7 'AIM i ,. ..... i ? Shy Sx'l xxxiii xxxi i x ,t il'x i ;,xx xk, [ lctx i (xii .(ii .i;c, Oxi~f' x'xxlx xxix xx o1 'lixxx'x'x ili xix lx (lx' I xii'xxs i x' ii. [.,t ixi I'i , ixiixxxiili :1iii 1ii1xx 1 1i i in (tixi ngi' Oii' the s tol~, in fr~iit II tr~i t liv r f-t,«ii (I ,I i lxxtoi is i to x ixthexi ('iiiy xi"x,('s iixloo hlx~ tiiiixxxIII-lxi. raI pn;..-so lluyo mg rxiii i w rexixiled upn te \'- ild iit heipres(ntxli nti' nunxxi' xiii leiii teats of twlvexi toixix liii' i iiiitihe i'xho inor"lxxofli co od i l ixtritl lxx inxefi'xsiir C ilxxi l ixLub x xxii d nd, Oix eIi1r. xx iii tio .hnsef ;i l n u co peth ist o nieo s foill t exiiifoe a uxi s itelxx x 'iliiiix l exxxIixxx Fi lxxx ixxxx'x iItxixIx I ]INix hat( xi.MA O (Rtjj T AT T heii'iixlx xii n- liiixx h ie'hais leii I. .. _ '. F eeNi se.Dl O ATR- u'ishvps miiix iiixxi'x ii' ixxanxinl he' 'xxii ii IX iiixxiiixxii x x xxii ii'''xx i '''x". llixxxix Street, 'ii xxh xxIx. 1. S.ii.hole ndx Ford.Au ii xii(fiienii ix 'ill he xxiiix'iiii'xxs xiunless Ihe eno 440-}'AS. i i t Ixi. ohi oh heM s.dretruet F.''xl Fexii lerii . lxxiii iiSymposiumxIr i i m inner xiet'xxi'. i'ixthxxxresultiof It. 1'. t.- ilxxi . lx'lxx xi i x' xxxxxx'ii''xx xxixxForixxli liid.xi IlVARSITYxi lx'xi"xiili 'ii' t (liii i-11'lTheillLiss of Ixxll kllliho innxror a oiiorlixxoieft the i xt x'' 'xxxiii xx 'x'xlxxxxx--x xxi xi xi i xi'. xiiEd-xii nni rs Oflxx lxxi Contexsitsxi lxxx il'i rto to~lt h cas sp tmp s e t.ti i ii itixi ii xxxii lx I ix Nixlxxxt.'ii xix' xxxix' xxiii'Oysterx 1;;I\iwil xxxii ii xxxii 'i xi'xxxiix i sx'' leiri cutxand C xi'xixxiliiiiiii " l i'xUxnderiiS."xL.i x .ixAus-xi roxtlii l i i;i !s1 i dock lixxxIt wxi li lxxI cnxiii t elt.csn' ~(rn h ).ii ISix Ntix lxx ''''iiii. lxi xxi lx xxixxx'xi i x i lI'x. Sxii' lixirix I' 'x i ll(;l l tiit - "w' ixiiqho l 1,1 i t it, ':; i xxi l ix l xd. iAftr thei i th r ;( g intieiresti xii igxiiing lcu e f otxxia ASl.ifixi.ixt'here ware liilXxliii mel' cntc'xxii xii 1 iiThe piogramixxx'i'i'iixixx'ixlsl'lxxax i'iiiii'xc fuxuri. Fhi. ie S i Kxxlix'. IE. nx'ii'r xii Xh ior lxiit" r l lowe A liti,., xixxxiii iii (xx xih uher lxxxi' i Mi. hhea Bouw rthidorctur 1ixixi.h S.-x-. Nixchol. 'iii~lx i. itwo imini to iii rexii t xxxii x. xiitei or th e enA . x Presxi iixiide t T tiI'liiii'V. I isoloh.ixx....x..lx of.liii' ilxx'i vxi'iux A'. ' ' E A xiiH, i'xux'xrle l ilow,:laxix '(x'xxxi 'xxliamixt'i.i' l foxdxGthernmtxuh ubt oursoertixcrt- xtx i ll wee notiehil thati t hexy aid riault-' ix" orxxhInxxxod iex ihuxis -u hx'(urxfiiitrun:m"I LeJ h i xO xxx ittx'H' oost ica IlxSexix aryxp re sned d rthe qe to the'u stox . hexhain 'no c e itztoshpx." is ouii'o -lxi hi" berra'yili Halllfaxd xllgg x lann slixied."n Prng yeris ftenl S. aBohhnvs." (0- Lug.ArexrGeo.w xxix hey wll hx" jdgex loedwal I froayex roIngepontaoh thhoxodlsaeadd ofl heOiin'L.S cnitig Teh Vlk ite- axid Jsles'.it?"xereadedtisaqbeatiful 111(usu awstoshe wnne0of irawx.)c xxJuidoxxrkedton:.'oixpoxxi ' Co.Pue I J m-EdslPrsntSFrbe. ixii frclrn and wods m eyen- n 130(orLsgcvs. loIeforpxid. C tioi ie o xorsto ixs i y') hudtr utadmk iheigtouhs l adta n Thlesedtaminswillrutnstdxieigtieophmdrexu oit- .Hll, Jtocoxn-li'V'enhistcndpiie laive austindulgdinnofhryrwstogbenfondy ft rshn h'e cls heetcamiron-ers tlimteial ontextcfxx'eTicaftrnoonbeiiioSarhd(as-intimewrdsof peroi.,Prayer inor sd terxls"ilxv uthr e sen opates.otie faites wel nei Thxsoi an.Te fllow'.ta n h. It houldyerthesamfena teamsi h efrthevschampion-g.willorhiy houmdtheaxxxe f ii ghveiieewd mevsintheugedthoedconfdngofathildrnpitfe' 100h L ws vs.1S. awsLa d a .kin oniv styh alouMgiht affairst- oeith re en r om otr vx iea. I s r g r e s a b a tf1 0 n s l m o s i s h w o r s f t e e w l h n - Boor hlr