' THE U I ERSIY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. TieilH U O FMA.DA ILYI <.>rif« l'Kfill) . "' ti t it' s 1i t__________________ YOOLL N E. « aT ';^ ltt ii{,a. (xrei itigo-, try'tdst'tiltgs & 't- I g3H.WILD cog 108 13. Wash. St. 51AsthNtics O hisii. ~ TI1,lSi tO.. Asstgtinat Editor OE~NERAiL NEOWS a;o~.s B, 10Kutrt.'Gl Mork Fftit/ t',3A ,' t' l fiat i i. Il. O. ! J~~uttrlit<°/J. r. i ','0>. I.uaisl. J~tr a ,'03s. Theto oa(ima'toio at tof a te U. of 0M. Dlis -,Otor a' ttheaitit 'ayeatr. ato tie, con n na'tions.. etc..mtoatett'aindedt tale ottet' ditor beftioret3t).tmtof' te'da previou totat on waht'lich tthey ate'expeted~ t atpittoear. oo Alli c'hattgtea toadvetisintttgmtter rostbe int t'e oficte by 1pi.on itheOt'day poat otatto t Iii t it wi i'i :I , h 1111 lt ihi- itt i 1 ' ii th I 't'tt li Irt i' itt:1'l Ii ttt',t ;1it'iitt' 1'11i't'i ttti ot t'i t ttt1ttit't' I O: tlllv :1 11 i t';Iiv r i! n i ves 1 S c i t'. i; i' lii . I I *t i th'111 1 it 'i i att -t itt' 1tit'ti liitte~I'iii ti''a t;' i t ittitde is 17:,1 op ro w~ltl, hol iiI ttili1t'; it-l itittt tio i i tt ha Oil '11 i tttil t litit it1 A Cheap Fountain Pen That Is Good tites. 'ltiat's our 'tiic 'tal'" tten. Lar'aos-e tbarrel, 14 kairaot gotiti 1)t 1ittt'nti'tti ioi~caise aid stubtits l. Cttitnej anid try one-tWe'tl be gitlt tivl NO '5111ee what a gototti lotir-nI Pen tt dttitar will it' AT WAHR'S BOOKSTORES. Ma;i Si. Tleo ne Ntt o . Nt . ci.~ Nil h n b s tot, t ______________________________________1__it isto wo to,-00:t~iait. CollgeIos t :w lrtiit o evlv Te t oo s - ------- -- -N I r dti tday - 11.Ii. tiater__________ TTheRO kSrilo i/~t he if I ' ('attiH 'atGlit'o(IllbConcerr Mlisia'. - o-- -- ldo ed Nttot~lI l'i-it'''iy .1itttltit t Iit alit 'wtindtot' M'ttican findi tll te ho st:11lshe ati nlli'-tt istoo - a ites tt d list popltartmuict." Songs for all o tl' lricts iititout't'ttt'tiittttu i. ANN AIRBOR I'SIC Co., D)epartnients c~taor i totu tii't teutt fro MO NEY JOAnNI:It rti it' tb. M:It' 1 nifiii a mol'ititi i ch-'ii ti I itt io utnd tote P roal ipr oety. Second Vli~d o.tlti . toitt-(tttott tit i ltt' iiitt"sit'' l, ilct.a Alt buinssittt o n-iiltiti. ott tt t t att t't'Otc lt . otlit'ilt s l tl ,st o 11tt ::3lit t.a t . rtail 1 to 3:30 ______________________ tt I c, it' 111ttt'i ioti itti i onJOS'EPHliC. W' 'r'rS. it tiit ' li tt 1il l i}' ' it '-of's"w 11-t____________ i1s '14itl f 14 4ct11.;1 l tt t a Ioctt 111S iicIl us' heil l ttl l niRE EEHAN & CO.. Rfeoft Ihe l:t.;tiol dc i'ab ut uioaao Unv rst oo sllr, tlt wow to i t ast-'Iliiit ltt I:e otd a d fte t II ti tot lii ii 41tIgl~tlt to ts t'i'tl't I'lIL'ita I 'o , at i ll)l ir ttal" t Dan McGugin says President Suspenders are a big 50c worth. Guar- anteed "All Breaks Made Good." All shopkeepers in Ann Arbor C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Box 286, Shirley, Mass. Athens Theatre VH T anSeat Sale at Stofflet's News Stand. THE RUGAL 0SHOEdMh__ Thursday,_ arch5 Saturday,_ arch1 F'irat titte in Antn Arbor after two ENGAGEMENT OF All kinds, all styles, always thartts tot the Criterionon, ndo up to date theersmatths tertri toot, towd1Mr.OtisSine utodt. the most durable York, of the clev'erset society comnedly shoe made and always the eo-er writtenl. same price, $3.50, 365 days ' hItaNLr Qe Author of "Iris," "The Secotnd Mrs. Tanoqueray," etc.FlI [ DrmtzdfromMrs. Cltitlteod'S ME[Y[RS' NE[WS STAND, 611 EAST WILLIAM STRET.I Sylvia Lynden, hrook by arrteeotwhte ANN ARBOR. MICH. As Sophty tulgariley, the tmatnicurist. Bowen-Merrill Co. PRICES. ~.rismussiiU~iULU3UBES3 uas ssums stuummmuL.. ve o''r float', 50c, 75o, $1.00 atnd $1.50. PRICES:$1.50O $1.00, l7lc, andd Stc. B ~ialonty, 50c, Gallery, 25c. Seats 3 days in advantce. MAN'S Personal Comfort te tt0 tlargely onilhits 1 tlt' Xtny hitte iregultttity int fit 2 " -Ila I ii ~i i Ihthf' ta 110y . 11 It 1is 1o u tibusittesli tto l lecotlars ;'x j . 'I G I I aIT.i 1e'Gii tll tli t i aince 83. Ex terit'nce-ohtst- CORIS, CON(~CO. c9RIJ$$ ' ? . (R258 Franklin SI., Chicago, Ili. O f