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April 10, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-10

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University Tea Rooms
ipenfrom 8a.m. to 8.p. m
Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, 10c
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Price 1 X ..14 10 .x1ioe i ro ie aeA rl:1 4 ll 1 roil i':uriiu'uiio I'd Tine.
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::4n 4dei s hitFl'e'chatr sar sinNos.uiaidl.
y''4)rsDIC'lUICII BILLIARD PARLOR& BOWLING _________________. A
L EDNA KITTL s? i 5ii i t'ii.gPi tsitr 07 N. University Ave,.iuSor.FlonM0 ICHIGAN CENWm
ve st touentsNu)ld(JIn-1XXe sell this hest lines otf StationaryI "The Niagara Falls Route."
-Aiiih psI this bitroit IFseeti'ess'.scipporary binder paper by Chic tound ACHESH R LNE
nest' oniiiiiig 1l this Anini X's desire Ito sull atite'iiion Is the juts hex or irie at tie lotest figures. ANN A 0R T
t rit,,'Dair .XArupiuo evsreen Jeelr''iy Dati meniliiiit, swhiorl e have Also if yen hare iiny boost hiell OH ICAGO
Tbg. Mis o'l.liliii'rs ini this icently tty edsiihill connestion Wtith 1101need h idiigtill ii5 i li'BUFFAL
" dlaS ity forthei on4 ipiles i'eguilarnlties oP stattiiar', bookh-bliid- piies. Nal EWn Ytor UF A OR
kitt+c.u'cn1ts tiairs 'I. Lostivt' or-5' n',etc. Shiuldii uh av n ac-N W Y R
1so fi~rts I his 'olihin:li1it t at oyn'tistiyt'isi N
1t' 1t t , 1 ,111t;1lainSt., Iehysr. is eshocs ci' ji'tti''y lto be reired i et il+ to'sND BOSTON
it1'E. XXiIliii ii St.'is Ar;;ii Ca 1 g uianiee pellet 5satii'cttio. F. J. . S ch leede, }'Sinuro t oinnections1atiliiiigii fsr St
lite'110 Southi Mauin Strist. Gill) anit ispetoeir stosck, alar i f nto l io n nedCitS.sPaui nteWet
T.Pk. Y 1T ^ H I£ Ti i locks0, U. Of..fins. Stc. 34teSs. SFST.write 10oW. W.CASE. Azese. Anti Arbnr
5. . AWoodrow Wilson,
45 L APresident Princeton University.
fCourse University Hall, Tuesday, April 21st
Course Tickets $1.00. Single Admission 50 cents.
Spring of '03"Woolens have arrived contain=
ing prettiest line of Home-Spuns ever shown

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