THE UNIVEITL Y 0 MICt3ILCAN DAILY. , ,. If you want toknow~ This is worthy YOUR ATTENTrION' what smartly dressed- '' men will wear this sea- 11 ~l tk abrtrfCus l t so as tosee BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, 'WM2T St in I~STOLOGY or PATHOLOGY fesVWwlitmr " rfB lo c h N llIiiI Siuartir~lathesh hInstrumet ~ le IIERBAC9&SOMANUFACTURERS iofensh mit[ &Apfel IPOTES N __________________________ Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN That's the placec where you gets np-to-date Nvork, with the least trouble to your- selves. Domestic finish a specialty. M. F. DOWLER, Ag.: Pbone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. <.PALOING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC Thn enly almaiar publlishied that centains a compIlete list of Amer- ican Best-on-IRe(ords and Comn- plete List of Champions. Over 1530 pictures of prominlent Ameri- can and foreign athletes. Price io cents A.G.Sp aiding &Bros., New York, Chiecao, lDenver, Btalti- more, Itoffoalo. FOR LESSONS IN D ANCING Call at the office of GRANGER'S ACADEMY Ground Floor, 312 Maynard Street, Snrictly a school. No cmabrasmoet. T UTTLE LOWN[Y'S (lH0(OLAITES 338 S. State St. C. H. I1AJOR& CO Alislic Decorato rs Sptealty fine interior decorative work. Wiall paper, paints, oils and glass. 203 E. Wash. tit. Phone 237S. STUDENTS USE Gasoline Lamps W. S. PIPER. 308 S. Plain Street. Eyes Scientifically FittedI I New lens and repairing Fine watch and jewelry I repeirinig. Work reta- I sonable and warranted. IJ.I. (IHAP MAN, jeweler, 206 S. Maiii St THlE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, Strictly First class. DAN SHERIDAN, Prop. E. WilliaSsct., Flect dose oft State. 176010111U ill 6Iothe IDoesnot cont ins1aCving a dollar or sot upon l01the riialpurcasec but in sectur- 111,g 1 itli,( aisfat iont fa 5 ill pr ie. Ourt n illiccI lpolifi of exclding tromis our tocliik every9imake and t etriait o) questcI ionbemesrtIsai dceserve(d atid won the pastrollage of the best cdressed mai n for towcutsmattes aroiuni.t $ 10.00 Suits and Overcoats Some remarikale vatoes tiers-long, me- Sdo ad sor & hv t uorthnow LAST YEAR WE CnOT UPQTHEC SIGM1A SIGMA SOUTHERN KNICKERBOCKER PINS Slave YOcU seen thsemc We will he pleased is give estimates, ideais and soggectioao 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. 1113 s. Main St. Lowney's and AI~egretti's CHOCOLATESI Thehest thit is-lwsi s firesi-we otder isvery week. i AMUSEMENTS "Book Social" at Newberry Hall I The stucldnts, Chraistiani Acsc 111111I(iui, i ,~ Otis Skinnel' Tonight is 1011,111110 ccalit cccxforeI ' 1 1111i II UeW - iSkine ic 1 ll11lay 111 11100111101 siy ositl.. iclii;gliithe 111(1111 111ntatth :1he1s',T'c~lrcths v 11 i111d'ives 1''Itc sociail" oN ic ccii ,I11l1U I he lcts 'Ii-11 il111111111 stc i~lltll i Campus Drug Store. 11111 A1tittli ccIolit iic1 ill liii o o e 1,s Icifoo l r t l'l i1 i te fo1 I to I 1'11cc'w Ill t' tt111v1' I I w l c 4r t4oa1 1 ,11 ' 1111 it IllTR1l 'o1alt c itoes. T , c ic lii -- ______________ Iu t is eofthcicct iutcic eo-n Fresht Aiegrettt coocotites at Cushi- When You Want Home Made Candies. I-enedl Icythecareccfuctl poceir. tog,-s tPhacrmcy. -E_1 TFcLT SN1l1 T'hr iso setil it' that cI 'E .ccl ET 1 N f clnciIlciil lrr tp n11 ccoict othte J. «s. NOLLAkLIt". TAILOR," shoresii ocf Llke1.1 5c-rce- it liiie l ti' Wilt Ice pclease tictomec-t his edsts- I HAVE lustresceived this Largest an& ic-s pretin 11 11 th iii I rt ersccx cl icc n c his tic-,c'quarctersa, 110 East Se cso .aeiluin.Testr 11cc- payIcyltiti strnet. TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES followics icitti I'l al e fII idlitt 5 tic' - -Eer brought to the caty, cc el rac d hook.ccc tExpert neplicintg of jeiweilryc it aicsonciti-iccwit cs 1nrisca IAL~LIt'S JEWELRSY STORtEc. FINE LUNCHES in Cosetiol Ill c'pt,-nt tom- ______o______________ ulEverything nestad clean- ti - li1net liCtilli to; l l a jahur1i1 38South State St. R. E. JOLLY. ciaNc dc-Ic- ctcstllt I cclI incii. $1.00 DAlILYc( $1.60 Wn'lter'Allcenc'1ii4I IcscechicWecciec. ;_ * *The U. of M. Daily will be de- CAN YOU DANCE? Myrkle-Hlarder Stock Co. livered for balance of schooi year Iclc vncic-lccclcn llcit( for $il.00. Leave order at office, You can learn to dance for $3.06 'Thc ic i AIrliscici NlccmSocy to..glst fccr30 Mi't.Pon 3 at the Univrsity School-of Dancint~ coe ncoc-k- c- thgcsgcMn dayisscih tic orIce0iSc MainSt._Phone_13. Stale Street~ Monday and Wednts- tic-tpoua prcmciced nc-clcttrcceti ccclcclit1cc-Expert repcciing of jewelry at daevngs rocccc tocdcy. ilmmfactlsccmeccccf 11cc-pres-s HALLERI'S JEW'ELLY STrORE. of M1ic'lig-i Macimicttic1icc-Icc MetteccihcnROSEYWS cf thi-es-oresrcetenticco cs ccpanies All kinds or Artists- and Photog- lyn'a tdla n olrad ahr'sple.CsigsPam . gay BiliardFine Cigars and Tobaccos. ,iJ M SW EI ,SaS SPR IN G SU ITIN G S . U W hve atice ili~i mirItbls t tnillstschiie f a- Choice Pictures and Fraini~ X brics for the comimng season's weesr. We have also in- LbrySt r tr creased otmr force of wvorkmnsi, to insure pirompt attentionsrth NVEST to our pattronms. Anm early inspections of our stock is NerteUIEST AND ERCITY BARBER SHOP etirnestCyANoliAItetS HENDY A DKY M RCAE AIOR AND BATH ROOMS Cigars & Tobaiccos. 9 709S NORTH UNIVERoSITv AVttENU 116 E. HiUROsNe. '9 t lti A~r~tl ryai1 ; a p ll AGENCY CHICAGO AMERICAN. TbeW.C'Kern ao 1 T7S - /cj I f N f L ( cs;ps stlt Gcci'ns iiode to 'e circleritcd nemnted. ~ I Petnnantls fo I1c ' 01 i nclgscd 1 frnati'ntis carri-dillc Class Pies('siknd Team pI1OJOGI)RAP1IfIK I ceo tact Teatis ,;o SCE" s SEND) FOR CATALOGUE t °°s° yvni 121 E. Washington Street WE PATRONIZE. GOODYEAR FOR. DRUGS