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March 11, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-11

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WHT1A'T IS M'OR~E WeVs hi s o rk X Iiiiiilop ad ari I li tyii i of "verygarmet, and will guarantee tore
ii an' ino)isitif (tory.
Cutting, eyer & Co.
G. J. BUSS, 11gr. 109-111 EAST WASHINGTON ST.
LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron Sis. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR
CORNER bTOR'E. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. 'Phone 98. Reai
open from 8 a. m. to 8. p. m. AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR dence 302 S. 5th ave. 'Phone 314. Am
Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, 10c f___ ___butance on ci.
('It E.AlOlIN I llNSI.X'1:11.1 AN. NWedisoi arclah 11--"Th10'Irsi
- 11511'rds, 'Ilui al l, 1#:1. Sptrng asnd summser Ismported and
Burn ers,lihyt 1 sst icks ,lcolni1g. 'There arelifron fiftyl llY ixtyl D i' lome'stic Woolens. 'he tar'est
Sha diesi, ii ,",1011151iiiiiigiii ai ,~~stotk of piece goos"'S In the city
plise so111 the i'ii .1 .i, iii '1111 tlt cnt~tin1'io i 11r lB l, cot to ineastc and 1to ft. :n ooss ttii 11scwllMr-1' lw i 1~rtic. Sick
Uas FPo LrtablesIowilsi .ii'.Soils $15.0(K)5and1 uli. Prince Al-
Maotl11011, (1( til'01iiI'11tobr1 es itFibly, ' i 1: 13-SeiLitball-BertIFull Dress a tu xedos (sillk
nt(o 1t0 , 101- i st of t el ire i t'sit i ro uh in t rylIi' 1 or sl satiacd) : ,.00 and op. Alt
youc alway fnd a ht os1 1: l bw:.iai'i i- S1i) 'o rI ans iatllrilll guaroasteed at
han ias t;01n' It.i;1i, ill' 1N ii sifioreIpreZ I E lde
-uwn t s 1i0l orn e111 steEIIA JOMEt SUPPLY SIOR[ i oeicii mu's ic i s wonderfuliu"'ist. Fresh Alegetti Ctsocalates at Cush- TAILORING PARLORS
los"loate & I i erto SI, '.'ali', . csin NeN' Xiity 'liv iii'aing"a Pharmnacy Over First Natieonal B ak. Ann rbor
________________________________________ Il lo :'t 511lnilii'i';111d 1*,1:11 \\_;i, scii
AFTER THlE PLAY 1111a',111(1' lied kiiowiithere he 1a" lt -iSlnasilgold N0:11 ii 1.111olfl
rop in and get Oysters iss any style an IsIi iS' 'u'i ' lu:iiio aii '0'iuia'i .
o~ne llackftoss.the Atbens. WiArnaold Drt v C Vashsa
PROCIiNOW & SCH-AIBLE. oX ipers, ' ;. Indi ii'lOilni'i"so i (il I S:1(1ii'.uui. 211 loss H Wade E F ills
STATE STIREEXT id oliul' lii 51ii1illI ibeasskP elazler Christian SMartia
Lunch & Dining Room tautl;;l':lld. 1 o1thi ie l'o Thil'eifin i hh' 1 ':i'iii i ls5 1(' o'ii'Baials
2124S. tat St 625LibrtySt. i "(l i th il it' ,i'iIt. . 1*lat1'itttI ' Vi~0115i'e $011 eri' wick. slary or' 1 CapsitalSO ht'k, S 51 a (ilur lus, 11 5,o
rYou P alSea,25. OIn aial Niece to t i i suy t o t o pot"'- 1liilision5 . Addreii'uss givi5l 1'X eper i- esaasces, '(1.100 155u0
I SON & SAMSON, Proprietoras 110. s 5 ':. Tis is :In upo.i '1 co1la-'ii ei.' :O11(14 refe'rence-;, DIodud, 5:.Mead of thi is.1shula'si aslsela
li1iolii': isdosi ni l oii Mis5 'g.Sinaldibity." 'I'lls ;'Co., 505 11:1 sionlut d ., IDetroit. 21 51'ievesduepsss, Slays and sells exchoange
DarOuei pia t i oite ion thepsieiipoit li-s ioftheUn5sited Stases.
1.1'. A. A . .1. wa.oiigs o m. isr1110i1 :iio Id itle' I'm* ;t ie''' 1;.( Drafeas hedt uponas prop1er0idesstiaicatian
t~tat~rirr'r1E ir~'rE~E SE((0E100ri ens: Ch'lles IE. Hisc"o'kPros.; W.tD
r ''S toii'i' inl 1(io i ll'''i ',tens to ex-5l u'\ 11 u iiiV 1 5is1';1S i l trisli'i1, teioHarrima , Vie-Proes.; N.J..Frioz, C(shier.
