Till! us. Or ,+Y y i IL VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, M&RCII 4, 1903 No. 112 WORK FOR 'VARSITY MEET Xow Going on at Lively Pace-Quar- ter Mle Event Arousing Much Interest With the annual 'Varsity indoor Sleet only three days off,. the large squads of track -team candidates pt in an earnet days work yesterday. The sprinters were busy all afternoon ~.cept during the rief periods that the floor was occupied y classes, and the buncrhes of long distance men all took hard workouts. Besides these the 'elay teams stil in the race were practicing the pikups, which will fig nso tuch in the result of th. inal trils. A diversion as created for some tme by .o Maddck, the star tackle, 0flast years football team, givinga few wrestling lessons to a couple of ambitious freshmen. Maddok has won the ifteof amanteur heavyweight wrestlinig ela inion of the sate and preseunnilly stands ready to meet all corers in a friindly bout. There are sure to le soniclroe finishes in the long distance events next Sturday andi cositeratle inter- est is being imanifested ith ie result of tihe qutarer mtle. iernstein. Reb- stock, Norros s atd Ralston are allI possible winners andl there are a nunt- her of others whIo imay prove just is good or better thit those naned. It hs noit been genelly kowt thntt seversl weks a-gofthe Miwuk Athletic(lt wrote toEKeeelit- ptrick requtesting thle loan of a nui- br of prominttentitMicigitntrak mn for tie ibig imtaer meet next Satur- day night. flowerer, as we have an improtant meetotlire it AnntsArbor the retitest was refused, as it is con- tary to ct the ly of the athletic Management to alltw our athletes to conpee nioder other colors when there is a chance for them to compete at home. Jim Nufer, whose leg is still sore from the injuries received during the final hett in the hutrdles at Cincinnati last Thursday amt who was expecting to compete for fts First Regiment in the Milwaukee meet Saturday night, is undecided as to whether he will go or not If his leg improves rapidly dluring the next two days in all prob- ability he will carry out hie original intention amndsiter the meet. There are stilti number of badges of the preliminary and Fresh-Soph anets uncalled for in the hands of Trainer Fizattrick. These badges are awarded to fts winners of first, second and thirdl places and it is dlesired tht they e called for at once by those entit led to them Representatives at Chicago Commons Miss Iii . ftWeeid, who is now rep- xeting the s tutets of te Univr- sity at the Chicago Commons, is tie eighth persoot to enjoy this privilege. Every year sitce 1897 at least one student tis slitnt from tre weeks to seveii miints at tes Commons, workinig upon problems of a sociologi- calnature. The -several prsots, their Univer- ity standitig, tatd the problens they htve workedtipntatre as follows: 1897 Jesse X. Mardin, M. 1., 189. 181W William B3. Harrison, Ph. B., 1899. 18J9 Rioyal L. Sitli-tdy.literary su- its-it, 198:-h)3. "Ethiecali ani Soi-al Suilstittes for te Slooum 11incagottt.' Disniel E. lamne- betrg, LI. .,.199. 100 Edli t L 'lare. literary stdetei, 19-1x);. ":Juvenile Dlin- qutety ntlI Dedecy in Ci- rag.", 1901 WX. Lionetl H eap, IE. B., 1902, 'Ilie Bit) Probilemt in Chicago.'' 1902 iGeritrutde iEsiPaiier, litrstry stiuemt, 191-11, --'he Penny Savings Baiks." 