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March 01, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-01

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No. 110
i iaan '06 Track Team Defeats
Detroit University School team
47 to 33-Great Work of
Stewart and Dickey
FeFreshmnet of the University of
NX ,iganitagain covered themselves
wih lory last nigt when they d-
tinted etroit Utive rity Scool at a
ame in Watermsan gymnasium by
de redtable shosing of 47 point to
teropponents 1. This great vi-
yfor Mhhigano's ' 5 tam proves
fa I>f tlmht the new material here
u - r srkably good and that the first
fr men will n di tltmatke excellent
adltons to lhe 'Varsity temts.
The freshmnet last tigtitmet ad
'an,,lislsed setesf the strotgest ath-i
leosintthlieiste. The teatm frtm
Ji) U. S. iane hotn-e onidett of pt-
ting ttt tt hard fighti.aitoh11hevisitors
certaintly shoswedl iiiwell. Bust the
freshmntswere lteteolinchfr the lDe-
trit boys andte icsittry for ici-
an freshttteti oas the rettlt.
XWssersntstsgv sttaiissn was crowded
Faith spectators for lthe tteeI atd te
events were runt til so sieedily tat
fhe coitests sere highly itteresitig
from start to fitish. The Detroit ag-
gregttiett ocuttieid sets ithie cetter
sof he gymnatsiumtatd yelled vocifr-
oily (ttrittg the tnct. Their "Rahs"
for their osvti sets see foreful, atd
prohably elpetimuttio tswell their
nutmber of toilts. The msemtbers of
Ilhe eroit teattishoswedth lettselves
tb.protmisitigatithlees, atd those
w~ho have signifieid their istetiionss of
"nii g to MfihigaisiUtiversity sext
,Yar sill no dout receive a hearty
Stwartliie Stunnrttter atthtrd-
or MAiciigat, idligreat work for
,tfreshimetn ttd son te cieer of
th Michigant tooers by defeating
Keeer the eiiird rittnter atd htrder
I) te . U. S. Stewart is without
d~imbt one of te hst point wittner
of the 'Obi teatm.
Dikey proved hiiitself a valuable
M.n last tiglt atd is excellent work
in winnititg pointsitoit several evetss
was acknowledged by merited applause
from thSespcators. The otier mm-
ber of the '0k; team all did wel.
Keena (D. U. S.) sprained his ankle
in the high jup.
The following are te summaries:
40-YARDI) tASt.
a rt prelinatsry-Stewasrt (Freshl,
tO -; Kaster (I. U. S.), secotd; ark-
Py (Fresh), third. Time, 4;.
Second prelitiitary-Kelier (D. U.
-Safit; Hog(tres)scotd. Tine,
lkioat-Stewsart (Fresh), first: Keller
-U .S.) secotnd; Buigg (Fresh) third.
First, Stewart t(Freh); second,
Nichol (D.)U. S) atd Dckey (Freh)
tie Tine iY-,
440YARD RSitD.
First, Norross (Fresh); secotd,
C.- resitttsthird,.ster (D. U. S.).
Height, a5lfelts7 its e its(D.
17 -S) andI ickey' (Fresh) tie for firt
place; Ford (Di U.iS)>,third
0'ist i'(ltttrtt (D. 1S. S.) seotot,
fOwen (treshi)). Retreand Sit-g-i
(1 U.S.) l not inisuth, bttthird
dhiiutstto tiawtrted Detrit. Time,
Fis, Steitrt I iriste seed,
Nichlst(1).1'. S:thi, IDikey. Tiie
Freiislit seettdtti. Pdittts (Fis-siti
S80-Al) RUN.
First. Colbstrti:secotd, Williams,
Ont tieeler; all L) U. S. Time,
Por mett, twvo laps eacit. D. U7.
&-Kastner, Keeler, Duffield, Ford.
frmen-Norcross, Dickey, Hugg
Iltrki is Mitigan t frestittetiwot. OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL
'.rota]ipoints-Mithigain t'rstiiiei.
