1111 U t. N. DAILY. VOL. VIII. ANN 4ARBOR1, MICHi., THlLPSM-Y, :.A &RCt 12, 1903 No. 119 ILLINOIS ENTRIES Eleven Men Instead of en-Verburg Entered- Good Mterial in Illi- nois Squad-Close Cotet Promised The Illinoisdenes for he mlet Satrday might arrived yesterday. They are as fo1l(ow, Forty-yard das-h--G. M N. Kern, C. J. iothel) C.A.IFiriweather, C. Post. Forty-yard Ihiichi iurdes-C. A. 1air- 'iether, I.11. lI'os-tt 4405-yardlrun-(; 'it11.Dilkerson, SG. Mi. N. Kern I I te. ,, l-yard run-L.C.I ieiel, G. X. Mile 1111i'. c l, ". Ienry. Shlot hpt S.IJ. oil lii)C. A. tFai- ^ses Iler. II iglimmi X Sheppard. I. -. I .iide. _4.S I aisi ills I . C. Hr- Poile'ault( XXPst, 1.J.Sheplari. Rot-Iy --,. is N.fer, (:. Post, t.15ilI. I 5111-b(:1U.I-nd~roL.C 1ave el enIerd byhrIllitiois. Ihis 'ias sdueiiito aiiii soilerstaiditg of lihe' 'iiiirait Iisi 'ofoidisrrang- ig ile luls of ithe visio 5stliglii wrill enier <111 ii i' l 'tlimani. tselogg h as not -sy it i--oicls riovee froml his aak of le grill ind er- bgh;,been entlired as iie eleventh mla,Ilie will compelltei in the high jump11andlly race. 01filhe Illiois 1111N ern who is a freshmni is the Bst in the dash ad tinrter. lHe ihs doe the :5 yrds in 41aiiiltleiquartleri pacitic' ii54% J. XW. -Shepplrd is also a frshma~n. high junip and I1l 'et ti inches in te piol evanlt. CaptinliiHeirrick Ns 'iell knowno to Mli-igin, hiaviig'-completdiiagainst hiir tothii iiin d 'wes 'iniiin the t- tercollegiate. ii' li-s ausonidoor record in ite hi-lf of 595 anager Dickersoni is lsia ontestatfor honors in tiiseiv1ent Fosett, 1'Oi,-nil -F-ireater'0, a1e abot 01111al in the hiriles an high ;jumhp In the ltter event they have-- done 5) feet t inhes. Henry 'isill e rmenered as the man whs~ojiused'i Perry in he inter- conference meet la.t .ue, faiing to pass hims by a ery arrowi margin. Post has done the 33 yards in 4r seconds andlhs a record of 10 feet in thie-pole vault. Illinois considotOhis yew' rack' o to-m t o e the liesi one thSi oiversity ha. evr turni-ilout. Ini the light of these facts till mii'et Stt'dti-y ight shotlilplove a cosely fougt and agemntt is 'xircting a 'lrgte attend- aince 11d11m-leils I iiiliiesill e pro- videid forflu' ia-itmmiod'tiotntof t - specaitors N i-srsaiia'ris re beig cnlstrucited hby imiahs of whh-hthe tlock of sets in froni f he directors' ofic' isill e exeiiiiei nerly to the runnhingtircki ths stlrig the sealting calpllity-15(f tehis.ltli y 40p. As yeit othiini hai'iilleni heaid from he high siholsu-withli isho's Managr Btaird is s ill in corlresondenciie, :and1 the nater of aindoiiior intetscholasic meet is sili llile-I Howeveir, 'isorl is expected'iItouy whichil iwill deinitly settle fieues11051li. Football Shtdule The' fooball sheule through wich Coat-l Yost 'iill eideavor to lead Mih- igan Itronghi a1ltird con.'utvesa- soni of victients, is c-omletel I ''ith the extoeptioni of tw'io dates, Oct. 10 ad Oct. 24. The shediuleli is as follws: Sel. 2-Albioin at Ann Arhtor Ot. -Cite t An Aror. Oh-. 17-Indianua t Ani Aror. Oct. 31-Minnaesota St in pll Nov. 7-. S. U. at Ano Aror. Nov. 14-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor. Nov. 21-Oherlin at Ann Arbor. Nov. '2-Chicago at Chicago. Forstry Leture ORATORICAL CONTEST 1St. F-ilbiertiliothli e lif f thli i tedliiI _____ taleuis Inri's ii f l-ioir-srs-givea Vtery 'inoii'nisiiig isii yesterday -lit-c Will be Held Friday Eening on the noon toitheini brs oillheiiitIicaliii S.5-L. A. Corse-Mayor May- Journttll ltiband pocie s'sniii'iis bro eriwl of forisry. Hils subji'ct wabuyiof Detoitwil tilllit -sr-st tisives Xli iiiPreside has Lecih entggedt lbylt'eBoarsd o Segns as prfessor of fortst-yiand Tieitrataoricailico'ntilst timoiirtwtI'i' swill citei'u'niihis iduties benext ei'5liiprgisesobiiimot'51 i'lii 151i- fall. risinig f'or ytars. ____________________ iTe six it i itare llie cei ent'S- lf S. L. A. POLITICS ors. Ofelfli'fory-ie w'is-iratesiora sltil eiiihliii' lii' i i ell-ls andliithie'test The Fight has Already Begun-Post, ofti ihougtul 'Jt-va'in'llii wrkiig Piny Hbadand Coulter hrsd indl then,' still notIto laidlll il Pinitey HubbardIt)(-iBrinlii hoigeils'diiiir haiii i (if Out for Presidency-A liii' i-ill'. Warm Contests-hair X'. t. lyisiiy. f Iiri __________ 'it~whoiis to pre'isie,. is :t siw iy seakeri' 15 iiti lul ii Isiil tll'ligt iirid tr i in iu ti-slithing, ing t'- lii ofiiSiiiiLiA i'toliticsiii"d nsthe canhil')' I iitihi'ifrXXm IIt hi start. ii i tiigiiiis fairlIyIaun thedlanduthe'ighss' Pli t.15 Renw li'Aick is i-lpeidel t -u hei sonin alli' ithu'Pa his.. l of oi an.1 hav anoned Thircnniitc fr , e'i Th. 1e arsiy: an prs idi of't'iihhei'iti 'thu. 5511ey I ii si eiiihlAt Uiiiholk. ofi ith st~te I'nv csiy:Prf.liiiI st ll lE'd 15 Sliuof heiMatei lii- r~ll'l this Pstit is s't 'iof s-thil aty ut i g.'' Iitai I and-i u dge J. A. Busus iis i uioi ueis the iiy ti gm' s. . Ieh sat oe circlesubinghiats-ilpreitenthessirst a-ln'th-'Variiisiuti'iiBand s ' rmyag igititor'iofie hI nlande. uiiith hiat it' 'si. haIsis iiiwha fil Iail e ord H isnio scrt~ny I uisstbaavieiyti u t' s ' lg seaii- tora u'iihge ill nut t hus fuhio sit oliug i'iiu th u hud h'rck,'is- hutt ii olds lese' 1elin y u ha ler i te iuligre rnm dIta e it lo i ed uu'eu t i o tih i lit i p ri-i-of th' tt legteiui tta f t s-hter 'i s -Illofhlit uioli iii h lts- t i-bidy ;h11( el o thr theehuit iiliiteliitishamth liliilitl uiWinlli- Xumsi iiiai ts o l ice i11u':tuit i ri ngi t iit t'hIuIetis of reus oi r'n gt. hs llas IpeC t) ' ibu it 'lte lit i-ic thiny lts y~u r ilis ot a irctr st he hlsiulrs ' the sedalsotinupo im'.louxs. miie F.L re Inch ec s trem ititbiteuir oufh -u;inmiil Tit hrstifthefot hu itrs ti he tuttth ii ituu-luimiaotea hutmitn ' 1elt h I S s Iuhltgt ut , i nodnetCotylto Slit ilhn-ti o sls. i si li t glt aidutS h lecttre hsy Mahullclt,'is uth is ut o t akhettt hil h'ultper i suis tilt April.14heytshavet 'iensttrmsi'nbytoletis.Tnmuiat't'itftu' parof. i ahut e o t 'dssass