1903 Iis 5. Wed, iterary student, 18'699, 190103. BANJO CUB NOTCE. Banjo Club practice Tuesday night at seven o'clock. Everybody kindly Ahow W. LEADER. Communication FEW CO-EDS MARRY If ft-ri- is isingis' tduty whicht-li Min- igai can icosistenly*deimand of her Only 30 Per Cent of Women Who studenit bodiy, it is thasither fsir isitme shiotuld bei kept free fromisiin, nt Graduate Marry-Few Marry only litre hti the sste, uoiu which tie Before Graduation institumtiondiepetnds fort- her support, _____ but abirtisit. Evy tct of thneii- Acrigt aarcnl ruh vidual tudttsent, initatsnre, is re- tugeter by the geneal cstaloguestnd fletedi uponi the rpIutatintf theoUni-thett Altumii Association tf the Uiver- versify.,siait if that act te one harmful ct,5:3(90 e et fte13 to the individual, it hurts his almat fwm graduted froiet) the iriCy miater. iHere i Ann Arbor oe know pwiotoJanarys1.191,thave f rotti ivriy thne fiicts attending all theiinitents sinceireceiinth~s.erdplhaIsirras-d of stuident lift; we tie ourslves sable 6slien riceivisgtni dericemta: stu to jtidge anidicriticize, but throiighi tim'tettrlumVbsriwetimina r ri-utprof useateiilndiiihirorghsvsreemcoi-is-yiti-e staieit an dsigiutp o tetr.tessvitus ft gradusatiot. litltelitrarysi Unii-oiy ieseisi tltti lii'ii-tsdesparmni-ifttosewvho hatvi mari-d largely ftoslitois-i- justie-s-.sits-i'levig ite Uivertisiy foriii Duriing ft- ast yetri'rtilleis hiavei2.3 nailtils-i fte110 iuiie appear'teidisiot oni~ly fit-heDetroitif1 p aiissi-ei sett ofithli tos- ot uiiss hisr,lists fi t- Chicagos ta tititt heisrdutsedi scsssisste uati, lliirfesiriti miestrplsin silts'ies-elcig mstd30.81 per's-s-t ii the ttiomeicahi-sl seriously iupoiiihitg~eiral imora-tlssit sihisossscombineds.2173itt-rs-i-it i iiie studes-it bdinilrAnntti Arbors. Aec- the law, pharmiaceutical antudentaIttl satioisislotebits'isfri-ily made f that s-dspartienits cmbssisine,34. gambitlinig niasi tefi, sit tiitiiitithat Oveir1 it-ierc--tt of the wsmei grai- pluggerssfrontslit-litloip'nly sdriiiedossh d frot lt'e hmeothisiiic shsptst- up stimdenit hatrniage ; thast AnnsiArborsinsit-itt rit-'s' rried pr giodrito wnas t i--thy site tofa gamibliig eic i it; uf'isslqtuleliiifiitnt ti- formtesito fle'ce the stusdseits that itro;i h a dprmn,65 gsamtbingcuponit tilhsic contsitsts peicest-itt ltthe dlna l4.54srtmi enit,;8 sit somisiosisthast nmony wtas dispayed andint'het ii litrayL7ttiPer.54ceit-nt oii ftestsri-ts stnt navesh in thise it' ufacheetrayd71 i- -mt (f piospescive betors. Iii additioin to While-4485Xlit-cctitof fi the iomeii this, es-ryiiuestionasble icidet itihe gaduatsiedhave71-90e) mftriedtitheclie iraryofte400sunshabendprmgin hit-s oifli- 4.1)0stmhiii liss h t-i losatibitif(.47ivermiseitrisoists- i'vsu no twistedi'dtshgsrbled is tsimake itliresbhuth1.4piroremstss'gdepati aippeair'itot ft'unfrtunasl-s-stite r -r fIhmegrehes beyote Irsfwiesi ihit teididabitt 5universal elisr-itsislsris'-stetit-. tielsitlhms.iThe percetaisge sifflhoe io isit-l si-srsi i ii tihitss~. gsistittiimg ciasisttho hasve mariridi ' i' usocpitiiutistiooll n fisrt'e this altiseo- sisceeces-inlgfi--it-e dgm-its t-aries sts'sss utii-s ieiiusst ii lii' -isiI -ot- tirstom s-sle ise s an 2 psiren,i for the cltsis ditsiioof saffairs lies isrgely siths this til1901 K)p1181 o tecls ll-stc-orespondittfs of theu'fouseignt f 1871. Ii 1882 fle percentafge tnas press. I fthi-agerneiuss Lio sndsit Qmi )185nituthis y1-r hreiosu57.18. somse starftligitem, .omiealculste'd i to e exact lpercuntasge fsr iebhchss ctatchm this sysetand hlsd the atteinitonIsiingirt- ith e folowing bble: -of this readers', they -siu aititfy, dis- tort animlrecotntruct this ru-il comdi- Year. Perenmtae -tiomns thatinumssead of beimg saents 171- - - - - -1.......... .10 itemm of Unive-rsity- life it becomeis 1872- - - - -000 tiers tnwsddsl, orthty of mithimg bit 1873:1-------.........26.61 usbelief orfthe vtaste btsket. 