THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THDE U. OF M. DAILY S Ir E~~ntered its e 1on- lasmttr1( itln IAbo I L r11- t 11. -;1.wros wih hl w , I 113(' tilr'1'U _ . _ (I ;3 ' -il l l f r l A 1(1i" 1, \ i1 w - 'It'al 1'f';ll' t)l1 i '7 'II i I, _ ? l ' i " t'1 Irt1 tip' "s 11ta11 0 11i II, 111 i o YOOLEN& EDITOROS, Athletics Asigmet Edito~r UEI/ERAL N EW5 81,1 11 l. II I o lo.'1, T . 1 (8 it r Engraved Cornmence= ment Invita= tions and Cards Our e g~1 i;88 Clo e1,01 -V1 llolitilll ii11 l coulIlt ry-. 1111 sty1118 '1718 081181'wstUj~ w~li ljljlil AT a II,111 Whic ll i I l 14 1 tl t lf 1 1 t 1 s1t11 118 it? v()11,11 il ('01is las for llistaken11 i l71~ y 18 52.70 fr 1, o lo0 lo 81. 'yl~ .v l iac t ic e' 1110t th .oe tolo 111lt ois A. Barton,11111'031l (, z,;1111 l lllll ______________ ishis i1s118 oboe IIV111V' 7 II 111, 0 coatings for this se ~ (1o 1 Daily is Vl aV1for lth oilc yea. ' 1111 8111810111y e:11*u' tices~co municatins. Stc > 11:-i e Minde f* in a~tI) th Dail 11offce8 befo1111 111 .I,1 or1 trvo t ot hat51 on which they(liia11e11expected(1 tAll 5h angs n dvertising 1111111r r11111b1 ~ l 11 1 ((ill 1111t 1 1 11:11 1 l i ng;1181 011188ce In11h8')aIly1A8hus1 of11111. No. 31l0outh 1,01111H01'Itl:l 1lel1 11(, No. ,0i12 3l~(v I Main St. TelephoneI No_______ 3. }} , i :- l t' i 5 1- WAHR'S BROKSTORES. ci i- t- Lave=_ upc1uuiiiY' c Oficil 5ase B5a1l Guide 1905 now ready 'lb 1,0) 11llExpert1 tll I re1VairiIng of jewelry 8$t f " Tile aily l, ool ,vii(-, he fllow-1 lIALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. Me ia = i ll liorill t oiiciiillI ofI t111' 11(1 -- 111011110-nic-il tlti e1'n- onylaedo achs i- od, Jewelry 1a11d any1 personal 11181lt11811a1 (W Wil11li;11 I el ffects. Businiess strictly confidential. ll'\ ne 11 m Itntft((t( 1 11 1u- 1'11 e11 1inI Terms reasona11ble. Otice hours 9 to th II Ill 1I1'8. oIV Iatherhe'8 10' livei'1y. 11:30 a. in., 1 to8 N and 7 to 8 p. m. lb' i (ofth Vet.It i.s11h18 first181Call or address00 W. J. Lourim, Room : Ill f(heseies in'8 the 1 1 e 'in'tler- 7, Henning block. Phone 459. 151 jfr r'11i;t111 wichl 11:l18 ('rtI'l some. If y1ou0111will 101118at 011r 01111(1W, lText Books, r c (ol 8(11 o nieiesis kI n I l)Il a(81 1111 note theie s marke111d1'8(on 11our' th' lbi: ;11111I lllsll1. oflhi- 'Il oods117, you11 will rea~lize thlat we10are Iand second hacll I tI11., Ini. 11 ((118 l ( 1 l .l ViseclninO~. riinllg better11 valu o r $118 00111 money Nrhet.I ma ni11 'I lne ta u al ge(~t"Q eI (et11'1'Dictionaries, Q t It l. l l tl l It 1 " 't 11 '' lJ I 1 111l81', 1t8fit- 11al 'tIl 1881, 1111(1 YOU ________ CIell tII ;8rI/Ill e : wttil . 1,:111[ 11 1 1 1 11 1' C llha e it f101 OlCl. 11 111 ill ltt 111. ilslf.ll 11111i 11 I "(ll N N ARBIORI MUSIC CO., 78'11(111 ' 10th 1re 11I:, 1much' I 111101181111 O209l211 E. Washlton. l lewe 81'117l111. 1Which lasts88 Iflt tw1 111188851ytu 11dents 11 18018111to se- ((((01,ioll I : 1111 i ( 41111Y Ioat- 801'g: 1111 018 ll h, E,29 tNine Arts Boilding, little' cal lh ide ;1i I t)t lt-rl~ltive' Chilcago. SO 325 SS tte0St, wor \'7 1vdely s1tt11d.'Itl 11 i (1}"811e II' Explert replairinlgof jewelry It Second Floor 11tt~tit11r<1 :[ (( '8-11 s id I ((I IALLERI'S JEWELRY STORIE. new mld. quiz rl, SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, 320 5. State Street. , WVVhen in need of a ]FOUNTAIN PEN buy the A. A. Wlatormano T he Pen we guarantee toI give perfect satisfaction SCHALLERS BOOKSTORES 116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets The University of Chicajo Professional Schools Medicine Law and ITheology Education Each has a special Circular of Inftormation which will be 5811t 0n application. Eacb will be in session daring the Summer Quarter (June z7-September 3). ~4The courses in MNedicine are 618110 in connection with the work of Rash Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illnois *lcti C.,I I V t it 1 III 1(1:11 11(11 Su;,1Ii8.. 7111111l1'0 ti T E ATHE.NS PR E2SS," I ~ ~ ( LHoik 11111 I k l. 1111Ett10lj~~l8.Oco 'r i ers JE,. ~ I tri I rr 1 21 ' :,lli,8 81111 street1117 '.(( 12d1 Floor ATtENS IiEA TIZ E B3I. Ch itetLine in Town. $6.00 and $7.00 W 1 asnto5t (3u ub bL)tl,5 imWasto t