No. i14
ntlt i n tu e t oltci i llt
I.Mabilleau Gives Interesting Le-ainIIg 1ig1 as tit(, carius spr igelc-
tos I art Itwrallg lar. t'spe 'ia l.e is
tore Before Membrs of Cercle thils true of heItilSlests for lthe . I"
Francais of the Univerity Alitan illood C l't'tltle1 (ht li '
_________ 'lrs. :a liei'c'iidra blet'tct liii'
iiaall hl uesdattty eeniig tadetIChale~ts I:.slttsll. Both mtet are
e auspicalees f till' Cerll I'ra illisl, juno lailswaandt lbto the well atptort-
11lit'lt- 1was cnl'lt ly lrgllliUel i inte tet.iiclaitg te lielihooad o14a tcl e
University o ll i tetigat. 'Ml. Mla iittaelt l'ctiont. ITerlcatndialtesforthteaotttet'
: x2 'otOr irtlti tlt, IandtteWas t't'iv ed 1so fr ete tt aeteolr W. rig-
eith a most hearty wrecomte Ir all the ory, '414 lah, . W. Roald.l'04 law.
membnera of the society tore. atd J. I. I) rereautx. '053 lawe.The
31 Ili Ilt. I ~ tltll t'ttoo t 11 hs ii Iet l eti of hilirtel a1 d i Renti wlts
lTii t n' elill t ltl n e lt atti'tI it g I t he literali ly l It I a t h r
hat t It'l;l t~ lt' Slit tild' sidt''i1 pli t p puaril __ea______ h en, re
asl rllate i l i n~ tltltto En lti: l I t'0Is ey e ill} s icetere"l
'act,'Xia'i'ev' lutio ll iterature -tithtit Trck en Macko Stay b}Duri Vaca
ilhatxs' Bt 'tll tse 'Ift illn 11coin1111111 t lion ande eep in Tp raineuig -
'l it t t llt itirit' at-rinII ~tlie(ps Dvoerea Hanet Poltneran
of the 01 flu t. lil Ittlil:4-i' t ii it t hrell 11111 h ee uo w l lt
1 t t ithati t y I t('11' C rllt' il i it lithtld afil' ter te spr Ii tmention
at ;o ilxlli' l litnsoIt'l e " lite t It of ~t -. '11'Il t I t l i
It ti ell fi ll llli tltm1 tltttcin t i t llly l'ltlW ItiLiL STAY H R
S tfe itertiortItillSftli tit, it''aittiltsv tot i
b rhtn coftilt'111t1 I tit'tltt111111\ o 1t Sitetrypo l, T ac e u tiStay lDlt' ing VaIca-l tll
IsIho tw . t iara nnc o tisg oitt ettlt tt ttit ottio ad rep in Tra1111n i tt''a
lie aeishould itunege11101 n inlune1 D oa sNewt I. hto iiuiiS'g tlai P i'e te'
it imat11 Iyc oel a sil tlttl itat at the I of Xtl14til trick itndit aill l ii" l111
:t-oo tl o rahihtet' oii te t s isle li 111101 he a ndt idte "s fr 11 1,:11aote
aol Ittst v ii h h 'i re a t ta tn it chtiler' 1111 1 111 t'in 1 IS i111 1114 tr d ri g: ill411 llto~l
o"O't I t assienral tlinstsg.unhe- is 111 ICri cie Btlotit'ncdoteWifalitltl
r ill 111 ife of ltire wh'f11 ae111l.tIlt i ut111 arii gIi nt liiif r h~
e a a B i whi'ltSthere ta e :,1a tote oolig metls Ti-c Stlls itltei thll e1
temptto cf- l at111ntio ot heill SOlS ll'.rst 111 tl l lii1'0 I cesiatsIt' ~ l
.3 i 4tlt t O'.sppesingIll lthe iand Iain t is r l l rr iot1110rom111slw itio1, tandl 1,o~
Is3:a fa111tilot'. u ing111 d totex-i-ti '0-li t 11 11 thel iI iv i lttliof' i-I 111
111111 ta l'io tsi lt'el in'd' 01111111ri is tt- veri .11141ill ll l hastt I ri 1 1
Sh 1plt1 hul1 epes llth1d s anthadd il''ti il l Isonforthe detentio
8 tal tme ad a Hug sad, hoill o the trak " lt ll duti'" th11111 a
things1111o lfe it'he itil' tifo - lilAA llas itm n owilatv
sco tom int.liConierence meet Slt-lit-itt0iaregrhil
ill it ion 5yasaotl rai-igbihe ndbihe hra
ti ebllshotill mantaslie iwsi he mnhsaoitlokdetrml
'n Voue ol, hli xpo1 n,1dubfulit isllvv ltilitin h
in31w1itingti8 s-l 'iidiimerelyipu tune rag of p iili iiIitie t'hit for the'
1111 ti namsi hs ovn icnce tillill liiirt ii' i's'ia'arl-ili the lUivers ity
of the society woro r i en an sicknoss. It is his id('n 14) pl;wo 111('1;1
,Prtuility of illootili- AI. ltaUille tu. eu the s:1111e filr;tlwi;ll 1'mo ilid t h;t i
4.1,- - ., .,..,, I-,fr..., £'., 11 C,,.., ;it '1'I.., ., IY..,.