'STs1874- - - - - - -:......... 5,13- core.spond-nt shoumlslretlizecwhtn alltnit1875- - - - --............185 impsortatimielsatuion le hlois tonvsrds 18741- - - - - --..........4000 the Umiversiy. Ift isotis of trust 1877- - - - - --...........47 amdiomor. She diipends upn ill for 1.78- - - - - --.......... 1100 justice, sandu if its is so forgetful of 1979- - - - - --...........I31 his duty to her as to nit.represemt tie 1880- - - - - --...........47051 real facts by exaggeratiton and this us 1881- - - - - --............ 7 of an ela.stic immginaton, trammsformimng 1882- - - - - -.i85 an evemt or comdition of io inpor- 1881- - - - - --...........4.65 tance itotu1mmpublicstandal, heitsfliicts 184- - -............ 09 a lasting wound upomi his umiver.ity, 188:..................41.5 and ones which s shetanmnot resdily for- 1881 """ - "- - --"""" ""--0 3"r18 give. 1887- - - - - --...........4181 OBSEtRVER. 1888- - - - - --...........4.3 1889- - - - - - -:1......... 971 190- - - - 46.6ti6 Students to Rescue 1891- - - - - --...........42.85 Yesterdaty mornimg at ome o'clock 1892-------------------------.13.4 the 81i11m11 house with lll board st- 19t-"""-"--."- - -..27.88 tachmnen upper S.Uiersity ate- 1814- - - - 21.83 nus too lir, amd tas partislly omn- 1895------------18.861 sunsed by the flames before the i1r 189..........................20.00 departmentt wvas able to comquer fts 1897-----------------------...22.41 blaze. 1898---------------21.64 W. B. Smisit, w-Io lived alonemini this 18.49 ----------10.85 house, u-is pulls-diout of 'bedin it 1 1 - -1(0.............1.65 semti-mtteoissits soniioniymtioudents 1101- - - - - --..........1.28 litimig ini tie tiigibosrhiod timd cat-- The sibovue figuries io mo take itut ried out into the opt-miaii. lie tnill saceountit hislrensumbr of somumi recover frostite effet sithlbsstmtue thmwuho ttended himUnit-eriy ut did in ai fits- day~s. ft Is supplosedt that mot grdluatte, asmithtnio ltier tbesme as ltiity stam-ted fthecontlaugrathin, atd sies. Veri sumstmhmIluedtein le per- thoughtlie sis-iem' is to be sympsiathizedl s-untgcttouldhitprobbtly-be sissomwhat st-it, still thits:remuoval of fle bill different. bosususwosusulmuot b tue harshliphtto Tsvo Students Quarantined hi11e quaratiediis-si slsua st 4S1 'lt shssui t '-. hivssbeeits-tduuluging is seve-ral joki.duruiig thieir iprison- mn-t. They ~had a iisignm (ut te Oter slty wnhic-hin itlg prnit initedhefb psserbim tohithe '-'iutigtil im-Af Comuu-Tontigtt." Mtarshasl Wasrrenu lits li-u-nistiomplell to u-stu liii'e tnui fthast tey canuunof tuder sianyt-circumtstaniucs u-itleiiou ttun- til this boardtitissuess ins fiial releiase. hea lt ltii s-i'IIllsdatle-saduht t ft quaranitinefi ouldi-inthu lsltprotbilityt3bIs litdtday. School of Music Record Thus-f11sft p hhsulsubl ittion sitsl- 7Visitr- siy Si-hootutu tu usit- Recordl apphear this usussmtt tuund itwiudubteduls-hy 1e watrtrmy -ulcusid, elstecitlly by th miusicis-sl utu tturnsitlfsthe sommunity. M1 ihsiganis prosutosiheliisi shal sbl- h-tsity and ilpapr ofithis si. besies lu-lug boilsiti-esitigtatu isructive. tiill Ittostei-aivasluasble assttllusii sloiwinig outsideshrs thaut ties desereiti plltc-s amongsthe liii'tn. Other Colleges C'olhumbia is eneahtvoringtohisrran-ug- fufoutbalgsumus nith Stnfodt tutuCal- iforiaineuxt susasonu. A hhbil p iropritinig $G.51i4 itt hie Univstyl of Minnmesoasi lsteiisnmin- trodiuced inte li M tuesstilegissaur. Aii ffort is lbigsmade,' st Olo Stits-l(.niersity- ts gusi nsi n td adore coms-istei-sly eistuuis-ti tiathltc fielsd. 