THE U~NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. spring A Anouncenient Thes lgesot 11(ani os roinlets iiie oi WOOL~N~ i Ain Arbor wsili be found it G. 11. WVildl & Co.'s, 108 E. Wasltintilfit. Great 1pa118 have been taken in the selection of all suit- inigs, tronserings &' over- coatintsf for this seon. Go HO WLDco. 108 E. Wash. St. THDE U. OF M. DAILY; Entre 4ax ieodctx matter itAon Arbo Poxt Office. ttecolee ye'~at ts e tniersity ofichisi- gan, by hes Michiigan Iiiiiy-NesnPi'blishing. Con jtiy (lnc). MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOUSTON. '03. BUSINESS TiANAGER, ltOSCOE B. iIt USTON, '04-r, EDITORS Athletics Assigmlent Editor IlphlF.' . LJ'caslll,'04.. GENERAL NEWS Mob kFoils '0.. Maxi FinklsItelin, 03. Sylv5eer1. IBoulger, '04i. lHaailv B. Bakers, '05l. J. . Rley, '05. Fraink J. Clark, '06e The subscription price of the 1'. if M. tiaily is ZEr0 fortoeb colleg;e year. No- tices, commuiinications, etc.. must1 be handed in at the Dily ofiier befoire 8 )ipn., or mailed to the edltor betore 3i p. the day previoua to tbat otn tohichthtey are celpected to apptear. Suitsiters wal ,nerafavreby rr~inhg ptromptly lthisofitct any falure of carir All chaneso in audeertliig mat teernouat be in the illes tby t p. in. on the day previous to thton which they are'to appear Office in lhetiaily Argue oftice. No. 310 Stoth Mainl St. Telephonc No. 13. -Neuws Etditor 'lToday t'. J. Clark. ltutoratory. Theltegisltre tcotldtwelt tafftrdl lt 11svelat ris o aino en thle 9i}0 till;: wihitch aiieeIito Nvttld be a I sI 50lll~iii tilt t AeL-nea- 111n1 tof l it o lnllti c aitli = it ht'ttililtitt slThat Is Good Play Misinterpreie atilstilci.tiindl vityo pptill I',to A do llar 0' a te nitirsislaiitiml o lt i dem n ; good is II 0stt I doilU ttitIti' llt'ds it lus. I i' viii Ilits ur"- e force lif st Ms.e ti li tiI is tlery ail ty o tV I oitil ofth elsil itlii1i itli' wat a goi4 d Fii'irgo ad, is nt sen ie l i'Xiclue iit 1ittrl. 10 illti a doll ar se and lii'attito "~ e ldas itt 0i'lithat te iiipons.Cm iltcne f the ill iii ot h t'gil-AT ciptallyto "Ms.i' Campberi ll's I isne-{ al ty m -W t1b anditis isite ofthelf5 10 t hat he wht UUgodF oaIUE im auithoi sit i vellw e a ltit diec ti n to P n a ol r l ratigt is t Gl'otlstilt 111' tissit i ter tbmhis tieis ioeti)sl ebefo daos 11111 tnen ie l l Iru ' is 'SI s . i 'tmpell haiis eil t i iithrgn ed tesirecof titolts uts'ailedto p'ertcivthl eitpsy- thue titlst'li Then gr. CDmpbl'reNr rnes theendsosuiitgit he1r011itiiter College Text Books for all Departments New and Second Hand The best $i Fountain Pen in the city SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. i I 'iii clitis ot AimiArbor its Nwell esltdill lihe trtjct of i'siallisitg , .ittr isiuit er.T heiit follo'iw-ss Dr. titi1itii i iiiirliii 't tri seri iii' s o i's 111;1e'theutiisbak~ilCl-ilpossile.Te le tCltioiert ttusis. wi l ani 'instrv ii thenocesliilaest nd Aost1111uartuiSc C. S1,; I:1rll li n stlma'teia l ;111t1 hlp 1 111tii Ifr o 'stheliht eii lliit i itioitibg necessariy't'te.iniiieI ii 1''esi A TIOZicTals It COo it'll 01' titlii' ol;:1t,. andi I~s iti 209-21togs.1lWashingtona e se l 1a lits"Iitheliii lt l s- Text Books, new' and second hand. Dictionaries, Quiz: Compends, etc. C. B. BankEDf 325 S. State'lSt. Second Floor I - When innedoa FOUNTAIN PEN buy the A.l A. Watorweno T he Pen we guarantee to give perfect satisfaction SHALLR S BOOKSTORES 116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets t vvvvv-Wv:wwI w ,w w w __ CARTER H. HARRISON I In Good Gov't Club Course -FRIDAY NI1 DHT ~AAAA OMMO lw IWN T-W, IlL AL r sEle.i Construction andl Soldlies. Sanitary Plumb 1' 5 1Gs111dElectric iFixtures, Steam Cnku k sEletist ramps. 207 E. Washington Street. THE ATHENS PRESS, 2d Floor ATHENS THJEATRE BLDG: Pri niers i h IINGWe are now prepared to show you the swellest line of light weight fancy SuitingfO SP iD I I~ ~ in the city-both foreign and domestic. 11-J ho Wshngo I,- A You're invited to look. E~ahno