THE UINVERISITY OF M110 IGN DAILY 'OXFORDS P0 S""PRING1 Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $3.,50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 PURITf1N SOE 60., III S MIIIN STW!ET RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMINGl Windsor and Newton's We Sellj PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S.Waeclr Pit Blicken sderfer Cor. Main and Huron Sta. Photne 35, 3 rings aeclr Pit AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR AT Typewriters 5 ~ $~ 1Cak~DeFRIES CALIKINS PHARMACY. in f Ii sititict 't s ' i itttittt iitisSarday, thiS t 21W -I' t ern t h o stic27S.ntrt t 324 S. State St. ti'tttt ilttt byt t tVi t t'tu" isi'lau''tait S a.tu 'it 1', tt h 21- ',aomens FRAIINu A SPECIALTiY. 'a'it t' atbia' iil t' La' s', lit h'1t is' aiter- t agBan &ol munou lng r i iit is Al kinds o Artists' and Phtog- Sateold Dr C Vaugh~ank r aphes ipies. Cuhin'a Phar-'Jas H waie E F ilts FgOR DCORATING. Reiigi'~ *~~ay. I tnoKttch Prtf H SCarar 12t East Liberty St. )s I fl f- o po'l",it 't .It' huh-EiSPGotr itrsinMr iiis'oftrtith i ti t l niO Itity IlI L1:l5t 11"1 L 116RE. i T e nn fRror ainsank PO n N tititioi. il'iso ~ l h~t ihry ( Cpia t Oto'hn,55,tiiO Soepo 15,( Lot - polst )ailw Sat itltaitpitt, Sattt' ret.un odr thGenratanhngLawu PRTIAY NIGCAT E:L:ain h i titiaititis'.ipyt t I aIti5 ''s't'tIs'a astttga lsrs'enasepostt, bys adsells exchange OPEN DAkYAri ~NId.TLt ihe at t u.Afuntttton ti ittn ii cities of th eUnited St0ate. il lls t titttt t. __________Drftscs esed po proper ideticatoa W. c. BINDER, Prop. _________Saty ioxes to rnt TO't lt si auh'it Miis. 11 tlt's (6s : Chti arle' Is E. Hiso, Pre.; W.D 120 E. HurntiSt'ii 15 1 (I N ullll 1 N' I ()R N i It tai-~loi i hs tie-'L . i rttmn,tVic-lres; N.. Frit, Cahier. e .N11 IN IiN1 ES. ___________ Zachiiiann & Petrie tiii; i ~t~all''salI , O iCentral(Line DEALER IN ei ftom tViltril tta lil, i ls 'n t a te p ites iaikel il sott' Ditret line betwen Toleio, Clum hi, ioringtaa'fia to 7 ,i t o i tai i ttlaI, yon t s i 'ta ta ti lnt A ve's'ar'btusA tens, Gal lipslis, Chreston, W. Fresh and Salt !'eats. older. iii lst'ositu itshaent yet thttn'.i atgttti iits st str ~ S., andithe Santh. Ask your gtnt or iii -it'gn It is ttbettetra i aal uefor yursmony a pl t t L..P. L as is, P. A , 7 Frt St., 607 E . '4illiastuSt DttiltichO)tt. . i's 'iiait Listt~ it istiti ilt 1,it i. P. A.,.Tled, 5) to gel the ills and Lm'n lhere i W 'e a t'tire tvaitaocke il l)itu oi n BUY [YOUR t astc. Shi t $5.1x1i wortlof aif tiefsiaes 0l i DY.. A. A, & . RY. Standard The f (,(S'(*GOODS I . 'I'. INI'ilt''I, uoa h.makdpie n yuFrDtothalf hourly from 1:15 a. 