THlE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. i.,, ' ,r,.r : -r . , -, n .rf y - ,-- -. . .+ - ,.p : - ".w .r ^ ^+"C ". -t - .*^.,.,r r .r ' ._ r - . ,., r 'rr "r. } ':oLr~r. _ . ....alr~ril '~rii+ ~~ ._- ..iil . :_e.a,.., P 0 '- ~Ar .siw4_. .,a.~,y~ Pur itana ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY C so $3.50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $40 PURITf1N 8t10[ 60., III & MFIIN 81RftT We sell Blickensder Typewrite CLOS' PHARMACY, 324 S. Stat Bailey & Edmul FISH NE FOR DECORATING 121 East LibertRLN OPEN DAY AND NI( W. C. BINDER, 120 E. Huron St. Zachniano &F DEALER IN Fresh and Salt 11 6407 E. William S BUY YOUR DRUGGIST 0GO SAt BROWN'S DRUG STOI Crner Main and Huron St: Lok repairing, key Knives, Shears, 1razoriF akatos ground.& GENERAL flACIIINE WORK W.I. WENGR, 113 [L Libel Every Student Shot vest io Cent And get the Detroit Free every morningad the Arbor Daily Argus ever}' ing. The best papersi state and city for the one of 10 rents a week. Leao ders for the comtbinati Sto>illett's, 121 Main St, fi11 E. William St. or. cwI~ce, 310 South MainS TRY THE -tring yoor picture or any eItitlagod itnl reprod hat Nbitoill wiash andu Darling & flalle 'or. Staite and Liberty i1y C ools 2i11d Not RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's PHOTOGRAPHER AT RENTSCHLEW'S. A 4U AIP D nf Cur. Main and Huron Sts. Phone 389, 3 rings. VtUcbUIUI [01111 fer A MICHIGAN NOTES. AMUSEMENTS A ors DeFRIES Tla -aletilis toe'a-cit softpulictlO t.ANEI iDANIEILS.~ ~ I'r t ttlesrewill IseIderlek 1NItve yheethIntrall ail os IIi.Ieit elod.,WdnsaInhs n kwoprai oo iss A DP4i 'r ~ i i ~ ~ Mali i18, ito Tappan Hail1111 15.1i1it217ol-c. itouirthtlSMis -itpldiity-." lhe is 'cet l ey ts i tti 27 .lititi t Tie-. suijt tof I Ii:-letutit heofhilarity anld s ikt tt tiltvidences of cfIN PEILY h lsti Iounitlrs I Iibnqtuet 'it v m lii-hediana tic',',Itittiins of iii itsState vin oai k nds I th lilltill I l traitSaturdl'yi' tOO - ies i Boso it.N-it'York and lothe ni odlcillwliteIeri iista aese in ti elit t DIRECTOR" T S.' Alt itiiclub. 11. WX. Quitnity. iltto' lots rha'itd a itititsia f I,0- WvJ IBootht Jno V Sheehan oftheliDtrtoit liee:Pless, itlisI as Kiof suth liasisitio:quality atnd of Jas WadVauFM han tosmatr NJ K~yer Joihn Ilanree ...stilh ittis:- illitig po:itiisitit5 as this IJti Koch trof HOS Carhart ty t. t'itrc it ts it Ernst ltnI iiiiiiii'-.i.: trl n~ io ' 'iec yty hei authorit'of "tlIc. _'" Piank P Olazter ChiristianMartin wh wtail i s Iitowil Sattittl"ay, wee :At the - asitot iniNest York, DIelsThe fln fl ,hn ntinnc Rnnk sitli Is ts is Iity So Iurdlay ostintii. iii ''Misas Siltiittty' csiteil a ittei- 1W 111 ILU UlIQ B 7 1>r '1'lieulcs 1"rnt l scctull o w hilt fc ct uture :111d if teCapital hat tpita hStock 0.00000. Surplus,15,000 A lFE teldecesoi ed v.s ;antl ti, sein Isynli- i(toie- iet--i air-ott tas t I iilItsittiss Organised under the Generni Banking Laws tiesi611111'ti-i.Ioitc RitI iitt i.iihilte-heceives deposito, buys and neils exchange faI tnly ;r tocisid ,he:mutid v4to:touit bitta- Iontheprincipal cities of the United Staten. Drafs cahed ponproper identification t . Ptiks inilgpry~ie t by r icoIs. Teitsdcesaeofsnot riE~:Charles E.Hiocock, Preso.; W. D Hatrriman,Vices-Peu.; M. J. Frito, Cahier. Mir. ttid Nliis. tiss 4iti'; rtti ittheliii inictst