T101 U. OF M. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCh 19, 1903 No. 125 ATHLETC NEWS Indoor Team Busy-Cross Country Club Membership Increasing , Fast-Dickinson of D. C. H. Injured With the advent of :the warm 'weather this week the gymnasium is -becoming much less crowded. Many of the track men are running outdoors now with the Cross Country club, which is increasing in membership by jumps and bounds. The men who are to compete against ,Cornell will not be allowed outdoors until after that meet, and they are draining regularly every day. The re- Jay race against Cornell will be two laps to the Man. The makeup of the team is somewhat undecided, and it is considered quite probable that a try out at this distance will be hold next Monday afternoon to pick one man for this team. It is also lkely that the hurdlers will be given a ,chance to display their abilities, tlus giving the trainer a reliable basis for -icking a running mate for Stewart. An accident in the preliminary games at the Central high school in Detroit Tuesday has done much to lower the hopes of the supporters of the team for the Saturday indooraneet in this city. While competing in the finals in the 40-yard sprint Thornton Dickinson, one of the best sprinters :at the school, who recently camelose to shattering the indoor record, cut his leg severely. The accident was caused by one of the boys running across the track Just as Dickinsonwasn leading in the finals. Dickinson was hurled across the floor by the impact, striking his leg against a sharp -edge, .nflicting an ugly gash which required stitches to close. It is doubtful if he will be able to compete again this spring, and his loss will be keenly felt. The preihlmnary trials resulted a Sfol- lows: 40-yard dash-Horton first, Vaughn -second, Dickinson third; time 4% see- ends. 40-yard low hrdle-Shaw first, Smith second, L'Hommedieux third; :time, 5% seconds. 40-yard high hurdles-Shaw first, Smith second, Maloney third; time, ,g seconds. - RunaiAng high Jump-Leeta d t, Lawton second, Palmer third; height, Z5 f. I in. Pole vault-Smith first, Hall second, I[uleron third; height, 9 ft. Shot put-H. Sloman first, Alexander -second, W. Sloman third; distaace,-34 'ft. 1 in. Standing broad jump-Brown first, Snyder-second, Palmer third;distance, s ft.;-in. Twelve men wil be picked from the winners to compete as the C. H. S. steam in the meet here next-Saturdy. The .Suburban Tonight "The Suburban," Jacob Litt's big iproduction, which is the attraction at the Athens this evening, .is an- nounced .in the New York papers to open at the Academy of Music, New York,.next Monday night .for an ex- tended run. This compatly goes to New York direct from Toledo, -where it plays Friday and Saturday of this week Arrangeients have been made wg the Lake Shore Railroau for a special train which will get the com- pany in New York much earlier than the Fast Mail. There will be no -changes made in the company, as Mr. Litt selected this company for the New York run. 'OTICE To SENIOR LTS AND ENGINEERS. It will be necessary for setlors to -order their -caps an g-owns at once in order to.have them in time for the swingout which 'will be held about spring -vacation time. For the next few-dgys the -" mittee-- il-be In oom'C,'TUniversity Hall, frym to . -to tihe .seaermea. H. IT. Danforit, Chitirran. Another Canoe Aceident The latest canoeing accident which has been reported occurred Tuesda, when two well-known students, one a soph lit and the other a junior engi- neer, took an unwilling plunge into the icy waters of the raging Huron. The pair were en route for Ypsilanti. When they reached the bridge at School Girls' Glen they found that the water had risen close to the structure, leav- ing barely room for the canoe to pass under. Both stooped as the bridge avas reached, and in doing so failed to .notice a half subamerged tree just be- yond, which the canoe tsruck with full force. When the adventurers finally extricated themselves and the boat from the icy water and took an in- ventory, they found the loss to consist of one coat and one hat, not to men- tion the hole punched in the bottom of a big brother's cedar canoe. BASEBALL Small Squad Because of Inconvenient Hour-Kelly, Short Stop, Has Left-Roach to be Here To- day or Tomorrow The baseball squad reported for the usual practice yesterday at the fair grounds. Only 18 men reported al- though the number of men on the list is 35. The majority of them, however, are not asked