T~E UNII1p ttjY ()F )I1 :'1IVAN.t DAILYx. . _ _ r_. _ . _ ,_ l t' A '=2 *tI z'T ' a as - -e .r+ .._ ... .c. s . . . Y.l!ti C . .._ r. .....Uw:a, { .. .. _ .. .":: L rh _ ....... i w . A r I' { 1 A 'Y ' . . ... _._ ... __ ... .. .. v i ^...^ . .. yy yyvyW""!'~'~r'e/v4"vw.^+..arV.^ /w^vMn.+ 4^r+n.rv.^itrM1.nW yr t^.^vhn'v^."^.ntVW , -,. n a....... w.a I 17.ti I~raich toreon tate St. PALACE A-->~ &A That'- tthe plaic whe'reN-01 the leaist trouble, to our11- selves. Domestic finlislh a specialty. M, F, DOWLER, Agt.; ; w 1 5 ivte 5 )out1- ipetionl to our 7arri vas in Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. S rin, 'lotsii ig, tn hehghs ______SPLO,,S FFCILcecllenice illcorrect fasiiioii. Thefiiiest __________OF ICIA ri'iii ts al'esil led talilors Ill Sprin g Overt- W ATHLETIC ALMANAC iosfrc'ien anidt 51 11) 5,"1111It1 ns it ki For 1903 iical M 4olR crs ad C 1 te list ofIi I l i ot i, . (Iii canii:iid ft'i'is attitetes. 'fells Prospects are Briglit A Novel Ptocedure Price io cents IThei l4v.,t-Ii al s :H P~llt ''l'wltt lirll ~s f:l l -o tIltli tia4"I 1 ill 11+ I x u[ii l o lit i11 1w , AIGSi4din:Iros ls ii ot ii lt i11:111 Y 1ut li si.. iil a ~ -il no Ii . T I tI ; NitIIIri, (i-4;141} 1liLierIItiili;l-o sI IS t i W i so lt' tilt li - tt t itti.a ltI. i . I ol FOIES O S Ni iti1iih s.:1 s 11 tr itwh ich, i:111-iii i a --IlI )t Gro nd Fork , 312 aya rd Stre t ii -slll --Ill(, ii i-i. ' t11x'1:1 r 1 It> liitii "ii ly I I I 5 1i 5 -tji -ii I ____t._________________ T U T T L E t'lilil wt:tiii Hlt-ilit- l EL > Otlrut it i-l-asI I' 'lii iii Iit11;i ll ofaI * l iili T he U. ll o M. D ily w41il e de-~11 I ' il < Ili 1i1i. islt iI:tt i ailitih ct l i ll Isi i 00. Leavetorder t fi cer ,t 1ii. p iiir it i :ll iii la st i lli t h 'l o i ll310 2,. Main t Phone 13. WatCaper, a h in oils and glass. Shitl' he pleasedtto meets his ruso- 203 E as.St.APhoEM2Y l ids o rit ndPoo- 1175 t t his newt qurllt a ters it ) Eattt si 4t S U E T U S re rapers' tysupp~l11_4les. Cushlag's Pharm- i tiil iil t et.ili ll'll ''t'llll h Gr un lo r 3 2 a na d dl~l 11 tiltlis (la' oi' f(11, mol l"4-11Y f'tll acl'iiy.111 strieiyach lN o t:7lretln Exerth repalliing ad 1o jelwli t Epet etlirig ewlr}a prt~JII L 1~j~ aLE E s JWe ot Lo iiYdeSTOm - IIALLItRS'IVS IY SOE ,} f 4 .j 1 ,! t ,, I t C LA-ST S iAR;; t (11117tii'-THLt S I IIA SiGIA SOUTHEURN KNICKERBIOCKE3R 1ltise v0Hs1enlienit We wiIlbe pleasec 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. 1103S. 'in11St. Lowney's ad AllAlegretti's C'HOCOLATES Ill1' bet thatis I-alsays fresh-Ss tireiereersteel-. Qud rru j Campus Drug Store. TRY THlE Only andf Kce u nyWhen You Want Home-Made Candies. E. 111. STOk'IA'ET. iz5 N PIAlk T HAVE' just reciedeiL a trgest an?, f iletlinuesf TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPEI Eer ibroughite the cty. FINE LUNCHES ill eolnectioKL Everyting nest tind clean- 3ii5 South State St. R. E. JOLLY. CAN YOU DANCE? You can learn to dance for $3.01 at the Univrsity School of Dancig: State Street, Monday and Wednes- day evenings. ROSEY'S Billiard Parlors Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. JAMES W.REID, st W. S. PIPER, 308 S. Plain Street.' Eyes Scientifically Fitted New tens and repairiiig Fine watch and jewelry j repeiriing. Work rea- soiiable and warranted. J. L(HAP MAN, Jeweler, E06 S. Main St THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, Strictly PFirt Clans. DAN SHERIDAN, Prop.' E. WiVlliami S., Fist door off State. 1, i ?a d-v W-% t Ik TO JO. W T T P E IL" .r r .-. E SI-'INUi 5UFIUNUS... 9 We have placed utoin our tables a complete line of Va- -AT-- brics for the coininug season's wear. We have also iii- Liberty St. Art Store creased our force of workmen, to insure prompt attention Near the UNIVERSITY to our patroiss. An early inspection of our stock is ___________________ H e a rn e stly so lic ite d . 7 9 N h T ~ ~ I Y A E U , C T A B R S O HENRY AND KY ER, ERUN TAL S AND BATH ROOM$ as&Toacs ______________________ AGENCY CHICAGO AMERICAN. The W.C.KernCo. 411 E. 57lh-St., Chicago.- C I l _ I I ..'i INI tF I 121 E. Washinzgton Street WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS