"IIE Iis OiF N. DAILY. VOL. X III. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUIRSDAY, M IARCII 20, 1903 No. 131 INTEREST INCREASING First Practice Game NEW REGULATIONS I sititi of y'esterday's coltd wind. In the Outcome of the Cornell Meet ('-telt Roachtelldtle hid("an hlnad~t For Governing theCominz Election Next Saturday-Biggest Crowd o the fair grounds for twooad t half~ Passed by the S. L. A. Board of the Season Expected hmrofsifpatc.Tewr -All Voters Required the pithersws made very dilficlt, to Register The outlook for he Cornell meethsa tin Se still' wind 1hew directly across_____ not hatsed u Seiall toe ye ti Slte B1h.Iecuse of this andl he -dayhaed npt posily coinceiyste cold only straight sonswere thrown In order that a corect lt of the growng crtaity n tae mids o 1bythe' pitheis. No hard throwig ni nesiership of he Students' Lectre was requtiredi frown ally of tie player Association noy esecret for te hose intereste that the meet will ec the bet and mot ibonl contested that i hysee iost acterappirtionnent tiid elecio of eletors, has ever taken pitte In Waterman wings' fora warmer idy. gymnasium. Every ichtgan manll ~The early Sart of he practice wa the S. L. A. oard has pased the .haveto outo b f ~ritorer to make given otret signatl practice. Il at- folowitg regultionrs -the hope for shiowng in the soyeral Slog tatnd btse ruttning. This iasowotv I. A reistratioti of tll stdet' events. Tite distance mef esiecially becomitergular featu re of every af- memters of he S. L. A. shahl e held wil hve llthir or ct ot orternooni's work, iad it is areaty tno- etweenthel hours of iite att twelve wille hve allthe it ruorkcthut fortiteatticthat te atter ani hsertii- octck oti Sattrday, April 4. ter ar iegititig tsirk ii titisot. 11. This registratiotn shtll behe ldet Cornell ha su the distanteei 4:36x/ After att hoitr siet in tht practice, itt three pices s ftllows: indoors this year. .The Michigantt emnlne i o iefrtgae 1ttdet iflw sllthregister in ;rrd held by C o re is four stcotds o teSeason. only six ituittgs were tie lut- tepartmete1fire ai board slower thtati this sod athough wvhett-ptayed, lteoject beinig tieely to oate itupof te rankig S. L. A. -ouger ttatie tis two weeks ego it ttgi lt'tutu accutstomoedio their places ntIcers aitil aiftcttty memboser of tati -fuished conparajirely fee. s, Ie aditit eulrgm.i1h laigws e a Kellogg are sure to have to do their tt irgttrgtn.Tt'~i~it a iltrtitett. bestitt orter o finish ahead of te lose oittihiti sides tand tlainly sotwedl 2 Literary attdtietgiteeritg su- ,CrnlSia.the necessity of gooudi harti sork itttdett;shai~l regiser ithSit literay d- Inttehnatfmieu. 11o Sllgn tat idipartmtent.The batttig was ittrtetie foreirtoatorti cotstitutdl iscontSedhalfn tt illStheievof tMichigaifr, talthtottghisvralistrike'outitso- f the ranking S. 1.. A. titler of tiese Smithi of Cortneil. Smith has a record estreil oi straight htalls. Thei'mettitdtptrtuuetts tssised lby ti facutty a fraction of a secotid ahead of ire gautally gettitig tieir eye onthemt br Hal's best ittdor ierformanitce for bilittd it is expetedti in a wtek's ;. Studetts of tll uther deptrt- -the distattce, hbt a Smitits itue wi titte tatt tiey tilib hitititng i god rtets sitalegistr itt th eitlt made ott ati 8-lt track atid air's style. dpattt b't efoitstrtatkitg S. L. A. trck te cn efiu tdI ritrdlt itefottlsttike rue itfficer atitt i tt-tlty tmetbhr. oan a e14-ap tricthyca o iurdwhich lits heentudtitedi lip tie tmtisor 111. Es-ry sttdettotfte Utiter- a narl ti.lauegsts it is tf iterst uo kiowthatitity st-ioiprsetntts itmtslf witit a nltihouh it tueCurnellnttres htvecoretktofheSL.Afrte not Sbeet scitred, sotte furthetr Illinoistutd Ntr Dtttme ftss-trcits iiis'likttttt'5 .A o it advatnce itiormationt as to te fast IdotiontTut. te tr coleges iof l -thurettsetsotu, satll ibe tlloted'to i -etfte letditg isudi- titiditleswest arei'iiiitotlt o i.. s yiet tegistr, ipridetit t tie sttisies te performatncestnothitghitis hbeni totnt'anditiiiopen- fat-ulty etubitier tf te bottttd efore dates for the 'visiting tiam itts be ugoStesaoiwlsroalteewihieaper ht eintol received as f4lows: tgiftt'stsustiliititct' tttiiiitteitlittiestttoty sittit-t iast yeir. It is gnetrtlly Liii' iiket he prseunts. Rectrtds: 1001yards ds,10/;'2201 stoughtt hatthecSl-iligs in te itter- IN lT'e lists scuredhnithtiis idtte yardis rutn, 2: secontds; 444 yarids rucollegiatt lagute willtdistegaduthSie tutd y lt'e furgoinugutetus. sihlle .01% secotnds. Rat iot 1-mile reliay teuu. uue'.ctett'tid s tultutucomlete for ut- H. A. Rtogeits, '~,midtle distantte-- ___po________ ses itf tappuortionumen'ut, tntu'shatll tuy Rtecorths: 4-h(? yards, 51S secontds;uran unamei he aded ttertoteihr thit'ctose ott 1-mie reity team; scoun444)ytrtitFrench Lecture of rgistratition by tiii'uthoity tie in Crte-Pitetooneet and tied fir Theuthirdeu of te stries of Frenchtitiirectionu of tanynte shateves-r. frst in CorteltPettnsylvanist meet. lec'tues gis-nundetrtutiei' tiusics itt1. 'Tt'etfac-utyumteumberot he reg- F. . Porter, ' 5 -Recorditt shot ptt, te Cereit ' raittais it ittrodiutiotn to isrttitntiutiris sialiretaitheSistsot 42 feet 1/ ittch, tde ittlist yeiar'oste onet oSe gitetnby M. Mbhittttutttil such titte as the S. L. A. fres- Mihigan meet; won shot put itt Cor- otitee tvtting f Aril 7, was iie-tdett sllall tilie, three oarts to- ntell-Pentnsylv-ania tieet with 41 ft.et lit-ered by Prof Ievi yesttrtdaytftr- gtierh toiak out he aportiotnentt 551iches,tnoont itt Tappanst 1tH.lProf. LvistoStokaitutheSlt'lists fitr'publication lit upr- G. P. Servss, (14 high jutmper-wotn fir iis sutbject 'Fretuchi ttttttttielsn" suttuct of te cotstitutot prosisiots. -worlds champliotnship at Pan-Atmericatn anttitratcedtI te rtuatihc mtovet.'ti, 'V. Tttst rguiatiosuareet le games with 6t feet 3t%, ichies oser witht its irigiuu in lt'esrititgs of pulishesdiut dtttu he rtnkitg ofic-r in Jones and Saxfer.Soussetu, )mett. te Ste tutu Chatea'u- ueah ittfte abue deptmiuetts tre On :accoutt of the closetess atutiall lritutd throutghitu' succssfuuiltreseu- directedt o duvis' tauiortut uteas around excelence of the me't, attdlbhi' ttiout of terutni hutfrt'itstdeotesi itftuttkigtickt-kutoSoprtent doublet -caus of te fictthat this xiii be fromthitt Latin ua utrtr tutu downuto retgistrtiontunt tutt o thoroughly ait- the last of the itdoor meets, tu' rona- it. decaetn~tcebesoure tu'risinig s-hooil ut"tue tutu piuishute eat ipacs .ag nent is expectittgtSb largest at of realismi. t 'sas itt lyric poty'thatt of regstrtationinit their v-triuts dept-t tendnieLiat eser witnes-ed an in'te romanuticists exclled itdhthet'sid, mets tO la tter tian Mtrc 2. door met here. eerve seats will me'latcoly writings of .Latuariti'tie e --be on sale today aS Meyer's news Mur. Stutd de Viguy tilldii tte Senior Class Meeting - stand,hue price being 70 cetnts. Secumaty fiuolstorks of its lutder, Victor -donts onl he tnortht tatd we.stsides tof Hugo, gtave'te schtool iitsipotttt A tetintg oith ie se-iltr litetry the hailtsililie resereed, those