THE I~UNIVERSITIY OF' MIChIIGAIN DAILY. Spring Announcement, YVOOL[EN MIE U. OF M. DAII Pot'tbiI l~til" I >lx)(.tx A. ,tl., C iJal}.> AiIntlI, tl S LLNWi EDITOR Ai~ th~letis i , Ac' i.r"tlu " ' ' tssignmnt'EitriA' tcrxitt1' (.', Fr nl-,. la k . iltt' il. I 'tt' I till"( '? E1 l e ll'i r ' i t11 t'l1 It? Till 1' 11l~ :Iliw l. , ( t ts' II :;l v '''1 11 11'xi nit 5 ' : ' it't l l 1 t1' ItAl t '() ' , ' l l A ! l t t i 1 t t' ! .t 1 < t 11311 1:! Itli t ' I: ( t ( t ; ( l e Ii 11 1It' I Al -I I i t1 :L I e it1 I~t(tll ;1 .t ,tl t 1" A Ill= Jt~t I Al V IZI'll t' tltt 1t 1>1M t II 111 l- wi '~l I Engraed I ?Cornmence= inient Invita= tions and Cards ill is 1111 tt' xiiitt' 'titititi~ at (t. 1. Wild &«('s, 101 E. \Xashilltoiit Al ( 'x'. t'e st'l'c'tioni tfttill suit - "Ia S.11c ii Alo ol , ' t .d i tiz ti'rt A l~ita i xx thn' itt s lt'."ltt 'I i I' It I Tl 4IliI i 'e xtii'r titiit B 141 tl ' Ii co tn s fr thusa n. i:d - 25 o h",e 1.t it 'A i,.r.N o ey -o'~it IIS il't~ C 11A ei l (' t it'x lii tt"ass xaill b tlx'I I II it I1'ATl 1 st he nit ofice bet ore Si 1ln A ti.,t'i s sl or. XI xii tl l i o tilltAbforti 11.ill.t ecl oy asl 1 Il Ii'f . I- i si hll t 108 E.oNasapS.ear. 1:15x t shAoAd).lx'y IntId Ilx11 a ils Da prmtya- hi- fieayfalr fcr iers i t J' G'.ry Iid S9lBOIlesORES, llAILI] 0 l iin ttlde lver papAter. IllrxP'resleOfCidenrSt ______________ A l ichges 'in adver t niigm t. xx!r ttlli e lf'i. B sns tity cnilnil T e A ei a repul ca andchte aet a pa cI Aug sts C esr;i rr c the Dil it ts offie Ni s ut h efets. Buines_ tritl__ ofiental ix'lxiI B "li ' iit' l int't'. At ic a tcn il'. 1.t,. in XIger 'msr ason a rt sts'ff ndePho '9to 7,sits lnnx 'tlblocktutu11 ac 4__9.zu5K lx'E xillxlx'IiixxilOxK x'. Ix tv i t or -ii's 1 iionax11,i obets. _______:fi _til _yx's_ ett______ oi Six Trees;lli'3cicx'isltix'sttitle' ixy Mi y il'.\X'ii bus lxr'('ilt~t II 11 l i i t1 lxii't 'is. xxih11c I ' l ixil tI Il 'i x''II' ltl'11 t'llg to I-a d s c n h n . The AN erBoyat Dp bcale: vxxi.1o lxid tt)ttA littiI ittll, 0"wh it 'xro'- i stixD en tai xl x'lllliiitt ix' 'it. ~ ~ '' xxlilt 'st lx' ~lilx' Iii' 1 t1(' eti1'1,l lx ofxtt e Daite llyDiton resQ i AtS ci lxxxxxetilx il ''I ieii '5 t1itti ixhAwiile titnt x l IinA Ci~t~A QC np n s ec Augusts it'a ixar Pitui . 1,4xxi xx(ill 11)xtxlxx il'ls iA' lx'ii ii_______a_____- lid'list' lx 1lixx i IA lX)Bl 'ind f ista ndII Xli N _- Th rd o elai;f eixt l nti 'xl s ulxs. i(rex t hi s i c ttix I rit pl pes' i su' pp lilt' si'x'tltixli Axeti tll S ) E'nl xE11t Pak. I i ti: ix iciislxx lilt titntlnirl lft1tlic Al. lx'BtslOtIlOlxKsSi Silre sxiftill.5 xi"lat ill 111i th~ii. t 111il '( xxx'T extittB ooks,' DlneI Unvesiy Boksler, I n hoIiltl1vv;11:1(0 'lier c eeai re psiteoste nt to tex illfdit 3 5ttaeot 320 5~ I. Et ate Sreet cl. xalnxiisiil it int'ix t'i .iiA 'xltltl' y IJiLFAI'S J6 " ieLAsIIY F thSe on;Foo AU eoc o a o i t r s h i o .a 1 o h s v 'r w l h e .h c When in need of a FOCU NTA IN P EN buy the A.A. Waterwano TFhe Pen we gu~arantee to give perfect satisfaction SCHALLRS BOOKSTORES 116 S Main Street And corner of State and Liberty streets '^MOW py &LAIL - AL W04 A 04 A 0% A A A FO&A*AL ,w w lw IVF W'W'WW'WWWVWAWVw Ww I I ,qr WATCH TIlS SPACE FO Good 'Government LECTURE DATES Club \ L IA. v~Ww, w m IV w w MF Ir w 'IV IV MF lw lw 'WIW'W"W I Akk Idkk I'LL Ah, Ak A, d&. A,. Ak & Ak AL & , 111 lPusbiug I.Gis amd Electric Fixtur'es, Steam 'P i t r iiidi hut XWater Heating. Studient's Gas and IIU IILamas, 207 Et. Washington street. 2d Floor ATH'ENS THIEATRE B.DO3. NG LIGE f811IFTS Absolutely the swellest line of Mladras, Cheviot and Percale Shirts in tewn. They're something different from the ord-. inary, values can't be duplicated at anywhere near the price $1.00~ $1.0. Ot)ZE I-' I ' " ..'tL_1 _,., .::i.. X ': .... . .A . .