Large Doings at Graner's Tuesday
Night-Sophomores id
Not Appear
'r11 ill tlniatlrehan boufqut.h with
itilliratfi titastmtr , t watsii'ld5
aindi c ti'tiay toali l tittire e t t h i -
Iat-it' ativ theiI'i' it iti time antildI
plce ad waedthe scepitetr' tlt
illt'gtid-no icuhasidrawn
Ito n 1 the.1111 'ti i building ii Iigthe tearly
bel l t'and Depityit' itlt 1111 Kelsli
wnticieitf t trou l initthe sm l
har f h ight. h ilt nothinoglhap-
Il-Ia elilt tl whoe wid lltt a il
oft so etin dloil g;"l were I unraali
liiif il-frsh ll w illdill e11
the ,trs oft ie 11 Iiing titoh y id41 ntt'I
stil '-litrm tle i-orrow-'aof-lin"ii curil-
"1" hop.i an''reel ing i hi r lt" 1.1 1"C-
til 'Ilt l i si ter1 1 Ihan ttli liiss tfor-
liitebri lliitil I
liii ' the5 5'ea 1 1 oftheii '.t si .
She 1 11 11 i h a n s i
'tt ii ih lea ti.' Ii N ;a ain oit'
'"lii-' Iliitli ofIo'lt ko t n I',
I' . ' Ettti ht 'l itit Ilc sIti (il 5 -
a 1111 1iltii Iit ia11 etl li cpii ppe
wi1 I Xyellw ts el wi h uitti l-
islf),ove ow oa, a dt i ht : I hit t y
elt I''lit-i
"Iihin M lt ii XX 1 C'1111P'"
1 IlIt ol p a lil.S ii I tlil
-06 Cllis, It 'll. lita llTheta
1111 It liiChiii.l
'1h 0 F lt .i- . IIis 1n,111 1 Op-1
'°06 in Atalticsli 'll. N. Matyi-t1a11 ,
Dei'llt a ppl-llta Epilon.i' ht'll
Sig a P i.tiiii aIi
i' llAIitt'v-llI'.'l11 Iii. : tIiiliii'.AlI lin
S. C. A. Electiont
"At the hilticl ttu til llilf t' it-
lot 11 itili A55111'lll h ltdttlust
e ni n, Ill t'' hit'ftllowtinglI til --I'S si-r
1'tiaient I-trilt-k I. Edwtardtt s.
icr-'rli 'utlls.-GcIt elt 'Kirby. il-
tiltcoi ng S clilt y toil.e
Iit-ice-Prei ns- , .I'.h
wuI A. Stu. Lart',tilSnub' Edwardshi
tit . A. Ri .ple,~ h''. Stal ~hiiri
snitry ItRtistiti.
tilt. W.as Htisitatrint.
Ts Leave Saturday Morning and go to
Toledo, Philaedlplia, Pittsburg,
New York and Niagara Fals
Site rt-l heh lii'ltnt SI-i ll i tuu'tr i lt
the sen111 ilt slitaii-i ls and hitlec'ticalt'
hut'er; 'iito' iibe ti.tak uigsingi~li
l:caiii''The lilt'y wuliilileti.ialt'111t1
li-lilot' hl0 tudent'ls in elargi ofM
ii-' itt. Prof'. AndersonIandiProf. Sad'
l4r h s it' char i Si-lthe a'lit
hav tbll nS lul' i'l biltI-l t v o
thu Ii Illthe I s tlii i' thel- t i ll . -the
AlI,.TIe p12y.wllhe'ltlwed btiaht
pit.: -ec o~tthilrg t len r S'ira:etltd th
haull).21u it.eit.l-tiner at:'Leave
4:- . itt 1.
PI,111, 1, 8---- Ete fttrdtiateho
Was W:- or.ks.ot I a.titsy i-iia e uhra-i
S'iomiCOitgtation) A ir hrk.'i., iia
to'v SToledogon lHlc~inCoV1allety
CoAtuion14rTube(orkiunnei),a. i.
tg.: Titatsgt-,oSe Citks(it a.um-
Ciant),egie10tp. m.CoI1cpite Cilwaytig
4ha it.~tdci"~.i aO t 1
Aesinghout-sei Brake cotu8gt' C.
m., metlinghoust Etetic Co~1 1p .t.;
Wet-ighosel ac30i't o p.tnt.tr
CdttilTtopson1Steelcio., 10 a. m.t
Carnie't Steel Co:1,Ii1 p n.01 nig
PowerIPlint in e)veruti, 9.0. ,
APIL 1t -iett eatridge Co.,S 8ark
hi m.;iLIcyiii liii Co., 9:30itin I.
Crtse'entStelCoItC 11 . ittsIbait'
CtalIIo.3(mne)S' 2:3104p-Siige
I'itlii (liI h6tic.ri.
Yor hip u uIildgC. CmeN
J.) IS a.i.i R.I ). Ni'voodlil& in Co.,ttc11
2aIt.iiii in.;E iso lSi o1111 i p, att i
Le v 'hi hIi ii t :( . m
AriIIIJersey i SCitatoill:0ipt lm, Des-
APRILh 17,2 NNN' AII h-lS--i-
ci' is 'iutcli' I ' . .Il9 a. i1..; Ila ] n
Wtood t 'iati titlul Co, S11a.lt.:luB.'land CWi
Iluc !1 . n. DiL Vrn
hbtiti' Ntui-Plat, 1'p.tis utI -1:1 p a
j Ni yhut s,3. r.m
Sthai-reqe sitilltoti 'lt ill ImIll' Slbi-
niii''il'buiittin;u'o. uh at1::0.
tii')'ii'W iire u bef'otr iltu it]Il. 1,1 tfc
SIiiuscriie Cor 1he1'. toC 't. IDtily. lhs noitas vit Iiei 11. l<m