THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. "r)Of one Af the best and most perfect fitting Customi Tr aE -lmade :shirts. We have a large assortment ini pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from 'ZION BR'A ND" $1.oo to $2.50 CUTTNG RVER CO 19 and iii J. G.BU 5, ~CUTTING, R VER& 0C1,Washington Street University Tea Rooms RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING {0MMRI AT PHIOTOGRAPHIERI. AT RENTSCHLER'S. 0. UNEMRTILS LOVELL'S Cor. ;Bain and Huron St. Phone 39, 3 rins DIRECTOR CORNER STOREi. Office 209 S 4th Ave Phne 98 Resi Opn from 8 a. m. to 8. P. m. AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR dene 302 S. 5th ae. Phone 4 Am. eCfeCooae,1cb~neo al "tIt 11111 Nil LI 1 I"E."' FriuayApril . I le and lowers. T C ye Lampns 'l e ttrr, of out utt wh sio )wIt- April 21 WVoorow Wilson. On r Wato oil 1 111011y is Io save lBurriers, Cii niners , Wickts)I, ~ SlirtinglI Ifein. a ir irr d a April 1-- 'l'ls Irilr'licll. it. But if you are waseful andldnt shides.i ii' rronrl reatis illiihlb' 'ililofolsre 1t 1oetr 11' roy, or ot care {,l \ I in rLlliiii hostr', 1or or Iii lie' All kinds o Artists' and Pholog-1 for atI IIIE "IF I alhave ro de- Gas Portables 15b(it 1111cr. andt ol fliw ircl, woraphr' supplies. ushing's Pharnm- sir'' to tol NEAT, don't cone tose mallesi, chimnerirys, 131111- serg espec~ iia il teir' 11 01il o ollr I rrlrrlltolih md 1- To In l sfindligIwhatc riloat'rrrelit itrrelt- XIIirf iilrhlilr N IIt 'illerfctli t, sylr1 011 up ou tcii a Ura, , I t. oioi ' rofil rug'ii ifr 'oo'o iii ru r .1'1' f Ii ii- c i t 110iIt -dae it*e-C)a dut 1lR"~Hl h(IDY T D is to r i and ral iitls , ~ r'rlris of 1(es, i"'I antpii iciiii'ililI'O 01011 iil to TAILORING PARLORS W K S IJiHO LE UE [ LI JITOR i t einr~lr olw 'fril'iiu i llt oiio : it ta.Ifalorl s fr ito} Illtesillr eveo'rlir1iOverFirst Ntional Banik. .nn Aro C'or.Sate & Libierty 'S.s iirlri rl i- icinoioll ill~oslttehnuhut 0t0\ ~oitioiriii 'a1illii 0 sowitlmt the1itiii____________________________ par ot e l r a lt ilhate cr' aili'iiiiiiro'rriiofiiiili \'i "t olle1, ria i d-~w 1 AFTER TiM PLAY f elly i' l'cr'i'i, orl or r i na rrlly lhateir' n i'llir's si I idinii bi'1 . S tate -~ VIUI Lraja n and get Oystcersito any style and 1lhihpi 'lii ug i iiii'lri'5 alit" Ie' A lisr io o e d.s i i--Luc sofal kns atrtt1 ottti nt'(rnet!(ain is 1 u1,1 iii fiic ;w i no,(DRM9EH r S. NxtoFadM.B M tosdtgc of alide l.- etiaet o tht of a1 1 cty~ ro VIm Jo heha P'ROCIINOW & SCHIAIBLE. si' ifrlls iwil 11no 11dlihtirn ni t 1iii i t, ir "Ni yre JohilHearer in t.fri0 to (i ne 11-s lthe llolifit rl n ll T e li , ' lll. (111111 1 i r l liD ~rnk I' rlaieor,' Chiritianrtinrrr STAE SIREEoT 1111t1Lt tn- lirirri l liai ii nrriorf '14,11t lrs ,01'0ii il'i~li. If \yi 1;i\lr p { r~ J Lu c D n n Rt dinn a Aii .irl i aio cXininiriiaeb e 0 r:ii rllciili lliii i/i~mlt h l ib~ 1 ! Iior Savinut ank L u ch;Iliogtom t111 's11 liltrI 111 0 'riii'rI rlnia. "'L110' tt. lillo Ii re l rs li ii'or 11. y\ riie ii Caiia Stun. s io. Sr'liiii.113000. 11 01'5.12 ii100 Xlii' it'i r Aft fI"i ''iithi. ' il nlclh 1"'Ii Ih, loii X ol i 111 ilailii. 