THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring A nnounceiuenl T lao ge stand moAo- eoAllll(0ei ltre of VOOLEMN THE U. OF M. DAILY En) c a0 xcvlro nittr tAranAro Slo)A DItco. Pubtolsedlodaily ;Moas eooooootlolooodurig the colleoge. yearot the UIioee--ts ot4-Michi- 00000. by the IMichoigan oDaily-NcoooPublishing Ccoralall 11c) MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOUSTON. '0:3. BUSINESS 0'lANAGER, ROSCOE B. IHUSTON, '04-L EDITORS, Athleics Jobert Ko. 1Waoltono, '0 Assignment Editor' 1?aljol E. Joosocy, '04. GENERAL NEWS Milolloiayonsas iotloh- managment an 4l0o l000to01 tudents C. .I. Bonaparte 1oioiesilo stoolto1ts oitlh1' inter- ist4,1 l I It o loooi11 111 100055 0 to(0 00 011 r~ril 'I oo :Tos .. Itoto :11o. 00 oot \ill 51005k Boos'e Aprilt25 outt, to ool O ovo-I 41 1,11 (1101)("1110. ''0 'letos. J. llooooo 1000 ot 1"li00000000 lsoovo'o'. totitu1ltloltts ~ot :11111*ot11t1ll ~tof 0(0 0tI oofo l, this vet Ir receives"1110c 1_1t1o 1 lot 0000010 Ile o' i ve t 3't oft N ot'tore to:dl. Tttiss '-ooI~o1r the' tooo.Otoost coolly 'doltoo1tt4a 00000000 s*ily., 1sOho'stoote po' lvyo 01ty "01114oO 1.l1 111111of li4 (%il l huro.t O )00 boo h Engraved Cornrence-. ment Invita= tions and Cards Our enograv'oig is lone l)y ote of thoo'leadoin~g metro- poolitan0 fls it)this cout~r. 01100st vles oare Itoe IlOwest tile workman11- stop is the very tlest. AWle assulreou ptompt ~o10ser- vice anld operfect satisfac- tion. WeO wiltoutotote spe(cialI prtice o5 t iotclass orders upon appoliation101. AT WAHR'S BOOKSTORES. ,it ll 01 Artbor w ill fbe fouild J ooooo 1 totcl'oi 1 5.Jo/o5 S. oo itY ;111 ooo 'oli-~iollo. Mooch )'oooo 1*ote, '5'. Fo'ook J. ClooOX,106c t G. 11.\ ild1 & Co.}s, 108 Moax Finkeolsteoin, '03. Roet I.. lito ,s 'Io~o~ott'is 1to stooooo Isonooof 11. )\Vlhiogtonufit. Great Solooester Joooolc, 08. Dooooouglas ooootloj, s).1000000000 olm \loon oooItooolort00,.1100001 vos pains lotvt been Itaken ill IHuoooleyskeroto~,0 (boyllc5 ,V'c( '00000 000010000 o'l 1fooooo 1 dlooo'o10l Itii. Ile thelec 0o0-tiono~ltf fll 'Old- Loui -(ro1 . oo'Ooo 003. titfof 5ord 'coo oooo '000 ,sttliiedlas0510 lot scoolottoto' foroneo dgtrouserillgs Thr de saubsciptlon trice of the U fMyarI'dIio okil) wihh cotnsfo.tilsfsn ailyisoo:.50for I c ol-ege yeoar. o, 0000o1l0'000l cill I87l. toli~sfo.tlSsosl. ilescaomoooooll catiooa.. etc.. muot heelhandedol Tlrooooohoiot lis ac io'l c y e efIle ' in at the Daily oflite befoore 8 -. 1n., 0ors h10000 olnOOinetost yiol otifioodill0 lotiled to theo edoloor before ;1 of the doay 0 previousatothat onooowhihhItoey arecxpeotedoIl lo00 10O oooo'ooooo s 0:1t114 o 1 000 itt leor-ol to appear. Subscribern will eoafera faor oby reporting;log 00001000000e At loresen't lht is Duoe of promoaoly at this office-oay failureo of carries Olt lstteos of 1 loo ('thlootoc 'ootloool todlvrppr fAll changesia dvertislagmatteromusthbe ofloliooo. II, W ILD 110 ~ ~ioffice by ip. in.on:the dayprvious toil S _______ :1 108 E. Wash. St. tao hchthey aretoappeare. 'I11, otio'oofl' looy 17 ill 5yested's'o " 00oos oo ooa s 11tooloo'. .Xsoooolliesy-cooo- NewsEit oor 'todaoy, J . S. Boloy. o~ludoi lootiso oooooor sochoool 500050000. . 