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March 10, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-10

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VyOL. X111.
No. 1l7
Dr. Wait's lteresting Lecture- Dr.
Boucke will Deliver the Next
Nuhmber on March 16
Dr. W'ait's leccure on Friedrich
Spelhagen, which was gien last
evening in Tappan 14,i, was well
atended. Spiehagen's life was
sketched in a mst intere ting and
entertaining manner; the pot of his
bet novei was traced, and hs best
characters discussed.
Friedrich Spiettaten, one of the
mot prominent of the modern Germans
nvelists, reidd tMadebrg until
six years of age, t which ime he
was taken to Stratsund, on the Baltic
Sea. 'Ils circumtance to sigiicat,
foics' beli e Ii(ainti ierested liiiinatare
dy Is lproximity ito the sa. (ne
critic said o tinate was the lfrst to
shose the IBati eaS'sto Is pol'e.
lHe alndthi e schosi- atStralsund,
aiiid afterwrrthelivi iaeriy. I i te'
''Meiaories sot his Iyoutht"a te tells
about is pairnsandaaatteachersaid
relates mny acraniiscaseaies f his boy-
hood adays, asnatIhaaaafosul liewas of
Hoamer-tae (tatysset especially. At
130iiii a iwc atise watstpursued, bat
later phlosophyatli ad lileaitiii at-
tractledt tlcs aloion. Tha le tacers
trofessoaaeaos finaally adeciedltuponi,
wicha, hoawver swis given ip iatlie'
whenas teaevotedt all his cenergies Io
literary wor.
Thus is asas lhat Staela'tageaa begana
his ltiiar:raay ia ii's-excptioalyitei i
ini life, at le'as iiiiihi lai'rtan iaost
author'. TieI' aul sudaiedtlaws, miei-
ciiie, anadtpedagaioy: wenIlcatlc trt
diramiaawsas pulitlshieal Stiallagei acos 4i0
years'o uf aise. Theniafoltlowiedt dramaas,
novaet, traivls, strt sotaris, essays
al translatlionas. Amnig the last
naameadt sill le foundaatasany American
poems. As sialjecs for talcesay te
clase lGermanaiiEnglishi andal irencta
writers, suah as a othe, Thaekeray,
Edlit, lainaaa.
Inis alnioe,, Sihitageia deict
thattclias-thea tpriile'gedaIclass-whicha
spendst its timie gaamblinag, drinaking asd
t the races. ly aislortrayal, this
clatstbeliees liii'distiactiona letween
it ad the luswer class iasa one of
blood, sotul, eviii of nataure; the con-
mona class on the oler ad enlist
his symnpathis.
The novelist sashoet in purpose,
though lils warmiaiture and intense
spirit dlid not awayts ernit him to
display the actal cniditiosa dispa -
siotately. He tIoaianiiactie iaerest
in contlemaporary life: iadee,le his
beets called liii novelist of contempso-
rary life. Ills strug;gle wsacone far
the progress of huaitiiy aada the
freedomaaof the sworl.
The plats f altlaisnoess ad
stories are conasisent, andaahtal style
mnay be termedci artistic anad elegant.
InIltlcsthrt souies Stiettageiacecnters
nl actiaona abotita psychiological con-
fict of some kinda. Many conans
tirades against capitalai, swhile others
liaise as at central ideai soue eent,
a sad fate, or lihi like. Te nvelst's
thorough studay (f 1Romier infiueneed
his styli geat ly, shiale tab greatest
niovel (Pl'raaeiaeaaisce -Naiurien) ass
assa ftnamaaentlal tricile a qulota-
tiotn fromaaGooiea.
Thle above a'saaeaaaist form only a
pait of thes'lectureAvhscala sasotmasca
enjoysed ly the audlee. This was
the tbilctuahre initil, series giena ly
thes aaeaaaters of the G emiaani faculty.
1)1'. Bouckte swilt give' the fouartaoaii
Monalay next.
Board of Cntrol Meeting
''lisa' Boardl of Conatrol htidala mse-
iug lastA aght i iin 'eTrophyatromia.
No buisineass f i'n'ait laeretswas
transaoacl xtteat'aaa p i'lartila 1seet ionlii
of the 105 nonaa whao silt giagatains
Illinois. 'duIe oficlial annaaonicemaent
will colleout today.
There is aschaanace for a properly
nlalil at studaentl to spend the summer
in settisnienat sork at Washington,
D.- C. 1Board hprovided. Apaply tI rof.
4C. H. Cooley.
