R<}.x IiT .
No. 107
RESULT IS UNCERTAIN a dtro te w no -prasiios 1ai
betwenttt ti' S. I, A. adGo(.o,'bt-
'ateome of Saturday's Meet Between ,'intont ( lull" ad, .thetr-nay bhota
thne'Varsity Freshmen and D. repetitotn of h at straggl. twhnt
S. s Pe~e atial itust Ihe oncudetl', Sittptlynthat 11e
1J. S.1S prb~elnal~a t. L. A. i gotng tan-tter intt a c
-t rovry with the Godtotl(iteutntttt
konight a list of about twenty fresh- (;rub ovr the tirial matter of enter-
ren wiI be pre-ottted to the Btard tollintgCartte Harrin, t.EIn tui he1
of conxtrol to ann'rtain hsw msany of foltwitg tken d ire-tlie ft-nt te
*Ret a-et eligible tsoompelte in tesite gneta nttmntit ttere is))n iiit- I
mten' swit te Detit U mivestyt rothat the(,S. L A. swats to etter
%1nisnnI nextSattttrday-niht Ec inat Mayor 1Harrison
-m. willctttnisttf twlve tn -tutlnd An t noaitter f fatthe Gtiood Gov- 1t
if s netnli t-n Iion ott-s t o itlno) steredth te q tionio f t-ttti riI I
non totri'shttttrti lttt no ~ti ow d n t-re n thtt e tt a tt Sine. I ntt e
it- oti - ei triions t htpi SofItha. t net tutu liyt- het I
All t°t 0tte o ittouttof lt tttc tt'd
bet; n h reofertai nera us Tot etr tueiinin t 'ai,-ttaitteen1
thrtotugh i tothei laesot i tecrt t rac.e or t heii .. f .twoa d ii:tt hey litt
atimst m eenvr ol gfuttard ith o t ni-otut o takinon h r
5tnthourstof fhe hu yt ttton letterrit-t j
' ot lt i t' laketottt t ey wnett
-flyaso ah s tt it-nthenbtsterfalotmtncet fttt ha~yt hat, o lesfo siin II
iftin etsett oaunttt oistboned tofithtisite st'tiwthtemalt arban-t
evennet5 it tter. it to te (tn ] ttne t-s tei tnt nttphttorp etiints he-)'
Tharetntwit' beta-reoittstuggldt te copanyott)geatIrso'ttti1111"ttti
sinool r e-dah t)-))))5 ii net-t ter ttl e ttytonitl t h a'turmett in- t
atlaiStewret-ngtbo te ho ae Nestioafottergtu ~ac f
Ste n ttt 5 o f, )Itd i s ) ti e ll ter haerit o rttntn) iitha Ito blwe ptnle t dittgi
Thi tOit) i) t ttttO ti ttti~ -SIt in tlie nnayithatte Iodestdatnte
sty fe a ihnenfiht rteh-tO etnt t.d
Sonet and from s 11)0l ityero thouedwouldnnniiver.s for site t ank 't ere))gi
Tim oftll iuersholsti an itis m etion d n this tiitttnityiin.
hefto nre ofch s tate i~i rck s, ea- eIt ta tereo ur n ess.y fit h110to !
-aut atos anunosred nnecss n onttilse no-oe n111roneonurnco10rse
may coo ms e (, aestinanot xea tly i ht. hi'tonly aunt'citt spondrint sae f
Commonth uincto.ct-ini ntk-St ictntnte
Snetie r ia tattv colay sic tqsentn- d to o mi e.nttiy lnWe nt' nnd ui(, inenl
ne t oney aesrotngesin prelfroso o hne nfreasnater as ate?
-r~ox oS.tack A Aea s tiecnerspondl fiectttiait eovn t
O oftineStnnients'Lectre sufcatnyxtnyeuthionoedepitntyaplie
-ti yeSrkookn oc astocr a eiwn i theocaiotx-ti ghr ttoheaond nd Smute
Havenntontimetin T i the cYa menintnni a ntedt viit sdthe recu-asiaionnpicio
scholastirconni' ntshttnMaynsndtna h hoemn7o.a iooya
hi -o tin e itt m etGodtConhenmnarnt aesertine eitrg. A te tn
sixty toes hmen catehmnmntn Sotunt ofIntistonn.ctifyoneicnfestatd- nit
Shro Itit o tm' ta'refrrttg o i x n utiness'forgtetaof sk. oigW eviop-
m e ia-ditromrie andterastsasetd tttttotsii ieitnlott it
thi feaur teondgo rakifa hv ite trisapel of aytine e.t
'ginbom eaitt rm ne tentnaatn n tilwe ne' ire rsned to oiiue otn e
Sins. atinniugtenttinira'gaasitetooiceainauvererigius
faidto rtDail- n l t i e uS pkit e dt nt nS-'itnh e pbicr.oten- eisn tiinh tna
of tenilynigtiatduudy lwh ihiseem innm tivetjustiy tt'ttt'lo nn ii fitt edt)
to mtouge y rngipesinartsetof ymiterdits ti ile
'rte rS. L.iuAit'r s th e resosi bl ei If the I ottmmf'unictio s t n -sen
-Slins I tok ttocc tisint itrt si'itinin lto t ittasitut nei i--isonbent hat i
x Ceoinnicatn.nTo tht csite s L astthtiitsitheewssico
Moatt jndra hsu-gttentitptubihedrti at ti 1ho 11matte waitmrel-tn
ever-theinaturittuiodntGsierntentu dvrtsig usbrug.itthe tim
je-ntO to I ttie siimuecta temn Sliot httlju if scha tte n,
thrugtttoi ebyreerig oitTobt n h t op ilazoina eelp
- ine snot- 'tfitti'wri'eritfrtheiyeofi-tnt eiotuittit t i tubly ' tt hu ae l f'ortctitedto t onIit e tShat til
di eraltuin uirytuuttt teotfiehuts Itt tt iht. h ht - i t ht t
filui'a tunttool t e a titft e atorCit F i ttityute ante tsoytlt th iit cots
annuoth i tt'i -ified ad louentis ]an-tro .- - -socurd- d fo u
Oe o1 the Most Interesting Numbera .
