specialle-ciion will be
given to thceatre parties icy the man-
ageme ill