"Til Us. Or N AIY VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIR., TILT1SDAY, APRIL. 23, 1903 No. 1461 INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET Will he Held Here May 22 and 23- Largen and Successful Meet An- ticipated--Hyde Park Will Send a Team 22c-c ccl Ic illrIt l{ :i uri is of-l h 1. :)1 of 11} sndliii- c s ic-c-s cale I h- Al ce)1l11 it ' ih lcontrol c is i c- 1. int heii liif 'li I ndci cl i ).l.t ,.F ii ld lii Ii ciclt i i-l. slic aI i ,pt illls ok nno i cll to h d ofeten ucli- Xiii- ln \cc-c-i-tlcci cii- '. csisiby dt c-c ti-_ l~ti l 'ot th ';ccti , ritl i ndcutrii th- isrsicic it cii- "'I-n(-s.3sc]oi;d it -ccc cl trol)t heii cc sill- - l c iii isccct 1 is ici othll ic-c i iti i ei t o ai] ci ic-S. 2 11 sitheci l.scc- hoidtsit it;OMiti:fea -tic cc til ctl Y re esliic S tre ic year ly i Ie i +)tii ics tiniiti ea it 1) e giicc'ln ccitiits to the numibiiitici ti es,-c ccliii it is ciccicicleti dci this-.Nvitt htic turcct ild most ii ci c i sfc-cllliii tr sc-iccct)stii- ic-c-i icer htid.c 'Ilteii cci waitl ice opicccctoi rill tigth s c ols ofi Al (ic-ici cic (l)hi), Inii i, Itlinocic is nd ti lI- I.i.wl 1)(' -ccc l ic leic--c--e s fciii i cctt - ii ti c uti h iltoIs. ciii s t i i (i ,:ciiii iiiiii c ith - iti:11 ci li Iilc 11ic-iis cc l ti i to of I -iiccitct i iof t c I ciiI. i- ci '1 cit d r 0,e clisisicici c-oillcocs: 1, :1D-cY M Y 2, 1' l . cc 3. Do yIiiicccic(tiis ic 2. 20 -(chih c~iii ci t 221 ci cd 1(wiii i ci iiicci tic11)3f i c'c ;tmin. a ;ii iitIs (t1i- icictialh eals 2 r~c, n isslowi tiiiiiicc2iicialici Baseball Practice Light The ame hichhad ccii acicic-ci iiiit'ciiliiiho W-csity cclihe ciii Ac- horcchicghcschooclccascccotciccx-c-ctccs- i Ioia tioln c cccitii ic-it iicc icci wsichci cciiu i zli-sctooli1i:1ii dcii slc-i cccii cci Iiaccli ilcioi I i iii thl.-cc cTe Tho pratic ticci do iteccmoli,' ioc if <-l op fo i li-i- ccll itii lic -ccoft ll( hal ccciii i cccii iii cIIid tiIIsIiic:Il'y \\ill shoeiii ic-ill ic--cnue Vm tt li , iic i cci i i- gien a ii l i t i rst.ii whiilI~ici i~as"- ciii o ~ tcrt i T e inildiproi ii cc will iii ccc yIii t he-ci deiiil i seitldi tic ciis c it: : s sciol s iKirsteieporticccs I'Iey liii ci c er irdcicitCcc iii i cc a irt ' is thei presnti mt ial.cici I c il cl i' - ablyic idt for l pracciticec ciii ii i-iccstccc\\ cciii ii 5icccicicytken Easteriipiiiiistoic cirouniii coI troube whih, hoecer, iasin t e- coli us } eos I leciisci ii Ziciti Oftfr Philadelphia chre I eeIl F ipaitr 'ic cl Ii I c tI I: fW If. n1.ii oIoii the'l ii cictciii i t'en iii- 1liii " fori ccciii ii I i tots cc-Niam cii cciii cofiie - cci i cI i cccars o cieeincii iis " icli. ic-il t c-c ii