47; D.U .,t s Doors of University are Open to Every
Boy With the Right Stuff in
Aftr liii' itstrtier.lihe 'Varsity Him-President Angell's
cltss Itelity its rn s sfollows:
11)M ill s.5 104 Etigitteers. Lit Address at Owosso
team- Sset-1ev Iltrrttsteit, MItyre,
Dillaway.1Engineetrs-Sooner, Smtith, prisitett Atgell delivered the prit-
Millet, Bal.'th.eliiu.)]is wot.Te, oitaliaidres atTutrsdayt-eeitgs
33)3 toct-etig of tet Fartmers' Sate toutti-
1904 LawsOvs. 1it1 LtwP-wtotillittup Istitute i Owssocadtistoke ott
10)4laws. 'ime, .a lit. '04 tamti- 'The Frelt'r atttRtiictilittt tatd 5was
tHahnt, Walton, li. H-ydi. 'U5teatm---Givesn lsotiotityithit-adiene of
Howell, itn, (Carimodyv it's--trsn.t I,:-0tipeope. Aftr tattftrt'tce this
Tht recortd f 538lt ftr tic-Oh laws owns-toodatsin att distrit whiich le
itseIf ti Is one ofliii-sttongetrelaty tf thiittiotnts fthose tltschools,
aggregtaitnsswhichiei il-nivestsity hats lr. Angel ts id tre strs a fesw
seenin Itsomei time. tinssgs we souldtiisaie etcn the rral
The srace-titibe ttieethe O'i ;Etgi- schootls di for the ties -and girls to-
sit-cts 11111 1litii'tltop ils lipotonedititl t-t ta. ew uldthaedui-tction-teiiassk-
thi text Wedeistday,ibetasestthe fressh- citill his natura-tl -sbilitis to it-ise 1h1ts
meneetstsiredst-it itfromtheil sork f twell-batltictt,.fre 1from titesitedneses.
the eveisnsg. Tfhe sterlisg it-s of honesttmtat-
This- tiittiti1 ittsity inidttrii t hswill liess ad istegritysniust oi corse be
be hetl Sttrdttievning, il artch i. btought out atitall titles
'lil(troblemisotinsrtl etintisid
''JACK" M'LEAN AT MISSOURI ( hi speat.kr is the-ills-est unstoitved
__________ iproblemssit in ichig-nttod-y Ile day
is past wshlen the tree I's cotstitte
Michigan Graduate Has Arranged to an ducaettiot. 'Te right kid of a
Coach There Next Fall-One tetchsetitsn srt a chiltd right sihs ai
of the Best Coache in intsllient expattioin of sette of the
cotimitei stnatul ojcts-give hiti
the West smtinitg hbesiets hatihle itds its the
bootks; sttrt hti etrly along a le
Mtichigtanisi-si stillbtin hteiri-tt-itto that etauseshimisitethinsiskaid Ito will
ernast Jac]:' Mt-lettn t-II tsdu--sttit btgitsivetstigatiing foimitslf.
lD. Angle-hoeds-t iiistf t be ass
ithdetia-stitwo- rshsticoaclitt ed-i 31 vo cas-teio, tclesc foss-starsttol iea
SKtx ttitt-rsitvGsbutgtIltt'tftll id tsaie ttnodtyffinth oitrItruftsa5
Whil atKno, Ac~ea brugh th t ittituy is5swouli his ntstded. Wills the
iS ttt t tiit.,tlt~si ittigit iiitruratl ctntrtliedt school hr ots usld
sc-hooel froitsass itsignificait-titlatc to tiot he sit targe ti demsand for schs
a trot imrtu-spohtsitioint tssesterni fott- tschters bectse so mny would not
ball and matite a gresatrict-ord fot- hiim-ibe needtd.
