THE UN IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f WHITE VESTS ~J FANCY y - j Lend tone and quality to your 1 ", , .. drew. YOU wi;l be more tf '+t; 'lam than pleased with the new "ay1cs & fabric eIIects, r A If yo wan to nowwe carry a complete line of what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- Sadr paau son ask to seear Ap rtu for Stei ~Qualitativeo and Qatttv lBloch Urinary A ayi R mla rt P fl nth P.R A0 ( ~iiiito thec mst modan ~I illI VIUliiuu pictisical nliods,. uII EBERBACH &SONIMPORTERS AND __________ iilleDs(riitf & Apfel1 & ANUFACTURERS _________________ -112 S. Main St and 342 S. State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN H v LAST YEAR WE GOT UPTE Tipiou SIGI1A SIGM~A Amu SOUTHERN bmqquhKNICKIERBaveKYo That's the place where you N eglectedKNC E B rS gtup-to-date work, with selves. Domestic finish aThtSrn SutHvyosenhmWwilbpead specalt. M F. OWLR, gto ie esti mates ie as adaggestios Plhone 657. office, 402 Maynard St. l or Overcoat ? . H. LUTZ, Jeweler. r t 303 S Main St )S FFCIA t- atteris to please everyone Sty le timat BfPL~i GNGJ nor right Workmnanship petfet Prices ATHLETIC ALMANAC loner that anywhre ls e, consistent to Slides For 1903 odq 5regos Then oniy aimniac pnbiinhed that65Tegrs contains a coimplete list of Amei-Bo e lean Best-on-Rlecordn and Coinmd-o & ~ j o e plete Lit of C.hamns. osver 43 H~ t c, 30c 50C 030 pictures of1promini~eit Amnei 1'ecarvistoink afull lie cn and foreign athletes Of in.i,"ig iiatr iar use in Prc ocnsBurdent of a Judge 5" I.t II'I iHttt\ Ioo ..PaVitae ey ad iact inmu ssunmuattoimoI iiiiiiintis Ii ie1.; i i ledg oftue irs Insancit hee l t i IIIhe, A/GISpaiaing& J[ 3 iquei