Tyr: UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAtN DAILY. Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $350 " ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SH1APES $ 400o3 rU.RI~fIN fBO[ 60., 1III8& MAIN STR[[T % AM r Fresh. Strawberries At our soda, fountain every day now. All the other hot and cold drinks too. tAL KINS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State St. Bailey & Edmunds FI FOR DECORATING. 21 Last Liberty St. PORTLAN,,D CAFE OPEN DAY ANDi NIGHT. W. C. BI1NDFR, Prop. 120 E. Huron St. Zachniann & Petrie DEALER IN Fresh and Salttf leats. 1s07 E.Williamn St. r -BUY YOUR DU1IST GOOS L t BROWNS RJ(STORE. Drives, Shears, razors. and skates ground.m. 4IENERAL nA61IN E WORK DONE WK.L I.W!YmIR113 E.L IlktyStftt Every Student Should 'In- vest io Cents Andl get the Detroit Free Press every morning and the Ann Arbor Daily Argus every even- ing. The'best papers in the state and city; for the one price of 10 cents aweek. Leave or- des.forthe comobination at Stotllet t's,121 )Iain St.;tI *t s 611 E. Will iSt. or Argus c.a 11, >0 uth 5 Mano;street. TRY TH'E TWO r ring your pleiur ally photo anid .vr- it enlarged and, reproduced on a ;:isow that 'will awgsli spd not f1gde.'. Darling & falleaux Cu.Stats and Liberty Sts..1. Fancey Goody .11c14 N~olin, RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHILER'S. Cor. Main and Huron Sts. Phone 389. 3 rngs. W alercuIor P it MICHIGAN NOTES. -ily 0 gradiuates, Qulesh- of Wiscoil- A sill 1111 Mtl111t'uinerof North DIaksota, j Otlin, ;tisotl01. t'llelIor Hoinstil FRArIINU A SPECIALTY. 1.1111111111 '. Ili1' who0. 11111 re-'of0Iino11is, who101101 1111411h-of tile jplls-m Itl 11' 1I'Ie oosyearf1111 .1 11 1111n1101111111 ill 18111 te11housel 1at1e1dIfrom j'Ithe 1 VIav 00110 1t o Jich11- 1an1 then' was'sworn11i:is aIIf atill'11111101 171111 as a1 IInllnbl' ofIheI 1.1 f1 896.IIl sl; a0grad1uateIIIol HillsdleliColSleggeank '1: Ii-IW Joth Jn VSheehan Pr1ofessor11'.1111111i115W.11Jenks, of 11l1ss of 1870. Re presen1ltt'IiveIl(kllll 'm Arnold ne V C Vaughan 11110 111as1been111ited by let ii5'1o(f IDeltro1it is .1 graduate oI' (f III'the lsi Jas H Wade E F Mills N J Kyer John tlaarer to 11l 011I111101171111711 11 Iotsr".ri.,telntli Norl~tl. In Kch lenf H S Carhart 10111110 (I'll I Iof1a 1111111' 1111.ystem11-Ill he'9ill senatorsl ho :l10r11nerd-111Prank P glaier iChristian Martin beel grduaed il 178.cole-es Ofthe3STnlelber ofthe Capital Stash, 300.000. Surpiun, SiOO,5i15. 1111 gIl~l~ll 1111111078. ll~ltlO (i 111 58 Il~llllel (I 111 Resourees,$1,S000,000. (1111101 .I. Voorhellis, (of oledo1. (O111o. ((I'l'h1o1se01114 1graduatedl1iat11 111111- Organized under the General Banhing Laws auth~lor tif 1he1'e(eely11'puli~lt shed ot0111is,10, 1 f$tate111 olleglO :a1, t-1111 i eceives deposits, buys and selln exchange entiled 'fie li.1sre o I~uiags Itr Aies f Mssocusots, t. e(on the principal lilies o1 the United States. -Ilillli 'li 71-lol (I' if 1111111'0 I-i'5111o II 1110011'1110-11, I1I"It Deafts cashed uon peeper identiication 1foriI'0~l1 Personal Injre'is :i0111 1111111111P1o11t 7Militar1y Acndely3. Safety bhusnto rent. (If 111 1 i(-i. ill. H 50v1(5graduated '1lfillm i'Follow1ing yaIle l- 1iligltIl ld(111 11' OFrlcana CChurlensE. Hisech, Pres.; WV. D lilleelmasI. Vices-Pres.; Kt. J. Fritz. Cushier. III ('ithe l department'('Ii 1Jo. iesinth nw( onres re '111111Obo Ce trl Lines l Inc c tis gof 11 the ils -1'n o v1.wi- ,; lGeoregia,. 7; .MisissipiI.ti;t er-Oh (it' ofCvl- ~nest~ci#3 l own, I5; I 1111:>;1i111711111 'oril Diect line between Toledo, Colu~m illNe Yrk it, lfed obe,;iLee. ,;Conel, ; es- Vigiii 4 bus, Athens, Gallipolis, Charleston, W. -1-: l' 711111f Il1( (i'll ith1the -lss Illiimeis, I4.I ColumbusI4; ineon, 2:1 \'a., and t1he-Sooth. Ask your ogentor (If 18071 . wle ct pes1-'lI 1''ident~. iBrowni, Oio111 11011311, 1, :.1111 apIply (10 l. P. ,E10'ls, P. A., 7 Fort St., i111 Oil~~lll theSatudayI:lei ~si s l. 11 0 -Sport1111- Life," with, silli111- dose11.. . . & 1.RY. Standard Times 08111'II11. 1-a ltmsolici~a.H "i l rhfle.11115 ForeYpilanti nlytat12:15 a given the degrIll' I'll-(If llllllo(f Ph11il-ec Il~l~I i( For Detroit half hourly from 1:16 a. 17 1 tr1alct~'ionn h thnl et1i h 111mu. until 6:15 p. its. Then ihourly until 1 no. and 12:45 a. in. For Jackson hourly Michigan Second f Guaranteed fountain pens. $1 np. from 6:15 a. no. until 715 . tno. Then Tie11i'~liy I 1I~i~o~lCI ushing's Pharmacy. at 9:15 p. m. and 11:15 p. nm. Ta r rni ve si y f Illl-0i st nd ; W aiting room H uron St.. W . of M ain, in1 1111 listollfteduc-atiolnal inlstitutilons Unversity students desiring to se- ANN ARBOR RAILROAD (If tilt United Statesin lltill-lnumbesr (If cure positions to teach will find it to (('111so=l il ll 11' 5811 teirintret t wrteto anos '-llllgrTess, w'hichl begills its first reglj- McCullough, 6M9Fine Arts Building, ad Tie. AseAhrhyCare t 'jar 0000111ilInxt lDellllblr. VYaleiIs It Chicago. 80 Effective Oct. 26,162 lt'e he1ad of the1 liot. Eighlt (If Yle's SOUTH NORtTH gralduatels 111relenators n10i rejpre Eye glasses repaired. new lenses at Na. 2-11:11 A. at. No. 6.-12:0 P0. x. Na. 4.- 8:25 P. u. Na.a.-4:6a Y. K. PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING Tan o n u ewe n ro adTldonyTriPrizes givent each ay. 707 N. University Ave. Treeai1,2, 3. 4 ,5aad Rdllyexcept Sunday w. T. W1ILLS, Agent J. J. tItBVGP. A. Ablue chip and a white AXI3CHIGAN CE+T1' AL ch'p are sufticient to get into 'he N iagara Fats Boute." the MOGU L gamec. Cigar- THE SHORT LINEt- ettes that arc winning the ANN ARBOR TO0 hands of moany sinsokers. CH ICAGO Get a ,- hand'" yourseif.BU F O No miis-deals. NEW YO-RK . Tea for 15c. AND BOSON Plinad CrkTi. Wita dlre~tc lilleina aL Oticago for St z~nanan..or ~ (,orrjis, Kans~ase ty, t.Paul and the Went. SueForlululaatlou sond througii jicktsocull ou r + t write tno fW. ClASE. Assent. Ann Arbor' Single admission 5oc, $1i.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $1.00 Students Lecture Association Ticket1 The Association -sells 1ticketsnot to -amnoI ey0101 s t to be cblet'1oli--10oisle 'Watch this space for s. L. A. an- Unliv'ersity .,f Mictigan thegleatest 011t01-. 1ecturerI ai nt t ine rs11 'of tieoled111. All n u cm nsaddts loneis10returetd to tlb Indent in tile oerm tof1ltcture.At, nu cmet nddts ***O%%^~*~wO^ * 440* MI LWARD'S Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain=s ing prettiest line of Hiome=.Spuns ever shown