THE 1.01: N. DAILY. tilL' X IIT. ANN ARBIOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1S, 1903 NO. 124 A STUDENT ROMANCE Young Hoosier Couple Wed-In Spite of Obstacles-They Co to California There is a very pretty romance Conniected with the Taylor-Strom nup tials, noticed in yesterday's Daily. It seems that the young isady in the case, Miss Edna Laverne Taylor, was sent htere under protest just after the hli- days by her parents in order to sepr- Ae44 r fromn the groom, Mr. Jonas Strom. Miss Taylor cones of an ex- cellent family in Pendleton, Ind.; Mr. Stroni tas in the oil business in the nieighboring town of Aderson, but Miss Edna was the ltuciest strike hie ever made. The yong couple had known acti otiir for iabout two years and hid tbeenI goinig with eacti other occasiona~ily, bil oly a few months ago didi the bride's psrents thiuk any- thn-g serious was ominig of it. Thlei for sotne naonitatle reasoi thy' tok a violemt dislike to Mr. Strom. Tlie result was ilat one evening the young lady wats otiiit to prepare for a long journey. She obedietly made ready and just tbefore departure was notified hat ste was cominig to Anii Artir to te esucatei. On arrival here sbe imumediatelyl aplied herself dii- gtently to studsy aiid successfully tpased the euterauue exaiimitioms aid was admitted to the titiversity at the be- glttinig of the second semester. Ili the meaitimie, however, she was not forgettiug teraitiaice dow ilsi the banks of 11heX"'aashs. tar from it She was receiviiig n average of tour stecial deliser ceters a week With a few- teligrams Ipepperedt in for varietyiiitcti to te amusenent of the houtsetold whaere she iiad taken up her residence. Anid then she had hardly tbeen here a week when the' Younglousier apipiared oite sceene, Mr. Stromi registered at the Cook house, and did not cre to itterfere with college work, but needless to say the yoiung lady In question was slightly distracted from study. These' Visits wee repea ted at intervals of two weeks until abot a fortnight ago Mr. Strom announced that he was aibout to accept a position with the Clalifornila Oil Co. and journey to San Francisco. This news was like a thunder clap out of a clear sky to the -Young lady, ut she resolved to follow the wishes of her parents and wat a year beore marrying. So the young Tman returned to his home heavy- he arted to nake prearations for his trip. Before leaving, however, he told Miss- Taylor to telegraph him if she changeil her mind, and she could accompany him as his wife to the land of sunshine and flowers. Varily Cupid will have his wvayl Mr. Strom received a glad wire on Sunday which brought him t An Arbor post haste. tit the troubles of trite love were not over yet. A leise had to b obtaindon Sunday, andtf the couinty clerk after endless search was foundt to be out of town attending at funerial. So the licen ast to go till miin'iig. Before eight o'clock Monday morn- 11u, however the license was forth- Coning andthe lie. Mr. Tedrow ad tied the knot. Wh~at is Ann Artir coiing to if foolish parents will Interfere in this way. Varily we will hae notter St. Joe over here iiilcesten Mihigain. Senior Claso Stemns Quite a i'' of the men in the 103 it-engIneering cliiss have exressed themselves s de.iriig that soue knd of a las stein shootd be adopted, Iticli tie iieni coild get ani take away witht theii to keeti as a remeii- hrace of college days. As a result Louts A. Barton and Stuart Sins have heen appointed by President Foote to get designs and prices fom various firms, and they will report at a class Tneeing to 'be held in thet near future. In the umuantimne they would be glad of any suggestions from men who .are (interetesd. Senior Bench Popular 'Ti' lunil nea iir itiliiiai Oak "aspprioplriaited" by'te li-seiior lit-ugi iieeriiig class at their banuuiuet Fidlay eveninig is licowiiig very poptulr. Whten the hour strikes fr the classes to piass aliiiost iiiy time of day a "bitiiehi of '01i fellows miiiyte seei staninlig anid sittiiig about in the utiiost giod felloavship. The tinilyeriy authorite semn to tie cooperatinig aithl the class iiithb promioioii of ii good tinig s a siuad of carpenters were engagedi yesterdaiy iiooninis.trailghtentig the betii'hiaid trengthenimng it ini various waviys. 