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March 05, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-05

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TAlE U. OF M. DAILY against it. Of conuse this dos not __________
S ring ~mle- AnA~ealifeetdrontenholre ,
or to the eses of ittin wit are ti- A Cheap
Pos QcfT his sentiment is justataslier oe- Pountain Pe
iiuouii ii i t Publisheair ( on 5niyted ingpurtly ini athr tlctisando~it dct d- Tha Goo
_________ Compay an) rottes i iglytturiimtetiale.
The largest and0 mot MANAGING EDITOR, -1HA NTS
copeeln fEARLE I. HOUSTON. '03.MCHIAN OT. A dollart Pen 'that's as
ROSCOE B. IHUSYON, 04-L. hite arcal econtest of the Pro- ! gi Lau il cu tels lt) s nTh~teSordollar
lEDITORS, week In mard. ciat" pelt. Large size
Rtobeot K. Waton, '4L. lire Ktppat Alpha Theta srority are barrel, 14 karat gold pen
W O O L E N iiAsignment EdItor ptantningt to give alt elabortie party It- 1111Pietdttni coarse and
Ralph E. .fen,tey, '0. meiteatety after Lent.' '
GENERAL NEWS Track Mntager Itik titttfotcithtas -ltub points. Come ink
in Ann Arbor will be found Thomas B. Robert. '4. beent tit of own tll we-k retouperat- and try one-We'll be
at G. H. Wild & Co.'s, 108 Afark Foote, 1.incatrrsvretakofgpldtoheyuse
E. Washington fit. Great Max Finkelstei, , tgafe1is0eet3t.ko rp ga olav o e
pains have been taken in Sylveter S. oage,'04ttilbe rs of thei11X4rlay teamtt whtat a god Fountain
tfHiidle-y . Baker, '03 titve ihost-ti o rttntt utu bitie fot
the selection of all suit- Lsuts A. Bartotn. 03. tot ttiri irey.Te rl er Peni a dollar will buy
ings, trouserings & over- Jr. ABaes, 01 etle taitet a ltashtts with imt-
caigfothsseason. Frank J. Clark,0er ' lettrs
The subscripton petce or the 17. of M. . The Meirtittttowi-it girte a futt AT
'~ TTTTTT ~ al Oty i 125 fo the eolege yeiar. No- dress ptrty attt (rttgerslooight. The
11 (1 rees, communiclatin-, etc., mste haded
* 1 1 1 1 I tna the flatty office tefo p. or .m, o society wit also give to "stt"t partyBOKTRS
I~ fV I.Ito areexpee irwil e caed upon to enttertath le
~~Ju jiSubscribers will enfera favor by repotnloant-Oltany't3-sitti tistut.
0$E.Wash. St. to deiver paper W. E- todgmtan, cashier of Branch_____________
Ait chngesainadvettotog imatter must he________________
to the office by I sp.at. on the day pevtous to (County Savings battk, tattd city tress-
that on whch they are to appea. jurer, resiiteo his positoit yesterday
to tcoetittia.pitiont at tte hetd of
oce to the natty Arus office, No. 310 Sottiawthoeste jwlytoieiCee
Main St. Teehone No. t3. anid. twlod rttyst tiriyo
BOOKSticttligttttgrttdute antd oeof its hst a*
r+oi ecu.kowi athlttees.-Cotwter dispatcth. VW
NEW OOK ____________________________________ Perthtpsttotite of litthmot interestngue dc l
News Editr - Thomas B. Roberts. fettures ini this years eititon f the
teAmercan Republic and ----.- f fnnyscto otryc, s e tttti t'Nui soit he e ai-
Its Government; Tthe rpiorted success of the t- ItBaby," by 'MatritoiDos, wrtht is one
by Jttmns Albert Woodburn entsCthristiani Assoctaion itt et-tr- of the lmtst popuilatr of the footatt
Augustus Caesar; tng hbooks tantmtgaizines for te Uni- theros of t'sctol. It r. tDods
by John B. Firtlh. rsty ti ostpitilst-itthe eterfultnews tpttied lelftthtlf etlttitleyear s tettm,
The Pride of Teiltair ltltwo htgist a toughttto te sIltultititn i tidt ysbttrt lt-itr ork-i. iHis BO K
Th Pid o Tllai;tioni f thospitalattttients, aitsll si-ot uO -tiits a Iliterryrs li tilprtomtis~es O
by Elmore Elliott 1Peake. toi te suifferers litheses. iime lit lt' atsbrightls his iico-aree toaott
The Garden of Charity; tpassis stoswty it tilt institutiont of tatitlete
by Basil King. ]hio, eeinuiilcrrte bst of etonti- Tx ok0nw
SxTe; tns, tandt tiyttiag wsichrlit-thext-ieks e SxTreItotis-tilt'ohuk iwest of ocamtpus;-
by MaryE.Wlisremn oottltyiss'-tle.ttttigiti-tgisitttioistir:io'tti, and second hand.
The New Boy at Dale: tiiathisptitltfor i'thetptientis cntilettt furnae tti tbia.lit, gs atut lotoite.DIi~ctonares,' Quiz
by Chos. Etdward Richt. I iitl otnd ttly it .tiet-at iwil. 'tlit' 51 L.,lt-tlrst. 1
A botok of art' interest itrigintlors f tel k htt iut"in i Atia Compend, etc.
for boyssand girls. 'Arbotrcact- iisririu g re cr-it.tt'ut l lt itgatlutuitnters, I yaltrtilotg, iSc.
LoveY Mary; Sllnltatuie .____
by the autor of Mro.. The ii' itiltutil -11-l titt Ar-i-tililt
Wig 's of the Cabbags Patcth. sittwilliottu for thisto'Itegiiai'tt Eyes tested anud vted t
of Chitao itin tt'Mitwaiukiei'eti HLALLEWS SJEWELtRY STORE
_______________________________ neix hSaturitay nigt, is yes inct t-
o eyittsiltheeiik, htas meit withi tp- J.1.XV. KOLLtATTF',TAILOR,
AUpray&3 1a11 to lea chutacoty eutt iuti thleaytif W Iill be pleaised to tmiethis usto-
SHEEHAl N & C 1 t I[nao iieo ttvuiiioManyetc of te-.S I~ l
teiso ot iii iuilegc e coIt toic itOi- mrs i iihis ness uarter, ]10 East / - , o
UnierityBokgelentheei ti strotug setinment against Alt kinds of Artists' and PShaeog-t
.3-o0S. State _Street. 1hibthtatotng students intl faculty, raphers' supplies Cshng's Pharm- Second Floor
aithiiugth there Is o wr-itten lasw acy.
When inMneed of a
buy the
Waterman. Good 00 Gvrmnt Clu
The Pet~we guaranitieeto LECTURE DATES
give perfect satisfaction
116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streetsj
Electric Construction and Suppties, Sanitary THE ATHENS PRESS, "
Ilumhtn, Gas and Electric Fixtures, Steam l
J F. Schub, Electric Lambs, 207 E. Washington Street.r in e s
' IS t Styles, entirely different from others, Smart,
____ New. Quality, a little better for same money OO S E D'0
atS or kgss. if you .desire to be strictly in style IT S. Main Street. Y
0. H C and exclusive, wear varsity Hats.

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