self asi a coatch. Dr. Angel expresed satisfatcion
Mcea-tis ais ichitigaunt s.haitg thatitMichigntihts sitsexceleit agri-
plttyetd ot thet''aursty) team foutr ytar,,,cltrtl college shsre many yoting
tiltSwas ctinti of the trteam me~ ud5niay becomse edtctetd in a line
twso ye-trs. lHe lissmasnty fritnsin i thatt is bosnds to not only mtke them a
Anni Arbotr Sthilt sill hi- tlt-ted totposer for god whenthey returti to
earts of iis ness'position.Heto sthSie ftrm, but everybody who comes
recomntudt-d very lughly to the Mis- in contacstSith them. No man Ctn
souniitnstituttitotsby Trainer~ Fitztat- keep sll the betsefits of educttiot to
rick atnd Mtanatgr tird of Michigtn imelucf. Btut sitstigriculturtl edca-
tand Sy Cotch isg of Wisconsi. tiots itnot for all. Farmers' boys will
The Missouri University teamus tn iot not all return to the farmt. Soue get
beeit very successfulohSie patst two a commnu school education, some a
sessots, hu int -h such tutu expterietnced technictal educttion atnd othrs go still
coach is Jsek Mceat-utu tuttters hi-her atd sok a traininug thatutaids
should asousme a dftreittphatse there thuem to otr the field of inportant
next ftall, anid Missouri Still probtably investiation. If thto wtoetno place
mautke ti strotng bid for suprmaicy ini for such men the litits of kowledge
flit sectiont. Noxt falRtKansas and woud be reached etrly. Hence the
the Ha~sklilundtan School, Missoui's ned of theun uiversity.
tltd rivalus, wsilhltalso be cotced by hsere the sieaet touched upon the'
Michigtan men. extense of mintinitngi the itstitutiotn,
atnd soss'd hos, aftr tll, it is a god
Temporary Coach itvestmuent for thu sate. In the fol-
McAllister, the general utilty player loss-tg word'IDr. Atkell tmtde a plea
on fle Detroit ball team, has offered for educttions as timtants of prote-
ts donate huh services as coach for the Sot:
Utniversity Sal ttanfor a week and ftIsstidouwseopcahead bo-cus ot
will be lure isext week. He is a ftreenofushoe nittng cetweon the
catchier, but hats filled every place on Itforer.ourhreatlostngdangerahotiht
the Detroit Sans and is an all aroundtuboe. OIfifeove cner piss it
player and will be tble to retider va- thergoodfittevtrtioesany fastuhatbo
nable servico to the iMichiganu fam. th godeuain nyfr rby
Work onh's-ry SFielsd begits next get. is tot tas otten to him as freely as
St'ck.Thti alttct'r S-il b moedto the richs tautt's sot, then God help
back atiteer-ylthiggotens in retd- 11. Nthing couditdtstroy society
nes fo te bsebal saso. ore ffeu-Siuttly. 'Whenm all the ltrt-
The ness sidettack of fhe Annm Arbor ic is sih the ichi nit all igoance
-- I r,..._ ~ ,, ,..._ ,. stil.. i tt'tpor.tmayv (Gtd hel ort- )tili-
New Head of Violin Departmet
The mitsi'heatd of the violins teptrt-
tmenut of te Usnivrsity School of Music
is Willitm Hoffmatn, the stcoud cot-
cetrmnaster in the great Damtrosch or-
e heotrtu ittNesy York city. Ito has te-
signed his positiont in the orchestra to
come to Anni Arbor atnd will tue tp
his duties at the School of Music next
Hto is a it.st ca.ss artist and his the
highe.st recommnndttions from eastern
violinists. Prof. Stney, who has
boon in the etst matking the contract
rteturnus to this city tomorrow. He is
staid to le gresaty pleased with is
sucoscicloig ticotract with M.
