i FANCY E:. ,R r THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH~IGASNDAItY. If you want to knov,, what smartly dressed f i- men witt wear this sea,- t ° son ask to seer '\y-; : 1 '. _ ) 1: . _ 4,. . ".. _ " - z, rA j y s ...Jt 2.Yf .. G fi I ., ; c ' i ., - r r ii t . 4 A 7 .r 4 . 112 S. Mali I1ANUFAANUL,' 1w. " T a w'V T^ . AT rl r% a T s T 11 T i AT 4 M1 ,t. and 342 S5. State St. PALACE AN DPARISIAIN Laudry A feu"CVFdfild1 'That's1 lie lace wher e you : gets 1()-to-date wok, With I 1( the least trouble to %oor- p~ IU u I0)11~ specialty. M, F. DOWLER, Agt.; We invite your inslu.:rtion to oor arri vals in Phone 657. office, 402 Maynard St. Sp ~ ring Clothoingreprsenting the highest a flflflefOfllexcellence in tcorreci fashion. rhe finest SPALIflUS OFIIAL results of skiited tailois in Spoing Osr S ATHLETIC ALMANAC coasafoi in ii iuid young mon.Imumense n !1 f1 ~of NegligeShirts. $1 ul). Sping Neckwear. For 1903 Thy onlyaiii n i e tuiltished tihit containis a icoiiplet i sii ti' e-t i i i31 Ic in Iii--t (oii s and id Coin plete L ist o Il)omnipi Or' ti)6 ~c W it r LAST YER1«E510 SC CTip,;'r SI1fIA SIGMA SOUTHEURN KNICKERBOCKER Have you seen thiem? We witl be pi e 6 d to give estimates, ideas and suggestion 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. 03 S. U an St. Lowney's and Allegretti's CHOCOLATES lie best tii d is-alwatys fireshi-we 01rdeir ervweek. Qudrru' j campus Drug Store. TRY THE O1nly Candy EKitchen _(When You Want Home-Made Candies,, 63o pictures of rt'ominen-t Aiieri- can ad oreipn athletes. Price io cents A.G Sp aiding & Bros. New York, Cicago, IDeiiver, Blti- FOR LESSONS IN DANCING Call at the office of GRANGER'S ACADEMY Ground Floor, 312 Maynard Street, Stictly iisciool. Noebaras-menti. TUTTLE LOWNIIY'S (hO(LAI[ 338 S. State St. C. H. 11A.JOR & CO Artislic Decorators Specialty line interior decorative work. Wall paper, paints, oils suit gtass. 203 E. Wash. St. Phone 237. STUDENTS USE Gasoline Lamps1 W. S. PIPER, 308 S. l11aln Street. Eyes Scientifically Fitted New lens and repairing Fine watch and jewelry repeiring. Work rea- sotnable and warranted. 1.I.. (HIAP MAN, Jeweler, 906S. Main St THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, Strictly Pirst Class. DAN SHERIDAN, Prop. E. Willilam St., First door off State. Senior Law Class Election Ill kinds or Artists' and Phitog- Oni iuli7ol t 'mn i- itrraphoia supplies. Gushing's Pharnm- hotnvest il-re:I 'iY desirin-g to se- 'In r-~I-i -I-- nIns I it 5 l oii izs ito I ao wil l s-iil i iiil to 1'o pl~.,'ai (las n+ lr~ia II A ' hfli i~iiereni 0to ss rte 1o Jzimiis '. Ca s iet . 11. I-- -i- I _______h._____ April Fool Party ii iii i"*thiii'i'lioiila's a (r [-e s 'lil i ;wn 11-I 5 AtIS i.r"' i1re i ri-I lol iiforn. Iit;Ihos '1 IA 51'11 pl a-ic ris t Ilieii. It inn ' E. MI. STOFV'LET, 1i t AV S iltlil NN. In isniiinin 1)gl till in n ll il iln l AS S ti'E jsti receiveid lhe Largent as 'IM 41(1il C-... 3Wih ,)cii -ninn-uolli 'i TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPE. o IIIIi'o r. A 104ns I I I 'Oil ''(tisi ii iil iriiiiEiv'r iroiighi in theciy 1): 1:ii i ii I e ,iiii'ii i. FINE LUNCHES in cosinectioc E" s t' eaond l it F'a I.AL:RSJ NV'ceST R .$10rALY 14U 8o tyi~iie Seti and rcan' lil~l' IF5EI1IsyM. 10DALL$l i 3jSSut tteS R. E. JOLLY. Sll'. andl Urn. fIn s I '(ii. i lli The U. of M. Daily wvill be de- ilf' irl inwin p 1 t.I'iiricrk'n livered for balance of school year CAN YOU DANCE?' l itix g ' ii) I ry S , t 1 for $1.00. Leave order at office, Yucnlantdnefo $30 iirn, i 'inii. 310 .9. Main St. Phone 13. at tse Univrsity School of Dancing. Fresh Altegrein n-nscomaies at Gush- State Street, Monday and Wedne- lug's Pharmacy. .T. W. IOI.i.AtIF, TAOR, day evenings. Will he pleased to meet his ciisto-_____________________ Fltir dollaers t l y .) at P .1 u'an('r's niero in lih isene'quarters, 110 EastR SE ' S-ioo ofi 1 f aiiiiing. tHuroii street. SE S Eye ;lasses repnired.inesw-lenses at Expert repairing or jewelry at Billiard Parlors, HALLR'SJEWLRYSTOE. ALLR'SJEWELRY STORtE. _______________________________________________ Flue Cigars and Tobaccos. 92+sr ~r ir. c JAMES W.REID, sat ~ SP ING ~SUI ING ...Choice Pictures and Framin.. We have placed upon our tables a cntuplete line of Fa- -AT- brics for the comitng season's wear. We have also fi. Liberty St. Art Store creased our force of workmen, to insure psronmpt attention NerteUIEST to our patrons. An early inspection of our stock is NerteNIEIT UbIV N K ' ERCHANT TAILORS CITY BARBER SHOP HENRYI UtAtNDrrDAYERa, AND BATH ROOMS Cigars $ATobacces. H 700 NORTH UIESYAEU. 11 t6 E. IHURON ST. I i a 1J =41 =i AGENCY GHICAGO AMERICAN, TheW.C.KernCo. ziFfl~M T L 41 .5 -StChicago. ' I~h Caps viio Gowns miade t 0/7 iisei' aid riteil. 1Pennu2I~ s fhrr i CCii i . 'ii 212i IR _ took. I U/ Cb a, d Citis if t Fu, Caps.NN~o~ V 121 E. Washington Street SEND FOR CATALOGUE :i ;,WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS