THE PNLVI fSITY OF \Mt( lilt SNDAILY TE CIG ., &, b . i t~ y . I laras, CL- x jt,( RACKET ~BRAND - \age &CO-.WA B S ~r-1,. 4d 1.6J~ 6 s4_4The dyes lf1life cveet Isalt let 1 ii . ~ . 1W; . II lt Isre'it miii ts ri eothe god old 14 col ged Cy. MOGUL Cgar- BURCHFIELD S FINE TAILORING TRADE. / etes figure largely in rtro- spection. They leave aweet We I r ar l his "a-o le et ii ii rc ii( iii if. mem'ries of a smoke. Ah!astn h IV" lra el lu ii umbr Pih rrhn10 iii ii - duelt yeu remember the MO- Itta, e c eTHlE FINEST LINE o WOOLENS GUlLS, dear pal? Yours for in he art aiM Sill ill lr o ite i or all the time. fi as ie)r fit We rsjetlulls luiste ie Ten for 15c. In 11'' Plain and Cork Tip. S. W. BRHIL PricerColege centstee f01un1 ens $1 up. i pi inp} Will p owlheiii c il r e t 0,101 i l i sou i l oIN uc 1} IllD-fInc o For or, C ca , l ieu ci ini Iac -lieriy~1Jmi toe, Itfflo c ii icec h-c ii iiiic l I tl l w lI(K c N 1 111 Our largestool.ilil;_ll-i 11.11)1:iC'1.i1'1,1( INThe 1 eU tha G s-ER %FE Pw Club hu os Steak ii:o,.ri,.l iii ii ter c ii 1111 miririi iii it-Siti Iy I leel ofo lsix ista xpunnero__________________fresh-eIc *iiii I 51. IllS NT tV ti Opn and nig,; ahlt. Pes 6. ________ lii-i li lzr i i}iru ciii we Ico n tis. 36 S.Sat t Espero t repaibrlisng tf e clry at 1n"'I-y l i ce[\ I I (cut~ p.-) h wn1 :ii_____________nc__ \I nca tlttinecof Ajj A P 1\JG E R S j i ii. a Iiiciit i Ic \ ihvi io~spl os 11 veylli and N___ __ - ______ i l la ki SIN I - i loos. Ii1r .eLcah tecul iwO ' inA111l Cpuserugttoe t. $300 to fly th .I B . iitliitil repr111te.1\ F1I NEL N H-ri ,ifCtO MONEY LOANEJli.1:E.erything neat3 antsolean- orkc, 31 an ard trener Bati- ie olndenwice lpmni itesi fy\13u.tudeiii tesrig o)-'04ouh)1t t I.B JLY wNes anewic eeot r are'us eiiii o lac il hu tt Ofce t hres ie cle, te il }. L b ry t er iie o t t rle t aie i T O A N ' motef. All busiesaeloiul uta. icullcugiof uFie s Buff hug, i - Our largeioursdetie o liHN) 1toaI'tl o .L ii5O. . ___ -_______ Sori, n7to 9 p. I i n. Espli3cl 30 go ud ocl1l1tIiiaLe o wl3n .Ln r botar heU iriy'colofD ni~ -orheix is a inneren.SUISAD1VECATS N . 312SSot 60 .WilasSt rshAlg e xc lus0ie tyleuBst- Clothing inanne CigarspardaTobaccos. Opendy and nigtPho47 tduwrlefrhemoe 10te andC" $ ltis 15.S. -JAM e S.IDSats THEVARITYI R'Sr SHP I EI Y STOKE. O thtterl '13c". Onst. CIEut BrBedtergstHOn PRNi oTERMt I 'IN__F. olef Dj A NGER'S La « IptProp .,din full hIN1 ,Ro' l, los h pp1 adTRISHCGRtE. nd PIST. Kuu3c 1hiteiamuictiwas iistck verbroittto ie ity NEW SLEEPING OAR LINE r 'r ftBetween 411 E. 57t11 Sf.,Clicafe. 2Dtot Toledo, ouwu cii ~ . LeaveDetroit to, PLh n rtal Pcu Iiltit-;I Ic f - 1 1 ]t~_/ Leave I ole . ti- ) 12r0 11 lt- 1 o$; V-. .. Clue-.. lii-. .1: . . .L> - C A ". it[ i. G" \'k TtAXL LAY t_ - SE.I)5.tIii t'.i{)i= II . A letrti f-1X1i . WE PATRONZE GOODYARl ORDRG