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April 08, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-08

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Oone of the best and most perfect fittin5 CI-tom-
TRADE0 flade Sh-irts. We have a large assortment in
pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from
"LO N" $i.oo to $2.50
-0G@USfg. "iWsigtnSre
LOVELL'S Cr. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 39, 3 rings. DIRECTOR
CORNER STORE. Office 209 S. 4th Ae Phone 98 Res-
Open from 8a. m. to 8. p. m. i Debaters Tied Twice CALENDAR beuace 0n& Cha Phn 14 m
TeaCoffee, Chocolates, 10C b ot n al"li il icoincdece ito ran t __________________
1 ;in ofltwoodoteliolof to iiv iioi o f 1 rdtayApit to)-Spiio va cioiiIoot c
IBirniers, C-hinitttos, WiIiko 0011t~ li t he ii witer o1io c prl2-Woodiiii ii on. it.Bu f yon are Wastetful and ot
Shlades. k i otdeo li 1;1t i'rkl ii to i bred0 I Apri 420 I tlrls Litteieldt.t scare to coi(.ceyor imony, or don't care
fora PEFEC~ET FIT and hoave no do.
Gas Portablestirl it010 titioilI1 Other Colleges sire to oo: NEA,. don't colic 1o see
M snil ( Ic:;thi1w, aofold oooiol'; .. tic I itI m00.1 Itina e Ioof n Sutigs1n
en; luiig, tog Ic. { 1111 li. itf iill tiiitc. theto o rat i o r l nd oI i tl l i utO i ntrc oidate o lii iii n up;iu cdu
'Suc n aw ystedoa tiedlii 0lga i i n OttO 1 Iv. liii urn-Itunilw it 0101 trl'iol ot i i s to two
0sa want attor01alhoard, 11a teI ii 1moe r ood c I t k11and 1iodiItt o i t oo 1 es101 A Z R '
itioiii i o itoofII 111i tt iii huhano, all.at~ dIt T~nAZ INE s ~
IIOA'S IOMI SPPLYSIO[ io 0 p i ix1111 tot iioho ttu i 1TAILORING PARLORS
yun;, iouarr tta k. ,to ~u 4 'Oer Fis i oluct o. Ani br
Cr. State & I'ibert v Ss. hil: oototdecidelhe Or._1,11;)_It%_it%\:t,_1._1sophomores___________1.1-_the_
AFTER Tits F LAY iioi Iioolia t tilol o ttojtitltti
DropIjon and gt Oycrie n any ste and ris\I.ol o ne o aotitd on i1,th toitI l ol ot i lo teoo ie o hihIuy l1
Loncheso of ttlthids. il 01ilci iooil tiolo tDIRECTORS.
01..Hucrio S. Nxt toolF. Ind M. Bok W J1 100 to 1 i li o oto ~ ~ iBooho Ino 0 Seehan
line liOneL 11000 I Atltoon. t rit Will t t ocd c m l;' o oh e c1 o ho oc. -l ' Areill lleVCVau~lgbsl
lii lii i I lii 11 Ioii o t t a tioi lll t o ti (ii tatso H ittue F Mits
PROCHINW & SC AIBLE. u ii !illlIi hi ro 0100 i 1110.10:Koci 1i}HS sbr
Lunch & Dining Room 000 np.,It , i llo1 1lo obailitioilo iiitiitl4 IThe fRnn Mrtor SavinugBNO
Room 11111,1wool; at t0rtab r s li loo
tryioevocc 0 ia Sc~,2m plal- teici'sird 01ycll loe ca a rul l oi i lni ,j ' Olgoliedudi ertobliillolllslealt i nOlgLaws
11 Ii hel.1ip1ig 00Owl.1,11V1t iii'l"010ld lioyo ullor t. S. 00 1h rolosthsssat
alS N & SAMSON, Proprietors iuoiitiAS01+ d tillI:li.d Iii ttlio Ft-Ui eiill oi11iiosi buys andlsells exciaoue
2IiXSON1,% ci Sol 11,tub: t'd ioto irt -to 10te p10110011t tof he0 Unit ed 101 t0at0es.
iryoole e . ii no 0000, Opotetll Iil i.1 1iiiiil iiu..- hiiiii i . upillproper identificatl.
10 .0. A . .Witlingtll' .tllC llns C lh Iry 110110Sfey , ret
- - -- r 11 i'd~y ;ISS- a te n on 10i1,0000 l ERli tli :ll ioili.. lt iok, Pros.;NW . D
CH S .3 E F l ns u lI ftic u-,It i i] 00ali>,Ioeooooo 0111.0.N . nt' lmbtr
j CIA . ".ME IIII O I t00bbo tinl ;11 'wiii DY.. A. A & J. Y. Standard Time
iL 1ooooooo JoboltorntingI l3ll1 ti tlt-I lox l i.0looriooolo1 ~ititoooti FoilDetroit lhalf hbuly from (lolla.
ooiiooo oioot li llloollr oo ll 1ooil In 00 tht 1101 looil too itoYlot. n atil 6151 p. e. Ten hourly until
The Kind Yu re Looking tor 0110011 i 1olio il100 'i lo lland Ion tuses00paid. l od 01101II 11:1x. For Ypiolant only, at 2:15 a.