ehha nd w m n an shi. 8 L.A. n Uivesiy Hll n Mrchaffir iter as players or prmtr: en owot a o sympathy for Instead of the inter-class meet rum- 1. The first man in the final con- The Miisses Putnam, Iue, W,igins, the ' Idoltlpredestinarian ideas that ing on March 7, it is now announced tet wins the tUniversity Honors wih I "isper, Morse, Read, and Cleveland. tbfngs hs~e been willed a certain way that the annuxal '(isity Indoor meet a prime of $75 and the Chicago Alumni The play will e followed y a social "and,that nothing con change them. will e held at that time and the medal; the second man gets a prie of oar and reception in the parlors, A large crowd 'greeted this first le- inter-cliss meet on March 21. This $50. These two men represent the after which there will e dancing in tore. The reaining in the course are 'change is made so that the' authorities University against five other colleges the gymnasium. as folows ean more easily choose the team to in the Nrthern0rat1ialeaue co- A cordial invitation Is extended to Friday, at 4:,3-Can a Man na compete against Illinois on March 14. tet, at Minneapolis on May 1 all memers of the Woman's League God or Can We Know God Person- ______and all ladies of the faculty to at- ally?" A new incenriteo hard work on the tnid. Friday, t 7 p. m.--What We Mean parc of the larege squad of long di-- Sophomore Soiial The following will act as pto-bteDvnt fCrs. Lance menx is the possiility of Sichi-pto-btebviiyo hit, Ian sendinxg a texam of four hlnf-milers The sophomore literary students ssss rs. utzy, Mrs. Buts, Mrs. Saturday, at 415-"Jesus Concefr r milers 10 compete in the nationaxl iill enjoy the first scixl of te sec- Sewaxrt, Mrs. Glover, Mirs. Crokr, tou of the Disciple and His Mission."' ri-iay chaxmpionships at Philaidelphia oxd semexstr tonight xat Grxnger's Srs. Douglxass, irs. Pettee, Mrs. Strdy at 7 . m.-"XWhat Do XWe on April 26. It is iot known'xyet xacadem'xxy. The xcoxmittee lxxixarrang- Brixkey anxiiDr. Sye. mexniby hx'iell" wihether liii' exixx willi consist of xmile I ixI for goxodi xusiic ixixi the xiffxir Sundahxy ev-ening-"XWhy Do W(e Cxii xxeixoxrihxlf-xmixerslii'theeiult xdependi-xlProisesixto lxe'a dieligitful one.A At lthe' nooxn cxxferencxe, next Suni- Jesus thei'Sxavior?" lug eniixt,'xi nte rxecxxdsx ixiixix. lii'gi iiiiiixi'iof studentslxx lxxixexse- day.-Uixarixaxixchurxch,tDr. S. J. ('he x'compxeti xiitio illi elxssxssxstrog focured'xrx'ickeixtis. Tlx iii.xxxxxxxx-x of itix'1ix1xixix will gi'e lie xaddxrxess. is ALI~iA NU. the hxalf-mxi'le xixeamsixixiKeeex'xitz-lxxiicomitteeiil'arex:i'Rogersi'. Miller,. ("xl' ijx'xt wilil li.'Siii'll'x'xxso lhii iorlisxcxi pse oh lixurick xxxix lxiiiif fourmicux iiiil xxiiards, N(iger, Stewixuxl, ihurx'xxh. lii'eIDoct'rine'of Evolutionx xx liie'Study ixiguiili'AuxxiN liexr tie obixtxa iine xhocoxuld xxxerxxgi'thex-- If Ssocx xietyi'lhasxiibeeni'ilostpionedIto xnext dlxistacein xx2:(i4 axtexamuof hlxuf-mxiii NOTlICE-. I 'x''iiix'ilxy eveiniig. 'The xnext few mxenxiliibei'senti. Minneiii'iiai '(ii- aThexre iwill lxxexaxmeetxinxg of thexx X.IIIl SI-x'INGS. xmeetinugsxof liie'society 'sill he held clxxin andxxii cailxgo lhxvie'aiii ixnouxncd tocky Moutaliini(luiiiSxaturdxiy morn- Oni axcouxnt of the indoor meet Suit- xxilX'x'ixuxxxixy evexning instead of Sat their ixntentioxn of sexnd teaixms of mile inig at 10:30 in the Y. St. C. A. hail. urxday aixnd the Haxrrisoni lecture tonight, trdaxy eveinxg. Moen. Inportaxit that all beloxiging or in- the Adelphi will have a short meet- tending to join should he there. lug tonight promptly at 7 p. m. All Sublscrihe for the Daily and keep Subscribe for the U. of MI. Daily. BEN F. BRtOWN, Pres. members are requested to he presept-, posted.