Idhue s t h ol ot iiiius t ilt\ iiity itt sliul Itu hur-emi tis the hluett nevas'' hade Ca shttte tasuti z thim t w asifhtheytu rn huutoa Thichit-ruttte o ths' i--- teaoilh-c i ~-theuuu-irt ha ilhl'anc-id t sT-her ulect i s il iost ut i sthuSit- of umseiiithi(']llu istuu h ic h is tuttui X'tm'suater'vctuf oinIXanditudhoe usiut stis tt-utiehilt-of-lynmugstatdo tr liCllegit oiu- iismet h- 'uiilmthetifo'lowingiin. o ahetli me w'h eil the' indgui week.tl oiulitlieff I u NX ma -5un ruof eth- noti toi 'th onhi-illyi Aiul hs lireuaodyus ii uotr iui affa' thus ohirsirc ''tig'ih h i- and sn itde t'g itghtil. pXrieablyiii ha"suit' thun i-co -uil th erceit nso ide umi develtp, alth ugt-it u-Is--audl obsisesfthu dn'ihe i iabe tnashtitehnis- m d i nlt if ills- nStt r prupit o uu ns o ust yea1ri us i imight hoe I reilli i 'ion c ienlsti y'al t heX French Ler echttttlt uregag.Th timetuIt i wasiiihhiil opoie - 'isih lii- ageiiu t tll u liii' tosh dado s.ti Iti wali t li- h u ght tA ht tie April 11i, waiet i1-niiyei sterdage b'i-to beih i lt5his I 'ii mnagement oafy ithe u'rft ti' i-ud'Bords.ahe g e'syfubje ti baudShadno sestar'ied'thei'rIsfit-i' iftheletteha "'igeCalu'e. eaonthit'us wthalsh foudi t histli- 'reliteraii-itutui ofnithi''agei-ithe o s ilsther sit5 hu tiuuki- hodaaeI 't-isallus 'isis lts Iiii - liiand iht o 'i- r sulthis tutu cosna l eut'e15dting otiofli preijiyiishiit ihimit beacuaitill the oiiianiztiondeite ltheifneieici kiut'li-icgurt ifehisfsutis ox10V.5 InX'. muislliis of u'es.lXX'hy sto keeuitu h te!idAdle''agesli'th ie w ar iipoe',theat slie. uutuuu i-Iuu'u'hhtXtuiiui th curtsisi'sui althestmalluui tuies,~Iniiloolinegi' Oyerthuseit-u-me ntsii antidi uby uuumt thhemeItme ois the.uurt and triimiiu'sIihicht' ol-ulfed tshmituu wa urroudedia by writers. . Wbe'nlthei i i l d'ioerediiuigit someut isro writes isit u-hbentoai leeavte' itdhis huio sust be uif hue if theubandmuis Oai n's' wr ite u. iii ~nhy oundl ts Illsistinui-Uivri''s-iy ifise.u'gi'u' it har too'i'bdtatin words. i na't lls consull i ehus-ut',11(1 Ii n is ta rei'lii It-u-Inn-sp fo d the olanguage.t4 toIhutat' iliia,} u dllt nd hiutt t-t thmua'n ueasli' wit ohmie estgi of heHob str e sltioniuo She probetltes. whiChli i to, FtIII - th ofthytmshuaie ongumiit ill.aus enr~lull rvisdandcae gneall regutrultheties proviad te oruhy o Aloe mist c0am- YM-NiArter svorfthunoiveitiordmai th.po V - rant ~stods acaSe4. In ore'itork (Ti eces i srthois migane. on parallel, tumbling and horizontal hand. It is mueded at the presemit time b an. Luopertat wwk. when Illinois amid Cornell are comintg DR151MAY. for iitdoor meehs The music is en,- ivtninug and l -ivesthe monoton uumy of tiii differetevItts. It still hiteineded 'tutn more't st-e-muthe bahoblolisasott hut-is ud Il Iinisiton is t isulte withihihughan. IEverybodyihvt'itemt- hIms ouit'gmes ith stlahst year's teutms wthu-nithuehndullahhhyd suchaut m tpor- iat at inibrinigig ottttthutts. Thiie hi' 's'eenuts sill couiuruuig the prsntsa