-, iursiiu of0I5cl.0darer. oiio s tnt'Ma l t rouioli rel M. nod 1245 a. i. For Jocskon hourly
II 1. SONNRNSCHEIN, o. o ;. Ot 1 ~00oli from 1:13 a. m.intlil 7:1 I.mi. Then
lonB -r 2.5S ManS.P int10 Mil le oi yksL1. ;tnr o L 'at9:13 p. i. and 11:15 p. in.
?ha 8-r 15S anS lolo. Waiting room Huron St. W. of Main
(wthsad arGos111 oI li 00 o 111hy potf,,.,rni(1110 hclo ws c001001llo 1 100 o 5 A1,IIR~s JEWELRY STORE. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
0.0 ittlll i t is wti ll I Ilyl l t L 1ye gltose rpaired, new leoses at b ro ar aatr t xN B
l2th m o f ll tt 2Ir. N;toelcoioi il05 Trains leae An Arbor by Cenral Stnd
Price k' liltn 5i t. A.o ttleo11 loll o'i it s00 MONEY LOANED. 5 dTl5.4i6h.osttto n fhe m otn oe lae nw thsda odEfctv c.2,IL
1000loirs toil oIre looi tt up, it is Ithooped wheeliad ie, ersoal property. SOUTH NORTH
F te ext111o1 I"0:.i tai t t tol lothe os toltill peenO f i O ce at residene, 3311 E iberty --
yc Itil eItl st 0.111t. All usiess Cnfiodentiol. N.I.- :0 A. m . No 1.-901 A. M,.
pric, 80001lo ; o All Ikids o rAtsts cnd Photog louic, S to 11 :0 a. m1. adol1 to 3:0 No. .- s2 r w. No .- 4e3 P. r.
mate aytl cl 00111rijher' suppl~lies. Cuollhg's Plam ld 7 to 9 p.Ii.It
fom . Iyour har0y JOSIIt C. WA:TTS. TaiisNo 0ad s notlsbtwenb AnilArbor
Odlotoot itae~ raoo _________________ in010 3, 4,1 ot d oolaly eept Soday
BILLIARDr I og- . BOWLING W crs n T .iN 1110 A4.
L DNA KITILEre h i'Ist> y 1o40- n P j,. ie (.hdy t i Ioa 101 111 707 N, University Ave, ~ X C J A ~~ENI0L
Every Studenit should In= We110ecl thteo bes0ttnsOf i 01 2110010010 "Th aaaFoi ol ."
lvst t 1) Cent.s I I ithu c('!. als)to ~ttilht' 0 0 .101 2itt' H TLI E
:II 1et te00 t oil Ftrit l'Presstlip 0000000 hinder paper0 :2 by tpoundltLI E
r icrin;;nltr .100 11\ tlt~e 1 ~to l trrtolole r 000. h tl rrito at thec lowesot 0forr:. ANN ARBOR TO
!1)-tt ioIolaAr~ius ev oqrtieeto .1:01:112 lottoorttoootalort Wo h le e llsto if 10u iira oany obooks. whtoo I C OIA G O
i.10 111Iity hel a o litio pr ice11 T ,ot lil02 bo ft t o ttitllyootli i n o 001 00r oi iolicoleitso.~l 00BO. F
fltola 0t.toel:. Leaoot1:01 looo(-.Shailt ould oota 0011ny oatch-.NEW YORK
:5o001 1 i nl tol Ittl cm int t:10 tl t;Cost i llIot- h ol to berepairtodk weotI lihNlo.BOSTO N
1 ,L '.W lit i oto rilsot ol 10glinni0nteaorf Ioot s0olofatio "J. Sht cue Atl ie (, nn(cinD i e ofrS
T & Y 'T'H E ~TO lcks U.ofl.tilto, S1e. 01415. SES,%T . achie 0t:oNa. W AAoIt.boAonArbor
111Ic e dmssion 50c, $ 1.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tlckets, entire course $.06
tudents' etueAssociati ll i c
Il Ass i itio l ab11 i I et.ot"Il lool1or totoo )Itt o htoob ii to I rl oIll W atch this space for S. L A. an-
1 ' '01 1000101 ichf~a 0th oh ..Iitt orat ors e ti otl"5}il ilb010ia 0 : 0(' t i I N, world.nts ndAlls
110Vi at 010011or hei Iu( I il001 10he :1totto rti ..n u c m nsa dd ts
LXA.D' Spring of 'o3 Woolens have arrived Contain=
LWA RDS ingprettiest line of Home=Spuns ever shown

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