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March 14, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-14

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No. 121
The lecture delvered Thursday I_____
Michigan Meets Illinois in Waterman aftertoni nTappan H1a11 by Dr. DeotYugMnRcie Frs
Bent (IeIBordes Olt The lasical tstYugMnRcie is
G~ymnasium-Visitors 'Expect to Age," ws the firt of a Foriso f lpt- Honors in Annul Oratorical Con-
Hold Wolverines Closer lie letures in French offered by the test - Son nenchein Second
Than Last Year miemibers of the 5reith dearmet and Balcmb Third
of the 5T.'ivtersit.iThese lectures are
ni ~t fr te I -4clu duing ihe tiendildilto0he introductory 1o the le-
tc-seatfonrfi~ the s ie uingers lfutre tby'MILeopold Maibilleau before Mr. Eugene Marshall won fist place
'Mak easn f 1ll3 te embrsofthe Ceele 5'rne-is on the evening of Ii the thirteenth aiinual oi'ttoiciti
Ith'arsity tra ckiein will have a
chacetothoe her tetl ~ April 7 The other lectures in the contest held last: ightiun I~iesity
seriescireoFlsl.wThtsecorimetaliein tcotopMr
tin with the aithletes of a rival un- sr r:1 "'Te ighteenth Cntur" by Bl.Tescn lc ett i-
mestthus g ' ng the first real op-Dr.SBeit deIBordes tircli I8. ' Ewardl honienselein and the thiid
'Portunity' to size iil Mihigan's chances 2".F rettcht Romainticism,' t oyt'- to Mr. F. W. Faleonb.
,Of wining, totr the fourth consecu- fessor Levi Mrch 25lt. Marshall achieved at signl
'lve 'iue the 'V~se-teru tnterc-ollegiate 3 .-'reinehi titerture Sice 1&50," success lst night, when, for he thid
tck meet. T ills iithe c(o t rencee lyvProfessori' "iielsl April . tiiii e plie''sinted th U'3 lisw'cli-s
mee i Chcao -ftMay30 al o rThe hite-rs' o1 the Cerle Framntois li the oatoicaii~l coitest. The an-
xlhigansenergies will b direted, ttille otetifIomiiinows'on lfrimni"2to iisisilies-sest ithis victory swill e retd
for s-nli a viitory vosI omake the fini-oclock ocaftllsirnooii(iiin o , West swithiplesure by tll whlo tre workin~g
oti Sp'ilinig Cup the ptriiiiinien tHll for the etteimnet of the colored rae.
poeels' of, LbcMishig'isoAthletic-As- ______________-latmiiltonttindl to-etCistitutitoni"'wats
,o 5 shun. AiI troplhecies tmaide so ftrth ujetsfleotinwic
this ye-ic list's-bemi-iit certintiex- OBJECTS TU SHORT COURSE theoshlit ofitr hear orta ionelwh-ichm
ent -'ues-s'uAilliis-wokaiite lecrs-matde bogtM.Mrhl i elere
tonighitstillllfodithe iritst retl secess. tie:itld of tts,sopposiini
grouudtt0k 1fsa' r-ditis't s-s to the Eastern Student Opposes Three-Year Nvlteli ttamiltotn ectiesrd inhi
ntcunie ositheCneecesitet.Ad Pa-BeiveoleeM s' fforts to iunite the 'olonis, aiiil oicthe
Ilis- t'iiii meet. Aiid lan BelievesCollege Man heroictan- i shi'ileIessru
especilly is this si sobeatse, wtie Social and Other Luties will stiilthceoinstittchst t'he issptc l
ichfiui oustdt llinioissiceIsightng itunith costtinwsaped
,out in Wttermiai ytniisin, Chicago be Neglected Ad alt. i rsIt11 so, is sid
andS Wisoisnith tlletes sill he strug- Hlmiisltons 1by lit tseeit ce
glg nuagaistei olertat Midsoi, . tIsmuch tas theItittler of shortes- Mr oneSsstitetili-tsectredse ciotd
an ai compastrisoni of lerecords made ing courses in thie universities is being Iplace1sbyia tforceful Ortioni sin'"Moderti
in the.setvoim it s sill aford an Ii-dsictssed so generally- everywhlere, the nutils "Iedcsedhef-
trsting study. followitng extracts fromitais omitisiilet- totsa'dtush dentiset so f Iidsstitl co-
The Illiniois tmeni aririvedt yesterdaty tiontin ite IHarvard Critmson swill io ditots aitd soswethalitt a Scil tands