of the Good Government Club's
Course Tomorrow Night
tarrison tom 'rownigt sill ittottf
esttialntinteresttttterusnit 1timet tnt
tur leaderfin ntioaloti-t is.It
is wttll ktownttbyt atltintereted nitthe
aff~irs f th 1)oit ftttprtis tatnd
I tho tt-ho havetiatde a sI.tudty ofute
m-ai iplgoeii nt, thant tuty mtt i
who (.il riint htis timstutemyo
of Il(, cty of Chict- gouu 111(1tri tatt in
tinouis ot t h ntuttnig tt i't ti i n-il
oftatlttiasses"this tgs' ithtlmi t'forethnti,
thinii stt
The tofficrsgotuthe '5 wltniti''
s'sade'siishotuldttbei'' stt'ttitttt it)l
dieruuit' i t thuorr -t tilrioit - t-uaii
he-twilluiti'itudemocri iaticdtrinets.t
Ili i . lia f t g iewsii au ndut i llti
iot thsn i ll-ibietn ti lii-tin-ian iptc i
to te addrestit IuIttins io i ttn ntic-
sit;rititi utoi1and iiisiin Altthotsnets
dittcotveinCoanexon'lsinuhtolc e"tt
iftiuter. Thtifollsig eituoonilt
anriiclSet in theti'tttio' ia-ts ving Oi~
Potis th rtin eistti o ttute nitn:
ria o r ait l s I t Io atnktoretieredn
tins in itiniundesulit ittit Siie
pubicntgrasufite rd-i tciliruythenre
(.:~uIntin awksitgSue seieslagems- ii
yreita intOifSinortonesinedofite
proti sid elItos tllhestrel oeetead
hora. tn timgoasnklestsuabst ofupubdittc:-
Rpiresntiation.WAdeIn trucsBl
toeMdedewLawt rad h utes Pasm
it itheinghe.itnso i as tomeg nta
Sidte fitst'demwhich ah e ilpionsit
city official is thait grtsdooktsoftepun-
i-eel hiimt-n erun Sutnduienortstof
tingestuufitrhetire t itr'on-tinsmete
t iscerhtit he lctrtomaotri
shole im iti en'oishemst h ten
ter'itaiigitoftie eruie ogivnthnitis
yeutt Indof ti turmte iftei)
rmtandois abyit isitlcturercotbt
-thu'lrgiietusitic udttiene.ii'
WadetRepresentie hsItrohue s Bof1a
Iao hi il ttititu thehea uasingtsays~ti
th tutut tl ttus tl tit-hithe gitl g not'Push.
it-rviestt gatesofthti iii'
Juniors Will Eat
MIut-h iIt'est is bting showntinit the
tinorcls stppir to tin'gieniti
'Wilettt's OyasterBato oroweenight
hutbis ofthSuitciassohavtusignifieidn
hit utit ntinttotisieta prstnt.Th'eu
thin iaticiat'toi a ttndotihern-egi-
lar functios itt thintveninig. Thie fol-
itin;t-sitioifnttieclats silt re-
spondtiostns: Nelsons Kelloitgg, Mut-
ti 5'u-iiiu'i. ''t liii stlt' dSridg, Geno
1.Stee-t. s SBolgeri,-Leetienn-tea,
Ii. B.Blinetu'Mark Ma~ltit, tGeorge
Il hn litsu it-i in'umnun. Ticketst,
t-ii- in- rc75 u-itentem tumma'tin',nsesr-
ed tt-nut hit-tnittofthin' tntomittes,
Ptost -t-ettne, i'St'ihgg, 'T'omisuonndt
First of a Series on. Mdern German
N~veists" was Gien Tuesday
Afternoon by Prof Winkler
'Professtralax Winiker, te tteat
ifthetGertnidepa-strtmuent, gve te
isstt uasesrisof ntletsrs olthie
moser Gisieirmuan novetlists ini Tappatns
IhlliTuesiday ttaftrn 'iTe tlnrge
lec tre nrimtwst Ntll tilld bhalas
itteintituivauintc. Ilstubject, Putl
lIey It-nt, t-tnlidiilin an sera-in-
PatuitohnunuLuu ndwig Sin-ase snas
honit)153( itulai isnt nithuntfinst
ifth lim-odutei-tn Germauuun nvtist.Ito
is alsoitusruamautistindt poutt10)hfitex-
traotrdiuaury skil.Illis tfaciity of x-
ip'essit) in remarkbleil, ntilutough
it rewrSites his dramtuas severatrimCues
tilt his shoitSsturisshavne eenicoo-
tiotedtlittwin-itor Itree sittings,und
tin-ni lishtited jusmt as tey were
tenntthetu'firt swriting. 'lie per-
nnagit of iis talst oot like those of
isneos ittn'a nre crettions of inunga-
tiotn;sneer ites tuit nodeltthSem, at
leas consounsmyaf tter his uaiquaint-
aintes innatsul lie
Iioeysnt alwvays excludes from his
pometic visions lie gross figures of
Labtor intO vile Lust, Hils style is
birotans and tiesane for narrations,
Odescriptive paragraphs, and conversa-
"Mterlin," a novel of hi of about
W)00pages, nwas written by him in six
wsno. Bu~nt it is for his Novllen that
Ileyse is noted The breathe of
fle life of Muich and his beloved
Italy, snhere he loved to sit among the
rsuins of ancient tmpules and dream of
tine nmighty enmpire that hid bon
Amng He--I~yse's- works are "Anden
t'orgebirgenn" "Wthreit," "uch der
l'rentdnetttt," "Binder Or 'ielt,"
"aMelimn" uan "Fratnceca tdi Bimini"
'Tie neuxt lecture oni the corse will
tie ittliveu'rushha Dr. Carrington on
Mondaty mne's uS41.5 nn in e lecture
ronui of Tappanttu tHl. Ois subject
stilt be "(tattSFtreatag"
Iowa Loos Coach Knipe
IwaUnivrsitis i to lose rtiKnipe,
tie icoacithuntotuned outthuntvitori-
nts fuotbalteaSt-in iithe tfall of a190t,
tim- Kntipettits deinmittly deidediinito
ittageiiunieran-trkin itNest'Yr,
animit i ht' of tie rotsts of ime
mluuummm ndmttstudnts of atIowau tnill
not cotc il ie ttmttetsason. 1Hi
sutuu'ssor isnoht y'Setuosn', lutSstill
liu-a 'i etitu-' tGrifithi, isiumiori
lo.Il. fuhinitsKuitt u ummua stuuu'hforhum
fist steto htgot tie squadsmuiitrimi,
tius nutt fe tha tetuanot nousistu-miui
at a s cottcht andi also imuugut Is i-
vae toftfa-is is ite niwissto ido.
Chair of Arthleloiy
Seuutorts Srifufunhums itrod~ucedabl
ini theitlegisltre atroiaiOtinubg $tito0
ttututtal' tom' tie esublisnimuitutont a
ntirieof ttieriuit arcaeoogy in tie
tUniversitay of atmchmgann for the sur-ny
of time prethistoric remaimns inthSis stile,
ammO ror the ptrotection of time sanne. If
Slus hilt is pased a like annountl will
also he secuned from tine Smtittusonnian
tnstitution to carry fornward this wourk.
Subscribe for the U. of Mf. Daily.
t1,hin' g u11e1t iimca ttutbe ti 'lc ottii uniting:at 'ittst i'oiliut 11 tiu i ihiltussu
s t i i ck" ni-lis ilt is pfattiita-ti ilti i--l INt il ''' it) TI t' I s. Aiitf'i'
1)nit nmay he arepitiuultof t n ill Hie' WtstStaisut i ua tihiy suuiu-u
"'Timittroublue this yeairuien'StSotismTSCE.Itug, Sham.ti, Stad, I'iftr, Strees,
-tNTC.-wotof ausonficttut ofseniag- imnunts, int, Street, Stewarmt, Nor-
'eisatotime lturec isalf, usiuSwns a All nsnecrs of placets ini either of cross, Salmnt, tGregor, Knilght, Kahmle,
Ims er"etc.ite last twoneo ets snhio famie not al- OwensIiBarcla, Schutz, Dnlap amid
Whtnen timeihasty remider peruses that readuy obtainned their ribbonst, cmiii for ILaub nnwil please report at the trophmy
-tos lie think the S.,L. S is maeantuthSlensmt nmy office as soon an possible. roonm thin (SThursdany) evening at 7:30,
4 r not? Whom he stops to oxasmine it KEENE FITZS'ATRISCS{SROBINSON.