THlL Us. or N. DAILY. .XlIII. ANN ARBOR, MICR., SUNDAY, MIARCH 8, 1,903 No. 116 THE 'VARITY MEET last Nights Meet the Best Ever Held Here-Four Records are Lowered -1904 Laws Beat 1903 Lits After the mtee last night, Been FtpatIriek 01nnounced1't that withot a doubltit was the best 'Varsity meet Michigan ever held. Four of Michigan's tndoor rcord 'Were tbroken, tie tiartr ile, ile, ahot pt and rel11iy5te1m. tRestock broke te quarter mile record by two- fifthrs of a second. Conger's work in Sle minte runttstspec'ill wrty of metitot. Cotger wou his "M" tiree years ago. Since tetn le asbee1n ot, retrninggthis yer t tke Iis uas- ter's degree Ie ronthtie 1st halft of te mile wihi no 01te to psthimittantt thtentt toote the itdoor retord tby two and(1two-ifths seconds, bating Perry by nearly fity fbet. Tlteo Itt record for tte sot pit was forty-one feet six iches. t was mad(0eswitht sitht a sot wslictweiged mnlty tirteeiit atd athlftttpountds. Cap- ttttt Robitnsotn putte shot last tigtt forty feet ttntdifor itches. Tis record was mtade sitt a sot which 'Weights a Sile' oersixtent pontds. :Michigan's rec(-trl nw ttWatttdos Sob-. inson estatblishtedt it ltstiit, forty- onto feet and for iches. 'Te '(4 laws dfeated te snior fits tit tielayItits . F1or te1past two tyeirs te '03 itsitatse ield te record atttfftyie and oie-ifth see- -otds. A week ago te '04 laws broke tat trecrd mtt bitftfty-ive fat. 1I..t ttgit they etabtishedtt'tftie record at fifty-foturifiat. Hahui, Walton, Hyde tttd Galtttrani fothe laws; terrntseitt Sweey, Macntyre and D~itawayvfortheSits.t Only sixteent tt ttrttttIn te forty- yard dash l-st nigt, thuts naking it 'uttecessary to rttttsmi-finals. Tis is the fit'st timte tiitmissshpeted for Several ytars. Hathtad Stewrt ran ose inth ie dash, SHahn winintg by about elgite ittcies, atd tying the in- sdoor record. Kellogg is just recovering from tie grippe antd diti tot rnt last night. iliekey is sick int the hospital and could scot participate. Net Saturday at the Ilinois-Mihi- ganu meet the fitttls In relay races will berun betweenthie '4 laws and the' fresh engineers. 'Te fre.h engineers hae a fist teaim but their defeating the junior laws looks dobtful. Following is a summary of the evens -YARD DASH. Preliminaries-Stewart, Hugg, Bar- *Clay, Rlstot, Hathn, Willis, Gat and Dillaway. Finals-Hahn, first; Stewart, se- ond; Hugg, tird. Time, 4%. 44-YARD HURDLES-HIGH. Stewat, first; Gat, second; Kahe, third. Time, Z%. QUASRTERS MILE. R s'btock, Tr. ; Salston, second; Nor- ars, tiird. Tite r3% seconds. POLE VAULT. Read and Packartd tied for first at I0 fet tiree ichies; SlacDuff and Hendry tied at 10 feet. SHOT PUT. Rtobinson, fir.t; Maddock second; Dunlaip, tihrd. Dis tance, 41 feet 4 I sces. RALP tIlLE. Hal, first; IHat'itattt.secotd; Dew, third. Tine. 2 mtitttes .1 seconds. Miller anti Brewer- tiet for first at 15 feet 11 ittcies Verburg and Keller tied for tet place. MtILESRUN. Conger, first; Perry, second; Stone, third. Titne 4 mitutes 4% secotds. RELAY SRACE. '04 Laws vs. '03 Lits. '04 laws wtot. Law tat-Hahtn, Walton, Hyde, hGat. Lit teat- II rrnstein, Sweley, SMaDu , Dila- RTe ible and Modern Scholar- 'ip" i st subject of a lecture to he -1eiverc at Trinity Lutheran church '1n11Suniday evening at 7 o'clock by Pmf. G. P. Coler. Win. 3. Bryan May Come The CGootd ii crtnetit Slub ltris wrir-d liont. \Willittmi ..lBryan,. acho spea'ks at: Ypsilanti ott ilottmtty, tx- ail add~ress 1b1erthtb'ftollowsittg ightt or somettdtne later inthett week. Althoungl no de'finite art-atn'ttetents hatte Its yet lit-at ttadl, thtere is t strtotg possibil- its- tht t cl ub's t'fforts«wit irsve successftlItSt is So be htoptd thtt M~r. Btryatt stitt agree to coine. Alt st-io hteard htis sptltndid atddrt-ss litre lutst yt'tr ttt thto Washingtons Birtht- day- celebratitont wtre- stronigly itt- pressed swiitttis spea'kintg, tttdisholttd lito steakthter'again ttiis week Itt ltndtoutetdtly wouild Ite gretedt by a PROFESSOR PATON Be will Begin a Second Course of Lectures on ttStudies in the Old Testament Prophets" P'rttftssttr Leswis B1. Pa to, l. ID., of Hiartord'ThIetiligical St'mtintary, wilt gisteItis s-cttitd part ofitis coturse oif ''Studiies in ts' Old 'festttent P'rophtets' intthiis city btegintnintg totday anttIcititttiuig until nteat Sutndtty. Prof. Pattotts lectures htere a few weeks tago were very latrgely atteitted. So thtttttttty will be detightetd to teamn that thte secottd part of htis Studies intth SbOld't'estamnttProphets betgints thtis aft-ritoont ittUttiversity h~all. The extraordiniary sut-tess of ite firttpasrt tf tltis ctturse nitktts special mnttion ott Prtofessor t'atton STUDENT HAS DISAPPEARED Oliver J. Merrill, '05 Law, Has Been Missing for Fouf Days- He May Have Committted Suicide Olivir J. ASI,-rtinlt. Ie laws, htas ttt5s- Setittsty ttistttitt'tt't'lattd nietintrotctn ite htattlcoii t-tittg tis-wltt'realtottts. Ilt left itis rtttoms at 10127 ('atto-ritte 11h1Iavse pittell-itttile. is fatiter, swhto livsait St. ittitis, Bit-I., is int dotlay lIobteg-fitt it Slortiagt5tui~hsachtfor his ittisstig ;stotl. itt-tpeiily lprt'viouts to his tdisapt- itS frientds. .Att examiniat itontofiilis clotltcr lte vstut stariltc utat ite tittt Nvere atratttr attd t a itairoftilt bo1t. flie fact that Itetotok heis razor, ttttd leadsItisis friendis 1tiselievesthattt he execu-tdiilts disigis1. No re-tsoni .tt lit sutgge'st'edfort tsu ttat-rribtleat eilit thtat it'1s-titi-ee i Sit' besufferinig frsott mtelantchlttiau, toutghtnut SoIt great tdegree'.'iTis stlakes ts'etieory of Itis stiidte'doutbtftul,tittd te -ause eeiry dtay. I lectures and ftlt5te chtarmitof ttis personality svill be glad of his returhn. Urged to Hear Bryan It Isliopted that plans ts to othter 'lTe titititiratio studtentsiofthSie Utti- wsork still be so arrttttged thtat all calt sersity tire turged, if it is any wstay attentd these lectures. Siring Bibles possible, to ite-ir Willitam J. Btrytan with you. Mondtay evettitng.Il~essilili-i-hure onl Tite present series of lectures wvill "'Tue t'alue of atlSIdeail." As thtere he on te Literary. Prophets antd the wvill be nto reservted seats anthie lee- progrtttttis ta followvs: turt- still be-gin t ttt S'clockte memo- S. Amos, thtefirst of tite Literatry tiesr of te club taill tatke te 6:43 P'rophets. Sutiday, March 5, 3 tcar in ordler to secutre giod seats. p. nt., Uttiversity Hall. Es-cry detnocrat int the Uive-rsity 2. Hosea anid his Times. Mondaty, sitottld cattcel tallitis othter engatge- 7 p. An., TatppanttlHall. m~ealts atdttitend. 3. ThteSMinistry of Isaiah before te JOHON B. MSEANS, fall of Samaria. Tuesday, 7 p. Presidentt. itt., Tappan Hall. 4. Micah and Isatiah. Wednesday, 7 Oratorical Contest Finals p. in., Tappan Stall. The fintits in the antntal oratorical 5. The Book of Deuteronomy. Thurs- cotitest of She Uttivetsity Otrttorical daty, 7 p. in., Tappan Hall. Association will take platce next Fri- 6. Zepihantiah, Jeremiah and Nahum day ntigitt in University Hall. The Pre- So She Fall of Nineveho. Friday, limtinatry Judges itave reported and She 7 p. in., Tappan SHall. followting contestantts wvill apptettr in 7. Jeremiah, Habakkuk and Ezekiel te final contest: tthe Fall of Jerusalem. Sat- W. D. Cole, "A menrttat Citizenship." urday, 7 p. in., Ttappan Hall. F. W. Batlcomb, 'The Antglo-Saxon." 8. The R~eligious Significance of She L. C. Hull, Jr., "The First Ameni- Pre-exilic Prophets. Sunday, eatn." Mtarch 25, 3 p. in., Uttiversity EtigenteSMarshtall, "Htamilton attd She Stall. Contstitutiont." E. Sitotitettohieti, 'Modern tudus- TheZSophomore Prom. trialismn." The titu- Soitooret'rm. ill E. St. Hatllidtay, "True Citzenship.' The nnua Sohomoe Pom. 'il Te judiges ott Thought and Fornm tke place at Grattger's Fridlay eveit- h.ayeibeett selected a. follow;:SPresi- itig, M~archt 27. The contmittees in deliSW.VO0 Thtompsoni, of Ohio State charge hatve arraniged for a very eti- Pu ttt t .I.Ptdeoo joyable evetuitig, atid it is hoped ChitSDerit Pion.lo. Wtr Pdwdso, of a large number will attentd. Whiile Sichligan Agicuiitltural College. given by te sophiomtoreo it i. not con- Asetnltwofhehrejds -find t meber oftha clssbuton comnpositioti have been selected. all are invited So attenid. Tbe btst lte are Itudgi J. A. Barber, of To- of nmusic itas beeti secured atid re- ,ledo;;SProf. Ldin i A. Strong-, of Ypsi- freshitettts wvill be served. D.ancing lantit Normal.b wvill ittgil t aS09and continue until 2 The contest promsises So be one of o'clock. T'S iteckets