St t is hillto Mihignt iti getthiiuii! REGENT CAREY Expresseu Sentiments Regarding Harm IHone the University by Indiscre- tion u' Out-of-Tows Corre- spondents T huflloin hg coinuuuuuuiiiuaiti is worl t if or u husmtstiare'ulh cosiuiera- tin oiga 1: itleis tol]neo 111he tgi-liso uit t.suit 'hesiI' Illilt Uc. of .t.lilly: it'nrll' 1-'In youth'issut 'uf-l Saehi 4h iaipiii'ii a 111th icihihiiui sigedt mon io i he sameui. I kniost that 'I lis-c'tc''is right form'iuy attetionlit har (oneth isttutionu by gssipl si-illout :is huls. This sbljet noiw that II15is i11.,sholdI.hthoroui hghiy lu-ilae anudu iiu somei- meanuus uidopt'd to by inicreteiwsill uhhuhligumusts,.jum3 't'ecowrf tl icashrl5 is s grat fot' ham s for 'goods .. tia',instiutti ofi the suh is-ate ireietitld o eiin'sut flu-us.mush1i ' eshilTel' mi-htcmg i the iniiti'si th repou f.Ia 'thwli~g to bei'lve-m'hums'studieint ht t1utu Aul liideiistoi's Inihjuehis '11111:1 uimatr. I d li itll'sthlut solie of hemlackhuhjuigmenttiatoi tlity f matuter' ithyi' ndthutinlihipers. S hinowtm thai I-ii'en thu doinguus of the got'ermning boarsulsof theUn'tisersity arenoth corrct--livad uuiflly reported 'hit-uetionuuiis tiht is thet-re'meus- It is openi to sgtstilt. t hae eet pulesedto Si e si- staiunyx'of thu sudnt boidiy inctlinedul twarduhjoutntaism. I co'uld doihu mothimg to distotrage it. PXerhapls if st-u'htutdsotmethinig ithe ntutrt' of a Press tfluhb, o 'whichiall stho de hsi' to he ''iettcil pushers" mtigt telottg it clbtfor Impihroe- miitanidu to gie stding to te class of tmtutter stnt eom,it migit put a stop tot the yellv tinted sttffatd I e- lite that if such an organization existed the promnntitnttewsp'aprs couldtlbetu'bhrought to requtire memer- sht mu it hs oti o(f the quatliictions of a correspotndett. tS-chi ut orguni- zaionumitsihi high itals ini jouuralism stottul put the imrss lof tuthtund respec'tability osithe mnsts stntS out ausd u-coul his-iit ini its powste to do thel I.of . oct--t s'rvie. I5witelt-this t )'ultT lthe sut' of the timtiomnt uft-n rainug yot's'issue f Muarchi 5. Youm unieat liberty to puthlshlit tll orin patt hiorsn-commtent iin it ais 0-ullse it. tIsill e glad Iio assist ini any moe-umt to hring aiuuuut muehuh' in thuiliu-citn Yours siiusrii, It. -N. tAREYt'. Good Records at Cornell Those swho thinmk that Cornell sill si-hdua tuhami of cileshislene, oil ac- conult of theutecemnt typhoid epidemic at Ithuaaumusi that the menet 'iill ho ,i one-siidd uaffair,arutetlhy mis- takent. Nt-st's mmiis froimi thet Cornell squath lattIlimphle vaitlter is doing 11 fle,hot twmo of their mnt hae s-hi-iruil Gt feet ini the high jutmip, atd that Poittr, the big shot putter wiho u'uiihhsiud hagiist ichigani last 3ear, is tdoig ovr 42 fee Inmishu emints. -Agaimst stit'i'work is this Mihigttt still hissesto sm-trk tretainmhelaurels. $1.00 DAILY $1.00 The U. of M. Daily will be de- livered for balance of school year for $.00. Leave orders at office -310 S. mlain St. Phone 13.