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March 11, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-11

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L. « XIII.
No. 118
Yay Replace the Inter-Class Meet-
The Team for the Illinis
Meet Chosen
Asyet it is impossible to say
whether the iner-clas meet will be
awdon the date ori inally announced
,ar whether in its stead will take place
an interseolasi- mot between some
o th strogest ot the surrounding
bhax sI prparatory schools. A sas
sted last week. Manager Baird has
,d nto a miarner of these school.
an yesterday a favorable rply was
reeii-esi fran the Detroit University
Schlool nanaenent accepting the
.proposition to sentdI:a team of tenmmin.
Annl Acbor high shI ool ]'as alrady
siguxixed her intentioti of entering a
team, and i svrylkl hat Deitroit
, chiraltandToledocitig hlwill also ac-
-ept. If ics doii it -acetainity that
the [Fiaiteschlolasilt sill like the plcet
of the itrI-clss jet
Laterhi stnight ('InptinlRotinsoi
announcedilhelin l maiikeitp of the
tIm of tillienii w to atill (compilete foti
Uiehitin a-itst Illiiiois net Satin--
daynight liii amti thirievents are
as follos:-
40-yartdiii It--Min, Stwart Ras-
41-yard high litle--Stewart.
Qnuarter milet-Rlehtsitk, Ralsiton.
On~ie iile--ttaiier. Hal, ltrphamxs.
-Pole vtitlt-Read.
I11g jumpl-BIretwer tand ea.
Belay, throee]li-letstOck, tals-
fton IBall. Iltirphamti.li, Stewart.
itwas wsitttctotsiderable ditichulty
drthu.tachoic-e watt iitate rainmte mne
in seasertilee-nts is the ext Imn txy
cases are so iesveitly nitcteds. At
tention tlsot had it e laid to gettiig
four mnocnieiit ti u i the relay
rae,; which will te three tps for each
Miller tatd Brewer we-rc tied Sattr-
'dyxnight ini the high-Ijumpl, tand were
tjumip oif the tie tt see wlto was
to enter the Ilinois meet, ut Miller
withdtrew s le was ot feeling well
an fered Iheixigittntdo his het
in the meet. Kellogg lisa a ad cough
anid it was thotuxgt est not to enter
him to avoid tny dtinger of inuning
his lunxgs fr le will nedlil e hst
,conditioni this yeriirn the ittercllegi-
ate two-mile ru. Dvomks arn isI
-still ame btnhle hopes to be ale
#i entler its the Coreltet.
Only the first aixd secaxd places
will score lin te 111ixio18nieet, frt
couning 3 titusectind 3. No poixts
will begiveni fr the reltay nce.
Kee ne Fittpattricktannxotnced yester-
4..y that the britls inx the ctis relay
series betwven the ll)Oen xgiieers and
11)04 law-, which was Ca hav-e been
rein oTf at the tllinois nmet, would be
pofuetponed for a week. Thus the chain-
pionslip of the camitus ill not ha'
*oixel uxtil Mtirchl 21.
Anatomical Statistics
A mouvemnxt is tit foot for the pit-
pose of gathering sttistics fron thte
aiiwtoniiattcabortois of the casi-
try .. A. x-iiittee hastte ueaptiitointed
by the Ameiricaxi Aatomaical Socety,
for the ptxrlost- of cttrryig forwtrd
thisi work. A list ttt questitonsealoxgt
8iaes oxi whit- infiormtattiont is desired
iaill te retereti tidtIftrwarded to
thie laboratoris. Ettchiquesion is to
tieanosswereid for eateic subject dis-
seted. It is expetedithat inititlewiy
a ltare t auitt iteresting atd
-ania-Ac dtat will be otinet.
5 - J.3.Cityttir i-Mtrriia profe-
starof anmtomiy t the Uxiverity of
xxga, is haitirmattn of the coxuxit-
- otvr the current year. Te oler
m-exl rsof the aititmiittee it-: r.j
itI 1iis, of JoitsHittpkin tUnier-'
.ti, ndl Dr. Willita Keiler, of the
Aliv5 rel yof Texas.
t~llkey, thse freshmxuan athlete who
'tst week isext to Ce hospital expect-
tug to b operated oxi, is rapidly in-
jp luixg. t ha, as yet not been found
x wsaxry to operate.
New Chemistry Building
ocetilttity, it- ittas- -iilerlgbid
Retgents ati l ttnig tt still uthte-
i-ri-ass- te etuiptit of-tthe l ii-
vt-taty. A new- cemis-alloatry
isill protbably foloaw the e-ginering
btuildinigis the d-patrtment of cem-
istry is greaty landiicxtited t resxt
by it. craixmped quamrtes.
At te lst meietixg of tle Bard of
Re gexts the folowixg retolutioni aas
"Other present idemanis binig out
of tin- aay tutu the funds t tt can-
anid piitticuy inecssitatie lihierecltin
worak ini tsietourses."
Tihis instures the hemitss a ittw
hometini i tItac fititiandttu atnthie
buiildingi iaill go-ti tilth liiampus.ii
New Course t e Given Next Sum-
mer--To Require Little Mathe-
matical Preparation
In responise tt mitny iqiiers it has
beeni-detitietd lt tofer a scoursilliiitit-
the eoititxg sitittiti Isesslti i tn liii-
untiverity oflMitcahian.The treaii tI
coturse asill Ibet-oinettoti- eltmn tary i t
aligebrt, sincittit iste imidart-
the itutilt tsionitota brais- wtil
is limut itit slithitknowatliiige s n a
te gwine-d fromtt a cttrseiniieemieiitry
nCutousy aitht the cutrse iinsurtanceiit-.
The cuites in inisuitancefe ttr-d
duriiig the rguiltr cltge y-trt tie
taken by stidnatilsit a cnieiral
imont a-axititeiitdli ill pepatiti ottu
yctars itttrtiitig. IHoweveri, soitti
parts sitthet-subljec, such is iutiied
abtottacdtitto tf fairlxy simple- tr-tt-
ment. lTe xtttiexttictii iipriniples-
iinvolhvedwhcht, a -nittl, tre otettni
imiperfetlyiundertod by te aiv-ragi-
isaur ate mIanattger, tgext, tititbusie-
ness ittit, ctan be very cetry exlainxi-
ed through a series of dtiy lecture
covering athperiod of six wek, aid
coxiiprehiendedl by hoseawho ly io
lalm to mre thaxi ax eeenetttry
knoiwlge of trithixetic anid algebra.
The summuier essioxi at Aitn Aror
begins July 1 amd eds August 14.
The cst f livig,incluingtu mition,
aiverages froxm$.1 to $73 durixg the
entire session.
New Medical Building Completed
The newa medical building is all
but retady for oecupaney. Several of
the labtatories tre aretady iii usc
(timdte department will make its final
moe justhaetre the saunt vueatiox..
Tie hetatimg andh hghtimg atpaatus
tre at ltat in workimg oder andmake
the initst systmiom the iamphus. Both
lectre roumsa tre compltaeted timd litlet
remainmu to be donesatve to tut the
lastomma-les omi tie wootulwsruk, ashit
asill be- donme by mnext Satum-iaha. The
drst ca-i-mthihhe ii inte ew buildimg
waste Cieeating ofbhi~thilicoxtixi-
Promises to bc One of the Best in
Years- Foot Laws and
Two Lits
This-dual tcotesinlx shichm aill te
eitisett it-higitms treprsetattie fr
the -NortherniOratoiamleIague, aill
take pluc rtidaty -avenimgiUniver-
sity Hatll. The contest is gvn-ia-imsu
omt f tie numutbes of thxe S. . A.
coursemandmshIs alwasvte l itt-iueude
smi thorosauuughly emjuyct. Thei ttit
was-ittre to comtpee tie the winiiters
f thle classa cntuests awhouthatve beenm
titarded-uiithimsisixhpltates iithought
tandh compoiusiti. Theii ittest ptom-
sts to be iiimiunusuatlly iteresting utis
asti hei mittmiarse hisety at-ihi bucthedu
miii the xtttmld gc awill uxiiituttidy
-e ls. liii judugs otax iver-Ity
sehe-ti-ito teitti re Profi-a. Srtngitt
YlslatiilanxxiiJudig Batrbtour,.osiToa-
ledo. Theiirsit u dgahe-asill bhi- i
itt-s-dtomoritrowt. Thus unatitsui
Ihathithtt, a04 it. Alooit-ittsCiti-
huh., 'as it, fle Fi-lst Ameinitt.
Mar shatul. i'03 tlas, -ltittiou tand
liii Cotittionlt."
h3,lituii,'11: ita, "hue Ang-Sx-
tilt 't5 lass."'True-Pturiotismi."
Somuiiush it,'04 itia, ihaisetnIn x-
Rural Sociology
Theitclatss i rs~lc st-itlogy in thei
isnivitly oit II-icigtuiu inlt-i-itulimit
isuiiutu lttu i ti a-toprethnsivae watty.
rulst it sutdi-d sminthing tabout tts
bus;:o armtinmg isaituititpotc as
anx Indtutry, its rlatitosn ttothi-ii
dhustis,.hiex uxs-mitto iwhichi it is
progeinmglthe regiotnxa tattheusnaut-
tr u hihti it is this- moust touruishug.
The ti-t itooisk mmli te movemetitof hil-
ulatuilonifromui te ftrmsxett he ctie,
aniiitritdt htaaheucsauses taxtdtrm-
stlts of this mottuvimint-t It studidl
Clxi socital conduititons itf ftrmers, tes
retlative mounmt tf illitetay, cmexx,
andIt snixaty iiym ll xihecounty atim inte
sIty, tamd ati tututh. Ta-mu it studuied titu
things thauttiemamutkixg foratl-tiprohug-
u-a-s, ant-lias good trtals, fm-s-ituralut
delivery, elecrcic lues, ruralitetite-
huhomcs, hic truaehoosh, agi-culhtmul
colleges, farmercs istitues, the ex-
pimuueut station, thue departmuext of
agrculture, thu Grnge, farmer.'
cluxbs, hictoutry churh, tituso ou.
Rumor Groundless
The runmor that . J. Merill, Cfa
huiw haxd distppuered hus proven
groundlehss. IC was reportd that e
Cud beeni desponmdent, had take'n t
razor timd dstapphearedt, it bingm-'feied
hut haid Coummiteu itise. Tos iaha
tre respounsible for te reposrt faied
o satit hauttMerrill had tknxthe
rest at hula shutuving otitl, watrigtp-
parel at u merousiiit55t5other articcs. Mr.
Merrill hatd bteen ill antd decided tatt
afewatdtys outing awoulds be bnefi-icitl.
His trisends wvure informd of ila lx-
Cmteton to tke tiaaatuiotut,soasstre
s-ry indsigatumua-t the oigiatos at
Cle false repotc.
Lecture-Recital in Friee Hall
A histric-tlhlecture-recia illvthbe
gist-muthistle ttrnoon at x1:0 ii C-uieee
Mtemorulialtaliy Professuor Lock-
wvood. JT h rograumxwill be ms fol-
JIohanunesuita tthuts (1533-897).
Sontatu-tOp. 5.
. IAlneistso.
11. Andatea.
ItI. Suchrzo.
IC. Inuhucr uusa l(Retrospect.
tt. li, Nu. 1. (after. tie Scotch
legendu of Edwaard.)
Op. It, No. 2.
hxtinteit tiph. 7, No .
Csoncerto-tOp. 83, 1t iatut maujir.
. Allegro mxciitropposu.
II. Allesgo auuususioaistul.
1ll. Anidante.
IV. Allegretto grtazioso.,
tOreheistrtal stuts tututhe scond ptanao
lay Milssut hIsabetMait in.i
Leniors Asked to Potpone Gradua-
tion-Appropriations of Other
Colleges for Engineer-
ing Builoings
The demantdushfist s-mi--ueetothrough-
sut Amieriatitithic present tie, is
ttr n xueuss osithCle supply. Eventi at
thul arstudastet, fiuourmntuhs before
Iomnenn sdtlai-u sisitsty, manu~y retqtest
forali-i u-ssuist'rs ha eseen uceived by
thu eadstil-sifthtits ugimcs-ig sdeatrt-
metut-itfa this-IUivesiy. Someui of these
rsahstsst tutues beenmisic ugs-nt tieto
tsk thatt studenumts betadisedl to pot-
sits gratuatitin iin ocer thatt they
uxighutta-eutstak at onxc
Thattthis desmandxufotrtngxieershas
beeux fetIbiy tther schools othCie
Utedlt- Statesastuelul as by Michigan
is mouust fsorcibly shownu by someu of Cle
appropruiaiuiatiosecenty eesed for
eugiuerixug building and equiptent
tug varxiousa institutions.
Not long agot iarvard spent $500,-
a0)1 for engiering buldings; Ss-
cousin tUniversity recently received an
appropuuriationu of $2101110X for the same
purpohse;:the IoaxAgriculturalh Col-
cege has built xx$20100 Wegineering
buildinug; the Univerity of Pennyl-
vanihx a sjust about Ca build a $30,000
enginerixng building; the University
of Ilinis has jst asked its legsla-
tre forun tuupprpriaton of $300000
fur Cle buildixng of an egineering
anud physical laboaatores; and the Uni-
versity of Michigan is at present cam-
pletinugxi builinig which it is estimat-
sdawil cot $160#1,
Course in Forestry
At tituehlast meeting of the Bard of
tRepens on ut Thursauy, Maiurcht 5, a new
Irofcssr ix forestry iwas egaged.
Sitce tie inauuguratons of titl new
departmentxutasittfall, such iteret has
bet-mmevinucd hug manuuy students that
it wats debued necesato C enlarge
it. 'therce ae several graduates stu-
aentsstuying thitlescience lure new
ndh maniy oiler scientific stsdents
hatve expressed. thei inteutins of
tking up tilisoktue soon as they
tre conusisderedhiquliid. The unew
itattiaptpointedtliat saeek is Sta, Fil-
bs-t Rotuh, wvhoeis nv egaged In he
Biureu ofatForesry at Washington
Prof.lRothx tits matdseaquite a name for
hilmustlf i huiescince, anxd is con-
sideired omit of the best authorities
inx the couny He hats publuihed
soatti very attice-artice in Cle gas--
ernmxuet reports on "Timcber Physics'
etc. Prof. oh's salary has been
fixed at $2,30 amd he iaill become a
muembetar of hit faclty nt October,
isn hxCle Unives-tity otes.
A Chicago society woana a former
Michigan sudent, declared publicly
yesterday that no woman should be
married to the same husband for more
thtan three years That after that
Imarriage should be absolved without
the aid of divorce courts. Tel they
say co-eds are opposed to marriage.
sisuuers ostint txuaury-5, sahichiwisoittesGodPsto
the sauthirec-iltaionux rooint taxihtuehirdt esGodPsto
Ioaa tut htiuslectureishahlstill beusuaL otestisHlogrefte, a 190o2 matn, hats just
faor Cheitsiat timue fox a lecturue byIDn. haten offera-nd usaucseptedt a luost dae-
Novy. sizambles hosiionu t-itt Ms-xi-tutu unix
Mtt.tlsagretsswissiborn x isutin ~na
aadvll i in d, camne to Chile countiry ini'S6,
Pr zes for Amtateur ite~le atert- griduautimg frontx a Cospenthagien
Fidauiug nightuafter ihue peuftoncuie college. Afitrawarkinug tonrssuxumygatun
itt Johnu A. Stsves'a'Unknowna"ss the lue henuteresd the tUniiversity,takinig the
compuianyugmaktacvmy foxrClue amautteurse stecium altousinss xchemuistry. The posi-
toi cntst fsruthrCitri es, as followas:taonMr.it ltgrs-fcisill hill iast lte ti-
l-lustpile-A csiner wteir pitchrci usiriuig exper-t hknowalge oittChits hiti-
Sit-sond-Combintionumusat.iing tr s rugs utah payos stuetokuta-timr
1hicih-Silier drninug clip, lie lacas for Me~xicn xxtwoswas.
sini 11got recitaxtioxns is eligible to this __________
singin, or recitations- is eligible Ca this $10 DAL $10
contest.'Severth studetsuhave si $.0gAIY $10
mulled their intenutionx of entering this The U. of M. Daily wilt he de-
contest. Three wvell-known Ann Arbor livered for baiance of school year
amateurs have entered their names.
It is said the prizes are awarded by for $1.00. Leave orders at office
the aptlause of the audience. 310 S. rlain St. Phone 13.

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