THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- son ask to see 'IEVESTS -Stein= drt cS1art lathes ____________________ [fl~Sfl~htt Ap W'e carry a complhllete line of Standard Apparatusr for rdiD ry Dlx i A(,o iit" o i, I II I E E lRCH & SN, u PALACE AND PARISIAN LAST YEAR NVE (01 UP TIn L~11ry ~Eastr ISOUTHERN Tht~ hepiteI ;'"-c Preparations P N celve. Dmestc ti~l~l 1 You may have nieglectedl lhat suit or selvesg.vercoataud it nny lie oellitoHave you seen them? We will he plese specialty. M. F. BOWLER, Agt. acin ert oa t t once. We eha e ll tc ile to Inice estimates, ideas Kand sug estionas Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. variety of patternis and for stdyle, work- -0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. manship .and finislh11ey leave nequal.103 S. Main .St. O FFICIAL Our line of Easter fiats and Furnish- ~PALOINBSings are laere in geatIIIvarietieandotIhe ATLTC rCprices too,'are verynioderate. Dres H C Suit (Clu;'3 , $.00, :K00lnd,8 0 0 For 1903 65c per gross Thy only almnac publiahed that contains a compillete list of Amer- JiBoxn pleeLs of Champions. Overa 5c, 34c, 50c, 5pictures ofprmien A e0- e'arevin stokflel'a ine cnand forcilo alili Ic . National Municipal beague Tem r sp ecats (oXl rI n5 iaernal (for icse in Price io cents '1114' Iilull noua 1 ei 1 f tei XX.. l t4ot I t4,is oX tb 4I rI teohe, I'f la'y' d li hold__ill Dtroi .111 _1 222 I I r A rl v 14 4i r4 44:41, I I I c ;i "4 _'t 24 il e fd i l n 111 ihr(I w -i ll- I iil,1p : A.C.Spalding&Bfros,1 1111 A Iorit 11112u.1}'I11..-,.t ~. 1~4r Fill 24, H. a Ii;4 UVARRuY'S New Yoch, Chicago, IDenver, BaliI-', .1:1 I :sienl Nan II (ll :1 2 I;II i1;, ,,Campus Drug Store. more, Buffalo. I(olic r i l H1i1a1. 1t i olrill s l i oliroT11'17}i i 4ii. ( l l 11114. is a l ' i a:l.T>(RY17 THEli i:lo~tit A IIll I1\I s:iill 1:21Only ilo'uanuy. Kilcbeo t lil Sprnie at ,,41j the 41 to1 2il Ii ' l241X X14} ( XiI-i 'IXL X'i4 l IIdill ]li 'XXXI '. ~ "{ l4l R i '4.i ranger's Acadeontywiliilll1,x,11 sillilii '111d oXl Oel.When You Want Home- Made Candies. $2.50 from now until May 27. Th(';ill 'w- tits' 1'11 i s n "'I "XX Ii t41; oei th XXE. I. ST SVOF F T, 115 N PrAIN ( 11 lli;1li Xl l il=Pliipi ' is onii I n AorhI 'i' ~i iaI lii_____________________________ dl i CIIlil'dua(liiiX 1 slt reelved te -ge a'> T U T E Weocl it he113vtst o 1 (s;Ib iiis l ii X111,X1 iii 14.211l~s . i141 he rile ito c'lUT T L E I it'4lt ~ e' 'i P1ul 4 '11,24- I"4I a1S4i~tIX'X ha i-' I +,XIIa t I ada TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPE& afternoon. X Id XXXX lleXIXIIs i X''I'_11-il ;Is XXiXXos1a1tIoi ooil e,, XX'X i cIXI I i XX i FINE LIJNC11E ijt calliiitio& 338'S-S t.ate 5 . t heI IIX' Ive"XXX v ill preide i tioll. XI I~eiX'" XIX'"1r o te Eertin et n cen SortXI populXrIXIIIIII' IIXI wi'X ll IleIII'olXX ei ' .XIwI ll" XX'X i lt.1 XX XXIXXits, 'Ii' XIII 308 South State St. , R. IE. JOL. H.( XXX I'. CoXXX14 aueI'l 11(1 Ick thyIX( I t~i4"X'X IX ld hi t the I IX I lrs I N N .,I N " A tcDecorators B. '- fnle-1.1d .1 lnon55sXXXII 11]11,) xlui'aiXli Nfr(114..i 0f\in Specialty tine inferior idecorative work. 1 1 Ii Iiof ill' I.IeIXX.1-1 X ItsaleisX"' for ' the 2XII'I .se'IXI tea11.X i t I niver ity1A cadem W~ali paper. paits, oils and ginss. 1Ii2 ItW SIX ll -I t 31'1 c~rlicl;. t'l l ie XI 11X Iii i shXIXXain~g 11tv frto un v ''i " a 203 E. WOasti. St. Phone 237. (Xw ellown II SIlI Iillltei' .1111 Inoile1I1I.1111 I '1IIX (li-i. thlre XXiIl Ihe Ia 11141'- 1'ItI I I SCOTT. 1I("11u1tor. 111.13 of01 ( If la'lisltucg 1'III., XiIIl IIhe 1 ' Xi:IIcn~iIIIIXrt le Itho Trop (XXXIII STUDENTS IUSE prsel d (lid k :1IIthIlis mleetinge. I ill the --i'll lIIaeitIll 0I'll Ii e,1sO 1~ ROSEY'S Gasoline Lanmps Fesh All ere'i C elates at Gush 1114,11"1l1 Billiard Parlorswll b ______________________________________ Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. W. S. PIPER, 308 S. l'lain Street. J AME S W.RD , ' tae Eyes Scientifically Fitted SPRING .SUl"TINGS.... N ,est lens and repirinlg ChoIke Pictures and FramiII. Fine wtatch and jestelry ' We have placed u130onir tables a complete linee of Fa- -T repeiring. Work ren- brigs for tile corninig season' sstoat. NWe have a~lso(i- -A- ,ponable anua warranted. c rea"ed our force of bworkmen, to insure plromrpt attetion Liberty St. Art Store J.1. (HAP MAN,Jeweler, 06 S.Main St c o oturIpatroni. An enrly insp~ectiota of our stock is Near the UNIVERSITY ________________________________ earnest"ly 0011icited.U THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, 0 AD">E "'IANT TAILOR LS CITY BARBER SHOP Strictly Finst Clans. i- © EV e lAN4D IBATHI RODAIS Cigars & Tobaccs. DAN SHERIDlAN, Prop. .. 5. Lr1\a 1 ni..aa'9709 NORTH lhovenaie'x'ASOiNU111 E. IluosST. F. Wililin 5St. flistdoor oil State. !'{ tri i . ir t CbR:ICarf~t.t..t i' AGENCY CHICAG0 AMERRICAN The W.C.Kern Ca. 411 E. 57th St., Chicago Rf AN D fAL L 4 .... SiND FOR CATAi' 11111 11 t S of.:' s a/ 'a__12 F.Wahito Ste SENT) "OR C7'fA"oCB C)___ _____ __ WE"'PATROIZ GODEARFO DUG