1111 Us. 01F N. DAILY. - _- VOL. XII. MUNICIPAL PROBLEMS Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, Gives Comprehensive Views on Important Subject of City Government -Advice to Young Men Mtayor Carter FL. Harrison, of the municipality of C'hicigo delivered a very interesting and instructive ad- dss to a lrge nuimb(r of students in University Hllutyesterday evening M yor tHaririoiitook for iio theme, "Soe.uePhases 01fSinicipl Problems," and the maniier' ini svichbehaoinled his intriete andi somiesvtompr~itie- hiensive subtjecit soiedveimiii ttoe thoroughlyin itoiichisith the nos movemnei i ch itiisitt esnt sweip- iug ttrougrht the goerimeits of te principial Americaincities Thii' asitiiss tb'ganiiiisittia coilpaii- soii of teiiitys ciiiitiosiuiindeithe old re'giime and uiiiiilthi'lahteioi'dei' the iseas crtsiigi'iI sithtimtoe. te ikenied ttii' Iiii'ality itself to a withthte Citizesas stockldiiers, te taxpayrs tholiing te pe'firrii stok wht~iie tii'e1commlionlstiick is in the handis oftheti'noni-taxpaying (tess; is'(, oimiiinconc iio'Ioadt sitatitor- iii'iinmay li' ihei'boadilof siectos wh'iili' the Ilisyur, conmittroler and re- c'odier pertoriiitheiuties of the isres- dlont, triasurr ansi secretary. It is the(,sduty of thii oteias to hiusbinds titi aslcariefir'andt i crase the r'esoiurcels anutproiidse for the cutm- fort atneeis of the citienoslos re tthe holsers sif the imuniciality's stoek. Ini iisussing the next pase, M. Harrison dresv up a set of six priii- ples foir the i'irri'it mangemnt of mutiici'pali affairs, piniples wh'iic'h shoulid te ini firci in municiipal go- eriinenitsas ssel is inprivate con- Btoard ruleant "one tut" rle oext came tp for discitssiuii, atd after enumeratinig the advantags of te latter ats compiared siththte disid- vanttages of the former, Mur. Harrison struck at the real root of the falure of mtunicipiai goernment in his state- ment that it ws caused by the indis- position of the American citizent to embroi ismlf In city poitics. lBusi- ness had more ecarms and returns for hint than iiid a seat in the common council. The eitienx paid no attention at all to city affairs, leaving them in- stead to a cass of commereal poli- ticianis who found the pursuit con- geniailaad rmuiitnerativ'e. As to the question of hosw to rid the city of that pst, -Mayor itarrisotsugttgestedl two ssays: First, by crossding him out, and second, by mksing his call- ing unprodutctive. The atter plnt, 'whicti is by far ttii moie expdient, couidtbe sone oiiy by a cotiprehn- sve system of iity government, iby makiiig franchises yietud their vale in retuir'is to the city, and by erdi- catinig the nusmeous esis swhich creep imto le city affairs Mayor tiarrison, in suggesting a remedy for tte bad gsverments ss'hici are evsvwhere ounssidihi Aiiei'cii cities, stdwelt at li'igtiiupiii te neces- sity of keepinig a iriiifonsatifori our poslitiss, Ohly nationailitndil oal Th'tis c'siili oly hes' tisie, te sad, tuy buidiiig ftm' te'oi wnii siptltand po s~r-inet govern'meni'its AsIita' fouindatihion is, so is the' snot'i 'icts' aiidt tott- iiig5'an ieiiiteii c't'"phiioa gsod brioads, libieral fosisundthi. In conclusioni Mr. tHarrisson sal to the young muuu gong out ito the bairt asnl biisyantuitsiiih. pe oust a mbitiosisirtion sis, te irepubli seiids auiessg'e. 'Tis iiesag sas: Niihe'rprfessiola re'osritno' fiian- s-il ;giini -siln is I eHtigiest 'out il life. 