cii is i } h ihl i *tu lnel i ll arho i j-t i c :ii tc lt l l iic ic o ii liii r nk i 1"i clatis and affortuctciiii ciciccit iiy Ifor ac goodc i ccloiii cc it is noiit iiiciiii itil tlcii iettici l ocf-f l, the ccrcmous it iciic-tccci ci ciic- or candcIctccccilii of tecwcrldcic clit Ie icc t cicliii-y-rdcici aihiicorcnot. I hei competiieiccit is iucicity icxptlictha tc Aic-icliMahccici ccl i cciii, iii itccisi ie stciita i Scis n cia'ltXgodct shui toi ciitiiii thciecccii. citc' ccii cccccc-ccl -ah r y sccrdaycc 5ciii- ccicctiiciimperecdcthe iii iocbunich oficc IcIc XcccIsIIx leetoccstcy t, citccIctcr the ltess theIsIcinIciaiimouit ccf c-icc-i ccccs gicne ticicngIccii. Thici- cccilclt Ircillii liiigntliiy ii ic inta s e cc of Keen Fciiiticti ckhi e onlyccdciawctckci to sncci cfiii wric eingccicitieic lcc-tccccii sttie f tiic weucther. Faculty Cncert Foriche irilst timicitis sicsonci a ci clo iii iiiiAl 1_:1rciltatuliicir- I ol i cas ite itdl.I lticicI ccii ni ill be thei Iic iii of th ciii1%nt cihiriiticc iI i iii cciitih~tn '; or teIII ii Gi i uoicicicci c-ildn icc ti HARRY A. GARFIELD Hard of Rgnts Meetig Itteresting Lecure UDnn Municipal Alf' cic- ons btgan is moiningiiii andci Ptroblem-A--miraiion, Home iiciisiici. Rulle and Ciii Unity Pccc Ceiiiticcportedcthe ift Oficita cc1O~ ii cfc :i l volumesiii icc c c i le Honoabl ixary . (aic-h-I ll'i ic'ciliiii iiiiliiii\ of Nc-ccorcciii1cs a Goodt cc- i ccc (111 po h lb nIici liu fill, icici cciscciii le i th ccii ncii cilis cccl ~a th t !cc-c t th 1cc- iccicci.ci oar 11ec-i ar.i no ni y. 'le ie i -a 11Q jt Frnis, cccCnr led . cciis i iie, -al h icnterlii i l ife a d c-i i I . I'IU I cls p so t , tn alcit liii- imis tcccih iccFi i- i cil ccin cc The oa d asoiii d 1 t i h fileticc:iintcicediiaboutccth ci 1 h 1iso l' h I icliriity i hic into at )lih t icicitw s a htccic cii cli MIc l ust rioriiiti his cti-lt. At pr cc- icc literc times-c cclthe cii iirtilecicil cccii i ii d t iiy- thiese phiiosiandcccii ci- the c thedal i s teccldc aterl ethici ii cci cc ofiithe i cit ic. Feu altim ,.the.e ti-c-cwascthi c dclm ir scat. ftccicclx ticrni-ci icvcc icl, ' ccciii iterc-is nicenccterciiof i lie. to thihar te-emin-i ng ic ii 1iccii ofc i\'c, havei ittleiiart 'ccticclc Cii tic i 1-,(01b els. 'Ticsenciitco ii s iig i tcccccccc is tccc-icc i i o - fr tic lii heelsit he Pacii lmer warcicdc, prutiicic cccoppor cciit iun cityt t ki wealchic tc li icc i theipivio s iiiic-iipovi ig thlie o ; ti lsiction.cicldil" itc i-f ccit, c tic of thi- c:Afit c it, ii c its Fitctit iiandcii'iccrcy c-ieie lifei n o ur cii cil cite iitda r o a-1tdticic cc I li p iiiiiii t 1, liii- difficu i ct-lccctictoid f indti'I'lltic ili.firsttiillshei:t ccfor ci(11i0cc-csc-cfcl:sa esr e tilA it te llicmie ccinl fi.i c- rl ofcilt itleii s f Prosic cc icccci cctr. eud lllli ti cil :n ~ttwr luiccI ns-is ihc-ccccetc ..cI' o iii pu l'cccic cc ii cc iiodrs a d ti rd o cciii "cii icicAl i g ihcai 11l atticiirii siiS .\,ii4li1 iilusriiiiiiof t~ ilicait Plo~iiucc~lcli-cii ccii-inwsnt oii- hic-tii c-.a Sc-eIrcy liiino-icc he ' h cci liii li i e~sch oiieleciiii:iny liii hit inane lci ,cccix icc- cucucci veiailw I tit,, 1 Work in the icc c-iccsi ssionxMiii ciii[ to d-ci itcctiestociiic-sic cct i otil-} c it inedithu h ~yiu 11-h li c li ci c ii i-- s n th s: nsic i i I i - i dlici' h )a er:po l ii w-ci ho cid i alls thi 11csi- cicicfor d l.. deas to c-c cc lird iploma, :Ire re-ii Ileiscitoisiii isomii cc(Alh I _ leleliliii iitic-ll t tilliiii ci- posed ci icc cioriihitsistesoc,)ftai".lvierii 1" (I'cthem referenum c ils is ca ic-tiiili cc IIi or Rev Nutim atn Leaes speak ic-ic rlii ii i ic i cii l andti lc e u If wecsay - iccilctcci l d isnotli cccliiit ii ~~hne ic-i-fcciotisr ht ie uuty-fivii yeaiisc-ic. C:n ta ll1 t l'i hol e ,- Niumanniiihicsi -edits An A rbor.cti tha ou frm f gvvrmncccas Undr ischargeicci-ihis Congregaioniiroiiie faiiled. ii frothccii c-i lii ici ai csmallcti ccii lii cciiccxig a i i Itii][(tciuueiorci-is. ithr iicrcn-g itipoccssessig one f exre e-oo m chorto ltlehone th ii icstidifice i theicityx--titlargc that1or IiiiedcSatesicii ciiicaledciiii i to i cl i t Ann theiii'isite Ciiccicc ofCiicAmierc ia. is cii- iciccic it icicig i hasic alwayisci ccckcictaci)hiveitrtiin ccIciir- isiicu c -it h t i crlel it b ilciciit ivciscidcg t u it i te afairi:It ,-iiispe cii ll those iiertaini ii cipcke cccxi cf litche 1cc i-c-le o aicc--anion'ciichis ticsit inds mianiyiStudencct so e rtiomiy in te cirer f log inchic-c ayi fcoxtcctiii ni veriiisiy, cliiiti cInthcccti cc y ti isitiii nsi fu llhs h w llb-fl de l - cc clie icocmparedicacc-itcontrtiltedtiiand uuuly tc ticiccixic hum socstctictcc-.ins l;e cccixofhitiicies itrnt e iiigriacction. cci0 lit his ccciareiii cc clcicc sccii cicc- sho ires cciii' Liist:iya cut liihead d cdIii- il ;me~t ueul a tw e ofi iiciiTis cc ic-c in ani- ccciii i I fnsi broi n, i liii ii i rs i iis by i s c c i i isi o -i ch - s okc he eld l i - l i l i - c cii i liii cc cilcu p p e r ic c i c - - c - c c sptcsiiiliix occ i ccccc-ccl cciiihe cn cii I cnd t itl bight rafcc),,i Tie h d cccii cliii cica l ic m thics isicone hcidi Pont liiie 'c-c--ci-Ic-ccisiuicisendi oft lit ic-sio " tiec i It ila p l iii i iildc c icc-a SM nto a t Aa k .I llicc tciccchluy iaedl iveiirein i versii iti ii:11ithli-. -is s fr sic-Oh -s S ccciccccc Cicii- yeai