Bryan Comes in April
'Te adrles giceaS lyIW. S. IBryana
ona Value ofal Idala"''at Ysianti
yesterdlay eveninag, as atendiedi by a
considerablae inumbler of sltuets. Con-
trary toi expaectatlionsa, Mr. tBrytn did
not litouch iin politics 10 ay extet,
but confinlied hinsef ainily to the
ethicail subject whiach he had adser-
President Laiwsrence and Secretary
Wilbun of the Gusd Goernmnent
Club laie secured MrIt. Bryana for an
address to be gisceanuder Ih luctb's
auspices in ilut iwsill be the sec-
ond niubter oila their list, follosig
the adadares of Mr. F. lH. Head, ex-
presidenit f liii'Amaericani Civic Fed-
erationaaiiMIarcha 20.
Statement y McAllister-He Leaves
Saturday-Roach Arrives
Thei' lbase' bal larailea'iithe gyma-
naasiuma aipo~ages'sing favtorablet' under
the eticiest cachlig of Mclltiter.
The meniarae reporatig reagarlaay fasi
ptiea, wicaha is conistaitlavaiedhin
orderi'tomaka e it less imonoaitonoas toISa
the candaidatea'. Siace the recena mt shlt
if goosa weathaer ad brigiht sunisine
liii hospas f the canaidiateias laie
tuned tao sum u t ia-atoitr wourk. 'd is
howseera, siill ssaot taiuiet'halstashk
busiait ioabtle, if lthe siwateis'o'
ditiolsiureiimiainiiithis samie tati t uta s-
door wo5sark siill legintaetxwuek at thes
'Mcd llis'r, whenaskedusuto akeaaia ht'
statem'eana its-'tt riug ts' prospetatsusfr
a uuua g istamuisaid:; "Isauaas u
hpublic the is'sats'sof thes'candiats
sc-tartic'oingtt '5eeptionalail ahity
because I1usa mut care isainerferea
wsitha thai'ws-uclaof muy suites'sor. ota
imaty sayt houagh that s'veraltgouds
luaen aetr yinghfr tie batt'ry posi-
thomas. T'lii eld 'hhcaadaihat's ue also
stronag, swhmit'thus'returnamto school o uf
ast sa's outie'lders makeausit tertainmi
thatt houseshaiionasscittlhae'well filed.
'Tisabaitery hprac-ice is Iprgresa'singa
aimsely at I can mamrealy intice se--
eal lkely men'I. It is harderls''thoungha
to: gatga' theailinmg atie showsig
oni this fhor Is nothing by wthicha o
judgew of thic candidate'sbilty. After
mll, though, youl may rest assurd that
lim eiauma of 1'903sill b muh stron'r
thaun tl 19m e a a'."
Mc'Alster sill be supercaded by
the regutaar coach, "Seel" tRoach, at
the enda of tie w5eel. McAllis'Ir leaves
cn Tuesayith-llalie tDetroit taminfor
the'ragular srung tait.IDutring hi
stasy hre he tits made himelf svry
popauliar i'citi h.menmm, cs-to are co-
hag alstag anicly undue'hal ismfi e coach-
lag. Hei is as gsosd payer, ama excellent
coc liash a fie genatlemuanu.
Byers Elected
Time anualeleacio o eptuli-
'sum Cilb oteer sa 1bld last Star-
say i lm tcitlamialltt. That'followasig
wer'ae tie scsessfut caiastes
Plreident-Jas. CBysr.
Vice-Presidetat-C.(G. tBailey.
Sacrtar-h.B. Jonest.
Trasiui r-C- G. Klin.iu
M~tarsaas-. 1. Thoasm,G. E. WI'ar-
William Wagener
Proif. A. A Stanlaey has u st an-
usnouscd at macs-artisttsr tie May hes-
ival. the is Williatmi Wagemusi-ammtual
teo 'ui lthus'MtotpoitananasistCastic
Sattaae oteaaucoamaies, uf Nets-York.
Thus muusi-al critics speak highly o
Mr.- Waugoaner m'slshthetsChomatun ~aion
is fortunuaute' lamscuring hm.
C tibl-a tsihas'Slts-It Ctsat Atens
$1.00 DAILY $1.00
Wooley Club's Old Friend Gives Her
Opinion of Michigan, Yale
and Harvard
'lie 'Woolaey- Cub's old friendu, Carrie
Nain ha agi shot into lruam-
innce throlagha a lamnerissw grasated
tat am represenatative' of the tsasly Cmi-
fornan.sas It soas oshile osi svisit to
Beleyhas-thaut Ca-rns'eoas k11ud enoug
tio graumtthec'inateriesw asdathtie result
sit it Isgisenathulams hy thatipap ea'.