:aternootn tItind 1fspe trt of the evet- doubt be retd with isterest list': plitica'l trs'soItionitcuildl bettvertedi
lug at the gttiiitt otgstelght 'lt i-cyt'sllit itste s-ontls' bytthe eant'teor f'sts of illtte
siuni doingA>tsomrilgati- tsi thrteiteastheanihaterhsttrof
-work to ftmuiliarize themtselvesswithi iietidossadsvatattge ofIsbig sntctioni-Amrcn touieheneess f
te torni. of the -runsning track. No ed aindiadvocated by Presiden-titEliottcapitl std aIr
har wirkit-i.asie so sosti before whose wordlis desrvedly regtrded ITle AsloS'sonsst as Mrtis lt' t-
the teectbut e-tnotghs took place is itioritatiive i matter s prann os istubet Iliaced ltheistitor
toindiete thiat this visitoris are itto edcaition. Nverthlss stheThei's-Ofto (the bsgloSon itrtce os'wnitito this
.more dasngerous sit ihiontstthiasidentitwsouilduntdoubhtedy swecomeaspe isenot:ttis isilots ths hisory le
thecy arms gentertslly credited with hi- hoiest expression ot oppoitihont o his sweh toisatrl whatit etid this rac-e
tng opiniosn. 'That shihippisiitnii exiss 'swring andtold iholiit'the in's-
Suid otte of the' hlisos men wthesn in the misds of asnumiiber of those mitii ss ttihmgl-itxstis'as to hiing
'ntertiewed y ti representative of thie undrgratduattes wsho hitsescat 'l on- sbott untimersal Ibrtheroiod.
DaByyhostsnight: "We dii not expertsidered (hienmater, ote-lstto ue csr-r MsVsAIt D. isisesthissrtcsishd fsurh
o will, but wesoievi e thatitwt- will twitn. It should Inot hissforigotten tat placis's shutsiei a greatutdealts of tais-st
xun tip smorempinits thusnst-cdist lttstwhesn(hePresidesnt says tht costme- ill t'e--'atig lii stubject, 'Ameian
,year. XWe, foiudthesnews' Michigantetmat titought to tattinithis- h cusi Citiienshipi" utidhwtruss itredrieo--
txe ob ieoefrrnigasnd degee its thisreyers siost tm-ri-ts ttists listhis oatormiatl abtilit.
munch bettsr thantishaitutat Chitago" (wiho hiss-cadisisnlintiotoo 5cai- h^ussss-t sn;ir osu-le"dos tusiveso
5-eese'Ftzpattrifclihasiissued is sider thir ssonsncomptst:) sit)t li e- or imsrfalone.-etyuondi stios lst
-call to all sitsIttho extinct- to try for pect their boys to -ttlie this oppoisr- modernssyociss itstips tupgontttis
Floe hissmsmer thrsts to be ai(he stacasnt tunity. tiUnless, therefore, it tbicomutesciayssdutiesoftwichisthectiuisisti is
lots on the cornier of Church asid(ilt evidient. that issmosg the untdergradu- citengrhitpstAsiric an csts hpis.
,tets at two oclockIntonsorross after- ates,svho are. isa favorabhe position 'thsrfift hritagccitvu trusshaytMr
nooni for hprctice. ' t is expectd that to observe tedffcets ofhe thr eyetrlTshe ithsplactooksfonhisyuMjrc
Heston withlirove a good man ho this systi, there s considerasble ophosi"uCi- a1 ho tsookil fotrehiscuseti
-eveof, as sowhie traisnisig with the foot- tou to the plan, most r 'ueshmen(soho (p', sttrue citizes l iscuom theul
ball team at Whitnmore Lake lst fall also havse -s pardonausle obje-(onsto tpso - ectzesfo h ui
hie threw the 16-pountd mlsse over 121) beng onsidered incompetenst soill tais' timie to this. Sesif: "True
feet. Maddock is al.so expected to consider it their duty to graduate in itis-,fona hhrefudid evet'y halrkdown
show good forn theb rcare a sum- thr e.years ito m tehsipresidnt'schigr. o
be of oilier.s woowoill nake strong 'The -error on which th three-year tothe humbolestydmuth-iggeo.fosl
bids for s uprmcisy is this event idea is-based seems to b that the de- bnthscurym tlokfra-
The Cross Cousntry Club has now gree of Bachelor of Arts sinmply de- sctions rons he dassgers of corruphtion,
, commenced its regular daily runs, and iotes thatisits holder hus done the bsisi nd ana iiurchy."
