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March 06, 1903 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-06

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Special Sale in Strictly all Wool Custom Made
Trousers $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.oo
Look at Window Display.
CutnReyer &Co.
LOVELL'S Cr. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR
CORNER STOKE. Office 209 S 4th Ae Phne 98 Reas-
Open from 8 a. m. to 8. p. m. Rgns Meeting CALENDAR dene :02 S. 5th ae 'Phone 14 Am
Regentse CoclaeshI uance on call.
Ofile IBoard of lH exi s the ol oing rily, AMarch to. Snior Medic _____
Lamps dsa c ance at Barl-nc gs lonlinilnSIici- J 3
cus laniltal urdinee tC-tanie rs acdeny. Spring and smmeri Imported and
Bulrnlers, Cii liiil-s, wicks, Rllyid lor, Ia Is aIl loped 0-uiandy l rc1i-.Vas itylsin-door lDomesic Woolei. The largest
ii tl ctecliiietoliiref biis Oilsl 'uliiincrforstock of 1pie (e goo's5in the city
I -("L rce .cttit nelsoe 111111t1fit. Sack
Gas Portables hlellireclfor of lenoilwsSut$1.0ndp.PncA-
M Il s Ii r~i iey-s iiii-auirn ecel li- lianal "nines I il ii 51 oii i Ii n t I 1111 bet Fll 1r e nald Txedos (silk
,prlis)guiarli-ofiibils 1e11aniimln s for i-oI s1tinfacei)ilii0s0iandIuI. itl
you- gouso n tritl~aanteed a
Toe can ialwavss lie i cindl(wht-st( F Thec i 0tu;u u. w11
IIhe'S ION UPPL SIO[ i hl ila i'l Pri-iiiliSpll I
the t 1 d111 uu111 1 L. 111 li il,1i ch 101 i c iii iiiiiii - TAILORING PARLORS
Cor. State & Liberty Sts. F AI vt C ioor eml ryno"Vleo rida" v FstNinlBikAnAbr
AFTER TitEPLAY Theidusle-n i t' l\I. D. i ll lneopth al ralls I s l ii1111, Ypsilanti,:it) p. Il.ii
otp In and gt Oysters in any style and ri-ri-i-il 1111111at1 Frill-ni I Stata Dank.n
Luce fall kinds. Urn. I). -.1m11hW,55 a tdleav11111or 1.DECavin
104 E. AaoiiSt. Nextito F. soilA. Bask I l s-lu-- I frm li lyigtilOci-ise-cfo W J Boloti lnV Sheehan
Ine leetktfriiitle Aite. I - - 1 - 1Was Aeuli lr V C Vaughan
PROCH-NOW & SCi-IiBLE. I -i1 ip b :liili-iil il ila 11 iiC liiind5s11asas H Wae E F mills
___________________________________ TIhe loriii t101-1 illigfor at pressur o beii Is - ill1: i.. n-srt - Ski lis N NJ ye Jonlaarsee
STAE S i KidiT 11a11in ir11151 u~ic hii-uig nImlil F sIgo Kohustle H(SiCiia liarti
Lunch & Dining ROOMrIbeexr nilnIriS; ul iiib-ill of the :t iliy ofislii- sil ucnIS' jv :111 fl e fdoii' oc1.'Tefnn irbor savins ang~l
2'', SStat St 825 ibety S. m dica bu hli,; \ ;I, : IlCapitalIforStek, 1-0.000. Sarplus, 110,000.
Tryoul ee ilai st,25. Onsal. l biiiiiotio or Cili-mi "(1'11 . ic't' i- icheap. Iqu iire of I.It. Resources.$l.Scihlii.
nIh tiel a, lismicu L o -mm ill-mimluu- i Se11lo I-, Suioudiuirc11,11 lhiui- Organizeeun adeeothe etealBari kig Laws
urebi ci nlilfet 112f ths Stae
liIXSON & SAMSON, Proprietors. IIitisi !'ir ic miliili,io mheuIirlllyIl Oeelesdslstbas bidetie c1ng
Dairy .11111ii. Ypsia isi0A poelie__________on___ ethe p nlcipal eaites ofi thrIlniuelSates.
1.I. . m A. &Ji Wiitig ltmsui. lbilioirllc. I ODr ts ishel ipnsp eaer ieticatoa
___________e____r____ 0rpliin . uew utli-ines ataf5 etybes tlre n i t.
F. eES EEEfrkEIEF EtrIFIIt- I 1111 Jl-:WEI-:lY510llS R" t ilt loomChirlest. Hiumuik, Prs W.D
, PMONEY LOHANED.Harimielsai Vice-les. M . Frie,,ICaiie.
g CHIAS. F. '51 EY~itS S lmuueicnean o srilciĀ«'m-sdimuiouds
T0..whiuilsanud nlie:- esianall pro-pety. 1Ill1ineis1111iuaudeitouordrli laiuID.N.YA. A. & J. RY. Standard Time
MoenJbPitin~kg Oie-t eicuc,1f isrofnuit awniu im1 lii.Suppicrli-s 1111111 For Detoit half loarly foms :156a.