'Te seat evidenutly was atlitle the worse fromi the awear it receiveud in its "dedi- ction'' Friday evening, whlen atout seventy-five mnm tried to pile oni it t omce. It wis espeially ioticeable tiat the carlp-nesid teii' repairing at the iooni hour alien it aol be the least Inconvemnience to setios. Only once ha~s there beetiay ''scrimmaiuige'' for ossession. Tani an over hld juiior insisted uoni occupy- ling te benic'h at ii tinie wei about ten sentors were iii possession. Le was prompittly aiid properly ejected. It was said yesterday tiit Supt. of Grouiids Reeves had offered to put up aiiothier beniehiop~osite the walk to this if the clas would furiish the miateral, but how mtuchi there was in it was tot learmed. INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET Much Good Material Shows Up in Try-out-Howard, Holder of High Jump Record, to Compete At is tryout held ii Waermtai gytmitasiutmiMody night the Anti Arbor high school deciued upon the 12 mnt who will represett them ii the Intersclolistie ott Saturday inigt. The try-out was very stccesfultinhi every way atd i a godidicaton of the clas.s of work which will cone out in the meet. Nancrede rati the mile it 4:13. tHalftmlle-Eagle, first; Bearsley, second. Time, 2:12%. Quarter mile-Vail, first, Tooney, second. Time, 57 seconds. In the 44-yard low hurdles Heath made the time 5% seconds. Hickey, was second. Becks was first in the 40-yard dash, and Watkins was given second on his time of 4%, The relay team chosen consists of Watkins, Heath, Val and either Becks, hickey or Souterland. The' first two ran the lap In 14% seconds. The last three made 15 flat Howard, who has equaled the interscholastic record for the high Jump, will enter for that event. "Bck" Hall to Coach F. M. Hall ("Buck"), who s an old Michigan football man, and later fam ens as a Prtuceton guard, is 'to. coach 5teidteterg Uiverity football Isam at Tlffen, Ohio, this year. Hiedelberg can cotsisder itself unusually fortunate in securing such a man, amd with the abundance of good material can ex- tiect to have a witning S. Siefert, last year's right end, has- been elected usptain. Ielbelberg's schedle iiicludes gmeis with Western Re serve, Ohio Medical University, Adi, Otterielmi, Worter, amd Dennison. Woman's League Party The Womn's League wil give s party Marceli21 in Barbuor gymmasiutmn iiid the young miien will be guest. Tickets at 25 cents may tbe secured lfrom Mrs. . 1. Jordin from 10 to 12:15 every day a t the Woman's build- :itig. 'fhle pitrinesses wil be Mrs. Jordat, tDr. Syder, Mrs. Howlad, Mrs. Suitvan, Mrs. Fred Wadron. :The comumittee chairman Is Miss Kath- erine McGraw. The editor of the first college paper in the United States was Daniel Web- Subscribe for th W. of M. Daily. SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB Spring Meeting Here a Notable One -Prospective Teachers Should Attend TIhe annualtmes uetimg of this Michiganm Sc'hosolmatrs' Clib waill btie ld-luI AmnmiArbor 'SarchI2l-2, iclusive, ii comnmictionu with the springmu etuinmg of clue MithigsanuAcsds'tuy of Scine. This confe-rence Is ome of the nost Imprant ini tim edustcitnl siwrd iii Mtichiganm, utndu. ea-ry shuduet imtends- mg to te-suhi wihe grsaty beeited 1b' attiemnamce att hs ie-tigs. The meeting auill comsist of genersil sssions andshdiscutsshis awithi sveamsl sdeprt- mtaiul cuufsreuces.SMamny prominenst ucasstors from a ll oesr teclunsutry wuillhe tpresemt, amuong whoi re cle folloasig: hDeloh Falli stute suprinmtenmduet of pubthlic imstructionm; Pie.mJ.ISyaser \iuhuiguumiAgriculturali Clege Prof L. 1. Jonmes, .ichuiganmiNorma-l tole e Primcipsal ArnoslTomisuCihiago Niormaul Colege; i'mof. G.tA.iseckhaum, HiramniClls-gs; i'rsof.Elbrt i. Crt tendienm, Olivet Collegeh'rof. John C Rtof, Uniaersity of 1Pennsmlaia; Prof. J. Rauleighi Nelsoni u-ais Imsti- tutte, Chicago;IProf.XW .xuMnl, Uniirersity of Sissouuri; Prof.iFrnuk F.. Abot, nvesiyof Chuigo, anmd others. iPapeirs aailhe re-d uipoi all lInsis of subjects sdealinmg ithieucaionasl subjest, maof thesmu to be illusrat- u- i h aasl tseopticonu aisa. 'Thesconfer'enceus auill udiieup itut sects-, ch oiu f ulaahihlwill cosier sosuk'peicit sutbjtit.tThuis thiere ail hie i Rtural OSool sectionm, Clussicsl sectiontPhyas-suhseti, t. A feuature o sspiluitemtrst aill he thus'lesturies of our soaanu irof. Isrel C. hRussell uonu "ile 'olcunoes of Matiiue,'awhih Prof. Rtussell- iced just after cle eruption mst su- muer. The public atd student body- generally is invted to atemd these mueetings. Masunyuof the Umiversity pro- fessors will preside over secions and read pithers. The Wrong Henry A very amusing comedy in rah ie was eniacted at ote of the sorority houses last week, tle details of whichm have just leaked not. It was a kind of a 'What Happted to Jones' or 'The Wrong Sr. 