0'- riloo 1 to0it, o'ool bo o' i s I 00000010 ~ i'0iug 1010of jew l,"r 'at is 0 ill ooast t' tlllcIoot i0000lo nis' IILERS JEW'EIAIXSTORE afe104 , looIster c 0000 oll i. tllI)(,o Money loane~d on W« o. Da tnsel llomsJewvelry saodi any personal effects. Business strictly conliioentiahl 1 14, ~) l hoso' 000001 t o' of 00lIiolhi-''termos reasoloable. Office Ihou~rs9 to O ei l i 0n00 li 4ylo'oooeoo lo4041;4ofur114 II'11:0 a. m.,l1to 5 and 7to 8p. no. CAei boo.olo irst. 05 80tooo'of too' 00000000 7, tHenning bloc-k. )Phone 459. CI1 oill too- IOooYO'ol osito tlo' Mloo l l 0 00 ______________ I vorylhliooo lpoints t100 5000s 'm. OleI MONEY LOANEI). Woolverineo-s, ool I tooe 1 til; to"1 l o onedIon osatcles. odionods, 5a11 0000tart i ot:00000toloothe oBsOt oolll,0',0- 'whe~els atitd ooter pers'onoal pop'oerty. 0000.1 1 'oooooc'coly sO bob-tot illohI to1 00; Offie atresiodence, :3'15E. Liberty 000000 0. 1M' oOull00'. 0it i0000ottobeox- 5 stret.t Aloolll sinss conidential. p co 11.1lt(o' 'oo loos oillt -.ttoo o o urs, 's-s to 11:30o a. ul.0antol1Ito 3:30 f th4o lto-st l111;11 0is 000 thoo l ot o o 0 00 'rt oold 7 to 91 p. Io. G uidel ill cicl' ies.lot'OIle Len- to o t''MscHuethpolaan 1905 n oorarcbedel'0110'4,is 0;1 ioli-ioo 11,u-o-aesuppo~ly louose leo' es-eryttilog 19 3 noOedy 414,o lol o to-sl tooo1;scollooIt .lil msical.oatesot musoic loooyos illstocko llss sl41.1se hdill vel,,' A a Chaose- 0001i0an -orprsented~. an 'hs b liot.lo' lea s enoilotsio-to illo 0011 0rbo oi) oil odetoil0t, ' 100)00 -oUilsiy stuodoents desir'intgto se- SnEE'I" a 0lon hi00.ll0to oti-too ItI'toio'si 0t'Ol re poostionos to teaochlAN-il1fiod it to 1111 ~XI P4l1U ofl1114, t o o'n 000t10loui0,011Vyt 0 00011-; '1' tlo1'a,1139.)Finte Arlts Buildlin Univerity Booksellers, to,000bl oIoo.0000lo00oo lo.tos theto- 0 100 01 bon tisos 10 the10 Otto 320 S. State Street. jtioi-,st1o100000. 40:1o onc .111d oltohlotu Expert repalooirinog of;je'welroy at ______________________________________ 0000](-tIo-o ilto 11,Otto woIIishes . of B XlL181'S .TI8WEIIY 'TOlRE. Dan McGugin Lsays President Suspenders are a big 50c worth. Guar- anteed "All Breaks Made Good." All shopkeepers in Ann Arbor or y maioptoopad fro C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Baa 288, Shirley, Mass. I ,Athen.s REGAL 0OXPORDSeat See our~window, there is only one T eM le quality, the best; therelis only one price on them, that is t$ If Supporting the cle' you have tnever had[[a[pair ask MILL.ER and t' your friend how they~wear.1 BLANC ThE RE6AL SHOE STORE~6k T MItS'RWS MN ARBOR, MICH. "i ~ Wj STANI~, 61 ItAM W'llAM Si1tII Te atre Stofflet's News Stand. of April 6th r=Bryan Co, ver comedian ClIARV.E he dainty comedian. C1 BRYAN. NIGH winng Hand" NO COLLARS BETTER MADE NO BETTER COLLARS MADE Wr Helmet Brand U/he signi of 2 for 25c "Cihe Man in the Collar" is a gw 101001ce o tftco n. 0000000g ostN fe ar, 01 o atooo o tlo o tto anodticom- loo'ltaolo'. lIookleot FREE f lortheb askong;. CORLISS, COON ( CO., New York. Chicago. Boston.