THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. K~rf HN'O W ttv 1 wll' t~' a 'tt'1tC r l}T ilt' tllItf ta\4tI{'i ,2 1 ( 22I1 tll tFII' to1 lCLEA R LY Cutt nR r& Co. G. .J. BUSSMg.9y 1911ES-WHIGOST University Tea RoomsRETCL, AT PHOTOGRAPH{ER. LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron S&a. CORNER STORE. ~pn from 8Ba. m. to 8. p. m. Other Colleges Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, OC T'ePiel'nnsylv'ana lalseblatllsquad has bteen reducetd to 22 mien. Lampsl [5 Hazing hats been modtie t etittinl offenise by thet'legislature of Illinois. 3 I'neraT1, Chimnite, Wicks, lTe pentilito is a lfine of St'tt(I a1d iihades. itoyrisoitilet for' six tnotits. OCas Portables Otttdoa ki 'I asb ltl itlttittt' Ire outoos wrknginthe inud. Coach Mantles, Chilnitneys, Butti- Handelin is poisiinng thei pracitice and11 t rs, Tubitig, Etc. 111opest ito ut Wi'otit 111110114the Tou can always fiod what leainteamitts. ;Fnu want at The .stnltot'.tii' teamt moet of the' I'O G' lO 1[ SUPPLY I(STVEKL WetSei~n1niVerI'Sttis 01le114e 1(1ltisoon Cor. State & Liberty Sts. tot i ti taso beenttmadieof six teamts that tte to c omptete. They are Minnti a, .aFETER THlE PLAY r'iintnell, Illtintois,-Northwsternt, Vi drop in and get Oysters in tiny style and ' aonsill an1111hicago4. Luncihts of all kitnds. Ott ai't'iittt of a sicttlet fevrrepil- 3&1. SAaron St. Next to F. and M. Bank iletomittinLake Forest tii ahe ae -or- tine black, ft-satthe Atkins. i-st Uiviersity 11a1, tbeen closed dtowni PROCHiNOW' & SCHIAIBLE. int all I epaitneilts. I-i'ort Iiot n Ill iilit theitunivei'ty has10beetn'tittiiert STATE S I'RtthiT "tstrito 11111 itine, tand its suet Lunch & Dining Room hlv n tten ltItlittledii toraeiti Sink ,1 2. Illrt ampus. iititholi tihe epidlemti-leta TyourS pecalISttea,25.Olan aall t 1en1controlei itt th1e intitutliotheIl aigt.hi Ist totaitotinuloiedtio ispread thel JSXSON & SAMSON, Proprietors, ily ataithe athotiritie's hitherefore Dirty Lunch, Ypstiati.opposite dieckitedi lt hldti tilte:i tlar spring ID. '. A. A. & J. Watitig Roiant. 'aiatiion twotitillks cralier. I. F.IYICEI'xpert ret lirint'of jewelIry it ~ 1'.Mlt~LR'~ I H iLII'S JEWELRY STORE. IModern ,job Printing 1,1'E S 4 The Kind Yau are Loaking For See e SlihIall's adivertise'mentt of 4 ~Ness Steins oiitpage t. We'are atsuiritd " hone 28 1-2 215 S. Main St. it1i')ythe lttlttfatirer's titat they intlendi It______________________________to tietmontstratte tilnlFriiyall(ti]iSat'r- Switches and Hll aijr eoods d.y of tuis week titattey are p-o PriceWhteat tithes-reatty to I'11. Ituya rice pacikageh andthave ti atackage given a; non is Ito e themnisi the rteatstil we do ttus. cc, ill alea l ,o e fo __..W.:Mhi-ir Subset'fit'rtteU. of M.LItity. w ARTISTIC FRAMING 0e M, MARTIN... AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUNERAL Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR Office 209 S. 4th Ave. 'Phone 98. Reel- CALENDAR dence 302 S. 5th ave. 'Phone 314. Am- ' buiance on call. Fridhty,'Marci 24-11.304medic soeiai t 1.~.. a1 Grantger's. Otto twty to snake tiottty is to nova Saturday, :Mardi 21-Clack-tLandis it. Butt if yout are watseful 1an4 don't debite ott S. L. A. course int U'iser- rare tosaves' your monie,otr dot't care ily Hall. for a lERIIFE"iFIliTindlotte tno de- SatuirdatyMiarcht 21-Iterschiolastic s dieto look NEArT. dotit come to see itidoocrnmetet in WXaertanat gytnasiuma. tme. I tmake Wol'ei Sttititngs and Satutrd~ay, Msarc'h 21 - XX o ., ,tt tuatttanteeaprt firit, stylish and upt- Leaguet' party itt Wotman's ttitnasiutm. t-dat.,Potrt$16.0lOand tip. Saiturdlay, 5-Marchii21-elto i itetr- F l A 7 I E . __________TAILORING PARLORS All kinds of Artiste' and Photog- Over Firtk National Bank. Ann Arbor raphere' supplies. Cushings Pharmn- acy. !