S The Kind Yu are Lasing Fr Isret. All1lilsiless enuilent itfit ofnil 5. Skiuineu-s. mm pni ":1 i x hn or~ ni
Itotro, lo15:31 a.no.aiii ~0111:15. For Ypsilanti only, at 1215 a.
Hour, s o 1:30 . I. an 1 o n:0.mand 12:45 a-nm. For Jacksoonahourly
SPne2-2, 25SManS.and I to 9Ip.Ii -J"I11P MUSIC. from 015 am. unill7m15p. us. Thn
Phone__281-2r._215__S._MainSt._JOSEP11 C. WATTS t.110 Clb Concert Music. at 9:15 p. no. and 1115 I. m.
Iwill make itI our sitdows yoit cat indis all the Waiting room Huron Sit.. w. of Main,
spcalrte1.003DAILV $ 00 lest atid Imost poutla' music. Sogs
SI ilrteftin the light oplents. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
facourse of The U. of M. Daily will be de- ANN AB~ORt MU IC CO, ai.Tn rE~ lsa M,="s;
tretmnt n iveedforbaanc o scoo yer 09-1l E. NWasiitgtot. Trans leave Ana Arbor by Cenral Stand
rasagetfacn iaeelorblnc fscolyea _______ ased TIe.
oaruageoacy. for $1.00. Leave order at office, Mfoney loaeiott Watches, Dia- Effetive Oct. 16, 10.
Manicure, 310 S. Main St. Phone 13. monds, Jeoely and aty personli SOUTH NORTH
hlir resuand. i-effects.iBusnes strictly cotifidential.
MasgPar- -,Iiotsui Holslelu te. illulalmr aiiilTerms reasonable. 01ficlhotrs 9 to N.e-1ba s No. .- 5:05 A. M.
CO e tltr- p u-ul-d le sulimly hiuisue huor 01-u-yliig 11:30 a. in, 1 to 5 a d 7 10 5 p. in. o. le.4.- 11I8:25 e . . . No.6 51:0- Imlt aP. .
ti aFree. ELady uuusiu-mi. ul e-amiisic alasisn stol.ckCall or adiress CV. J. Lorim, Rootm
Het~t.en13.CShII. ii:lno" repuirsunted. 7 IRennini~iblock. Phlle 459. 151 dToe No. 5 and irns betenceAnus Aror
Attendiantt __________________________________ Tsin, , 2534.uSd idmly -ecpt Suday
Free rcarsno.Iaeinde
Over Brown's lDrug Store. Prizis ]gi7eNi ciit-li ilAil given ach Aay
Phone 0 2. IJHIGA N T
Every Student Should Ifl- a We sell the bet lite of Stationaury - .ralsRuf.
vest no Cents iuu he ityails mahiss nglslila specialty f 'H HR IE
And get the Detrsit Free Press tempilorar y binduler piaper by thlepoud A NA B RT
scry aaurtuiug an the Aun W1 desire to call atitentioun to the ew ontlx or luire at the losest figre. ANNA B RT
Atbor Duily A rgus ever},even- .Jeweluy IDepartmen-it, oulicli se-c)loueAlsif younthaosecany liuluis whlii-hu CHICAGO
log. The best palers lisa the ue-i-aly strtd-in il iolechliii oith 0111 neei rbinsing call in atd get our BUFFALO
tate atid city for the one prile egular hine of stationar, book-bind- piri-is.E Y R
of 101 cents aow-eck. Leaiveoor- iget.Sol o tv n ac-N WY R
ders fou-the u-oassin-ation at tags lkoeeo uiui yuliuotu o b eairea-e AN BOSTON
X11 W Iilli am StSt or Argius cala gun cu nie perfect satifacilui. on*"fl P~~ With dret conectios at Chicago tr S
ofie 10 Southa 1in Street. (all) uud ilespect oulr Stock,alurtia , Lousl, Knss City, St. Pul and Cle Ies.
7 111.,.Uccepet bsc 34S SAE T orlntosnmauiosusnd through tikes call susor
'3rR, y T H t tX1 T W 0 tl- .uflt lsst- 4 .SPTOS.write to 5W. W ASE. Aent. Ann Arbor
Single admission 50c, $1.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $2.00
Stude ntS Lecture Association Ticket
TheuAsocatio sllstits, not tnuakeaone0,"lit to Ieiale to hiul tolthe 'Wat hi pc e fr S L.A an
1Ul11ersily I lih ia ihie grateoatn 1~us, Ietilleis ahdell etin er111 thel ti ll All h ti p c o .L . n
moneis rtus rnliied t oth sitntin thieIiormu oflucturns. nouncements and dates.
Al I LXWA RD'S ,Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived, contain=
ing prettiest line of Hlome-Spurs ever shown

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