to report at this hour and it is probable that the practice will be changed to ia later hour as soon as the coach arrives and definite ar- rangements can be made. The days will then be of sufficient warmth to allow of the change. The squad was given practice in fielding, the infielders being kept busy on grounders while the outfielders were practiced on long flies. The batting was given especial attention, as it will be Michigan's aim to turn out a bunch of good hitters. It was the inability to hit which lost many of last season's games and the 19 team will be carefully practiced in bunting and place hitting. Kelly, one of the most promising Candidates for the short stop position, has left college. Kelly formerly played with Notre Dame and last season he payed short on the All-Fresh. His logs w*ill be severely felt by the squad as -he was easily the best in the post- tion. Poorman, '03 law, who sprained his ankle in Monday's practice, will be out in a few days as his injury is coluing along nicely. Nothing has been heard from "Skel" Roach, but he is expected to report on tlidy. It is possible though that he may arrive today to take charge. The Meet Saturday The exact makeup of the team to go against Cornell has not been an- nounced, but It will probably be about the -same as that which competed .agaist Illinois, with the addition of KOh)ogg in the mile, Miller in the high jumpand one other to be picked next Monday. Interest in the interscholastic meet next Saturday night is increasing and besides the local crowd large delega- tions are expected trom the Detroit schooks. The final race in the relay series for the class championship will be run o tbetween the 1W engineers and the 1904 laws. Salmon will probably be compelled to withdraw from the en- gixeering team on account of a strain- ed muscle in his leg. A tryout was held yesterday afternoon to decide on the.man to run in his place and from the shaing made it is thought that his loss will not seriously affect his team. Joslin and Willis each ran a lap in 13% seconds and Kahle in 14 flat. SThe rrecords given in another col- umn, -swiich were made by the Detroit i Central high school in picking -their team, 'will be of interest as a means of compairson with A in Arbor high's -recorids -pllblised yesterday. THE DEBATE Team Leaves This Morning-Prof. Trueblood to go-Wisconsin's Method of Choosing Team The following gives the facts con- cerning the Wisconsin team, which meets our team at Madison next Fri- day night. The Michigan team leaves this morning, accompanied by P'rof. Trueblood. AINOLDi L. GESELL. Mr. Gesell, of Alma, is a student inx the philosophical course of the college of letters and science. He is a miiem- ber of the Athenian society and leads the Wisconsin team. SETH W. tICHARDSON. Mr. Richardson, second man on the Wiseonsin team, is from Otonville, Wis. He is a senior in the law de- partment and a member of the Forum society. GEORGE J. DANFORTH. Mr. Danforth, the third speaker for Wisconsin, from Oruro, Wis., is a senior in the college of law and is a member of the Athenian society. The judges for the debate will be Hon. .George Ic. Peck, of Chicago; Hon. CharlesC. Dxaes, of Chicago, amdSHomn. A. C. Banicroft, of Chicago. The question is: "Resolved, that the adoption of a general income tax levied by the United States govern- ment would be to the best interests of the nation; it beingg mutually con- ceded that the government stands i need of revenue; that it would be constitutional; that it would remain in operation for at least 15 years; that it would be conducted under efficient civil service rule, and that the inheri- tance tax would be available for fed- eral purposes. The Wiscoinsin team is the product of a new system of choosing intercol- legiate debaters, which is regarded even as an improvement on the old system, which in turn was considered the best of any school i the country. In the literary societies to which stu- dents belong, each member comes on for debate once every two weeks dur- ing the college year. In the sophomore year the slit best men in the class ap- pear in which is known as the semi- public, and in the junior year the members of each society have a chance to try for a place on the joint debate team, the debate being a contest be- tween two of the literary societies. The men who will debate against Michigan were chosen from among six candidates, one fro each society, the three best men in an open debate be- hg chosen to a place