'liii' Sle' 1Drsmaticl-Assoitionths a sele-ctediGoldstnth'stt- uissit-sy 'The Goodsu-Nlau ri-l lat,' for its proucsstions this sprintg. 'liestate u'li-gislaure- sitInduhuianahan prse-inted nd ianhisa Utlciuty tilth twio hmudrd aurns f 1p15ti-esiuelant whihi uill be tconvertedl 111tioam-hrk By its ftvo isuessive- sefests over Ysale iniNess York, Hasrsard's thocke team w n tt inasl oumd fisthfe-inter- colle-gisate championship mid fiised its seasominithout havingxuerienced a defeat. This jumnior laws at towa have tken its outs of their mock trial csases, ftse convictionmof tinnietfr fstmurder. They are diligently digging at thenm Shakepeares, and hope to ru-thee lit- erary critics of much hard stuk and dissension. Michigan nmen and womenso uill be' intferested in knowing t two memi- ters of Otis Skinier't comupamny, to be- tiers Satuirdaty, tre the produtrs of col- lege drimatics. iBoh Miss fuff and Walthoni Fry, the stag masnger, we- active its the drauumtic ognuiztios at tie University of Wsconusin ai few yearcs ago. ConchsODea,osithte Wisctusinitcress- is vt-ymuchs exurised on-s-rlt-elak Of canmddsates furthuu 'Vsrsiy this spriig. Although i tu'suir- six Of fi- oldi cut-ntlustsk ouly four tim-e- tfts-u seats us this shll this y-eatr. O'Deas fs-srs ftshis'liinill hivtsutsuiie poi- isimg fti-uiisn fr hl- 'Strsity toni, smiththus ripphles'iliii-yungsters' shutsmi-is foru-a5 nisuliifs-suns st ftse 'tu-etiiorph hicasl Scis-hrofI lti- mmore- is sssgsuiisg 5a ut snit-u-euit-. ditionsutost hshams uddu rtss-teledu- ieiship511of IProfessor t,. 1.Slisttutels, sit thinsstislpis lniisirsily. Thus patitu-lbill sailt from s hhsli it' -iii a saihiostsitute sti o5, st-iltisiill cusses sll u'isesss. Pro's'tt'su'sor situck twIiss toanst,' ssassisnsison hisi ;:ooi nstst. andsmentintuseisit- tirsisy sito 5 ist rwishiisiito g sOnthis hi1.- irnr 5triisuui Notice s-is-si lls' 'S te 7tursiun t's10,1Ivtnill 'hios'luuss'sshsui,1 ii sclsck. KE1i-I:i;FITZP'A-l Ihii. TShe lilrir sto it' he tit' l-'t'su isi iii Russi I, Uniinirsity- iall, siill bt- open to ifsu musu'm s -sev-ery-afutirsooni. ex- ceutfSturdaty. tfromusus to4. i i C South Vitrirsi~tirtavsltse. I iihest Enrollment in Country Getting Up an Appetite li--lu hsunudiedsl-i.Ni-seveni -studes't Soute itfis: oyotnitoea ata tsu istsavei been ienrolledill te lawsr detpart- Som ofth bos ho atat Sate sseish ofithis f uisus-sis liss ss'sssstu''. streent boarisdinig touse, havue organiizsdIad l hit sin:tshe us' thsri'a-eus' itr l- a clots, ft:epurpsose of sn-icsles nto get it-e 555 s's--sr studuensts" stiltS sre taki- aboiuut tswo hsour's of hsealhfulh exe~rcise is-' the ciolisedslittu-csi-hsncouruisse. eve-ry tmsornsig beforetbreaklftast. 'She , tus rin--gs et' oftalsalnmosttothss btoy-s Stes-c talwaysipossessest of usmsrnel- nliehiudired tmtrl;, andti5515 itts itthss outs atitts, but 1now5'this nmanner i higheust illthefisto ntri'osith1.1wtite-i wthsichs they usakse way swithm Batttle hiss risuss-Isi nd imhss'highs-st Enllmenioit Cree:ealhusuth tfoods and beefsteatk sit aiy isNivschool ii ints: contruiy. crsuses the landladty to gasp wnith hor-_________ ror. The boys muake it a point to walk several miles between the hours of $100 DAILY $1.00 5:30 and 7 o'clock every morimng, no The U. of M. Daily will be de- mnatter what fhe weather is. If they livered for balance of school year keep up the practice tiers is no felling what wil haippen, as the landltady liae for $1.00. Leave orders at office already had to mortgage tier home. 320 S. Mlain St. Phone 13.