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April 07, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-07

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ILL I : 1 !°IL i' 1 1 Y 01 IC IIC XN1DAIL Y.
,r. I , n r . .. r ,saI_:. ,. +...J: -I....]i i.i.s~r L c. __." 2 _. r., l,. . .I
'I& , -4m*Amu
V y F
PURIThN tIO[ 60., III & MfiIN SJRftT
Sr vbrisCor. Main and Huron Sta.J Phone 389, 3 rings. ATecoo Pit
At tit itbtfoinait IR-1.1tIIyAN 110.CALENDAR
Atout'sod fointiliiiCowe hosegreled tii iii Min--IeIR IES.
every iltiy 1444w. Althe t o u iiiiiiniiO 'it te iiAiti A 'heroic Fidoy, Apriiii Wi0-Sp ig Vcti on A Ia\\T
pALNl PARAC. y is-venl .Xo-i fd.l ilt, sl______________ FRAfIINI'O A SPECIALTY.
324 S. State St. Pro0it I-i. 1. c. I1-1K o ll )1 thIii liii
B a i l y & E d u i u n d :li i : t t : ltd t a k eni i + :ti ;O h o C n t a l L i n e s
otiiti tit t-tiftf., iii aon d od ut h. A-it tour agnt or
F'SH N EThe' 4life ti,,lt I.'An( tt I:ld noltitaoli)OifOnttll :1 liii1intsIirit, Mii. Mot~l~ro- 101Kd
121 East Liberty St. I1 H i LXN4 l\t'i-I 24414 ie ~ il:"Ise lrl 1:ntil-r-Sae, (''(h"l;i",hr l:n ter.I'l ,aeta ia
t 1ec t nre in______ State11Sav ' unetrtyDIRECOg~ Dak
POIiR11.A N~D C A Fi:E i it iii it I-itt 4 tut"od tew tilit inie of ]i s el ltrt~ls:t:~et ot 11 hea
OPEN DAY ANI., N~IHT Fec 'wr.,;t S1%u t:s ell Iiiiitii t t t trtti ,"tti.,l t ti; 'lit -I1 tintArnoldtt Dr Vi C Vau-ban
lttell1I:11 ult~lt :t t p.tn. il'er , tttlt t lt - iii t o ll it it t} jNJ 1i lier John I siri-
W . C. BIN L/ +,R, Prop. i1i1 te ein i :1i roceioll w ill eI t 1'~nedli iii l tsenly lhtr 14ch11 tiitttier itristianPofrsan lrtaM tn
Zacnian & Pet i t'. Itie ofI':tht'er IC i s i ltrt-t- tti toy tto. i ittiuiitttltilli titi.t ,h nnRbrSuiitoBnktt
;OIit ol It ut tl001apital Stoj1k, too0it.tSl tltouiirit i' toi
DIEAL i:t IN -lFreshiAloegretti t'bolltto at Coudh- Ic -llit deptits, liuy-.saidl 11ls xchange
Fresh and .,.aIl eats. t't ed IvIIittit-iPlhil- ig' IhtI~~y o t e prin ip ol ies or ol titta-tes.
Il tt s , 1 it Ill 1:11 to ti' -,l. S ft o xtti t- o trteit.
l1) X \V ltttSi.- oit o t. 4 ot 0- LiuoilO i 0 i t oi-IChalesI:. ll1it( tk, Pres.; 4W. D
__ ;__ )____ 1'.___________________ t.__________ l tl)1t'111 It u - t ou l. t Irlt 1'I t Rot io t littllit ttt t eI o l ollaradItItit i ni ie1rs;R.1 rtCs ir
- ~ ~ ~ ~ 11e1o :111,1u.t.~.0to-tt tilut. -t it Ito l k tse ilt t re-t i up-ttto-dt u pp titt l hose ii f or r'iiiivt Y .A A R .SadadT
BUY YOUR i 1111. A. 11. ittasi piantt0 io s i-s tli. For Deltroitthalfithoriy frm01:15ia.
jj [ ' ' _III. uttili6:15 p. In- Then2 hourly until
I DRUG GISiT GO..ODS 1 I11 -JI-X IIYSTIRP11iI I1ICIKS TAtK. ii:13 I-or YjtSilantl only. at 12:15 a.
Fry glsse reaird. iewlenesat f yu wll ookat ur indwIn. antd 12:45 a.in. For -Jacksuon hourly
At BROWN'S DRUG STOR[E.0 ~Stiill~1 ieol~~t t I o rllltiottottit~V from 6t15 a. mn. until 7:15 p. m. Then
Curner Minnd Horon Shoets41a1d note the picles makdont o ur ltat 9:15 ip. n. and 11t15 p.im.
Gualranteedl tountain pens, $1 up. goodse, you1 till ruatiztat we111 rte Waiting room Huron St., NV. of Main,
__________________________CoalIng's Pharmacy. givtig iotter taluie for yourlI mo01ey
Lokrepairing, key fitting i LtI0yu11anget eltsewhere. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
y g Money loained on Watches, Dia- $5.00 Fonl $1.00 !.Nl ~ ~ L~n
Knives, sheatst4razor111a41 ionds, Jewelry and anty personal We ate liver stooked with nllitdolinl Trains leave Ass Arbor by Central Stand
skates grotund. erfects. Busoiness strictly confidlential. mu~tstc. Select $3110 tworitl of this ard Tine.
Terms reasoonable. Office houlrs 9 to muic, at the ma11rke4d pice0, and1you Effectrve (Ot. 26, 114M.
GENE iRAL iIAClIINE WORK DONE 11:30 a. in., 1 to 5i and 7 to 8 p. in41 have it for $1.00. 50UTH NORTH
WMIJ WtNGU, 113 E. Liberty Street Call or address WV. J.toturimO, Rooin ANN AlItBOlt MUSIC CO.,
7, Iteltniing block. tPhonte 459. 151 201-211 E. Watthitgon. No. .- 7t20 A. M. No. 1.- 9ttO A. M.
No. 2-1t33 t A. IM. No. 6.1 :3taP. M.
New Pillow Pennants c. - .N.4-is .M o.I-Ot
Darling & flalleaux
Every Student .Should lIn=
vest no Cents
.;. ?. fte lDc t o i-t ree i tlt
tilt iato t. o.tt--it s
0 It I o 2,i itlli Ltty. 707 N. University Ave, tvr o r ar:uonos. Itstotii4. Sna
SW.1'.ttItLLS, Aget
J.0J. KIttiY. iG. It. A.
ti iu ii. :t i:i The Niagara FalsRoute.'
M1 C (-lZ it-.E -v iISHORT JLIE
' -Ale C :" iAND BOSTON
c(tr-li Itt ii ittnitit I l (;n or
____________i-titX t nAnt tAttt
Single df 50C,"1tl ', c $1.00 An essentil p artcof your collegeequipmnet is a Ti ckes.ntr Cu4e~ 0
,:, +i. t 1 Ii~a t = ij34 t ft I t to it tt t-ti t t I tilt,;3 1+> t )the Wac this space for S.L... an
i 1 2t o i i uut it 11( tuI i l I i-It - lii O-noun entnts and d ts
Spring of 'o3"Woolens have arrived contain
i ng prettiest line of Horne=Spuns ever shown

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