on th intreol- legiate team. Wisconsin has two other intercolle- giate debates on its program this year, but the one with Michigan is regarded as the most important. This is the second debate between Michigan and Wisconsin, the first hav- ing occured in 1893, when we won. Other Colleges Brown Umiversity has added a swim- ming pool to its gymnasium. The contract for building the Co- lumbia 'varsity shell has just been awarded. The cost of the boat is to be :$00. Columbia .von the two-mile indoor intercollegiate championship relay race last Saturday, defeating Cornell and Pennsylvania. The time madec was 8:23%. An intercollegiate whist tournament will be held in the rooms of the nick- erbocker Whist Club, in New York, March 20 and 21. The teams will be composed of four men each. The Yale-Harvard dual whist match will be played March 28 with teams of eight men each. The fifth annual cable chess tour- nament between the representatives of Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Colum- bia, and those of Oxford and Cam- bridge, will take place on March 27 and 28. Of the four previous matches Great Britain has won two, America one, and one match drawn. A Hospital Story The Washtenxw Daily imes prints the following in their issue of last evening Supt Gilmore of the University hos- pital had the privilege of seeing a man :isyears old who had never been in a bathtub and who would rather remain sick than to get into one of the things. The mtan presented himself for treat- ment and was taken to the bath room. "tial" said the attendant as he turned on the water into the tub. "What for?" he asked. "For a bath," he was informed. "Wiell," he said, "I'm 55 years old and never got into one of them things yet, and I ain't going to now." The attendant called Supt. Gilmore and informed him of the attitude taken by the applicant. "Those are the rules," said Mr. Gil- more. "Everybody who comes in here must take a bath before being as- signed a cot." "Then I guess Ill go," said the man, and he departed.. PROF. MECHEM TO LEAVE Will go to University of Chicago Next Year to Accept Professor- ship-His Departure Much Regretted Professor Floyd Mechem is to be with the Universit' of Chicago next year. After repeated oers from other colleges Prof. Mechem has at last ac- cepted an offer from Chicago. He a-ill be greatly missed here, as he is one of the most prominent members of the faculty and very well liked and respected by the students. He is the author of several authorta- tive works on Partnership, Damages, Agency, etc., and these works are used in most of the best law schools of this country. Among the legal fra- ternity he is recognised as an author- ity on many subjects, and his de- parture from this state will be deeply regretted by the many lawyers who know him. Ilinoisddbilat Illinois is at present in the bet of moods as regards the future of leer 19103 track team. The reason for her sanguine mood is to be found in th result of the Michigan-Illinos meet of last Saurday. The Illini, their daily publication, says: "After the overwhelming defeat at the hands of the Chicago team in Feb ruary and the failure to get a point In the meet at Milwaukee, many people were of the opinion that the flattering prospects of the early season were only 'prospects' and that Illinois would land among the 'also rans' in track athletics again this year. Michigan, too, seemed of the same opinion. After the meet, however, they seemed to have changd their opinion and to figure Illinois among the leading con- testants for championship honors. "The meet means that Illinois has a start in track athletics which can easily be held if the men who are now on the team will work as they have in the past month, and if the support received from the student body is such that it will encourage the nem to do better than before." Illinois should remember that Mich- igan was without the services of Dvorak, Maddock, Keellogg, Perry, Dickey and Miller, who would prob- ably have made their presence known if the team had not been limited to eleven men. Illinois goes against Chi- cago on Saturday at Champaign, and it may be as good as a Michigan vI- tory to see Illinois come out in the lead. The condition of Dr. John o. Reed of the physics department is report- ed to be much better and the sight of his eye will probably be preserved if io complications arise. It will be remembered that - Dr. Reed was in- jured by a splinter of wood piercing the eyeball a few days ago.