'Th e Ameicu''anucitzaenshitis not a iiei'e terri-suisite. t is sut s pure gaim anistprisit. The advasntages which it conifers stemntd retiirni.Ttie ,opportunities carry their obligations. The message says even more: Whuat Your fortummes have done for you you should do for po'terity. Tihus you swili -make yourselves a vital force in your ANN ARBOR, MICIL, S:NTURDAkY, FEBRUAIY 28, 1903 No. 109 u'iiiiiiii ' i o u 114.f ,i'i'hit ,ue NEW C URE EXPLAINED sari's land iiligutiiiiis iiil illi)or rnsi. CO RS Youi nilst Ib' Aiis'rca i. 'heii- i-i'l it appeas toyoiulnditothetie iirs whol Real Purpose of Enlish Work in like' yoiiiirs' ilthe schoosand hut Ii- ,Joutnalism is Not to Mae Prac- Isgi's. tshiall ilie apl eill iivai? tcal Reporters but to Help "Stag" Dinner a Success iDevelop Writers' Talents Thle chiass of 1) helst this first sit mele ycmelbedeiet a series of 'stag'' diiners yesteirdauy ' ilshs ~ siu'itbe siet eining at this Oysts's'Bay. Abosut-s0C elevuate' this'litsrary staitiardlosithe memsbrs f the class sat dtown'Iiat Aimesricain iewspalipi, trus. L. A. ssien siclock aindlrsgale hem lu'usevsStrauss sit te t'Unie'rsiy sficIihigaii swith iheisumipiltuiiousteast sicuh thie.hass-iinvserte'd his class iio a 'local commiitieei had' reast reIud'si.Afies' the ,saft"' tuimelfisn't iiisacits eitihior. ianids harth si'enis'learei'dilawss-s'ooik- IDoubhtless his iiinnovatioin thu teash- iug sias iiiordri. t'resideinit lbsin~tg sif Engishi sill a ffortth ishs acted:s htoasimaus'irandin iia svery' uisus'ivshioni'isandstheI'iistiucto' o ]iuappy iuuu introduceidiitissIihis'fohows- itlhi' ifrtiiiuiinsu.tuofiijust wihaut iuig, wiho ii'espondidits-hi)osis::Mitufl I s-us-it this ire'fioirm i 1 swsietsIthe \'s'rdii'c Natihanu Kellogg,'sirainlul'' membesu'of t heuccass is quits' anoherc Aldidgb's, Clii. alcohiu. "Mr. Sims, Ii'e 5 i'iiuiy, Sylve-se' oltog'u, 1D. B hIslo. thus' ii'i'''i iug p iliglihhIv s cls' il- Blasinei, task tlcuiuuiuandshClii. IBeadle. lid fI I t in editorsiIiriiiiuihia arecs-titissus' oh this histroit liiuuiah andsstates'son TRACK MEET TONIGHT los Is thu' genei'i'luIih iuiuuIihl t presen lt his ou1siders s with s this '-tuttbohsyirgard'ihto hes'workih University Freshmen arnd D. U. S. hts-h}insi'titiiteds ciy Ir sn'toiinis Teams will Try for Supremacy Iunhi-hi stion. 'thesei-niiosuasrs- mos ctpbaicaly ncoret :mdsluselhsii In Waterman ymnasium- 1thi es's ci a vryhtdulihght, Or. Officials Appinted h-iiii--- ior rathr mr. lti'ucksiiui, sihis h sha ue'i'fst histitckhaos lot i- Es's-rythuiug is in readisssforiithusi s ts-ildthus's-is f' ou' any sshi 111- i tuiracth ms-t bhi-its'iihis't'uiv's'sii s- - lhus auhit s all rituhtsi's'iiithus' Fh-c-IneliiiandshthusDtrcuit l'iviss'isits- students s uwe-ll 5as thus'professors to'5i Schiioshisutuseam 5s' ii'i'iuas gylIit-usi- 51111s15Hilotths islulls, Thus'artistl' sumnt iiight. 'hluen'ltiesstitt te this'osil' iitissuthierisi: hateasanoncd iii yessterdhua's l 'I' rii'.Stauuss is tahn i Dl~uy, na lust hte samlsst-it i no d iut Istudetshaeisto hisserie,'i' owitotu wr'te maea inl-etsshing Groiuhit iu-ist Cglullli tati'uiht and coi's~l5y, Isis' hi is heing aks-tiin t- il-'ett a is's-recuncitslu lri stit hifats alothowlithi harge. numbteraof spetha -tors swt i t sixbe, he i- is-levaigti'heusstalndahrt si dosuibt his'orus and to tuke iiithis'coi- 1150s hiiiii'5 ull1dsoring poten-ltial oy tests. flistheIii iity' eior. IIe is techinig The ofichiahuls fori the mee'tsyweeialt his puilsh-alshus hi'sn antitunuss-i-- piointed lst night slushare ais follosws:Iho'a mtrooi sstin ais lysitha lshsshubti Start-is ee-- ne--ss- ituihuti'ik, editd,lhe is incubshaig ualse hes Clerk sit Curssid Millasrd. suit ri'ding for tumtutous sens.' assistant Clerks-It. tP. Rlstoi, The first "if" is exactly Ithat he Maux l-ikulsteii, E. J. Wohuhgi'mnsth. Pllis