'1110 UNIt F'RSITY (OF'MICHIGAN DAILY. AM, a TCE U. OF M. DAIL Anoucee r0 I V 1 kill. co1 plee l' o in An (rbilK foand MANAOINOi 101)110, LIOULIO I. 11) OU,- (),'0, RtS0iNESS 1ANAUFRI, 1R1-;(0E 11. I i ISUN, '4N , IiEDITORSo, Athletics Assigmet Editor' UjENERIAL NIEWS fir. .. t, r .. .Oo' 0 T.. . r, - T l .. tr' I00ow man ww" 01't 1+? Fi-ld will t il :.rcIllltl ho lw I %-Y ON'kl l l4) Iheir ;l II(I I }fore I Ilw ill- ill f . t' ri! 1}itl 1I i fif l 3itf ' tlfit Ijt'i ,l t'I Ifft'Il w od, 1114, f't'id e lii't' t)1 Itlt)i't' t'\ j)( !'It ll 't'. Engraved 'ommence= ment Iiivita= tions 2andardls 011 (d III 3t1il(j) >1ol 1111 0i l 11 1lo 11i1 tilt' 1] 01' 11100 I'll-t tolldo e ll l 1( 1 (111(11ote AT WAHR'S BOOKSTORES. att (. 11. ild & ('f0 Il ' ,J o(~ '(5 il, ,/Towne Backs Down iro, tr((llI'1ilgo & 00&01'e- 'l:ts1101 (001 1110 II lr o ( ('1(01. T e11(1 11(11(01 ( is 10 o 011 '( col llulllcatj((101, 010.111011 ((1 be handed(l f1g0od ( o l I'((Ou '0 lulll, j. 0f M., prmpl at tLli5olhcU aU Ifailur1of fa1iers,.. gile"' lefoo A r11. 1 11 h. TI ((( NE in All kill 'e bo1o1).Art.isnt'e dnd Plivolog- ThetAm rican Repubihian Bathy.r apa l'.Pt of01t8Il1' (11 : l . Cus I li u'1miltharm , Olshoeve nilnl ( h e ( (o 'I 1lyAril ofieNo1100 o ut 11,1t:1 ot,((loil \l ff111y.li 14l~lin . 'rf lptlllneNo. 1N.i-,e mad s nlo tilio Au o *ts C esa; lm (('I , (Im (.11' l'llfl lo0(011 (10 .ly '1 -'r1otml this 11 'ir (0111.lw I by0' lm B, F. ii111, The Pride of Tellfair; Thel~arden of Charity,; Six Trees; The New Boy at D)ale: Lowey Mary; SHEEHAN & CO' t t "t;ll~i;; rf~l University Booksellers, 320 S. State ,Street. sl;l}' s't'rl:lililt" ;1 \'s III111s';IIIO IIs o f :! I w f;lir llittill :11111 ;;rrrrii 1r;11:I11 "r rl lii lil- ' 111 .o In which ill reprosollt AIit"lli- , :111 ,r11 th e 1:I1):; IIi;IIIItIIIr1. '1 ho lriglii. \ ;11'111 we:1 t 114.1" hrow-, It IiFttt t11;11'i " Al illy (:11"I Ilates. It !:ItIMI :1S :t SIAIItt111S r1I1 t11V lr1:It"iU Of 11", I"VII :11111 :Ill()Wrql 11"m1 to strVti"l1I ri111 wit111,11t :my fog it of tiovo1ii-s, is 11:111 riwn the volirlilbons Ali Hi, IM, 1:1:.t for 'lUm 100.111( ('OIlarh il ass 0 lll 111 ('(I I'll .1'r 1(1(1 I IioIIrII all MISS 510(1.1NIN1011 i a i.01 lo'oo lillo are, l ordilly' irOll- Ill_ c las fo l( ('((I 111 ( i'll(I'll 1(1Ill' o 1 C1e1(0(1i e ho e et ieI I'~ ll 1 c1(1 1Ie .'(',( '1 IL U 11011010 (11 (('( Il 1'i11 11(11 it t ll o e:i "11((1.0l (11.. ('1(1 1(1 1i'1I '1 lb I'ngo. loll 1 ,ltt e ~ tl el tv i (111le 1 ('Ii t\(\ld hg', ll~sly sna ey. s feslli t e (irIl 1- 1IIv 1 1II(00 e1111+e111 ilo- I IAiI H'S .IOW''II1X ST RE *An fEasy Dan McGugin says Presien eSuspenders encourage every movement of the body. Guaranteed ''All Breaks Made Good.''" 50c and $1 00. All shop - keepers in Ann Arbor C. A. EDOARTON MFC. CO. ' Sox 288. Shirley, Mass. ~Athens Theatre REGA OXF RDS ~Seat Sale at Stofflet's News Stand. See our window, there is only oneSaudy Mrc 28h quality, the best; therelis only one wri'ii(l10Iisl(ooia h (u t 51(5ten.i(1(ly 1~ price on them, that is $3.5o. If you have never had va pair askanU S P your friend how they.wear. JThIif e Kerrybo TE L.I EGA L SHOE STORE, MURPHY_(JEKEoYBLCKMIH)r / [ i{j 6 AT IO (,l [ N j(.,1ETwo of the most re ati. scen's eves M !SRS' W STI D 11 BST 1111M ST Tproduced oin any stage, mtroluc- .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1l an h 0t f h a10s igsm 11011001y new and A K N A R B O R M IC H . n o vet llJ l l h ( l 0 II S I fe a tu r e s . SWardelfiuEducated4lYthke Carrier Pi~eo~s "st sale IhursdatyMarchl:;11111 Not Only the Price fhe l,11(11 101111 111e 1ight imme1(i l (Nli- ut 11one t M n( 2 fo111' 2c, r. 2 5 I I 111 1111111 (1 (s1 vl'. 11y 1 (1(0 ef l oOlll t w (1 I I XouI(,tI :00] LISS-CORLISS, COON ( CO. ow oNew YorII. Chicago. Boston.