THE U. of M. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1903 No. 113 MEET SATURDAY Will Decide Who Makes Team for the Illinois Meet-Maddock and Brewer Doing Well in Practice While Chicago, Wisconsin and 1111- Boi are anxiously awaiting the crack Of the pistol at the A. A. U. meet at Milwaukee, Michigan's star per- formers on the track are steadily grinding away at their respective "Stunts" with the immediate purpose Of making a creditable showing in the meet on Saturday night. The work is bringing out all the candidates and although nothing extraordinary is ex- peeted, yet everything at the present time promises a very close and ex- citing time. The fact that the team to compete against Illinois will be limited to ten men is adding to the rivariy among the candidates. These ten men must represent Mihigan as a well-balanced team. It means that only first and second places will be counted, and as the number of events will not be lessened every man will be expected to take part in several events. The entries for the meet will close at six o'clock today. The homeop relay team having thrown up the sponge to the '0 engi- neers, there remains in the race three teams, '03 lits, '04 laws and '06 engi- neers. The drawings will take place today to select the teams which will run in the semi-finals on Saturday night. The team drawing the "bye" will run in the final at the Illinoisi meet. As the ranks of the '04 laws and '03 lits are somewhat depleted by colds and the grip, it will make the result even more uncertain. In the practice today Brewer, '04 engineer, jumped 5 feet i1 inches, and Maddock pushed the shot 40 feet 8 Inches in the basement of the "gym." Kellogg and Robinson are at present tunder the influence of colds. Kellogg is not expected to run on Saturday night. Win Miller, who was entered in the hurdles and the half mile, has sprained his back very badly and will not be able to compete. The management is at present con- sidering a proposition which, if en- tered upon, will mark a new stage in Michigan's indoor athletics. It is pro- posed to substitute for the inter-class an inter-scholastic meet, which will be open to all the high schools of this and adjoining states. the schools whith are expected to send the largest representations are the Detroit Uni- verity School, Detroit Central High, Ann Arbor and the Toledo high school. The other schools will be invited also and would 'probably respond with fair- ly sized quotas. As there Is only one opportunity afforded te -high schools of compet- ing against each other, this plan, if adopted, would almost immediately be welcomed by the high school athletes. It would bring the high schools into closer relatiods with the University Stagg of Chicago ias found it very successful in its operation. Michigan could certainly profit by the sugges- tion. Republical Club Election The annua election of officers for the University Republican Club will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock in Y. M. C. A. hall. At present only one ticket has made its appearance, but opposition is sure to develop in true political fashion, and a warm ontest will doubtless result. Follow- ing is the ticket. For President-Jas. C. Byers, '04 L. For Vie-'resident-G. Bailey, '04 L. For Secretary-T. 1). Jones, '05 L. Only those who have registered will be eligible to vote. The registration book may be found at Quarry's and will be open from now until the time of the election. Notice The Owls will meet at Randall's Stwdio at 9 oelock sharp today, for aoi picture. Senior Medic Party WE ARE ALL GRAFTERS Friday night the senior medics will give a class dancing party in Bar- Elbert Hubbard's Chance Remark bour gymnasium. Students from all departments and classes are invited Fully Explains His Rabid Article to attend. A large umber have sig- on Football in the March nified their intention of taking in the Cosmopolitan function and a good time is assured. The flor space is ample enough to accommodate a large crowd and Bar- The article in Tuesday's issue of the hour gymnasium is considered more Daily concerning Elbert Hubbard hass desirable than Granger's on this ac- created no little excitement on the count. In order to provide the best campus. Mr. Hubbard recently lec- of music the committee has hired out taaadioaithe M. L.bArdoreent e of town talent, and Finney's orchestra tura in the S. L. A. course and the of Detroit will furnish the music, which appearance of his article ii the Cos- will be of the best. Tickets may be mopolitan has brought out some very secured of the following comittee interesting stories concernig that members: Sehipp. ieed, Caldwell and genial though somewhat eceentrie iumph. genius. Ar. John Robinson, president of the S. L. A., has brought out the "best yet." New Ferry Field it seems that when the proprietor Au Ani Arbor dispatch to Sunday's of the ioyeroft shops came to Ann Chicago American says: Arbor he was driven about the town., Seventy-ive thousand dollars foru i- and as the afternoon came to a close proveients on an athletic field will a trip to Ferry Field to watch the le spent by the University of Michi- football practice was suggested. It gan and $20,40.1 alone for the fence was at the time whenM Michigan was to surround it. Preparing for the ia ard game withi Ferry Fiela, seventy rods by lifty, Wisconsin and the students were re- set in a little valley and level as a porting daily for their football song green lake, will be made into the service nder the eitcient leadership of finest athletic grounds in the United Prof. Trueblood. The football scrim-- States. iage was at its height and it was the This field adjoinss Michigan's pres- first sight which greeted the eyes of cut athletic ield which is itself forty Mr. hlubbard as lie drove into Ferry rods by forty. The new ground is a Field. He saw "eleven men in every gift to the University by Dexter . play and no spectators among the Ferry of Detroit, Mich.. playerbs," ut far from being disgusted Work is already begun on the field. with the game and its "arbaric fea- A railroad track has been laid diag- tures," he applauded the efforts of the onally across it, to bring in carloads men and semed highly pleased with 60,000 cubic feet of earth needed to the opportunity of seeing Iichigan's level up. team in practice. At least he ex- The old gridiron will be left as it pressed himself as of that opinion-. stands, for use in practice games or When his attention was called to "the in muddy weather. The new gridiron curious sight of a professor drilling will be built, Professor Pattengill, a thousand students in a new yell," president of the board, says, on the he became greatly interested and plan of the Coliseum of Rome. Bleach- turned his attention to tile "curious ers will completely wall it about, with sight." Dring the conversation, Mr. entrances to the seats through pas- Hubbard