ot theistisructors sre itsIndied Anuncei'sr-'Issnniy Robsts. ito iaiccomplish,id luhthus lst'it' is F-hush usgs-F. L. Dutnlap, J. M iimirly la tlurit-utisun. _Mr. ruiskmnm Thiomnus, C. F.,T'tzsrel. uxpr-ssd hus purpousse ysti'rdayisu Scorrs-A. E. tletchier, E-. atrot tyin to mke the studsents jour- Swseeley, (D. E. atc-ugiu. nauiists, ut rather ts gie them it FiehlJsudgs'-E. G. Redden, C. E. journaulisic type of wourk shich is Dvorak, A. oE. t-ermsteims, siosderni usanh ulie uand crtainly sore Timers-S. A, Metinber, J. J Nufer, Pleusant ttan this old method of writ- Geo ttHaler - ig aristale uo huutatios. In the reiy race betsweemn the tw-u "WNe ionist itends to sntake reporters teams twvo lapss will be mini ty each of aou," siidh Mr. Brusskian, Frida, mn i n steasd of ome, as amsoumced In or een gise the least reortoriuil a previotus issue. traininig You get but three hours' After the nieet proper the semi- truaininig a wek ii this line amd ol finassuini the suirioss re-la races of for otesuemesistr, swhersuas a nesipsuapuler 'Varsity teusasiill be rums. rphoter- uts iii1C hours a dauy uanid at hionofthle aear soes mot claim to knosw mulih h of the work' New Violin Instructor The Joit il s-scotiies: Proft. Kelsea, presidenst of the Sshool "It is son'dififeiult to sonvihiis- the Of "tisic, isisss-siyesterdauy after u di esill list thaut wsieuihe isblle noon11re-guardinug the successor to trot. ulert'.(, 'is'a'iluab tle depaurtmenut sit Stuirmt. Iltsrtusrs-, it s unusuiied'tothelsneies Suaisdhe: I hauve the namuue sit thei Ot the is'tills uhisbuyia-this'papeisr fuss smtuns whoss beus nPcisi agedg-ufist'this-reisss It s haurdt sios-l to cnins-ce violint dlparutm'ntuthI0housenci-iithis'-gradut haIlut t litruary person- stiuetedh sot lto give it out until to 'lit 5' whitchi -s desirubltin it big- snorrosw',Whens it is asustssus's-slit raptly, a cr'Iirtque us' a mrontanti sosel, will cauisi' I:ts's'cidstsatusisonuandsh we is icompaI til'e5i'ih it newsiartuits-h ares vey o iimteiseuriing situh thit almlSslls'tIlnahuhatle its. lit- uu dstinuishedtsiphucsoni tot-theuepar'uut u I ii iysitshils'elt uanlt udesritie iuctl Iforce-s':u'rei-highy its-it-uslue to theiste ee'lss l ots lppcuui'ltr, sut teya Party ol '05 Class I sillhosmeilaf-ils-nthueuroutinieu sfter thus drit-u tuu-'il this-ruduimeunuts, nitusthehull 1'theus' ositosuusu'lituturatcuss guisear luistrxtsrsson iiissu histo iuteu isi it isocsial a t tilulangr's 11d-0it ne u~ srmyscen'ess i te ocul rots. suuus'lstIiu'-lht andlush suuhiu'huius'abltot tut ib t i liulhussli is a u 5ulutsu utiuli' -ri l ~n sts iituu s'-I-a- hstsahi nt 1 lsuu'u o muuuuuu u'' i--uu u' 51 tu t P 'IIIu i il'lhli - thes' illti-spalil lis t er by thus' huihhiuiii"ioiurchesittunchit s el'\ lil in lltemiis of Isss trosom tesiuusoil'edidur 'ig thu e C'siiitl t uls, t uis s-s-u-a-sioisus ii upedi- 'I'le porty- s-is 'a sucess il el's-Ia' mlul-il wayuls- 't us- l-Iscluedsis'ths'clueill( ornilt- Tire- slots-u-of teaI ttusuus' uuscr- ls's'fori'thus etsh'usu'e f thus-ccs'su5in. - uutuh'hissel tmiuu'uuis snfr i nthis subt- lict hIt is t thus'deusie'sofI'thus' e Notice tto developt all s'uuhsis'uus,-stlats- ullthi the Cliegi'U tstiGlesClsiill s'ii II' IItiss, iilear 11and'usonis, ox- hiotl opcssin iiuehus Marcu'uhi ?uand J, I lsin- illt uas-tw i- ss'ushs ssil torn ess cuundsidateus. ''here sre si tess',hushdiius a sohsteleu, the thoughts 5's1:ultcies whtich wae isish to ill for sit the wrcite-r. On othern swicds, to mske this semsueste-r. All college girls are it possitile for the studen-sts ho toll ini invited to comse and tray, The smeet- ansiniterestisug smannler that whuich imgs a-ill bo held at 7 p. in., ODoom C, thesy wish to exosress. University Hll.hh By order of Secretary. Subscribe for the U. of MO. Daily. Young Ladies at Banquet Thliii-ttis'ssisa V. X. C. A. guie a del-ightful banue tut lst osisuisg to csl-h srute thu s'ses of this secondsyeasr of this assoc-ition.u 'Thei'feasst vsenOi- joyed bya' slls'hushned gussts who guithered-utaroundsshthis'prettilayudec'oratd tabluessof thouorgansautionsatithir bonsnes'out N. uissrsit veni'uei. 