Htoffmanuu,svho still prove a wvelcome
tditions to te faculty of he school
ands to the mnusictal circles of te city
IHis tusuittitn as second cocert muaster
itn this Dtamroschu orchestra is gutrant-
tee enuguh thtt he is a firt cltss
Worth of the signinug of the contract
swas received ter -shortly tfter noon
Professors McLaughlm and Cpeland
Have Been Offer- d Positons
in the New National
Thetre to a chtance that Michigan
maty-to suiteofite stronug mtntof its
ftaculty. Til ewtsrNtational Uiver-
aly at Wasinigon not yet srtd,
hats its drtag net out for etinnt muen
to contituhte its irstfaculty. Th'is is
the unisersityswhichs as houentdowed
witl histy umillions by Curnegi antd ie
intendeuhd for grtdudate stdrtoearch
Prof. A. C. Mctasughlin, profesor
tif Amisicani history in the Univiersity
of Michigant, lis beeti offered the same
chatir itt the nesw Natonal University
tt Wasigton. t is not kown
wthether or tnot Prof. Mtaughlin wilt
accepttantd he is std to e consider-
itng the mattler, while he is In the east
at the preseunt moment.t
Mayor Copeland, who among his
other title of honor and distinction
holds that of professor In the honeo-
puathic department, was some time ago
offered the position of head of he
homeopathic deparment in the new
utniversity at Washington He de
clited the position at the time This
week he matter was again taken up
withu him stdle has for the second
time declined the appointment,
Alpha No Socety
For he followitg five weeks the
Alpai No litertary society will hold is
meetitngs on Wednluesday evetings i-
stetud of Saturd-ays on accoontt of he
inudoor track mets s. The follow-tg
programti will ho rtndred at the meet-
itug oitMatrch 4:
1. Mieo.
2.Fivoiiiuoc speeches - Lewis,
Foturd Mliinor.
3. Addressi-Mline.
4. Mtusie.
5. Reintg-Warneiro.
0i. Sibyl--Sinus.
7. Debatet-Re'solsved, taitithei'usi-
tdergrauattuttesoatitheflit veuusrsty souttlu
hatve' icompllti tO roltu-io f all stu~etuof
ittuti; ntivhe, Shiermnu -dwasr".
8. Music.
1903 Ba' qet
hiutt liii' nutncetduuttistouigt toathel
ably ' tlhle l's' Fridaytttight. Matru-l
13. '1110(uscommitteeoc tre wourkitg htrd
t itrestaltihe limembertitu's fIthe
uctiss, andthso ftrtll tls ipromising.
Muttchentusiosmsi ein cmg shuts-n.
Scomething newv in the wvty of tatsts
is beinig prepared stud a decided chatnmge
in She servitug of flue lbanquttstillite
tffected.. Neither fh lutace at whsich
flue fuctiotn will take tplaceinor the
price have yet been aranged. 'They
will b annuounceditn the near future.
this niorthenditof the field timd work o-sm oyhues-hstiihue rughutstuff its
upions thisnewcim tsptovemetnuts to tihe utsmteethoeerhitse te door of's utni-
110,1stit ic uutttcmccu is sou tivhts shity slamme in t hits fatoe, intsu
grounud is sufficiently thawsed. daus' sienut it ct ionuumftromth Site s1-
ic it schotul to h iiigli-hest se-it of ctirti-
Ns)l-TIl:. in; u-this huedliittalt icallyw ithut
'h1' iiw till bei'a vsimporttttt mtc anduv tw'siitout price. Wherever
tuig if thit'anoi clrubhinhot Moindaity I bay ot girl ta-tis -ani ehucaution, mio
uruuuuuc t 113 ii hisrechur matr wt stusu it oisfthi
u-tingI ht thus inttltthe eulgar rom ue atuhisiur
tut-untgs hav iitutuhaged frotm
'tutestdty at 7 I.inti. to 'MendaylttyS6:455
tt. un. ''ils mueetig is sveryb-impulortanit 'heu jtut uuniadsuotuhomrce'hutskt
tutu if is eturnisty desired thief ev-erybalteamsutitit-ll p11111) garnlatit Bart-
memuuber he presenit. hour gyutmnasium next Tsuesdtaytafht-
J. F. BURRET, noon at 5:30.
Prof. H. L. Wilguns of the law tde-
"Thet'Gay LordiOutex" at thue Athenus ptartmenat is to speak this afternoon
Thueat''Thursdaty evenuisg, Mtarch 5. beforei the University Y. S. C. A.

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