THETUIVES RITY OF MICHIGIIAN DAILY. W H ATN W I t(li I i IS O E Wekol h orilm1 ndvcti i i io l'tli li ii i t, n ilv inn 1 i to re- p ac(,Ily tiN 1 ll a_1_._A._A.______Waiting _________Dats111 p. m pn 1:proe metiiato 1 aeatt~I h'ot'v-t 1)'Iia'i' lY lt. The U. of sM. Daaly wtsil e -ft a iting rtoom r on St.. W.Fr o, Mas in, peCia ate M'YEvScidduo afly-tlii:ttanittaIo1i-1'sliered ofal n stfsc ear ANAROsAIR A afo a][or turerSovltu a t sl-, efarte for $100.c eavle rder of fice ., , & . R . S LZdrdI~M xM od r Jo nen igut e1otemt 310 pt oalprp S . Main5 St.consret. P Traenor eri arn fnnArour layCeralStanda tsr dy pt iuihorieei l110itt tity bltd atives,-t Din-18 E nt l teelp.iv.en ou1l. 1 n01. h0~cIIt iir it iri t he ir- o a te .novds, Jewlry ai- fyiprso a dI245aO inUTH acsn or -hoedy ?r I anSt bt logi . sSatc) Terms reo$1.0 Asoa L . 00erhours:95tm"No. 0 .- a 1 1 p. :Nam. t. T10A.M I'B1 aeafia eaewlltk lc A& 1:30t a1 T e . oin.. tDaiytill bto S ep. om 15 r n S tM.,W.-of4Man, spci lady UnxpertsiI'tie oomf ate oveilsItt vCredlortiltnress ofV. scool ye Ran' N R OR R IR A o e temin 3AL10 S.VEIY TOIE , Mael in Sloc. Phone 1. ra3 sleveAn A bi-tweentaltSarbo Ovcrpod Browninga 80 TermgrStore.e.Offce our'9 giNoo'o 7:2 Att. n.t1-d900o'.M ___________Exprt________ofewel707t Nll Unidersity.v. AXICHOAN CNRoom o e er Sun t Should I'FR SOR. en ing b11 loc kiigon e ci l151T raof inNosad6rubewnAn ever Brown'"s -Du te . rzsgiAnnh a . 7 7 ,U ier 9A e ierg.StuelisntiiSo linate reetti'stcl-i ii Otii'till ii l t h Nee ill theibgescal iiisaofdS getiouy rT igraBU FAL o. Vfl ent aivee. ae o-s it 1101110 ma011glalspecianyy os',ttcEtS-ORTLINE ensryfornthegomn tio nn \eatie ocllatnto-t h BOSTONqir t h ows igrs ArtborDailArgust.eore rgusven- J gihirliDepatent, whfchwen aviato l soifyoj hveanJbokWitdh HICAOnncin nC ug r ing T e-bstpaler inth rchit)tlt ttatedinetour tockw iltorul ed reinin, cl n ndeteou uls, Ban FF Lt O ian h 3ffie, 310 801111or teopi c tet. egaraInformationtandonhriaghoti-betdcapricasr -T f 10 cY nt H eek Teae o- inlocs . S olof S Pushae. 34n5.STAEaSTwrie-t N EV W Y OA eaR A nArK S. L. A. 13th Annual Oratorical Course Contest CorsTckt$ 1; Single 50c UniY6P i1U BdII, [ri~dv9 Nov. 13 MI LVARZD'.Sprn of '03Woln have arrived, contin