'oiiaor. lii' ' Resouirce. I; M iiii. night._____________ 1: i'i'ii'i'li 1u ih iloito,\louis:ariiiuliirIts roh'liaoge IUX5ON & SAMSON, Proprietors. i li- ivewlIIi I f i; . oI11:11:1.ii i , itii' No hasun. Di yImr'Y),auio pst if (ii-hoci i i t'i'l l 'n 5' i i' ' ml ii n N - I ill I,"i ' A li iiil''I isrini . Iio'rnnia, cashd u-i'n'ca ; Ml r, lt alior D. V.II % . I . M VECS Irrii li. hiimootii 'nt hIo 'Slafeii,,h-nhrbonesnu-iuuitor urrentn'ir diIr o'ii- lll- o inr'ill ,iiri-iili i pllili , l 0 l In i o oni sr-' sors Irlar D Y.. A. A, & J. RY. Standard Time *t M odern Job iP -rinting I'clpl nilitliis Io Owthtin ii coral 'I i ll-land'r hil-lniii, 'po etlur'triln' i 'r'rrlrrtirrn ( For- Detroit half IhrurllynIrnti.1:15a. P r n ig*ltlg c in i i s :tI- ill rt o -i'lli-alcove 'r' ,: inFi nnr1 'nn' at the rlr on t In i. untitl 1r:15a. In. FT'he ckn hourlyi I Phone 281-2r. 215 S. Main St. 11ave lwayIcs 1 mini knoini tolhei innthio igihblirid hirores rinoilig rt 11111at 1:15 p m.and 1111In.i. ______________________ith_______he o ir 1 oi-cwnh Inl in d r e.iu c' r''I llfin nn Chairiort ar-eWaiting room uron St, W of Main, Swllces and Hair Goods hireI ltass srthat lie oltrhin~ of nit0 5Illtiin w>ill h ti'nn Ari Xbor NNABRRIRA }tb'GJ oodstheplaywil Lies"" in ~epngir-i- (;1).Ill.Lur 7c frrounnirip. ANABRRIRA X2Xwth W e o(f M rcX i a.hieturning,,n0 special Itrionihilul le-lu 'a o ~rEata r5Hile" X.IO'Sfi 1 l haoat i ut nn Trains leve Ann Arbor by Central Stand PriceFreshAlegeri uincantes at (ush adTime ing'a Ph1armacy. oney loed on Watcies, lDi- iiei cti8,Icr1012. mndsI Jewelry ard any personal, SOTH NORTH Yor then st a0 no I R111 JEWELRY I T ORE.11 peffc Ho. insstrtinctlyconfidenitial." - ' - ___ atnyo twcib n-tliiibe1lase rpired ew lnssa t 1'111s reasonablne Offic hour 9 to No. 8- 0 IiA. 11a Ni.- 00 A5x. Har fod Il " No 2-11 0a 5 . o. 5-10P m. yirn_____ wil- 1:0 a M, 1 to 5 and 7 to S p. M. No a->,:25 . m. Nu. 3- 4a11aP.r a~in~ry Irnuigrlii 1 u 1ii :iba nr t (",ll orairesso xx J .ourim, Room from yorrhair > I 'r'rri>n 5ind run Ira lu-c cciiAnn Abor for hii. Mni-itno' 7 He iiirhhgb ok. thione 41.. I351 san Tlduly.11 curng. ninn(csage' I ',rai 1i3'b! andrcuu r'r 1 'raundy aePICKWIn~~tQ/CKV BILLIARD PARL R &RBWJING1C. 0.KI G 11. A L. EDNA1ITTLE, Ini,. 'Iho nU 1015-,I iii 701 N. Uniersity Ae, IXICHIGAN CL ~NI AL St' n C nte103ve00 il II11:blst(Iniies 0of st ttnr ni "T'he NiagaraFlli out. An t erniI)lii hree hrrslihl'aq e liar low tiliP le 111pou .-Ittt1 I.nd rclrinir- ii thI inn oi X: i 0111toicall a titibi hei lii l oll bir u i rl l'il thhe rriow st fi::ars. A1~ '~J~l ARINE- T evert r i t'0ir. nsorn "IgiIyli' to iall u ii o m l n ' irsour Xlo :if \rrii 11e 1101,vorin tn:bo hsich C HItCA1GO ug. lire istl lturi's mrtthe I::il ll'rn l '1111'iiiiib 11'rn-drb nit bi, u-ll illifel. ,!: it 1B IJFFA LO " 1' ii l i i' lifor 11'file np ice' re ullr I inn. nof'satloiri i, lnrrk-linrl :'un'.N W Y R tt10 I v e1 , ' ai1r r ,1it nu- (hi hold'niiili'i' li any'r'iili'ntrlii -N D F to5"ity' 1111.10 1 nd al[0'.cu x1, ,hnu [ai nil u sna- iut r ti un iiS t."'f'i'.'tXaiolqti-tiFor. iInr,' ion R Y T Uhs IT of M. 1 ll, sir. "~i S 'l iE S. rib 1 OO l ;s. A.-ni',. Anlnor o-l~thil atlltnitli 50-$1.00 An : it'l 1part of yurcolt s e e Iipm-i nt is a Tickets, IIfi.Cor'-a Doh~ou'iluiiIO l tto t iuin'rui nuuuu t" 1 l ii;11)1u(} ii . I n ItI'\ tch this space frk.. L I i5 ot IrSI't) theOtulr tti't Il ii 'stil liii '11 uiii1uii Il Il t Aln uncements and dates.B NI I XVA D'S prlg of 'o, Woolens have arri ved contahIn=