THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D)AILY. _1 i4- Qa 7 Jr 'K"- r .I If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- son ask to see Stein=s Blocli SmIa rt Clot 1he s Lin sdhlitf & ApteI We carry a complete tone or Standard Apparatuss for Qua litative and Quasstitttise U iIn ar y A n alyi A(tsis .l(II'tins ntle nesl ut-) 105551 an gid i jr lcissi 1nletinds. EBERBACH &ISON, TERSuRA; 112 S. Main St and 342 5. State St. ,......ti.- -. . ---- _ ._ _ - - i 0I .I PALACE AND PARISIAN j -Tisa-ts iiie place whsere you get it-to,-date woi I, wIIit the :east trouble to your- selves. Domestic finish at specialty. M. F. DOWLER, Agt Pice 657. Office, 402 Mlaynard St. c~~PALOING'S OFFICIAL b ~For 1903 Thyonl ,iinaicputblishied ttiat cctan a is iiiptcte tint of Amer- lean tlst-oii-Ceords and Comn- pe:te List c f Ctiamioins. Over f.1 t icinrc s(iftproinsleint Aiieii- c:rin cd to f-inn athletes. Price ao cents A & 5S palding&Dros.1 ;lw Yt-r E. Cii a o, iDenver, Balti- icor'e, iBuffalo. DANC IN G Spring Term at the University Danung Atdhemy $2.50 frem now until May 27. TUTTLE LOWNIY S (llO(OLAIIIS 338 S. State St. C. IH. FIAJOR & Co Artistic Decorators Specialty ln interior decorative work. Walt paper, paints, oils and glass. 203 E. Wash. St. Phone 237. STUDENTS USE Gasoline Lamps W. S. PIPER, 308 S. flain Street. Eyes Scientifically Fitted Nw lens and repairing Fine watch and jewelry repeiring. Work rea- sonable anct warranted. J.L.(HAP MAN, ieweler, to6S. ia St THlE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, Strictly First Ciass.. DAN SHERIDAN, Prop. E. William ti., First doer eof Slats.. Easter ( Preparati~ons You niayIhaise iiglec ted that sitltor spring oscrcosat and it miay be we ll to l see to it it once. «1e hasve aiiexcellent vaniely of patterns and forstylhe, wsork- manship anti finiishi they have no equal. Our line of Easter Hats and Furnish- ings ire here in great varieties andslthe j prices too, art very modera tt. Diess I S~1uit Cains-$3.t"0,j$5.00, w6.00 and :$800 Reut cf S. L A. Registration i lit11 :1\ (en s lwlt seine- i ss ses to It( .i . l t k t jj\' lil 555 / . i>t's loii I i sile Theeis tli)il 4)f I .,5 .\. liik' Iire Wel1iiiiii diiiei :1141 te eitilit 11ies(n ;l'Ii 11 Is ili t-tfgtII11Ii 1 t .t)isis 5 I sd\\1Il dtp 1tle l. 11 t li lt- lii. 1 hu 'a :l it Ii''s [)' il it I~'Ii (' t'(I5 t 111 d 111 l htit~i st il t illSerios .Actidenit! fore ald orthreisslmls hey1s- guit s-it isis t it i i I.4tisilt l . t i stt'14t . i s s t t 1Itt 1 ' t il h li( i- s il fir i -it :Isi .- T heili' li t tlt li iii i l 1*4sti 1. 44f 111' r\-:Irv sl1)\''ed il t il)tv'e 41 1' \\ ulsi - t1i lsjl is _- t i t i 1'Yit~ lt) i i I:'.S ti itssi\\5 IIi i' s112, \:scii se r il-dvtIt 1. 11.4 a liii lstt'd utp'te11t' llfl ~sIYo h' 1411iIb h 1551t1