'Tsousto s-nire'responded tih 5osy' Miss Simmsus, SrsiJordhsi, Srs Wiait, 'i-iss Douughty. Miss C'nus-uth, Miiss Willis, MLiss Phillipis, Miiss Luwton andil 'iiss Nortont, swhossacsisdsis touslsistrss This uniqiue fturteofsitthisbanuttit waus thaut this-preusaratsionis for this-esemt is-sru-ll madeuhubPa'te yoiug l sdies thuns'suslvus, siho isslitall this-buskisg anid decoratinu hg tutr-thus'occsasion., Amonstig this guests iwonse.5Miss Siuss, thes ges-lurhIsu-ctuay.sad 'iss Nu- ton ofDhis-iull ndusesveral smemubrs' ofthu udvisoits Ciiirsi NEW FUND FOR MEDALS Senator Russell A. Alger, of Detroit, Gives $75 a Year for Tokens in Honor of University Debaters t'uitedsl zitessenatsuor Rlussel A. .\lgear. of DItrit i', hasuswsrittensuausethos' u-u' sasinlg thaut is' will donoatte $75 i ya-scoiithetuiversitya' iutoial Associationiiiiiffr thesusurpose- of fur- Iihn eas ito liii'six lionmor sde- suts-crso iinut T hi~us genesrous gift sit thes'parhti of StI' Agsris itsource-u-fs I Itutcitu o0 the ii- strutsacs duhstiunsofsitthus tratsori- suit det menuiiiit'andsi so highlappuure- istudI ha'till siolare in iterested in this isuu' oh stuidy. Senautor Algr sill gle the $70 each yasr unutil hi scusiss the deartent notsis' tosthis'cosnurarys' t'Eachiof the six hsoior sdebatrs for every season siill ni-scsis's-usmeda-lshpurchiasedh from thus fusnds, sad the tokemns will be knsoswnias the "Russsell A. Alger D- batinisg Medahuls." If rewsard for fait- fish swork auh high class oratory is to 'his tiny inspiraltiumn, surely Michigan stuents 0ill be msore desirous of do- ing" oratoricasl aork than ever bfore Co-Eds Give Farce The furce given by the Women's Lestg'te Friday afternoon in Sarah Casswell Amgel Halaas the source of much pleasure for a large number of guests, who acre delightfully en- tertainsed by this members of the or- guuiizatioms The young ladies to whom the success of this play is die are: Miisses OPutnam, Rue, Wiggins, a- pie,atorse, Read asd Cleveland Aterrthe farce a recption was is-on iii hio parlosrs. This lit of the programssu vus folloswed by dascing iii the gymnaiissium.l TIhe putroneusses for hio affair were: Mesdames usly, Itutts, Stewurt, ti los-u-, Crookessr, Dotgass, Pettee and Brceakeyu, tush Dr Smia-der NOTICE. 't'hus-cosill useua 's-na'imptortanut meet- tug of the Mandohilinilishanet Motday esvensinug at:45 ini the regular room ini tUier-siityll, Speialsoie is nuallsd to the fact that the regular meets-igs hasve been chasged from Tutesdauy st 7 p. mi. to atonday t :45 u. n. This nuseeting is very imiportsnt andui it is eastlys- a desired thast cs-ry member ibe hehistut. J. F. BULEY', Leaduer. NOTCE. Thusci'will be ai meetisg of the Rockysa Moutatuin Club Stshurduy mors- tg st 10:30 in the Y. 'I. C. A. hall. Impotanutuut thaut sll bel'oig or in- teninig to jointsould be there. BE1-N h. BROOWN Pres. It is beliesed thaut thte epidetmic of typshoid toner at Conell Uniiversity is enstirelhy under control and thast pa- tients noa in the hiospitals will re- cover.t'resident Schurnman has in- atigurated a planm to give all students a chiance to make up their wvork.