j VIESTS e [ y - FANCY Itn and foreigni athiletes. mu.IS' al ~sil. iiscles anditendiiao have beii de- 1 1 l~ turt«il t4inpr~lil rtsu1 streveit The remainin g miisctes aist Price to cents his i'ictlil't itth th I' its it teisis wl ie aaEeat ili'. lua Ic T s ith,;l li t ii' tperi iiiich af theittifictions of thos' AuGuSpalfinfg&D[iOSIl.,()- l. e )1 ' : il-\10hs1,411i ii _~__________' New York, Ctiicatgo, ttenver, tiatti- ; lt t it s t ts Is tf i e t ll it ala iltS - Creators Insane mitre, Buffalo. i' illlto ~t11 'Tllctse h atlits let sit 'itf tell" Ins~ t .I i.l't c tttt'ttt t t it' L it t i'rytotre's 1I tct t i t l wi ts Spring Term atdthech hrillit nl t..,i t' ltltttIItere1.4 iti1v stitti.' surt i sedntr N C IN t11 hollitll 111ri is 4ctlnet ion toemltht teiiti i cisIctto'irttiiit'da i U niversity D ando~~ A cddem y 11 tis iul tt i wihlt d s t'. c c~ii s ih i it iiltai I~eI)iTe tfielt i s of t i'ttttiep rtnitt't +11it TI it reporttt insitisit i s is oh v $250 from now until May 27. ot1ritt I 'li'' v it 111 iilttt-11 f thi'sttttt'tP fiil the rir 'nitat tre o 1i s I. t1 t i itiill ot 11 1~tu.n i e - HiieIsoith n itto e at r 1 I U T L Es~i ti:1rtil I~111ct~:1tlitf:Ilit}' i tiwile it' wis ittlilli tso~titltte silt At- YI.JNE 'F''FCLE '24I t11~iti llt'It:titlltit' LOWNY'S (I1(OIAI~t 'Isillists.Guaranteed fountain pens, $1 up. 338S5. State St. A uatngerous Can Cushing's Pharmacy. __________rank____________ Itl riotisti. tilit in the Money loaned on watches, Dia- C . . 1A.JOR & O IIatill tihtisitlt.friti Vt'sttiii',t'.moiids, Jewelry and any personal "iiiti ic 1 ilt tet"Careftult hereafSte lituttIefet. Business strictly confidential. til.,ig a takkniife in ottnit'iti 'lliicanis. Teriis reasonahle. Office hours 9 to Artstc ecoatrs Abuttfouri vts'ks tugitPtarmoioeleledi 11:34a. in., 1 to 5and 7 to 8 p. mn. Specialty line interior decorative work. a cani of coiidenise'd milkvithi his jaiek' Call or address W. J. Lourim, Room wall paper, painits, oils tind glass. kniifei 'aid in doing so scratched the i7, Henning block. Phone 459. 151 203 E. Wash. tSt. Phone 237. mile joinit of a fitretitiger on the can. I1_________ ~~ ltootd poisonintg followed tiid tice was Exlire repairing of jewelry at STUDENTS USE btrouighit to the ho.itatti. It was HtALLER'S JEWEBLRY STORE. thought that lie could iiot tive, hut the Uas l~ine LaM S1doctors stived iiot onty his life hut nresh Atlegrerti toocoraiea at Cush- 11 Ihistirii. tint over half the arm fresh fig's Pharmacy. 3031 S. Main St. 1 I 1 J I Slides 65c per gross Boxes 5c, 30c, 50c. Weu.ciiry in stock a full tine if wsorking mateialifor tie in Hlistology; vPathology iaid Bae-. QVARRY'S Campus Drug Store. TRY THlE Only Candy Kitchen When You Want Home-Made Candies. E. M. STOFFILET, 115 N flAIN I HAVE ,lust received thi Largest and ltent ins ot TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES Ever brought to the city. FINE LUNCHES in consnection Everything neat and elean' 3o8 South State St. a. a. JOLLY. CAN YOU DANCE? You can learn to dance for $3.00 at the Univrsity School of Dancing, State Street, Monday and Wednes- day evenings. ROSEW'S Billiard Parlors Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. JAMESW.REID,SteV Choice Pictures and Framing. -AT- Liberty St. Art Store Near the UNIVERSITY CITY BARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOMS Cigars A Toacctos. 116 E. HURON ST. AGENCY CHICAGO AMERICAN. W. S. PIPER, 308 S. Plain Street. Eyes Scientifically Fitted New lens and repahirinug Fine watch and jewelry repeiring. Work rea- sionable ana warranted. J. L(HAP MAN, Jeweler, E06 S. Mal iSt THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, Strictly Fir'st Class. DAN SHERIDAN, Prop. E. William St., First door off!State. w SPRING 5UITINGS. I We have placed upon our tables a complete line of Fa- brics for the comitng season's wear. We hauve also in- creased our force of workmen, to insure pronipt attention ea ornpsthyrolie.Aneryiseto of ur tck s toar atron Anerlcnsetinofordtcki HENY ND NO MRTHANTsvssTYALORS HENRYOAND KY ERsrEE AvENTr.LORN Z TbeW.C.KernCo. ~-IfP I~X~ 411 E. 57th St.," Chicago. t2 ./ rdei'andiirlt.1 C it S for jiltS iusl Elt1 h'u't7_7 / SEND FOR CATALOGUE ~.' 121 E. Washington Street WE PATRONIZEI'GOODyEqm'*AR FOR DRUGS