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April 08, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-08

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[ " 0
Me D RL0
Nt. 142 "
ilO Chariman of thte Board of Con-
:orol Be Gives His Opiniono of
the Presett 'rouble
lit liii lii tei'1'ttilo'I st -ve21ilt- Ili
&itill. if ( lttsit if Altlle- tiui a1d
5i~ PltI t'ii' o it stiy teoirdlilf'' I#
riltsttituiiiit p)CPressiet-.Tii
l-v,-Or of thi s I'i i ittttsiitrtili
- t ile1! s111t i h Ittiiessl: t
- Itt i itnelensipi liis it-adelt at
I ~ edour t tenlit in. Ittemisto
tih r tbit l ii-te s"li rsilitl) re-
; 11 j s it its I'liii 1--thy lrei-not
",Y ilro .lb l th Borll tContrtl
at0 5th] slt ti itlus stutdtits- tOo )r-
Ii itt ho Ire si t iii iti t lt --worki
tlis'p ~te Iii- iill" oftheStaemit
li]none i isieit d iftheLit ter tis
lOh- tt-ili ,ofthe ti-it ei- it mauy hae
h a i ic tato sittliltti-ist lants
110-ti ittlg to-hitti si-eits ic-
5 Iiitiitiit it)tiexamti ii t ine ito i lss-
s_ i~ i n ll iteIt5 it ise-mie tr lie
sithere Ind iit-th ruportsfhmhi
hIluh tilt itrtil-l it-st i tt-litf a i ible.-
lies ieoil tvis tIre titi-picetwithe
iWittili.oterst 1t atve-l be ItIi tltdie
-list-dn ii Iflt itl viiirdan i-sit
ou tt t ititi. 11''- si 1 lt i l v t 11 tht
liii illit l ti ri lie 5. ttlthic i-t orli
itt IIostilt Wi-fel ii , \tea itu
Ii Ittletis lite liatter. We tyisfranktly
Iha theliitiiilt Cniioisahou
Draw Up Resolutions Condemning
Remarks of Profs. Jordan
and Scott
ii Atl trthet-lui-Ipiii-itleitht-istocssd
Jordinill F. N. ~Si-tt in oiii ~ il
t ielthe tsoit-ilei--slt-lisrlaw i Itis "t
totiehl i tll u rewI~s li thett llw i ng i
jio itheI ii-l. i ttilit t f tichi g- ,d sr
to 1 tttsiit st ttit liii h f lo il- sae
'm ts "iN i ts titli l-it - Il It l
l1eIIi l ii lli itild I}"i ' loyalif ii- I ii i-of
ilt 'r pt i-psi J rd ltt 'Scotittt asIfn-
iNa r i ts d, t slfitila-ti asi i ilt i i
oil it-eti.1\\-i i l tii to l lti hits ' iver
silt~ I tit tli
1Flhtuir. ir IpleOc prof Sil t Philosophical Lecture
' "i liolt ill11a1poilt i ion t kilowtiwit te r lit S ii itt- autilnieitt- -wit lilt-tlit, it
Cieinsinuaitonts itt lrt Jortdittwee , i ittif Itig-ttitts lect-l t, e 1t-fo t hei
11oli~iliii or01nht. We do loitstsow ttttIIittttplit-tit Soitly last Mti lttv
'why-roler it iiessiiP Scot t ll le list Htiit 11t. T e Itt irertool;tifilt ti, ult-
nt re suri thiat lie is iweli sitaiiof cut fthe Wortld." eiiidulItte
'ecIsff- ttat the BoirdSt ftCt rolt ofiii -tilcar tt-i ili-itwouossieluof
atllps Iistetit ittits ii i ii-I iiitetiittes 111 \titlitsitinso f
I-tiiL s i i tisii tIwll hh tryingIttoil sitlo- 11111 Illteiti -tlla distit ll
tfi Ill N iiuithe l Ias to i5thiSilit ttti a di th- Ided)ill ftil l l illu co proisesat
'I i fe_ Prfesor S Itts d iiilr - I u~v,(n t-s -iiwoit ti--iliti hut could
= -11_ 1whch 1wS 1a tibt ed11 toillIi It i-t tlt itlitt lt h r e 141(0 iteli snl111t
tc ii i t vie wttii I i ii t tatI i-i ikel)t rule-1-1 it--i-it-ei - 1t -itn tlt- u teidet I
tlie1iitiitill11111111Offttu teitli Cai~lititil iiit Iii lli~ilis ll t t ll lt o h
1::11iitma e t- t t li thilt.ti oitt lil l t--ilIi lf i nd:-Ii iiit ettill tie
-i ittititi Av rk il he r etri I l i l l ii toilt il ter i tilt 1
-4IPt ofessor 'Swottt of it tilt( tiltl it it- mitt.I:it-is ti-i Iil iii l is
liii e 1.ttto d i ith-.1 htt 11111 i I iin lottis i ll I iiut it iItitt
tisev r 1eela ltw(-tt 0 titits1 itlit t it--i l-l idetaulist til itthi-
::T. Q i)ii n and no on( l iihe; lil-t)ittis o lyt- ti-itt.111 le ~.
