OHIE -, >o~ ~ ~ 0' 1,I THE ULtVER61LTY -OF MICHt AN DAILY. If you want to know We carry a complet line of what smartly dressed ..i E men will wear this sea-. ~~lIAN Rll[TI son ask to see 7ri~ Appara Q h t~teus~ Bloch Urinary nalis1 S nari Iothes X.cordi.. to th e mos.t approvedan lindeosr~ i1SMain .5t ai PALACE AND PARISIAN --a e o Neglected get up-to-daite work, with lie least troiible to your- selves. Domestic finish a Ta pigSi specialty. M. F. DOWLER, AgI.TatSrngSi Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. or Ov1ercoat ? n SAL INGS FICA Paitteine to please sveryoi)e.. 'lyle. that *PLIGSOFCA are right. Morkiiianshiip perfect. Prices ATLTCAMNClower that sityw-lire elme, consistent to Thy only atmaiiiat published that contaims a coimpletetlhst of Amer-t peeSiCoCiiiliiSOlean Best-oii-Records iiid (Conn- III 310 pictnies of prominent Aniiicii can and foretgn athletes. P ic o cents Other Colleges Fresh Atleg 05th Cocalates at Custi-armcy Prfssr.enks, of ('iitto'tt. t 'sPhrmcn Mexco 1t he eilcstof te IMit-at A P~~fl~Idinn'9.Drn o eittu sittittg'oiil the commtuission li(IS H S* ald~inUUIg&IJUu i I s io:siis'iintheIs'best lucns ileetintgof''t), itill RoIoti ('.lii New York, Chiceago, Deiiver, Balti- o utnTthe o(1111 li1 111~''i, Itl to ~t 11 iiuO i nmore, lBuffalo. memberts 'Ireur tim be' presl nt All lihe'seniirls NtIliti Sie e ompel~led f. SUN N NSi"'lil1 I\ to l]e ('itristi intti ou t ofithePrsdet _j j A1NGIRS I i uc tiii ;1________________allow-_THE PRICES TAL.K. anefr th deicitiili wiiok. ptov iltedt If youi sill look at our sw~idow, Assem iets will ucotttiiiue throughout thitr('10wttk 1;ticomletedupit to .1;dill-andl noie the prices ma noed onl our the college ytartilinig tie summt i ei;ry t0 ). goods, ottwinl realize that we are school sissutt. I'ricate lessotns $1.50 illi 'arnegh'. wi ho is oili thegvni'-bhtter value fur your money each, g--loetb}StyMr. 50rI'rs. Crattoer. ('ruth Iboard f ttnsta's 111110 1 fIri hn ou n ltget elsewhere. first gift totb111 t istititu ti ition ti lit he$5.00 FOtC $1.00 rcltly - 1 111 liiti oll p XX 0W'Iare0o01' stocked withit ntditlii musI' tl i tli- s I ttic.SeOtli'ct $5.00 aworthi of this TUTTLEti.h ite~to hi~ti c il- listru ld on the can t ittmusic, itA toenmarked price, atid you F J tI C L T S Ltic;). 1'liicist tiill b i ltt' t it. 011llohav' it for $1.00. ANN ARBlOR 'MUSIC CO., The w (IOOAH ii'ull if Pofe'tsstor Sccv'ster_0_-11_._Wahinton t ';tterbo1211 a .roX'ntsltittglott.o C.2.. flAJOR Coait weit ni ieic. X ssIeltisis ne111- oti corer -ite jpc lt nltIrt~1Ie p o Ik l i ii() . i iOit it'idd;4flm-:Z ;1ll - i rep' Ilticest h ,l sg lt 1 Is el9 . C. _________ ___"" ____1 _____________& ___ h_ ll- tn Ii tt fii ' rs t oi2- 10. li t'itulel tuitti 52 S. kelosolt., ttit 4~iii " I I N'4 U E II liii' sit o Sissi. - Ixi 'tl 1 tiii lits I Exetrtulctillt l ti-it it 1;1 to 'iii( 1 to - y he A i rc n P b s - A rti tic ecor tors i tiity .tti x'' I )1tn Cli tole< n14 ouIe, astlit in tic rssatl W.cilt S fiPeier io308dS.cora twre. s. 40 1le~ .!to : Wal lpa epn t is and dr gair .ti ,,4io R.1 Sltyai xese ad odrf FilE Wash tc hne 27.oiry tn npe iyclota plcdnostouretihesa14comlel iscuteiof Fe- repeiing. ork re-hls oft the cin, easoed stir. 51WSyesIt81o.alsoin-1ols 1ouab co arrntd. un cr0' edou frc o wrk e oglstisre Popattneeniona W. S.(PIPER,Je308r S.Main Stt 0 Pto1our1patrol An alyltoetinofor tcki Eye Sietiicalyetie S RINslysolicit-ed. F iine y i-tcnd eer ehaepae po u lsa comple't loIFa rANpSHriDANrkre- Ps (rop.he.cENRYnND sea~'slos warOWCT vealon . Llt .. (HA itMN, JewleoffS. Ol t urpto'.A eryinpcto f u toki tl t s )N, IMPRTSURAND nd 342 S. State St. LAST YEAR WEt(SOT UP-TiHE SIGMIA SIGMA SOUT"ERN KNICKERBOCKER Stare a-ottseen Ilterni We itill he Ipleaised to gilve estirntsite d .1ittani sag estiozas 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. 1303 S. ta il St. SlidesI 65c per gross Boxes 5c, 30c, 50c. «'e carry in stockafull line of v rii lg tateriailfot tile in 1 Campus Drug Store. TRY THlE Only CnyKitchen' anyWhen You Want Horne-Made Candies. 7 S a f 1 t E. MI. STOFII'LET, 1 15 N rIAIN T HAVE juat received the Largest and fa ieat 0o TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES Ever brouight In the couy. FINE LUNCHES in connectiost Everythitig nest and11cl10111 3o8 South Snate St. R. E. JOLLY. DANCING Spring Term $2.50 University Academy 11O11 SIOT'11,intittItr. ROSEY'S Billiard Parlors Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. JAMES W.REID, ta Choice Pictures and Framing. -AT- Liberty 'St. Art Store Near the UNIVERSITY CITY BARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOMS Cigars & Tsbacco~s. 1111E.1HUON. ST. AtGENC.Y CHICAGO A IEICICAN TbeW.CKernCo. ,I f N ' L 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. j f Caups antdll o(n01111 ut to1 he or-der 11111rctiltedl. ;~ Pehiht'ti rllst'tll 1-tJilt o s al Awtil& - - fr-aterntiies tact-it-cliii Class Put., Clas 11111dIcui At.- >f SEND FOR CA~TAL OGUE et ' - 121 E. Washington Street WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS