Till OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNDSDAY, APRIL 22, 1903 No. 145 WOODROW WILSON hasisgoneitmai. Not Kasls, bit til, settins Vvaryin teeittitenft title Piincton President Spoke to a De- is iihettui1- tt w o srm tktes slos- ii hted Adience in University :InitilforP115th is toughttillpirit Ha11 Last Evein-Subject ;y "Ted. It is te)oldi"pitot Was "Patriotism' A lt-i-v iftt-stiiistime tier tgainlhe ititt ttititi iitititi lii ifeelinitggi is fSt iste srespecity id dte ire t Woodrow t Wiiiiiil,tthe prestde t ie i-st is tcomni iiproptitysi-. i P rin esiton -it vutstity, titerft lea -in ii-- s'tuI i ta iuwttestabilteitity ou tit 'it iy ii. tui- t, sii ii it in olty-t tithe it a iuiri iii ssd tetrt tprtdlhis btmos tifur i-it can insiring o tmetnttsead oneoctgo dutirofI I-niiaiitsillit11i:111. tPtre tsin tilson a d it e pe.a d abveil.s veoi efi-ieofe ssitm lii tt ioll GOdeTO PH LAD eiLPHIesan ies cific developisn t toliiiomitt its a _______d__au__ w tkeit -do sidet RitsAteveit. is mltecI tes jfrss nedt iesI(ono a doieratin mitfctftedition:11d elogg1Cv nerd e rryofwieenan tutu1tf igaveidutie clses t t teitntnish andoeene fitzptiktLeavetry- thro ughut.Ill its fexoitttioofptrigot- siten onoigt fomrietHavle ai -deta ui tiiene gaeu s iis 1o tis slistolFine Cf h n s h of yui e on t stilmthit sstait-t our t iipo it iiigiit pek t-iutit- o' citul sti ti ii-ntssh ipt.til-i rc xecAit ittitoi o i l forever dtlto-i in'v isitit 01 -iteryin i n tt- illwhtitniwifIoest W - el ieveiSoll dis litiby'iDr.t 5--tll)- t saitt iii intIon it ll.me ad we ler ]iitstl-ritt oitIti-is Iism"Iie et-n som-Ie lii- it' sltiiOire esns-ithree.)ii p-iosigls sone st-aiifisdt teiis, s tteYteio iiit- i feito ettsttlizens t-e isne nitllun. liGOi TO -PH IADELPIA t 41 tieseeo- ptri- ott ti u tt ttiitism;titigt to tieit hi i-otit s- a fti tperha llis o lut pist wesee-t it Clelhtt- Kllt-gf, Co4ngeris Perryee taits-Hahnt ty itopatitiftwatslolliserent uefrom 4-ind st-i-eotsFitzptikgoode o-udo ..tiot iism"lin text i-ti situ ofei F-sthstiesm Chance s it il tho ist tie ftould getiss rr ti-einte tForthettits iir-t t -sic e 1!1(gthtier Eatit geweit ileuit ~tisi ttisotbo alowUiversii ttoichigato is erpe otti existti-itt-icomttreaons-e It ist I titti :l n etiidnterlletgiteontrofck notarst hsdonestllt tirosteirmttIn0illtti i h ttt tt ititestilte iar o Cn sle ire tsttti sittte 'soit:isItth yard ioasu 'rl ust Lisitis 1-tidleturit svs lt-d, prsshudottoritt anditexosit ie ritig foltssilllowTrirt -xs-t-ttatte o w-o tlt- it stitfs furi t so t ans li St 1,tine t a li -1:11ie ss is t -i-mitt lihtt t oii ttittititi-ti ~s enliii- ttitiiittaytiaffegtt, 1ompeteills1 iit tielteumio1h ourtit iiiie - tO fs-i-ti th e mttjsit 'tttttitn t b el ndte iatuies oft1tts1e itsn but tsit-ii ts ntd tittitalttd te- l itt-tisilt i ofPlii' l ii- 1(n1 ta l akt lierte to I uhits f'ltitstigsssiiss i tstms- ii i ~ etiSturiyuluThetimOis cipl of ac5tio-s i- lue i ip iittuiit i tt- s usi-titsef :fou-u- 111 ,wh it- tu r itll dill a disly -tllsi tilt i uts~ ltid huts st--iselull -i -t-Aiii l-i i s-tin- 'ili- ishi utuestlii- i lm lsiiru s nt iibit gertut e- adiui lute sshosiu- lu - li who fgets.ibuiihe whof romei-tiltstheitt; MIielti-un'stuturmile rehlyi-s uIruis igh s i i -e seallytoiloan is t ea s stl. tt t ts uu f-t t i ioier to oghers.It is tutui siptil h tiiTheg'proshint ae st-itt ntotsrttils as the isutry itiittitsef moilt nt tamuof igt rs ttuti wil ike racgetuut inrstil (-l dit tuis A oeishrnesthitt fiendsit Lst eitii Yus e-itt n t he mtu- i i niu soi ilyotu hfsere ll hoy tuteoun0trylen iit-i-sesueetiset periganof lute9:it-lu Soitsimsesserv ttu~icettioi 'Sien ods1101 vtO5iem hetv reisordlintanetusi-fatu tirteidtiandTuu itisadto oithIn keooughstuoiugtthistrecortebyetutir t-l your stltri-diiyouitmus of iiiest iuti iKel-logsuilt fndoortituuip Cornll nastinlI u-t titnrieorflttitorele ttine.t robnit lt, ilf fstsh-tnolleiemile Andh nttionatl cliareuactee.We ate aiT lthe oard ualso retifieudthe cotratct 1atioti, yet htavse ite foltiatiotiali sitht Wisconsito foe football gaines foe ffeelhmtg? Ave thieve no sectionali dif- two yeses, end te game this foil wilt Oenc-es, tto toleratices? During the be in Ann Arbor as given out in thte 4~r a flatne of feelitng rushed through scitedule. ~e country, tint after the war did we For te open date on te football.- sof hear "Wihat Is the matter with scheduleitehoard last nighlt arrang- ]( anasa?" It is ttot a nation where ed for a game with D~rake Uttitversity 40sie part asks whtether another section October 24 at Ann Arbor. BASEBALL of g---uuiu:-15. t~Umire-vgitutotts. htto ) t t n ildn. T e bttinug Teanm in Good Condition-Will flay o11 itth tritu y.s aborutithetitt-ittvtgi- tut MllhSchool today-Postptoned it ill b thii ii t huhelo soue Gu ,.met Will Not he Played ]hititilt nhilttii i tt-itt-varde tuto hul- st-ith ____Illi___is' timtI' ti - - titi ul wicth huht-,ts hit-et- ll t -c i :13'.us Iii fed m hu l ii-11 steh mI liii li ill' ii it i ll, ti litinfill' tit1s il-,l--s I himut cliii. :11111: hu t - hu-u su t t ri u ( l' ltI' uuuiiyt u t~ is 1t14 hiuetur iuon tirdi 11iu thr tulNIIw i lt ihrec rdii ft wo a11 s .Idlir-:Mitil rit litbe se n 1 tills utt',o lst n t hreeiliu 5 I \iihiu lcmd ti dliie trn((itt tu I uu lt utut i1' tltI us Th trtutit inu ded t1 .I mesil it 11 t 1 i us huh-nl stituulis h ilt-i111i hi it dt e.u ihiittsutt t I(uituit thiutisg1)(111g11 is hut I it 1 ti it lu-hi tutu hm lltu ls siutt :I 1111A l u.tiA it-itiibut p i ti iii tuu iu i 1111()11:11it shoesibet utt\vi1-:tuth titi-ut ttilhsuhtutu h her 'St er '(),mIt t irstIii uluuuuh i i uI t i tilt iosteu 114,ii h-i-hit lviiu il ts iit liu r1it il l ttu h)x I -illtut ouh -htt u I S ie tutu1 liii su-1.iuuhti hi-suo t l uly gdt1this ittht itntieldhi u uhtittliti ti i' ni\\ilul sub( itt 'I'ititi-il tilt 5iuiiilIs i -ia tut stc t uuuu1t)rttu(tu)-' tt It ilt 1)(11'i lii wetut hitr is A l i i lh lsd it tt o l l111) il- sti lesut ith ei-ti it situ (I to, .11(1 114,h1U ilt auth I itt-t. liii tutuAi til I hw il I ll' I~lIy (tu ltu s' 11iv ii Stilt, its11t( ti sum i ts h -it" ,1 .gn 1tls on iiihe utm1l hibr i hu iti 1it 0 1h t ea'St nt-t p laed 'o1 tgrounsit wehtis Slt1s1i1(1uu i isog 11 lrt e c) c it-lif li ti-sti ous i-tut Sit uttttutithe 1 this tutu ii li-intthttttt o i ht li tu-is r11ti' umlyl h huuy uhd to i,1y(thne de e il Wsitisi tu N.1113" ttood etwork. tt1'1u1(" imen ibet ter ssu utac itic u hit yo ki1-t tr111 itt ait111101 ut, t -1': its iltot: e y s ( s- t e l d. Itiis reqiht us td -ubtuiusiitii fi. iti y ttuheiii utuitanditug 5iii fel Roathi and-Tr-saiet itzVuittius thtu thel4i.1if1Situ l ettu t ogils etu ertatidt iiu ut' stindiiandttblea hsti iu iii thettu aflte- hut11 in Wrsittitu t yilii. Th - is h y w r 1 01p a t his. tg 151 11 1esentutu h e o Aitiletoi d o1l he trpiec us ioi ild r ck sti a dci ded hS indranstil trilsitol i sct onsint -Nort hetutu-s and it oit ni manyicase auetgu-u t l yus i tr out Soff lih. Theyliii N atlt tle toI--et ihe listpo e iftr l-u t this- ca s ft e1 1:'t i s I dh ad it o nds Iotishull Ier ilst l t beSplis-tut u r- hu -0b-pl e o t ih . . C .: n lut tutu11in e s t1 b ,_"lu t o Ali on.Tt' s ors- - s- i von t th 111, 1. c1: of uita le d tes, This wi -- - - - - '1d T A . an4sis s HOtNl hABRRYlA eGARFIELD 0 th Po i t I - --'. .. .. .. . t 1thu(ittitti 1... ..... ..- tsi1 lt) l s...i ...... 4 C(it 1 -. ... ..- ... . i till-'is - - --.. .. .. .. i( IItuisiuts It--- Suit, s - - --....... ziItiu-t In- -.. .. .. . t Jo nto n, p ... .... .. 4 2 2i 151( u- 01 0i S1 1S 27 24 I ti it 1) - -i. 1 2 0Ill2 3 I 1Si 1 2 2 2 0.00 0902a 0 202( 50 Batses tintbhlls-Off Johntstoil2. St-itels uul-ht i-St 'i9ivThr-base hit-tleuy. Tssu - st- hits-t ornuuluu Coiei Reddenlut Bell. tttUtuit -I- tzg;iiu- tutu Aittndance-SW MI~CHtIGAN. HSR PA L Rnchueif 2 3 0 1 Utleylt-p ......- 3 2 3 0 1 Bitrut 21u .. .. ....1 0 5 2 i3 Cutttitgll t - . .. ... . 1 3 1 1 Campellii, ss ...... 0 1 1 2 1 Pooriuniii rf- - -a...... a1 1 ei a Rhedden, o f- --.....0 u013(100 Dau is',s . ... .. ... . 1 4 1 (0 Serer.g-,---------...2 1 u0 a11 Coli, Ott- - - - us.... 0 2 0 0 Will Speak Tonight on Good Govern- mlent Club Course-Son of Late Piesident Gavlield A:fit- tieme uatest effirts ste(hutuod (iovt'utnut (.11u-h)hsit -u-u-u-uluill ttii tu,, HaItt i A. aietuild, sutvt still lee- turtiee tuuuiglut. 11r.tGaiteutliiityutg titas talritady proedu- hthat hitsis stivtut sonl of his illuustrius fahter,-u51t5h ltsPesi- dth-ittrtutiuh.InOu te shorut Sintu-ht het tits tbtent initpublic lifeItti.Iturrty A. Garielduhalos becomue tote of te lutst infuenuuuittialt-ininOhtio antd otto if the lltes ilinte civic vreformt movinu'usttihuthue coutryut Locaul attd stateu csonvsentionus htaseoftetn sisited ht nmuinthe tuta foe office hunt Mt. Garftieldt tits steaduily refusnsd to tuermtit his tuatteusto isoput uup.OHe tits,itosw- ever,uhitdmtny-promntettoffices nf a tnn-puoltiicalttuutrte. Hewsiiefor setietal yturs a tmtembev of StseCit-l Seriet- ommlutuissionu Amuerictat Histnri- i-mi Assoitionitan1d0AttetrictutiEco- nomtuic Assicitiion. In te ness-it-fnrm- u-u Departmenu-ut of Coummieruce anid LabortuMr.Ste arfteldsiu -itas tippointedt headt uuuuuiuue fut tuttvoyas ulgotMt. Garfielditphit uereiat thnal 11tutuu- gof tlieii ilu-mitiic .Assiaition tndtu iuusoveuh11tuitim-huor-ouughly uuuitiuusanituiwit tiniibutuprobules.utu heas fIis mny ut-uiies it isa- iii mpssbe ogut 'Slt GarfielditoI lecture. ilTheuuGood. tGovernmentttCCub tilts teeturiyinight britng;thtu hinte hut Ievralyeus. tit ubjtiteuutuof tlehc- ttueis anunceduuuuuuuais "Sile tiAspetcts if 'Stniii-ituahProblem." Nesxt: Sattth uttsturdyith scust Iilt huti tu fhles J. Bonapte, luof halti- liuvus.hvtuuuhlilu it I.umeadux-presidenstt if te AtmueicantCit-ic hFederationiii luetutre Slut-1.(hitv.StiltSatiltSof Minnetusoutta,'Stly i: uatdtHt). W T.~ Bex-tutushuorttuaflu-vthtsM'hutFestitai. ITuere stillbhu ettsintg nf the Phtilological Society tomsorrosv evett- inig at 7:10 itt RootmBE, ttiversity Hll.Povfesor D'Oogeiwill speak on "New hDatatiottl(teHistory of lb - Histnr of tht Partitetnon." This will. be of groat interest to manye-students and thor rom istte s to be a ilarge at- tendance.- 'I~tOltIs - - ' 11 )25 7 \1. A.C. It1IR P i Auush tiumut s - ....1 1 (0 2 Gtunniusuts-n f - 2..... 0 1 () W'ilcox, 21)u - - -u.....0 u0 1 2 Mfillie li-Si .... .... 1 14 3I 1 'Towsecs - - -.....2 2 10i 11 Piinnatei p - --......2 1 0 4 Bttvvitg~ittn if -....2 2 2 0 towtstlcit rf -.....0 1 1 (? tatutt 11)t . .....h ...2 (0 ) I ii 11 0 a TSotlt . ... ......12 10 27 10( 4 Busses onbails-Off Utley 1, off 'See- eg 2; offPinmnace 5. Hit buy pitcher -Gutinison, Reddeni, Dat-is.Stleti bases - Burrington, Davis, Bird. Struck out-By Pinnace 9; by Verblerg 3, by Utley, 1. Two base itits-Millar, Bowditch, Bird, Cutting 2. Three- base hits-Pinnace2, Campbell. Tinte