"Anass1I aoamngt to IBerkeley.S C'er-
hailys I iaveisa'ssied Taint,. Harardu'u,
-Aimlist Asi Arbnorandmaahe uhu' aisar-
sits-ofsatlae-oxas adh avea''enlstarenmt
-uprtr in etuat'Omma-a-ahlaas-a' Iivvsiiy
students -missasspo'useaill sy auseandtt
atmra'univesallyi mysfsits nsa. Iss. I
:kiil acsiltails-aouinag to Brlla'ey h's-b
it, n i canntuspehksirk iithis
tii amssi-situ- bauiing Iill seikk lam
am hallitinathus cts.I sil gist' you
alt r thi a msy55dsaticstudent alfrinsiu
acrs that' nay."'
Toh~ thesilytubsalihfornuian:a
I -alitigr"ifiedut'ohoveaaa'a reptr-
sentative o'fsh t'h atydaliforunianalla-ut
toi s' mass' I ha-us-a' en pl'am nn
iosa k to'Ihathai'studusats ii that'Stau'
Uisitsyscl 't-'heseci'youug peopl'a re tna
ah h a herstuaouan ik tattemuo'dbaatha mgaterl'
cast-hgthuanaI a-aim lis' s-stu-isuof tas
atio a couans-strasotl thass'r stoe. dIstal
'agrat thatitie f a-coutry adhataira-'s
of ailth srongs maay caus' tasma ha
thau'ettheir hatcht s votes)agaitt
S I aa gltatoha h]sw atsla Idta'raias'
astt aloou in li iu-las-y:t's has sameas
voniti luais nt iarar. swhile at Ylts
tusaid aAnuat a te doolrasf esh truasin
isopnto hainamustall iu-hus;jwses
I shoaauldhass-sr Senduaasostilt 'inastto
a uniesitoy aumishtthis eii.*
'Aftea ruasrling huts heatutifu
thosughts xpre'asse'dhilamyoura'C'(all-
fornuianu' hI(aiimreaduily unaduertanadathes
inluencesa m-a' ch- haas donue thismogod
'"My luauphassionu of oter unier-
sities?" Heratushe n aaatoar saxed
'"'ouangmaan,'se sai,. 'sherever
I haielmt univiersiy sttudentsoI hae
beena received ithlatie tratet ealiu-
situsam. W'hy, theastudents haeacata-
ally gisvun their college yels for nme,
mad at Hartsard tie men stoot sp
aid gusve 'lirs's chers for Carie
Tatasula too deeip an imspressiona hatd
I madeuounus thesum thamt thuey tore ny
baonnet imo shrds for souenirs of
thier 'dehahdr' I '1didn't msinstai
at altt basa I nsavser wear anytig
that isorastahaucshi now5. I have neer
ha-d it siam but Iihaea' brotherns asse
taass' runst boaadng house, anduI 1knuoss
Lowssohiattcitt.I Iad iam boy I soauldts
se nd amiatisaIIarva-a-a shrs' tiemoral
tani s lasts Never 1o Aim Arbor or
Mac 5'Nation grew- very excited and
isunmctuatedci herrecital switha asthreat-
.:Y alean-sAsh nlmaArbor sandisins a
s-hass has heselves. '0Both imstitutlumma
aide positi' shasao(f ini~uity; drimaking
ad carsosusng ariasery upr'valent.)
Time gsaeraltabmosahehre at bolacaes
s anytthinga btut sdesirabloe. At Yae
theai ctually hased into m y caria
aidtok vaa y souvenir hatchets.
I slapphedl one of themislamtie face.
Iictilyfor isaltmsI mun omgesst-h.
'MYi leataislass hatcet. At Michiganu
I wsc--m ed oIsnah pu a ty hatsshs ude'
met'a-slsi'51o515themato ae thesmasfromn
that'maulsTheyaw see ame boisteus
thereethiatus any othesr lce I isited.
'sa t mo scum 01fumineostlleer go to
tttMichian.I inn laot hprepardatolasr-~s
i artat'theus' vrsias'stes'sta univer'siis',
sash Ilav cu' t hair mor'alua ses.
Thuahe aaaamat-as sftthisirile'laues
luaut utali t hat d!auni' A. Natisonhisa
le'aguesd scilh lset HtubaraundsalA
Alhonzot agg 1oinjurelieuumne amd
fair famue of Michigma. Sure, swe
intat be getting promninent!
No Vesper Services
'dis year is lthe first inseve'aahlst
time ussualcu-ssrr carsic's haie unot
haseu heldmiin nsIies'ity Hait. In
lutst yams these services have been
held'tiesevscry waeek, amd thus sacredl
iuusic re'nderd by the carfuly
trained chosir under the directiona of
P'rof. Staunleyh'y as. aways besen en-
joyecd ash appurciated by the sudents.
tumd faceuty, who trned out to hear
it. Ofteni excc'llent soloists contrib-
unusmbenaars to liemnusicali hrgramn.
Many pe-Isoplse havs hi.- year sexresed
great egru'at tiat theascsustm has not
tieus continuesd. Prof. Sanleaysuted
thatlthisicyeasia'it hamd beets uttrly im-
isusoibhlastoget tie tnumber ofupersonss
req'suisite fora'as gaod choir tgeher
lo prnact-ice.'Aus lie sacred tmusic 15
usu alasays thissaasict, it necsstasate
as goodsa l ua of iharda-Ilmctiig anud
it sems that thusay'ar lie sdets
cubshoave goodusivle-os areu-cnaaabe to
alaevaoat bi its nas c tisetoiiiit.
S. 1..X1_.JURSE
One Dollar for Remaining Numers-
Oratorical Contest on Mach 13
-Other Attractions
'The' maageamenas'ut of lie SIL. A.
haves'uslt amaomasciI thatltlu-basisfar
thus remaaaaidrosathlie couse' wilhe
soldafail' sne sdollara; considternug lie
misimIbthatus are t ascomeu,the haie of
thei seatsosatlu-lat wousaldibu sdecaardh
staisuaforadson tossam slege'n-au
Isatatiaaauas'ah Thes nex numhasar cam
Ita-th cusa' is this'Oraatoruical Cdntslt,
Mfataia 13, cilia-au I'Tlichgaa oatrssn
sauily mIs is'' al iuaaua'ttisi. 'bTa' li1st
tf at e Cioat n'aagu'ssmuanuaCha1.Landishl,
thus'elam' tedal'aoratransisalitlicianm
frumIts ianaaau, scillrusmat sa ituso.
Chitamp sCmla, instoutd Oiks' s-unaty,
dlissourii, ba joinut debate suotubuuhlic
quelstiuon, damshachampaaioningthei' re-
specsatie paares.
Misarncha30hat lm asanaga'aac'ut alu-
nouces sum extra, ma lectures by Dr
E. I. Cortllhons "Two Yasr ins
Arguamiae as Conasling Engineer of
.Nautuonmali'ublic Works." Thelaseacturea
s tat as tec'hicalh resulme of engineer'-
lag diufiultes amd feats iii Southi
Anmerica, hut a bright, sparkliung tlc-
lure on life ins Argentine, ilustrated
hy niney-three lanterns icws, of
wich thirty-five are colored,
Dru. Corthelwtas a suetnutudeir
Pre'sidhentlAngelatSrowntUn ~iesrsity.
HeI is am ember of the thiteta
Kappa andu Sigma Ni socetes. Ic
-ao ins chmarge of the engineering amd
constlructions of tie fanasEads jt-
lbessat this umothiof lie Misisitpi,
amIdscas oceomisf tiemost promuinen'at
ot tim ensgune'ers csnnectedi cilttue
Waorcd's tF'aur. Unatl aeley itr.
Conthellha ,s hbeenuins lie empluagoy f
the ArgentincsRepsusbic ass consuling
engine er fosaatuonal pusbc swors,
hating bee'anusecomumendedifor that
poiionaly thumsU.S. gosvernumnt.
Hes is not am stranager il(t An ticbo,
havinugifilledUniersty tHalltolaovet's-
flowing haIS185, by ans arst-so ha-
fore tie Ammec-am Soccty fain llam
Adaucemuent of Scissen humus'
'lie thirdlofApirl, Lel'andah '
P'ower'as, the reader mnd mpa'asoaustu.
still entertauinis oldi fruends 1mmn'a-
es-c.ity Hal. I'owers as aniamissa--
sonatolisnmsto easaland misui iumo tt-ala-'
pesated ins An Arbaosr ofte'ne'rti it
tresidheat Woodrowv Wilsona has se-
lectedtie 21.1 of April to speak n I
AAlrbcton, It shioul Ieas uamashanf
cosid'rabe g"attucatuiasto tu t at-
lamams df tie coture thaut lrs'identt
W'ilsson alowsed tias date to taa iii
alhuughialtltholer lecturua auaataa'-
mansl, ecepsut those befirts''hePicu-
luau Itausamau, wscaa-ams'' eat
Conugussaamani Littlieildi hau asad
far a date, ate ins Apuril, uautdcsill am
all prbabilty speakhao05tie luust
problhema. Those conversantt wih cur-
rent events know e is pre-eminenty
fitted to do so
Bourke Cochran has w'rittenu thaat
ho wvould be unable to 'et us definite
date until his return frons Eunratpe
the latter part of April.
fThe U. of M. Daily will be de-
livered for balance of school year Ma. A. Downing, '02 law, last year's
for $1.00. Leave orders at office fencing champion, who is practicing
law' in Inadanapolis, is visiting U~ni-
310 S. Plain St. Phone 13. versity friends this week,

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