istisuatl n-ill be te best es-er hl-hInuder te aspit's $2.00. The folloswing are the commit- of the associttion. Alt the contestants te:aresvworkintgitardi tandshtoswing mitch Snsthi, Beta Thteta Pi, Geiteratlitts i efc~t-tttt sss h Siu Craitti, IDeIts Kappia Epssilon, subijec'ts henttars' of it siry itetr- Secrettry-tid 'resre.e:siu-' chartacter, wh-iichi will make the Arrantgemtenits-Bakler, Sigma Phi; progranmnmucht nore attractive titan iisoit, Alphta Delta Phil. it mtightt othterwsise Ste. A tat-ge utudi- tIsviltttitt-tret-s-r, Clii Psi; Stand- cei'still ito sdoubt tie presett. All Rtecptio-Sullivan, P'hi Kapptt Psi; intyIihS Steswart, Zeta Psi. Tickets may he had of atty of the NOTICE. above.Prof. Shorey's lecture ott "Realism abov, _____________and Idealism in Greek Literature" will Rev. James MtcGee will deliver an he given in Room C., law building, address this afternoon at the University instead of in Tappani Sall, as first Y. M. C. A. at 0:30. All men are cor- anntounced. Tine same as before- dially invited So be present. Motnday, S p. m. The Comedy Clu 'Situ'CSmedy-lyu('hai~s strtetd e- tetarsitg for teir inew tlay, "Sy Frintd FrttttIntia,"h''nitder tedi- ruectiitnf onitt. Moust of the is' playetd by mttemtiters of te su, totS tere tise still itnte'or tit parts lift sot anybtodty desig to try aill Sotme o' f t,-e1p-tileatwIo siltaStke Sit. Qluttina, 11. Seymtourt-.Mr.Milile, Miss Vant Vlknbturg, SMiss IWhteeler, Aliss Sketlittn titid Miss Mhiv irwnst. St' Atiti-is'Thetlreo iiut Apiril S. Slits. DR. F. G. NOVY Explainu the Methods Used in the Pasteur Institute to be E-,ta- lished Here . APste tur insitute must be ready at atty antdtll Simn to receive a patient. Even tou'ghio tad dogs run amuck for months, he inocuitations have to go on daily so a s to keep the supply of virus always ott hand and of just She right ago to admiister on an hour's notice. Prof. Frederick G. Novy, of he bac- teriologicttl ltboatory, antd the die coverer of benzozone, recently e- plained the method of treating per- sons sufferitng from he bite of mad dogs or other hydrophob victims. As a prelinary he explained some- thintg about iydrophobia. "Persotts who develop rattes have never been kniowsn to recover. They alwvtys die in a spasm. "But only about 20 per cent of hose bitten by mad dogs develop rabies. "t takes from 13 days at he least to twvo months or more for he disease o develop the bite. Cases have been known to lie dormant for over a year after he bite and then develop and etnd in death. "Dogs have been known to survive even he worst forms of rabies. "Once a person is bitten, try and save the dogs life. If the dog does not develop rabies, then there is no cause for worry. And If the beast really has he rabies it Is much more quickly discovered by penning him up alive than by kiling him and then sending his brains to a labratory there to have guinea pgs inoculaed with it. A live dog should develop hydrophobia withn a very few days. But a week or more must elapse be- fore the guinea pigs Inoculated will show any signs. To say the least, the avoidance of such needless delay will save the person bitten terrible anxiety. "As o the Pasteur treatment; Hy- drophobia virus grows weaker with each day's aginig. Guinea pig virus one day old would kill a man; but that two weeks old will not harm. IS hats by that time lost its potency. "So the patient, on first being re- ceived, Is inoculat with virus that is 14 days old, in other words, it was taken from a guinea pig 1t days be- fore. On he second day he patient gets a dose of 13-day-old hydrophobia virustird day, 12-day-old, and so on until the sufferer's system is able o stasnd virus only 2 days old. This treatment is kept up for three weeks. "Then is there atty surety that y- drophobia wtill not result? No. In spite of the Pasteur treatment the person bitten may come down a moutth, nmaybe a year afterward." To tmttke tis human safegard ps- sible it is necessary, each day to in- ocultte small animals; keep them pennted up until they go mad; and in this way secure he daily supply of hydrophobia virus. $1.00 DAILY $1.00 The U. of M. Daily will e de- livered for balance of school year for $1.00. Leave orders at office 310 S. [lain St. Phone 13.