iahoutplutce it t inoliertary worldi ttfte clttsntwis hlt yistrtityttfterntoontitt - the fiolistind highi jumpuiueteo'ttiicenturny. Thuetuturtht le- Itootut (.MayI-i ass- e-as, - ' itu ture of te series wtilibeheileierid for te'.swintgotuSandtuSstas uunt' Bribed the Court his Prof. Ctnfield next ednesdaiy t tutuslx deideiduuhtoivtete sunors 4:5)ittiuittTappanuBallitiure -e-auon itt -ll theut her'-du'ur-tuut'uts to "ossutg Sbt ite otpinug of thu hasbatlite sutbject-Sof1renchi titerature sineront") uSthuiles-tut'imeunithis tieng te tutu tuttumanyhloer'sof tt'tS-the i'por at- hut-yettut'Sut heSli ututtu all It- gettitutouti for gttltgs of "cath"tand Its-ug tti'the eui' ethauttsto-ill hp hutr'uhavute isout-tileut'clt tutu it haix huen hbrougtt ra-thuer'- Sitrc-uitbtuyturuh gowni.g ho tu tNx- tt i teatutifu tofutneo0ittheuse'thatsityut .Matiihhi'u aci theitt' u 'liiie ripus-.fi OSthu utemor il comnttu Ie :taseut-yi-wsrot inieaistS.hlay- 'eusohstuuu'i t-lixxhnu alrt-ttigt'uieuutl:4 I ut' tut-it uottd sututu ie utlo'isu'sitousu tig hiahihu thSiu'stres, n which he Cara ik ,i eafo h >aebigmdteCr.rI aci to uelugtuttui'sttreet'uiu ieans h tttihue entiititteiites-oh li ~out sttoe intuio Ste tutse itshus detu'rmuined'oto uluttgi' utun uiuom ititt et ioffertwtit so suggestionsuorft ito strchiglust te sidewalkso itt itutsfit'etll iut ritu- uu~ t tChss mturi'turtl. uOne toWs 'tatSa utkohlsuits. '1 he irt offeonduers tx-re tits of St'otgtuittionu. M5tu'uuuhui tutuattu'e htloi: tetplhiteoutintt'liii'tu- ,ritt'tt ttlecture' tuudldismtissed. h. Stittuui uu uoghtitolttuttt its i ll thirst'te uhutotiofithit'e 4nt'ostute inediu ouussushtitto'atnh-iidhIh-tstu-- i-tf ussurettwtt uis 7etguum'-utotin. Ite otuer Ftrteukits siltto- Chatrgedanaditioa~lot dX-.- oguhtttuitults'cucitStt [n.A list iof thwhou thttsitvcsiguiiut I itt^eg'irot urus at atutu illtrP tutittuh Atuongtughtose'trraigned last tx-uk taxwish tjoiiutthu tutrclhtts -beni tlteuot ttthe auluttue -Bothhuof thlose- /as a tufre'shmantuuittav. X'Whn founud s etos e -hi go elo ututde'tuultuttdtall thuoschoithatue ot sugsitu oSsii utu iu t 'guilty lito'tapuproatceudte jtustico tud is yetopsuidtheI tirueuos treuoestdiopsthitonlluutautututg the mutmbereotthe - -ottidluttitlly oftured te court tenty- Stdo st oto. Mtemubirshipufuserteee ttoneuuotf whomuti prptosudte erec Sv cns sitbib o eeaehi. Yeartt19W wsiith fru''uuuuittf eturtutuecto t lousuof tu.Ilarge gthowsay of stint' utd ATTENTION, AVSTERNEL tilllectues tanod drtatuttic petformat esu-uuu auuiut u' etotte0t het'camtpusitortuuou ATETON ETE~1S to begisen by the stciety,otd wth theii'watlk iirctly ouposit'liii' tiutt Theirtitatuntin uatttitut'of thuoothueuriilgs of tttheteaditgt r toom t tttIt-'itt fUtnix-ersit Haul. No dthu tickyyMutttin Clubxviis'lue hel tu es't-t1,1t1, is open t ill interesed'i tg-i-unt' tueits raetd nd i tuthtte te03str thay ;itt 9 o'lock huiia7fupon uututliithe pet.Of t ht' yetrly uetts tMeet'ting atjojurnedu. evenig, Mlarcht 27..All member - cone. f oedullar. Meet youre tellowvsavage. and loosen _________15)15NOICE your crtridge- blt. "Kindly :letsve StIporttanutetitg of '513 its to con- gnatte.or"Seat Sale for Cornell Meet sier hair-cutting quesio. ''Tppant BEN. Fi. BROWN, Hee-rvuodsets for te Corutell iieet Ha~tll, 4:15 p. mt., Thuurs-dhy, Mtarcht 26. 'resident. tilil beo outstile today uS Mt'y-ur's utetts Everybhodiy turnu out. __________ - -Sustad. P'rice 75 centis, ituchuluig ad- 11. SONNENSwCHEIN, 'ouboeribe forSte;U. ,of ..:l -aldy. missioun.JPSesidenut. To Stop Hair Cutting Neatrly- ecry-onet'is ht -t tig tirei ift e Sltatir-c-utting srift' utiws.on h- tweeno Sthe'05 tand tt0 classt's.A joke iu al right as lotg s it is news,iut evsnt hut osssttar otttanditbecone boritug itttimtet. Sutc-h seemus oubSithbe presetstttus itt affairs ',IioxiressMt bty te tiriosus sasinenatu. yeerial Stumes of late Pee.idnS Anigell hits ealedthe cass president. before hui atud thoroughlytdisused the mitter. tit they cannuot stop it tush it is tot expected thit they -shall. They art' ahout as poweress Iin regard o teumttr as cattleinu a Missis- siipi flod. They cttut do oue thing, tutu thatthy hiave geedtoudSodo, natmtely, utto al lashso metigs tand britug the ubhjet ult for opueon discus' sonou. Tis aftirnoon at 4:1 te sop- uttote tutuflet'.hmanuItilit tl.sseawill hold sepuarte mteettinugs,tutu it is hoet that somsethintg defiitie twilbe decitd Presidlent Atgel nouottced Slit first of to sweek that it ws-intot his poulicy o sputtk trought nuwsp'laper, bt i itnuyotnetxaso foutd out as ha- lug cut aitother studets hlitlle woulu ho expeletd lit otet. Thue idea of stoplitgte hair-cut-' titug bus reate'd consdertbe tlk ou te campus both pro and coi. Thu treshtument argue that the sophts tre In a tigt plaitce now, as Fridayu n ightS is their promttenade, uad itre ting to heaup he autffir as stuttias possibit. ''ety also sty that as sontusut tshei freshmtutouthate theitit'nututtu' sops trill e snSut gtini with thirol'scissors. If Slit cases agree Stostopiuthu hir- uuttinig tututhe sohls rio lft un mtolestedh ot Fridaty eteninug.it tiill thetutelittetst tf ctus lytly us5t whtheStur thi' fre'shmeuun shau ilit'e left Removed by Proxy At Shut'nutstir hou of :12:30 at. u. ltst Siaturtday umorinus twio loeb- shraggluers pssing te librrysa tss' deuvottedistiior rise fronthSie groundl neaor whlat tias te snuior boenh, adt st-lk aoot disinterestedily Thei strg- glees lpassed on witu the cncusnio that some over-devout senior was trs- Sating himitel bfore a cass idotl to do htomagto to 19103. Htad -te stragglers betn tort oh' survant, they would have noticedi that iti his idevotional pursiuiitsthut'wtro- shipupuerwasimuakitig use of itilige uutuukuystrutci, aid hadthey Itip tilt t w'atcht developmentsuthey touslu hase wvinested teremovaurl ittte betuchhby te lone operttor,.isis mee- ig withi autentituoltiebauud ot colleagues, and the rttoral of-' t' tropthyty o i oely sht, ttar fromu prying ears, where it wsttaedup i Intot souovetirs of suitalebizeos.. -IS onlhy remuans nswtoSiuiscor swho was this proy oh Supeiutenden'uut SReeves in the reuuoval iofuShet'stulor - MlCHIGAN NOTES. S -: Sit St-un att uc isuaithi I t'it, s int heitythu "V t Su-tohuturd ittuhir. tihutuis tutu.. -tituh i" ga stu us o itt it ut-o u11ihut tutuu oiithet'thueutuelopment oitheut 'striotsi axsiaustuet uautuitlui- xi tltyuruuig th iuu-it-' suttoft iet url ioi the' 'hiiiuulu s -io uush-i letSat theit' vetrt'sity tisutiii'yer.i 1891-9C.Itt hut .hit e uli's -uKgviui ie deugreeofu tu I iiltliioft ar ttuslucid i; thu dgreei'oftbahotlor it luws. A paperut nti 'tlhdThetu-Influetuteu'of theuoetnuht T owardh HtuttiiighetiComui- msect ;i uaiotn iotutthe utCurulut- tutu ou t hut'cnrySt'- uchoiotlt," owi-it bei uttutby Hipenory t'--kdAuti utto tesu- suitoittottitl econoutuuy tutu financet-. itn lt'e Uniesity, t the ustingltof thie North ContalAssoctitt intoiCol tugus antulsecotititury Sohttto itci I55'utiutg ti-il ho'euhlit, t lica-uoo ridayu tandilSatuitipa, Aprit :a;t tu t. Subscrihbe for te S. of 31.Dtiliy.