began to relate some of his sages leading under and up through personal experiences, and, after one the bleachers. Seating capacity will which was particularly amusing, he be about 30,000. said, suddenly, "After all, we are The base ball diamond, with grand grafters, every one of us. I am a stands and bleachers, will be erected grafter and the woods are fill of permanently in a separate place from them." Nothing was thought of the the gridiron. Between the new and remark until the apearance of the old football fields half a dozen practice Cosmopolitan article explained its true gridirons and diamonds will lie. Ten- significance. Mr. Hubbard had evi- nis courts, a tally-ho drive and shrub- dently gone East to create a sensation bery will occupy the remainder of the and an opportunity to make a few field. shekels could not keep this worthy The club house as now planned will phllanthr pist from turning on the contain a dining room and bunks for flood gates and submerging Michigan use of teams in training. Half of the and her fine team with his liberal sup- building will be given up to a marble ply of printer's ink. plunge bath. Two doors open upon this plunge, one into Michigan's own M locker room and the other into a room sass, Not Smallpox' reserved for visiting teams. It has developed that Pliny B. Hard- The fence, which Professor Patten- ing, the man who was removed to the gill says will cost not less than $2,000, University pest house for smallpox, illustrates the lavishness of the plan, wes not' afticted with that disease, but It wil be of brick, paneled every few had a case of measles. The Univer- feet. Trees will shade both sides of sity medili authorities came to this this wall 'A ponderous iron gate, conclusion yesterday. The peedy re- wo rty of a medieval castle, has been moval of Mr. Harding to the pest designed for the main entrance, house whea it was thought that he Finally, the railroad will run a special was afflicted with smallpox was de- switch to the grounds for use in big cidedly unfortunate, for he is now games. shut up with a smallpox patient and will doubtless contract the disease, Prof. McLaughlin Has Returned Prof. McLaughlin returned yester- "Tif Oky Lord Quex" Tonight day from the East, where he had gone Arthur W. Pinero appeatrs to be the to investigate the conditions of the most successful this season, of any recent offer from the National Uni- well-known playwright, his "Iris" be- versity of Washington. Prof. Me- ing the hit of the season in New Laughlin refused to make any state- York; "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray," ment for publication other than say- Mrs. Patrick Campbell's best bill, and ing that the matter had not been "The Gay Lord Que," the hit of the decided, and that it would probably be London season. Miss Sylvia Lynden sometime before anything definite has bought the rights to this comedy, would be announced. It is probable and will present the piece at the that the matter will be presented to Athens Theatre this evening, support- flhe Board of Regents at their next ed by her own company of New York meeting. players. The piece is described as a "problem comedy." Notice Entries for the 'Varsity meet will $1.00 DAILY $1.00 close Thursday at 6 o'clock. The U. of M. Daily will be de- KEENE FITZPATRICK. livered for balance of school year Subscribe for the Daily and keep for $1.00. Leave orders at office posted. 320 S. !'lain St. Phone 13. To Build Fraternity Houses The proposition of President Harper to provide at the expense of the Univer- sity, a fraternity settlement located near the campus, and to build houses for the various fraternities, is exit- ing no small amount of comment and discussion at the Midway school, as well as in other college circles. The following article is the comment of the laily Maroon upon the situation: The one topic of conversation this week among all University students is President Iiarper's proposed plan of providing permanent houses for all the fraternities in college. Every one seems to recognize clearly that, as President Harper himself stated last Thursday, this is generally con- sidered to be the most vital question ever brought before the students. Since the meeting of Thursday, much discussion has taken place on the matter among all the fraternity men and nearly every shiapter here has met to discuss in detail the mat- ter as understood at present. The detiled discussion in the chapter houses and on the campus has brought out a series of questions; all of which seem to be important to the men proposing them, which will be asked of the president at the committee meeting of one man from each chapter, to be called soon. Some of the more important ques- tions asked and considered by the men are: Would the plan of taking meals at the Commons destroy fraternity life as it exists today? Would the University make the fra- ternities the same proposition, elimi- nating the Commons feature? Is the idea of crowding all the fra- ternities into the same block the best possible solution of the problem of location? Would University life really be en- hanced by bringing the fraternities close to the campus? For how long would the leases be? Could some arrangement be made whereby the fraternities would own their houses eventually? What would be the method of choos- ing location? Which fraternity would have first choice? What would be the rent on the houses? What provision will be made for fraernities which may be' founded here after houses are erected? For what consideration would the University provide light and heat? Will the fact that the chapter houses are on the University's property cause more stringent house rules to be en- forced? Would not the chapter houses be- come mere dormitories in the course of a few years? Is the plan as proposed not the best possible for fostering true University and universal spirit among all the men? The above are perhaps the most important which the fraternities have found to ask, but others will in all probability be-developed in the course of two weeks. Otis Skinner in "Lazarre" Much unreserved praise has been ac- corded Mr. Skinner for the manner of his production of "Lazarre." The settings re said to be generous In ter prportions, artie in their pi- torial effects, illumin nig in te part they bear toward the play, unfolding and harmonious with the time and scenes. The costuming is singularly rich and expressive, and the manage- ment of all the deta s of stage craft gives evidence of thorough technical skill and just preception. Nor des the list of "Lazarre's" virtue. end here. The company which Mr. Skinner has gathered to his sup- port is easily and without question the stongest that has yet been with him in his career as an independent star. At the noon conference, Unitarian church, next Sunday, Prof. Lloyd will speak on the subject, "What makes life spiritual?"