'tilt1 1 D ! cnhav it fair 1,555. m until 6:15 p. m. Then hourly until n°1 FOUND. ANN ARBtORt MUSIC CO., 11:1, For Ypnlanti only, at 1215 a. At B3ROWN'S DRUG STORE. F. I. B I. iti<-11 N.Washitgon, m., and 1245 a. m. For Jackson hourly oreen r Main and Huron Sreets ,;cu41iI slt).hb......,.......Ititl t tf_________from 16:15 a' . t.until :15 p. m.. The ~ *DD'OD'~'~ 'sitittixnsititg, ailsIlnl, yestesed atillit'itl~tat 9 :1 p. a, and 11:1 p. a. 1 lit1ust liMond ti ritS isnil l M lan.chIA3rd . Ee e Is Ail MteLIYa t OR Waiting room Huron S. W of Main, ).ock repairing, key fitting ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Knvs has /1 511S'INS, Moiey Sonped on Watches, Da' b~t G',sEadasFtih' LtIE: sk'ate'satssl'' hstlsi 1fmndnd.ery ad aty prsnl Tralnleae Ann Arbor by Central Sand sktsgrotuld Ness'Seits oti page 3. 11'' tre tssred effects Busness strictly confidential, nd TIe. GENERAL rNACIINE WORK DONE by iilhe itltf(,tliri'rs h thiit tte t)(] Tainms resonable. Office hours 9 to Effettive Oct 26, 100. .i 1. Wt G[R, 113 f. liberty Street I)'to lilntlstrtttt'oilt riday ail Stltr- 11:30 a. m., 1 to 5 and 7 to S p. mn. SOUTH _ NORTH __________________________________ d'by oif hi5 kts si halttey arilt'pto- 'Cll or adresW. J Lourlt, Room Every Student Should In- kit, 2 7, Hetnisng block. Phone 459. 151I No. .- :20A..I No. I.- SatA.x. INo, ,-1a:&3 ANx , No. 6-12:0 P . vest t 10Cents Na 4-3:52 P, s. Ns.x&--Sa:a3ex. And get the Detroit Frtee Ptress PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING TrainssN.t5and ftrn beteen Atnn Arbr esver'tumorning asdh te Aniiand ToedN Avey rbrDails' A rgus mienry eves) - Into'70lNtli i'tt'tl i Ahe,7fFree chrati as on os, 4,s and 'ng,'t ialie"si ti' 7Ie thur .'T.oWan Nan ,tAged4, ta te anst ity' funtheopis' celn T511sAni of 10t tents a iseek, Leasesotr- .I J.KIlII, G.IP.iA des fair ile uisntiMu t At th sig of the pterals 1 ETI sall ti',121 11aii StSIter,sre:cihccotsahckGA CNT L 'it] F, Wilias Stsino r gsurname therecomesacheck 2atc. 109 Saul istSreet At foie sigh i f the athrly s"ty Niaglara Fat oue." T"RY ,FTH E.,LTWO Turk there ceusH MOGUL TILE SHOTI LINE- . ^ Cigartte. Endose the chtck ( ANN ARBOR TO Bint yo'ur pituroi n y ir tiao t ad ,j atd ge taone. EdoreCH AG hav Itf elargedtiait ind roued ott as 'MOGU J1.0 'nd gt ourCH AG piow' hiattsill "ash ani dai notatfaith.' motnt:y's'worth BUJFFAL1O 'lieu ) Cigarette ao-education- N EW YORK Darling & Teta tar ScAND BOSTON as. Static slid Libet t s ''.I . t f ' a sWtn detn ConastionIssat ehciha m 5r 1S t___ Plain and Cork Tip, ILots, Ktns CitSi I otand t West .(Ht .sd Id Notons, de, FInfortf i ntatnd throug h c tts on o ttcy (ttwrhi -'ite ta W , 'AE, itent, Ani Arbor 5. Le A CLARK == LADSDEBATE UNIVERSITY HALL, t~ic ~ s CorseTicetsSaturday, larch 21st. Co rs CouseTicet $1.00. Single Admission 50 cents. Al ILXVA RD'S Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain= igprettiest line of ionme-Spuns ever shown