hNol, n 1u -tl fom te taIl l" t i itt.,iti--islti-ith phenomena
[- tt I:1~iii it Slii i o tlio o i i I liii t lls 11a11 h d-
itt-it Iii- .1d -ii1ta t e itleaill IImni ~
The Feminine Portion of Senior Clas
Start to ilevelops Some
Original Ideas
u- nnnlss siirit vtuii-u titi
15 11111 tiititel f l hetilatslt-il 'li
is not ihreaf lilt-oItt il15tilt I-tlo the
tpia d t rt lingo111 irlas hlit lt ai tlt
tiglt to1111 liite friom tti Itililn
tilm ttit i -d ovne t iltss trti st-t
tiituti ifio m t-liuthe gl,it4 thuts iboti-
ttssilp te (.lass tiit .tus tit- gil
this end int viout-l atts werit-illai
sttuuuo-uthe gtu i- s toudtw-titeachu i
oto mfinlyiterms till au-oials-u
tilt. Th i rtpit-ititlit I tocc iu t-itslast
u-ut-utu11111 tuhuisin ut inthefrh f:
tituue ttinior iitdipar ty. ite lii m ut
h-Itt eredan u-l aedlsut Itt eah-fi
tnitl tejo~ b il Ihespan
to u tter tr roetiuorst itttint g
li iiti lt tioolu hoherith i theutgrls
decut-u utowetruthe 1uitr tuhtu-tandu lown
sui t o fu th i ntu t-ru tutu ou th
othrloe iiievnt aspi- ht itou
winghit t hit t-huaticharcteitri-it
excep ithai t it was tnu elihlh-it-lu ith
i-si pot er: uidthatt ttas tut
st-lilt ne reti- t e i n a ptlh it < i 0 o~
xvitlt-Itut sleeves would liii admt ttt d
ittl is t ii 111twill ihe i tittfog hit ii
st X i I l usiilthttlttot
triltitgt tt-I ti-i-liv i yi-ti tity Illttl
to h tity- a5tiils affalir.ututw ti
ito tude-htittd huh ut-ti- tautastiionhg.i
Al i rls iiiuuiii I itoa y liattiiical ut ltit
iro 1o tho situ-i lttihadit wer- i eti-li
estlt rlitlu-st I thgetu1y11 l it tri
wittiit I ttie toicompoingititm- thi g
worthy tuecho titasit ht sssong
seetd as 1th onet toItitistilt by theh
ols. W t u h itt~lig i lns th
irl lt ti t o tii thue tubo t-s
till it m ito tropy 1 i lii to it
edtitoilatce n ytetilt-ti-el i t-u
t t : t iolt' Itt t -notil liii !tt- i
1itt to t tlleex it;1gu;;o therei-il i i--
ut-it111tils ttu-It it ili -ilo t tito It ii-
lII. I (i ot s y u t-i I till u
I id tts lthcu -tin sl the ii cae f
-itt i ltesiu tat "I1ittt ii
M ii. h i gtss~trl g iIul ml
shitlit inut plyi m hits Is ea
wordsii mI urntithi rocstutu i ii 11111
ill te "utttotiitpoitttiely-silt-the
ututiu is huot tto stol.".