nd thi (. GiGiI,,to be oniities I liii ididi 1 is Aiiiigiccci 10 gcctultctc iciic-sc ig Mliii ccli iii I-c iucci ccii cciii -icitii ofi t cill ccoiods, from cci ci lii -c-c c ticwh inc t ic-i t icy NOIG.tctit )05 ITiC c-mccc-c-c witihia c]i(ul l irin-cg o t inicg, Micccchrc-sifthet'IC cIalit ii - - are an i tic acacc inicc wni c louds.iciic Hoekci iuige-ditcc attendc iicimpratcccmtiet~igin aler i(c. is i cIf aiire tcc r Roosclii C, Univiic-ixty icit cci at41ictillsc cccccccdcidccc I iccacus c aii c 4ccc ic i- ic aftecrnoonc ic cci il- to-oni crc s dilciic i cccprop lucdrct i snto c ie asiroachciI s -ie eliss stin, c :.c-iasca ibcrnyxcard1tfowl - -Te W-iictit c II. SONN ENSGTEiIN 'ies riceids cci li*)t-i BShit3i\ ii. NOTICE Prof. Trueclood announcced yes-ier- Cancdicdatesfcctlic (194 lit tccc ill daty thait carrangeicencts icace tieencocc- teaicciri-iort f«, ir-ctic-c idaily 4 pleted for ua series of debates wiichp.ic. at ctheaicfr cciiciiii Colunia, the (frst of wichl willtatcke -iLDICItit. placce next year. NN ii 'c-ic c-cult. :1.cFotball c islain otet I- cuni ccc ii-i cciimiii 171tucci cc- lis ill- ,ATiRA'c Ii ' 2:t, a P. 3t t- 10ii i s cut s finc ls. 120if ycards hcl-ti curdles-semic ccis i' 3_ -4ti ccc i cifi nal.~i 4. 1 tc-lcad-c dashinal.c~ 7. c220 iaicicidacih-silinacils. c2oit-c.ccowc hurdles-smii ticiccic. icc cdi acis bci Hudle-fial '.1cc z-c- cci iccic () it ii ecii c fccii y 2 a Ic:ics ccill be iodi indethe lici tilic of ltie :X1iiiArhoi lui ic ischooComedycccci 'ctIci cecci cc Silt ic 5 ccciticc illc-t } $ ', 1 ,,. L icouitestciicic Aiticicip icccicc 'ciu ciii y (lcitis cliii- I ctcrsc-oltccciicccli io-'clciicrltci tetiiiccuc-J. S. C tccciccc icc.thiecccccninit- Ci ccci liccici iiicirchi Steleicilic s-itet of cariet, Wie-r cnd I Ricitiic--iic i Doccli cciiidliiie ctnt-icboardc of appealus, -Artic: N"Wby doc thic natioccs"..ttcccdc -otloe ofiiiiiuu i Cipt.t C.O iicartciell oifI WiliamcciA.tiRocland. :thec t:c111i1czco 1i hi1h oolcc, 1). W. I LcrgieitiiI'Ii1 -(1 CSoniate).-..Cucioeci ncict tic' i. C. I1ici,1)ic th ie tilccicc- d- I iii t-rcic cc-c- ..lln-ucx-iictst cily cit 'lirchigccc, 'c-lice %c ccciiccg (uCoralt: Ied Leiden-c, Ic-icc ni :hard tor the succesii of nice meet. Tit iii __Festal___________ teiicci Munch Cati~n Membersni of lice Nicbigacc relay team -\wtca coipete cit Philcadelpchia next Sat- The third lecture in the series of -irday, are the first truck athletes to lecetures on icsuruacce 'ccill be givenc by weanr the yellow and blue esik belts Mlr. C. Mt. Cacrtccighit, of Chicago, on -cvn tce runincg suits since the time of iridaty, April 24, ct 4 o'clock, in Tap- dice Puris tecu.pan Hall lecture room-