THE UNIVERSITY 01? ICHIGsANDAILY. If you want to know 'This is worthy YOUR ATTENTriO what smartly dressed 2- men will wear this sea- Ifi ao aLoaIi tory Cousin s' skt seBACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, Stein= HISTIOLOGY or [PATHOLOGY Bloctin ntunet&uI _______________________________________ Br nStr;od SaeIt IMPORSOUTHERN H q iot otifit in saingiiiidollar or so KNICKERBOCKER upon thie oiginaiilpurchase, but i securi- That's the place where you inb Ilasting stisfaction t afir rice, e9~ gets up-to-date work, with Our etabihed po~llilcyof excluding from the least trouble to your- otui stuck every oxake andoxmateriad of P N selves. Domestic finish a questioniable merit ha deserxved ad 1101n/ Have you seen tem We will e pese specialty. M. F. DORWLER, A94. the patronage of the Ibet doesed man for to give estimte, ideas anduggestios twety mile around. 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. $10.00 Suits and OvercoatsisS.Mn z SPALDIN'S OFFICIAL sonic emakable valueosliee-long, ome- ATHLETIC ALMANAC hitm 0nd xhtill liaxve uixotr ie no l owney's and AIleretti's \ ~~For 1903 A uo- A-U, Ohlii'ixcTYLEOOK-y The only almnaccpublished that C O O A E coantas aoiip lisht of Amr- i lean Best-on-Records and Coi- IWiHr~ V rth CH C LA E pete List of Champions.Oer 'hl r_ The et thit is-always ca ad orig ahlte.Roasts Ann Anbor Landscapes 1 iioimoniad xalk leads thiroughi Price to cents A 't v xki Qoa dsuc-. ,i eloii h 1 uak01rltii Camiipus say ,our9 praersiaiid lix to keepi from sweariiig. flI itecti sent a ay ~i iA Aor. l lic waili't it ibe a notuetihig fr the 1 (1 I AGSp ldig ros tiniiiie lit aindiiiioldl a ceoilr wiill nImpivliiovieetors tSocety. or iz i lic iiii- ____ 1111 HU~'GI III~ UUO iite-cst godi i clalens vo ouuld liet vc ii, or soiie oliicl ciieno i,l t o et iecint iok eli" r ii ,tau~- xviic a miiiblessedoihi a it of corn- Campus Drug Store. Nexw York, Chicago, IDeiixem, Baidtait iv iei tiliici-sciry- otla. lea01 mse eto cmeiehere il tell os a mre, Buffalo. IiiiIhe firt plitce leh o siaoi r11e Ciii tiins atot rks andii nciig lac doe a goii deal for Aini Arbor lxxx. ,andii ilc tie If groiiid is be:- FOR LESSONS IN aidlwxvnotigo to lithe trouble a id x- ti rfor a airliitu illiiicu niiilTRY TE D A N C I G lnice if eti -haekryhlll andlier-ltiii Idccuie Is tierxiliiut Iais- oneIi iiiiiiicd flj eIe xills} ; Icy;sh Gall liii c au for pa-I-to icali, viy ii atveiouthe mioicxU II tbdI D A N C I N ~~ii i pi cre. i te ed ive iiil tak- itese thinigis ost and 0useit i cin lyith call at the office of iiii tuiailge of thicniialirai ii of the leatitiiyc the ciy. When You Want ome-Made Cande. GRANGER'S ACADEMY hliud. EdLienitat u or-viisi, hblr-)A SPECTATOR, _--- Ground Floor, 312 Maynard Street, dock paitchi nothi of file lliii Cii- . M~. STOFFLET, 115 N MAIN Srictly a school Nocibaaiiea. ta il ailcwill ltkan gold deli beter F tiillpens w ilaii-od 'as tiewmx. xxiiei it is relaimed if isui-mei Of kirilir-. I HAVE lst received the Largest and speninlmc- ed ioif dllars aing 1 iet le o 11 iiti II.iiissimply ltd at its E pr e iil fjw ly a T T I ILesin t lxcilxwith dogwomomd, e-lderejiivy i . f jex Yo-elc at TURKISH CIARETTES and PIPES ii..hrhaiesicll v Ever brought to the city LOWNLY's (HjI tIJLAIs at of ou-r oii xioadsThe-e00FINE LUNCHiES int conectio Cwle a iiuliiral bemum ou111t i 10 AIY$10veryhing neta clean 338 S. State St. theiithiat miiwiver e realiziedm if tie The U. of M. Iaily will be de- 318 south Stt St. R. E. JOLLY. runid is "lied al, lexeled oil, plttedl livered for balance of school year inta coimxentimialuemdtsignm, aind planted C NY UD N E C. H. IAJOR & CO wiit exatics. for $1.00. Leave order at office, C NY UD N E £m a' Felh h Pak was nemxt visitd amd 310 S. Main St. Phone 13. You can learn to dance for $3 ni n IA r2 roxtetiesw thehphsh iuthtdat the Ulvrsity School of Iancna fl wuu UU UII nn ups of xvhat xer-mcoie shapey The librry of te Cerle Francais SttTtet oda n ens- 8pecalty fie interior decorative work. trecs ils commentsivxerm brief amd to in Rtoom I, University al, will be dayeseetnin yangs.le wall papr, paint, oils and glass. the point. In substamce he said that openytovenihers.eery afernoon a---________________ lOE. 'Wash. S. Phone 237 sumh a rimthles, destructive niethod of etoSaudyfryrmevy.fenoe- STUDEN5 USE trimnmig-the sme as that perperat- e tS tdyfot2o -R SE S e d ta ayo h re r 0 on the campns-is nexer admirahle, 'isCtm in(tohle eat iPa lr an htmn ftetesaenw la ofe n hclt 0 tin such ad shape that nothig can e lmiversiy 'Ta Roomn. 13I Gasoie Lampsljilic___arlor done to save themr, unless possihly a ieGgr n oacs "-- few might e imduced to throw up Lost--A gld xwa-t, ii or abot ap- ji.CgasadToaca W. S. PIPER, 308 S. Main Street. sace y cuting them cose to thi ear'Hill t. Fimder please eave at iJA1ES W REID )31 'roind. They all show i a frightful Acgus offie amd receive rexard13 2 -"iu: - . tt ALA~f' CLOCK MAO ay "how not to do it."m ALRICLCS$10 p Down eyond Lawrence's Wods, Lawletu--tre ound in foll steep, Wio0 l uPitues andl Framing. A Goc Michigan Pin with looking up the river from the bridg $1-00. Skimnmir.- every $1.26 alarm clock. All near the boulevard, e poined out the- -AT- Clockapmauate4 for 1year. graceful dip of the branches of trees fresh legrem uot~ocoaea at Ouh- Liet S.ArSoe ' f ". "am# '~ that have escaped one zeal for m- hg's Pharomacy. Lbry8 r tr J. t APrtA~l Jle~t965. M St provement. Here is a rare it of na- ________peathe UNIVERStAj _________________________tural landscape, thus far unspoiled. Expert repairing of jewelry at TEVARSITY BARER SHOlP. Look at it some day long enough to HALLEtR'S JEWELRY STORE. CITY BARBER SHOP S -t its feel the charm of the feathery spray, AND BATH OOMS C a,- Tasaq. DAN SIiHERIDAN,. Prop. tapering into lines of equisite eauty Guaranteed fountaIn pens, ii up 116 . HuaSoxx. L .Wlhlams.; E sorasuate between sky and water, aud then if Cushing's Pharmae7. AGENCY CHICAGO AXHMRIOAIM TheW--C-Ke---o------- ------F---fX---N--fX L---L 411 E. 57thSL,, Chicago. Catps ands Goxvms made to - - +1 oiriler auid retd Peiinai t for all colleg esbitt / P-R iraitrn ii ascarried iii I - llll i~ Clas -Pies, Class and Teanm -- OIOGRAPIIIE SEND FOR CATALOGUE ~~fso- 121 E. Washington Street WEr " IA OIRO1'IEGt oIVEARPFOR DRiUG S