heo L .i 'est Ihotuseti of_______111o___________sea-_______ " academy '~Tuey 'iii irn 5t 2 on N ri S iri iiiI iiw iotineitc text iweet. Fresh Allegrt-tti nooontles at Cttsh- _________________ Direct line between Toledo, Colum eats. NV'intst 5iili ti itcyotoiscttiur itnefwtshtulefrt'o ,iii. .Andtesouith. Ask your agehretnnt or ii it it of TuishRusTurishilltactitisist iiirof it W uns ~ui ee ottV.,ad h Spy to L. P. Lwis, P. A., 17 Fort St., cic liiptits* inilagei ad sl Icifrterntity prisdnesec tetoitl,Mich. Mtetos OVHoco, sizes. 4 0' ';tETtO . P. A., Toledo, OS 5i -6-6- - 'tAIIAl1.0 .A,,ID Colto s. I F turnittu:14Ii oltuuriiea. Eyes testetiandidtled att Q.,Y., A.A,& . R. .Standard lIMo OD c 1,114, liiif;E. Libtuey SI. SIAII.EIS JEWVELRIY STfORE. For Detroit half hourly from 6:15 a. !DPa _______ _______ m. until 6:15 p. m. Then hourly until !4 1T1Il PIlCES T ,Al.LUniversity sttidenttadesiring to se- 11:15. For Ypsilanti only, at 12:15 a. R[. fyutilltka trwtdw ir 1oiilst ec ilddi om n 12:45 a. m. For Jackson hourly Ifeg o u illo tor idw uepstin otahwllfltt n from 6:15 a. m. until 7:15 p. m. Then 'et dutnote the prices moarked onlottr theiir intetrest to wrteto ltJaimesiOF- at 9:15 p. m. and 11.15 p. m. V $~"" goitil, yot will r-eatlitat ie are McCullough, 139 Fitne Arts Builing, Waiting room Huron St., W. of Main, l givitig better value for your titouty Chticaigo. 84_______ N RORRIRA fLtting than you tin get elsewhere. N RORRIRA sand $5.00 FOR $1.00 ! Money loaned on Watches, Din- os ir k 4 M2.Yz= G XWe are ov-er stot-ked with mnuudolin moods, Jewelry and any personal Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand inutsic. Seleet $5.00 worth of tis effects. Bosiness strictly confidential. ned Tins. DONE mnusic, ,at the mairkedl price, mid you Terms reasonable. Office hours 9 to Effetive Oct. us. 1902. rty Street can hatve it for $1.00. 11:30 a.0., 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. mo. SOUTH NORTH ANN ARBIOR MUTSIC CO., Cull or address W. J. Lourim, Room uld In- 21i1-1ll1 E. Watshiigton. 7, Henning block. Phone 459. 151 No. .- 7:20 A. U1. No. 1.- 9:00 A. K. No. 4"-11tt3 A. Mt. No. 5.-12:3 P. IU. SNo. 4.- 8:25 P. 4.. No. .- 4:53 P. U. Pes PICK WICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING Trains Not and 0 run between Ann Actor e Antin oed ny es-s- - - 7ri07gve athNUniversity veTrainis, 1.2.3,4.1 and 6Odaily except Sunday dvn rzsgie ahcay. ~Free chantrcars on Non. 1 and 4. in the (U n5UJW. T. WILLtS, Ageat e price J. J. KIRBIY, G. P.A. onveat, eore joining any Greek AAJCHIGAN DINT AL -teet. Ih f'e glitote"The Niagara FallsRoute." uk rganiztOio-the S Ci- THlE SHORT LINE- IWO ~'yftar eMOGU L Gigarette. A N A B RT ucidr: ott I i-ejkeys t he club- C H I A GB O R T tneot f id"i< AuotL k ttBUFFALO c X isur:o .NEW YORK aux \r , 'e ' i '1.1fr i . AND BOSTON TSts .., cio w.~ois i. itn itOhret conntettis at Cteago forSt Plainrz .i1, Cok Tia. touts, 'ansastCit5t.PultndtoteiiWet. . s o hnraitionluteditihrough ticketsltius o itns .. :., z ;wrtie to WtO . Ft ASP AnttAti Arbour Snl dliiolt5c, $1.00 An essential part of your collee equipment i is a Ticket-sentite course $1.00 it, Asttt io l,.tsc a t Isi> t t "t~ I ift s it uI: ~ tli It Watch this space for S. L. A.a it t t i i t .1 Id. Allnouncem~ents and dates. M I LWA RZD'S Spring of '03Woln have arrived contain=