'Wright' affair Thee was a mistaken identutty resulting rom at mix-up in names, in which several people prominent in tUuiversty life were cnesred It seems that a young man whose last name wis Henry arrived here with (be Illnois track team aturday morning and hmmedatey poceeded to call up hy 'phone a sorority girl who had formerly attended Ilnohs. The piano was thumping at one end of the line, thus making it dfficult for either ;pary to hear, "My name Is Heny 'saidth young man from "Ill." Now the young lady who answred tbs 'phone hapened t have a frne first nmae aas Henry, so she answered bak, '"Wel, tIhkmow -but ome iciniy tere. tHoavre you?"' Thus twa-a thu.t the young lady made a date to go ridimg inthle afte-rmooni with the wromgiHemnry. Now it so chancmedithat au-lenIHeniry frommiIllintois srove up, the girl with wshorl te suppouusut ie had halkei to wa-st taking the air omi the piaz. Site was ofn course surprised to see huim, but when he sad, 'Well, an't you gointg ridig with me' she amnswered "yes," so quiky it ainmost took his breath away, Amdi t it taid the oiler young lauy who tught she was to have a finme drive hIsmalting yst, and It is cetinmly "up to" thus other Hsry. At Tufts College nearly all te non-fraternity men have joined the new commons boarding cub. If the commons proves successful the john also. ",Mi s mplhchty' tksb eenIng. In Memoriam At a mieting of the ucommiitee of this '0i lit class the followaing resolu- ionssaue sdrawnup i: Ammn Arbour. -Mih., isr. 17, lJ0. Whereci-as, Cod mu hisinufiite awisdomn lissee fiemit o remtoe fromtu our midt one so sear to thus-umenbes of hic freshuosmnlieraryclasusaof the tmiier- sity of Mtiuchiganu, Ermnst ihmersehied, thuerifoci'hueit hRisolvedihlac in hiis desth hie freshmsamclsss has o.tti true frietd unit sc-holsr. Rtesolvedshlacte extend to cle be- reauved fanily of our schoolmaste the sympahyi3 that comues fromu the depth of our heartcs. itesolvedth lat au- as a body feel kee-mly this-lhss oftt himtoughuliehasi muen mun ourm istotbut us shrt time. Resolvim, itht a 'ucopy'of the.ereso- himioumste simt to the fsmily, that a copu~y be'plusted inisurtmiuteuns, and thtlistiheuse resoluutiomns be published in the colegelapers. h. CLIFFORD )STEVENSON, NEW'~lTON IWAGONER, LOI.~S ID. STICh-NEY, Committee. The cass semt a very creditsble floral tribumte to the deceased. The piece aas it large piloav in design with thic tumumersis140$ set on the ahite flowers in purtphle. PROFESSOR McLAUGHLIN He will Remain Here This Year- Leaves in Fall for National University 'Thet smnoucememntwasusmnade pub- lic ithis week ilacrof. A. 'Mctaugh- int wuld ntot Iete Sichigan unil Septiemuber, this opemning of the 1903- 10)4 college yar, isttd of at te present time, as auas previously an- nounemued. Prof. McLauughlin auill begin the aork of organizing the history depart- tmuent of thus tew National University amd expects that detais will consume this major portion of his time during this year, He will not receive any students at all, the university not opeting its doors until the year fol- lowinug. P'rof. McLaughlin has a year's leave of absence from Michigan and if at this end of this organizing work he decides that his new Aid will be satisfactory e will proably remain If not, the following year will ee him bock again at Michigan. Mr. James H. Russell, 03, at preset secretary to Prof. McLaughlin, wl accompany Pirof. McLaughlin to the National University, where he has se- cpied an assistantship ha the same department. The ebxate eweit Michigan and Wisconsin in 18193 in which the former won, was te first intercollegiate de- bate In the West amd second in the Utnited States. The Yale-Harvard intercollegiate debiahte n1.9- was the first in this coutry.Shute then both instituiomuslars 'econic a-ry acive in this branch of imtercollegiste work. NOTICE TO SENIORt LITS AND ENGINEERS. It auth be iecessaruy for seniors to order their castsanmd gownsit once iii order to hisvet11m-in iime for the sawimngout awhichm aill be ieldiabout spring vacastionm time. Fr thus next few ar ys the commnuitee wil be in Rtoomi C, Uniersity hal, from 5 to 6 to tke measuremnt. 11. T. Danmforth, Cliiirmaun. Of the fouur thusand student regis- tered t Columiautoily about five hiummitrsdace under-gruauts. Ter arc ive bumndred graduate students in politicsal sciemnce, philosophy, and pure science; five hundred students of law; eight In the school of medicine; and seven hutidred in tie school of applied acience. The remaining thousatnu are in Barnard College, for women only, and in the Teachers' College, which its c-educa tional.