'a CHAS. F. M1EYERSt' I plaitht______________uesnutsip _.11_
CHAS. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Ir afleI'11stof olii't's ores,]ra11thtilrdofrwlecap Inieof It. It. D Y.. A. A, & J. RY. Standard Time
M dr Jo PrnigSe'ole'y, :315oSeondsidolreet. i'llle Fors' Detroit;ioalf hourly frossi6:15a
Moern YobrekintiP ng Boot 's Music .louseit'he'polu' aranidt115-2 bulls. It)u nto util 1:15 p. om. Thsenssourlyunip-odt ppShusfr ertli<1:5.FrYiatinyt125a
liili it 'lttuyiu-s-'tu .1'iylimgu. and 12:45 a. nm. Four Jack.sosn hourl,
m sil.L a tehst music a:utosistocO~k $1.00 DAILY S1 00 Irons6:15 a. on. until7'15 p. nm.The;
Sphone 28 i-2r. 215 S. Main St. . 13I. Clause p~iano1 s'ie'resented, at 9:15 p. on. and 11115 10. m.
I nill make a0 The U. of M. Daily will be de- Waiting roomn Huron St..,XW. of Btain
speialrat We fislol hsi eolurelt';sionuis. livered for balance of school year ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
conrse.'of I i: 'i'i i 'RIO11. for $1.00. Leave order at office, ~ ~ rm&n.a1n I7a
ateiu 5SOE .AE) 310 S. Main St. Phone 13. Trains loavs Ann Arboar by Central Stand
isv eioy. Y tos:'Laey toaiised an ov atcles. oiasisossds, Monsy ilosised ona atches, Dilla-eteOo.I.12
Manicure, sowtorts anid oth(-,' tersonasoa h'perty'. mnods.hueery asnd asnytuersonal SOUTH NORTH
lairsresoing.. icBtuciec.21It ~ryefcs isisness strictly confidlential.
Chiopdyndst. Alt bussiness consfdentiasl. Termis reasonale. Office hoist 9 to No. 0.-'11:33 A. M. No. 5.'-1:01. aM.
Na. -t:..aa Na5C1:50.r-
I ' saszir Iiuus8 o 1130ya, ini asdito a3:30)11:30 a. s., 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.in N.4-tss. No -l5..
1.ad 7 tso 9 p. mi.('all or aididress XW. J. tourinss.Rooes
or 'aitll tiltJ0SEP1H C. WA.tTTS. I71,IHening block. Phone 4359. 151TraionsNao. 5anhd ti uubetwen AnnssArhai
Attenidanst __________Tra__________________________ 'm ins ,,;3 5 and duuly eceptiSunday
Freechoir'ars oNas.l' ilad.
Over Brows's Drug Store. Prt os01gi11111aIt salo 707 N. University Ave.,.VJConeN 402.~
Every Student , houid In-. We 'es'Y' X 'suietll'h best illes ef Staionearv "The Niagara Faris Route."
vest ro Cents INOTJICEoin Ii(15, 11101)alsoiakting a splecialit' of' TDE SHORT'I'LINE-
Xndiu--et the Detroit Fs'ee Press temorariyi' binider poaper bsy the tuosund A NA B R
0evs morsonlandiuthe Asso. XXW' utsire o'11l attenItiona to the less'box or quire at ths' lowestSfigures. ANN RB RT
Arbos' Daily Argbos every even Jewelry IDepalrtmenlst, whliceli h avo'Alsisf I5155you ae sny buoks ovwhich CHICAGO
Ing. Thoe best phaopers in thse secently started isi eul'Oetion owithi 0ur needireining, sail isoasod gut eus BU FAL
-statead city for the oneis 105.055 rlinhe efstatiosnary, liook-binod-prlices. BNEWAYOR
at 10icenits 10 weeki. teas've- ing, e'll. Shiousld you haive any watch- N W Y R
tiers foar ths enstshlisatio at es, cuouks or jescetry ill be reisaired wssADeOT1
Stotlett's, 121 Stain St.,Mleyers, '"huAedDstilacioss
?1_? .X villianst.sor1 ueArusa callguaransstee prfc stscionsr lF. J. Sch leede, with direcci connetions ast5Chicsago tor S
Call insectour tack alrmbeatus, Kaonsas lity, 5. Pal and sloe ]vost.
cdl ,.30 oth1Miio Street. an 1il~l~tFor' Information and thro'ghtickhets call osac
R' uY T H'!E£ TWMTO clacks, tU. of 1M. 'iss sti'. 34L0 S. STATE ST. wrise to oW. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbo
S. L. A. 13th Annual Oratorical )
Course Contest ~
Course Tickets $1; Single 50c UnlIvuW"6i14I flit i, FrIdV9 m p*
M ILWA D Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain
ing prettiest line of lione-Spuns ever shown

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