____ State savinp ank. Eegaesrpie.nwlneatBRCHAL.LEII'S JEWELRIY STORE. I W .J Booth Jno V Sheehan 1______ _ Wta Arnold He V C Vaughan Jas H Wade E F Mills Lio sitllit Sig;nlaFratpill,.,SatmI-N J Btyer John Uacer hi I"'i't't Iiar it 'ti"'oiyJnot Koch Prof H S Carhert dayb~tOO1i ii~ray ad 110erstyFrank P Uazier C'kristian Mactin The R~nn Mror Savines Bank 'I IetlA spte t ' lrs. lttrls'r's Capitol Sto'hkIV't0,000. Surplus. 11t0,000. tWt4 \tlltiiln tlIriot. HResors. $1.90,0.t Organised under the General Banking Laws of thin Stote. IQNEYI.OANIatdeeeivedeposits, hays and aells exchange MONEY I.OAEI). on the principalt cities at the Catted States. Moe o anye10100400tchdes, diationds, Draftttasohed upoa proper identfcation Satetr tones to coat. wheels amnd otliepirsontal proplerty. O'ICERS: Chtarles E. Hiscock, Pent., W. D Ofice at residetnce, 331tiE. Liherty IHartiantic t tePres.;I M. . Fritz, Cannier. Fa're'et, All buisitos coofidental.1DY AA R SadrdTm Houtrs, S to 11:30 atnd 1 1o30 ""DY . , &J Y.SadadT and 7 to 9 p. in For Detroit half hourly from 6:15 a. JOSEPH C. WNATTS. mo. until 9:15 p. mo. Then hourly until ____________ 11:15. For Ypsilanti only, at 12:15 a. ms. and 12:45 a. ms. For Jacksott hourly Hoot's 'Mu~sic Hotue, the ptoputlar atid from 6.:15 a. to. until 71:15 p. ms. Then u~p-to-a-tlte sutpplly hiottse for everyititg at 9:15 p. to. and 11:15 p. to. tmusical. Ltest tmutsic alwvays itt siock Waiting room Huron Sit., W. of Main, A. . itselililosrotrseitd. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Eyes tested nina 2ttd at AD= u '.CEAb.WM11Tl= .S; IIl.t. EIS JEWELRY STORE. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Tine. Mvoney loaned on Watches, Dia- Effective Oct. 26,.1t02, moods, Jewelry and atty personal SOUTH NORTH effects. Busitiess strictly confidential. Terms reaoonable. Office hours 9 to Na. .- 1:10 A. m. No. 1.- so0s A. m. No. Z,-11:33 A. a. . No.5.-12:30 P. a. 11:50 a. in. 1to.5 and 7 to 5 p. m. No. a- 825re . No. a.- 4ttnP. x. Call or address WY. '. tLonrim, Room 7, Hlentning block. Phone 459. 151 Trainst Na. 5 and 6 run brtwen Ann Arbor Trains, 1, 2, a, 4,.1attd Odour exceept Sunday FrechairencaonNos tan~d4. PARLOR & BOWLING JW. II t . WILLS. Agent 707 N. University Ave, IC I AN C AI~ C e si'lilit.' best lities of Statiottary "Te igaaFatsRut. itt the city,111s0oImakitng a specialty if TEI HOT INE- FlsBat. tetpoar bi' itider paper by the pottnd TL HR IE box tic quire itt the lowest filgures. A NN AR BOR TO Also if yout hatveatty hooks whtich CHICAGO need'I rebindtinig, call 'itt and get otiuB FF L licii's. ___NEW YORK AND BOSTON' F." J. Schleede, Wlttadirtct contnections at C seago. tar St Lou is, anatiste,5t. 1'-uittand the xvest. Fo orramation ad throutgbticketsr-cItltin or 340 S. STATL ST. welts to tv. W.-CAE. AgentAn Arbr{ tbot1dr siti L.EUN .02tititn S" ti (r Braown PICKWICK BILLIARD Prite givet eachltay.t :i 11 . i Every Student .bhould In- vest 'no Cents. And 'aet the Detroit crebPress Arhot'Daily Argits every eneti' lag. Tr 'best patters it, the ;ta:te'an iity fartte otte price _.f 14 cents;a'wN1k. -Leave sor- ber-N for the :'Ittiittiont at Ha '0M in SI, liters, ss Wld Ior Ar;.u 1s~ 10 . 1kt tnL' t NOTICE recenttly stinted intt rttlliot i -~tour trtgtulalnbie of slttionalry, lbook-bitnd- eti lioks.-or jewselry to leeaorind tte (,altr iliralitt'slierfect satisfactiton. Ctll) amid inspect cur stork, atartm clocks, U. of Al. tis, Sic. 5.L. A CLARIK=="..mL4ANDIS DEBATE Course UNIVERSITY HALL., Couse icktsSaturday, Mlarch 21iSt. CoreTikt $1.00. Single Admission 50 cents. L'O V A ZD Sspring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain=. ing prettiest line of Hiome-Spans ever shown