:lhu-siilu-ti I tiuttotus lilliti titus tutu,"
its11 lii 'i !, I i uttt-ut ii !7 :
tf h I uI li lst f M.h
itt-p' IiIt t-rh tIil O te i "~t
onttul thic t I h t ai - tutu t 1:ir
prct Iu I uttoiul uuittlttumt bsou-s
wit h :1111 iu it itt ' ri t
press, and- I lullid nt t i titt to e u itt I
ith hiopino ofthitt tItuuittitiuhoard.c
I hut-Is t isid ht linii I tilt-
he i ly il l ifttoriof tathltuic.:-s av
huhntibuteduh ttse suputttfiathutic
utlinevetiriI ht-hiveubeinskedt tnd 1
thei-right (hiiht e-ti-ione1hastitusttt
it-tiltli eti-i l atterhilytoii tutu bi enItt-i
ercisedtblyvfew-it o uapptroveit t Ii
thlk is giodtil dttI htto "liti utut ibarit
1 likisthtutuandI .sIhattllnodae
the- ti-Ittesniveius f atihlet-hi1(tsh
loca uprss fott huttitissoll ither111
V. FliatlyI tug latitoI- u lesoul
f studehnt h hilttlui ttuInd its ri t tot
st-itk firtheistdu uuulily I lutis
litntiltevid utue that th lout-I iss
bioilt ttgint r~t liii I itl ofli "il-ts
hitnt vin., itsrt til l u ul tui tutu t -s
ut-thei-r trayteour-ustudlunts huts tot
violent lheatdlinies int huthehnestipers
Whti wte tllwat t i ll aitheticstu-tits III
itilpithug , 1ese, is theiislimltruthi,
Iod Itluicktie shtunt tbody, uwheun
noti til ttytil uon lxtuh-itt- uls
ut-Ilt- tnitu toIt hu eir iittusi ltouworit
utu o iti t<lt ,i s iiltitis to tit
plilIyt-iul te - hi-tiltltuuhii ser-i
tain1-.F N S ShI--r~
Aoociation for the Advancement of
Phyical Education Meets
Hee Wednesday
Sits wteek oau-lrs liiietirteethi
uuuuutu-tuuuu of thie AtlipĀ°tiI(t Asiit-
Itin for Ille Advance-mllent of Piysi
conven~ion Ilwilt hold iIlmeeting ilt Ann~
Arbotr . Wednl~ediay ateurnluonafte
sitinlg t Ypsilanti ilthetu morig
511 teir way fromti the headquarters
in Deitroitt to thits city 01'te set-si
hoi'sltiP 11111heconvuetinicomttl~t~e
if tle Soutihrn Sithiglil Sithey
thre are from iAnn Arborur.OhI P.0
Iiutut-iibeing presidettiDrAlie (,
-ndr Sittfitst vie-prisidet, itndMhr.l
Kisis-is-Itzpatrick The Iporamtin t
nui illreite fomlis15as folois;
1:04) p Ii-Luncheiont t Prety
"!X) I.lm.-Setttn Si-itigsSes
fiioil ot-I0Cl 1111 schi ls;ulltil s-
wel ungll I- ttallSi nltilliuit tho-s
pimty newmedcitbuldiuttec
I toh I p Ill-i ti ptill 1rbuiruttigm-
tit p.I.I 0ii thr deleghiautis giteu
Ii 00ut Wmns hLnue.
7:'o p .- xliittionioi pratic
5 nlsirtumlinglthclutb stlill ,
tilatu s lit rikii fencttitti a tt b slit-h
li-ill hyInhsh;Ind womenitof Utuversit
Iosftilt Mich iga rire i lyl l..- SIite .
:it .\n5 littut-for e itt-I
tw 1e111ess ts l a tgIriii1i1t u tftut
the itt-uu tut-lif whtil will foi-til , thu-i -u
- tO Iii It p( i oh
15 li i ti I ,i1iltike oill~
t)l 111 e i:ll iuittuu i ckth e lit r~
I x i1 It I tustt Iii - l it hl
I itp11;1 hti rt i neii 'n o
h it s ile Id, tuthu-Ii
t ealt +lIt t Itu 1)t hit il u-u- it sti thers
itt .)00 thelui i ol l-us it- toi luitltlt
Sa~ )I~ittgs uikti ft-hy sue ittr-
of \tutt It-tIts I.IutitIutIvut ~rt-
l Iihu II itt tol tuilhh> Oge ittutsa hot
1)lliiihirtiuor or tusrlsthodlanld ito-
- w -ilut the si-itt- thuttatue cone to
tr~ I c ttlre I) ,a lw t o :t 1 :1.
tutu-ir ic 1 1is tu itt it It 111111
til -thu ulti thpreidenSituftu e
i "tz i 'l iuutt i t-l iat It ti u t
upit ls tilt ol i ltr;il ilti -pt-lit t
hut tis ititit ft il it w lso f Rtt
11th' 51). ttt i:= ~uth ikthu hut-(Ifthll
he tre ill this i-ek
111 ;4; s11 ttIt11 IIgorts itt-i titus
lhuhlust lit-hut ii it 11101 s hitht-tpro
r 1111 51ill 1t inhi-givlltitit I ihtuuttuus
toilt ioft1114, I ith11itUct ut lihefore
theu tilt-lit wl 10 ogilv-I

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