lrge squaud soill les's the gym. at work of , sevenen courses if that Mr. Lasrencee Husll trated his. ub-
4:_1 every day, , while numerossweec true, this thre-year plan woud jc,"h:Fis mrcn,-navr
susllr prteswil sar ou lte inh i o opposnenst. -'hat the degre rigisstl asd istere thg smanner.
te dy his hitherto meant, howeer, is thatBonmdtovryadioace
Ci pptin Utley antnounced yesterday its holder, If le Is a "clmpetet"t'ist-Ills hm iother as Iis osly Ispis-
Aht if the tweather was favorable man, has lived for four ears assluaea- to, Abrshanu Lisols oven-tame ovr-
-th Flue ii I ohl t sqa wootld start from denmic lIife, hut whihehle tits pursued sshss-sisg sdifficuites sad hrsips
sive sussiuinssu oon after:- 1--'Fcl l iberal st tidies ,withhsomeucsuccess, ia ntil achiseed Is g'atissuc lces- s
an out to thes-fatir groosnds forFle wshichhcsle htss Sitd tutuoppotunsity to thouh. tsmofst sume f mur llour - St
inrst ttoor pratisc of thne season. hirtike itsnosr suore othescolege s is tthiustry.i" u igiehu tr ss
-'ahi uc -llistr st-ll be here to- uti-isities andshits whihu hum hiss d ,ytthe ros-minth(le cntst Maysr
cliy sr he ]itst (ists',he being com- timue tinsdo-ri-op his scharancer, si ir h tnishthut i tvstayIteayris
pehled to jis thlime titltteti nsu s tuowsulegemof suce, nsti us knowldgem lt'hu' tis'htl listes-ud toim nohsctlmi-
lmosla-in-Comm-h o hoachiasill arrite isof bioksu. It other swords he "cou-st ihs uhpesr n n
thae usoshulliof sit umas-ek, husoever, antenit"t''fouryotar' matnsihi-s hoistthue -us istn(usl ih'iitCmdis
toret t tis out.
- 1t rstnoimmol te s-orli of the btseblligoodshfortunite toiattintic ulture.'tmmf-stmr humtttim', laoloedt twso org-ins
I - dhuh sn cstill tbm' of 1theuinmost stre- ''whitnt still the ''cotptuhenut" man Inuols. bthl fRt-os-iwh i'in'seeno-meo-.
-Eu scshaisticts-. sthumLs lot enIo umefoe thu.stontg stmp- 'hets'rgtis ino 'ull tos gm-ny te
- i~~~~~t ionm of tie thiree-ymetr'itutu 'tt-tt a in-? tls'tn uuloss
UnludyeAsustin'rshtmnihestill looe to takejde wrst flos
Unuk i rirea ohmrsxa ) v OPo1Ti 'Vh'5arsily oratohirictal csntest held a SO-crped.-hsentior,litin'Academicsuuo m ''lsittisin-Ittl-ssm. grist'. 0; anil,
''esteninay es-ening wthie 13th annualtr'mgltioinsit ings-uoufor'tuuu'tu-i' tutu-uile1-1n.Soiutui'tsceuint gumuh, ita -il, .
-'sit-t yast-ushumlmmiSFridayms, the 1th tnstoipovidesoroe thantwen lty-utstotiHul, rckd',58; rnitl. 4. Mtarshatll,
day of thus'tmontthi antdtis reports-idi lshours itt eaco h ay, hows'still hu e 50' 'itue8; imintkl, 3. Cub, gntdemhc.;t
thi-1th volume of thets U. of. . Daily, his tms' If Stthe a usi ofsut oruntrttl, 5. ltllimhty, gutide, 14a ituk, 6.
whuse i'c tehtsutt suuuit rinstt11. lhithertom sreqiuitemd Ii the stmmsrsu us8not Emhts'dmss-tm lmotm. gut:rd,',It; rnktul,
to hoc lessened-u, youtin 'oistteut"utan in Sonueschusli, rite, 4; rtms, 1.
ra' twss i2iit' 5ltstit ie o sothuns- eicuher (Stlt gade,78; tckl, 5. Matrshatll,
cst fids ~ i Annl Arbor. le ms.t do college work of a loter -i-tde, hit; rnskt, . Cole, grade, 71;
$1.00 DAILY $1.00 worse,' he- nust neglect those outside Pend letoni-Balconib, gra de, 100;
7the U..of M. Daily will be: de- interests, social, athletic, or liters -, rank, 1. Sonnenschein, gads, 90;
which are the invaluable complement rank, S. S-ull, grads, 8O; rank, 15.
'rwieredi forobalance of !school year of hliberal -studies. Marshall, grade, 192; rank, 2. Cole,
A$100. Leave orders at office "One other way out of the ;dilemmnu grade, 85; rank, 4. Halliday, grade,
:410 S. Plain St. Phone 13. (Coninued on pge thee) 68; rank, 6.
Strsuog- Balcombh, gradue, 8)1; rank, 0.
t-onsums-leis, graides, 81, ank 5. Ful,
graude, 812; rankil, 4. "Marshal, grde,
-85; rank.iht. ICtole gradehs, 1KS; rank, 1.
Hllida, gradehs, 87; stnk, 2.
Batrbe-r--lcombisih, gradse, Si; rnk,
5. Sonnein-uscbein'i, grassde, 87, rasnk. 1
Hull. gtmrade -hS; rank, 6. Mrshatil,
gradehu, 10: ranklt.1. Cole, grude, 88;
rnkili 2. Hlidahy, grade, 86, rank, 4.
lttrkts-urth-llmlmnh, grade, 1W,
rankul. 4. Sonnescbusmein, gnad, 88;
rk,5. Htull, graise, Si; rnksul, 6.
Mtarhuuh os u,15); ranki. 1. Cole,
graude, iii; raiik, 3. Hatlliday, gade,
941/-; nsuk2.
Rtankh: Matshltl, 1; Sonnensbein,
2: Batlcombtl, 3; Cub, 4; Halidayi~, 5;
Suthmint gradehs: Btalcomib, 20; Son-
stesschiut, 18; Hull, 0; Marshall, 13;
Coslin 21 StHallidayit 24
Method of Appointment Gives Stu-
dents Scartely Any Chance of
Securing Places-President3
Angell's Views
Sor several years students about to
graute haveustc matde iuiries concern-
hug this prospets for this obtaining of
us positionu i iin heforeign consular ser-
vice of the iited States. As is
-ei lisunorwt, howseer, appontments
tin sum-h tpositionus haveiseheistotined
entirelya thrnoughite iniflucunee of prom-
isiniten u t -n hisshiave swhat is known as
ptuuical-ut 'tpull.''Csulus hvse ap-
pominted thusinrelatises, thus-lu-frieuds,
mIudsosuuu-ituuss.at thisinstanuce of some
si t(hueiitte frindus, sonic protege
min thus'otert's. Withouitt theinufluece of
somuts suithi friendsus it is ailmuost impos-
sible humsecure such a pliace Mcrit
slus abhility seenito have carried no
sweight withs our cosushenhuuthey
havue relaItivttes anui ndus looking for
just such usplace. From this it is
sinu thatuth(le studensut, a graduate of
ai unsiversity, wvho has speialus aptitude
is the lanuguatgs sand uatural iclina-
(louts for suchi sork, has little chance
w sithomut a 'hull" againsst thos with
it rhso matiy not posc-ss their merits.
Of course this hissled to many
tibuses tisinsdoftnthose holding pos-
(loutshut the cosular service have
come fan from being qualfied for
tuch work. At the lasts seon of con-
gress, just closed, ills were introduced
providing ton a change in the conduct
of appohintments of those deshring to
cuter the consular service. Provisions
so-esmatde in these bills for a sort
of civil servicec examination which all
canididates woiuld be compelled to pass
before behig appoited
Presidesnt Angell soms time ago
(wvhile coingress was in session) took a
trip to Washington and while there
looked Into this matter A number
of studests inteestd in securing posi-
Floss its thc consularn service had
alreatduy talhtied sith (hitu on the sub-
ject, so (lit wshlehe ure the President
mnuade it a speucial poinit to look into the
mautiterud.sin see sihiat was likely to
he thinsfate of the ils. The result
wvas uatbout swhat everyone expected:
(hue blls iwere shelved stnS nothing
furtlicrsaistd soroneuucabout them-.
Those'ldinig the vsroiius offices its the
sr'viue atirehuuanusxiouus to kines he
poross'''(f tinppoitmtunt inth(irs own
hons ushtollowt this patssing of mes-
uroswthichiiwould, of courtse, sdepivo
f these ills haod bit-u passed, the
isultswnould litve ho's-s s-sy impor-
tsnt. "Manty studenuts havitg inclina-
tuistitnoatid the consularu sentice
wouuul havue (he prospect of being
atbs' tot obtaini such us positonl if they
coud al ifthem(Is-seves for it. They
swould hatve somuuethig to work for
'Tis swosuld undoubtedy lead to new
courses elding toward such a career
beinug introduced into the curriculum
Iof the Uniiversity. 'As it stands now,"
said President Anlgell, "the course in
international law is the only course
offered which has any bearing what-
ever on this kind of work. If the
[ContInued on Page Four.,

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