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February 25, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-25

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Special Sale in Strictly all Wool Custom Made
Trousers $3.0, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.o0
Look at Window Display.
Cutti~ng, Reyer &Co.
Cor. Main and Huron Ss. Phnj 8, rings. DIRECTOR
LOVELLS Office 209 S 9th Ave. 'Phone 9. Res-
E-nrers, (Chimneys'vWicksiNNi'. NIlvl' 1l:1c 'iii r ike i ig ht opl i FriayFel. 27- iiilio dinneri ii prin. and:uil nouu' Imliouili'iIand
Shaudes.iiHeldI to:y for ui 10 ':aus o I iiuui'Walet ', uy l r Iva , t.i:, 'ci il. l inaei ooleW nsil. Thei'lainoat
G as (i1n iho iu lly '0 'inc Coji I:iil i liii' a'l h 25_ AI il' l iirio, of Sockof ]t i ' oios iliithe cily
11iiiiii,,('lliniliacy, hl!i-.' ,111Lodon ;ndiiiN,,v YIlI ucei ' 57 . ~oillS avil l i l ilulnWo-iill'ixuiia ul
hiOAG'SiIIOMrSUPPLY SI;II ilrecordsa fur hi iiOther C--e-esTAILORINGi PARLORS
State1& it 1 St.1 l(rhuSsIineSa h tIea i-avv I ii' 5'luuu 'l I The 1 i i .\-ii:rii':ui n~tii II OverFiist Nainal Bak. Ann Arbor
AFTER THEL PLAY i oiilll iiiiii.iila iiivi
illp In and gt IOysteirs n an slyle a! four nru c n10 '':l ]'rushiiai'W ig unch ir al kins.lillyheuh I 1 I Ii o
c~emr; orth irl hein Ifs th I;11o s}Inl fortei lls0111' 1 c W inAnld 1rVC0.Vaughan
PROClINOW & SCIIAIBLE. ii:iucI: ii ih 'of liemotion a iiucr I, Jna Hi wae E F Mum
STAES IRLUr Notie I Tilii'ioiih''I'rof uiiiItv-S CarLhNartlye
t lt u nhii ll Iuua :ilillllfran 11 c lair I liilu riii 1
Lunch & Dining Room 'rILVS
10 Siopn ii-l Th1',1 1 II't. l ily Hi 1At 12 l;.U \iuioiiSf.; : IlThe iAn flrbOr Savngs Bank
1IXSON & SAMSON. Proprietors, li- uli iti sncse i' Ilcop ' al i r uuuiiui iiulull ui -ulii a o ii aeluil-'ll l'uin ii~ial
D y I i el .Y,'ui ii Oli, t lit ililil Ite (o orn lull Ire. 'li' inell u'eieiuiui~ui~anui-li -lag
Allt'grelthe heldt:tllatasiii.Gu1h-,eln ('. .,iltihd uonipi oerr ideific aton
lug's} I~il N Iurus illey I iiiui'oov: ilarateCu.hiSaiv'uu' Pert.:ras-n
EEi'll' >IEEFk'.fi4lt iY F.E ___________Phrmac. llai'riiouiChar'elesEl. e Ml ] llPres ee
CII1AS. 1 F MEYERS J __drfarianVce_______I.Fit,__,hi
IFMden Jo rinting I riv' isei~I ri liilxv Ihi o 1 H anlis Money l iii 0'Tlol(an lnyuia Iii DY.. A. A, & J. Y Standard Tue
Ihe meytsi:nut'hiveinut11atlilililill Frs'Deli-it half lunrla' runi :15 a.
M ode n J b lii'hily uiullii i'iiiffects'Lr li n s - Ost ict'y cofide ial1m. 11:1 k5. ForaYl.v Teni o rly un1t:5ia
S The kind You..re Looking Far r ill i i v ill 'llca 01.ll iL;II1 Iliiiui-i iiri'l:'i'~illliillui i. nil1115Ii o. lit-ltllliy uni
'i-i1:30 t . 1 t i ad 7ti8p . m nd 1:5 i.lurJak on rly
SO Phone 28 -2r. 215 S. Main St. -li CaIl~u iu'uuu il. u'Gll or address 00W . ouriin IRoin froni 6:15 a. nin unil?715 pa no Then
' el a e 1 il "I nhlg I". i 11 ii' I Song.Intl) 1I-uig boc lou M al113Ip. no. anti 11:15 pii.n.
I shil (mae ftlispe icy . Al Itoo oftisrte,_hs_(,_ennig,_bWaitingne.r51).m51hWrtin roomuron8t ofW. Slainn
special rate mad thl i t %\10 ilh i liii' uh .il;rolighi 0uu' oL'l E.A N A B R R IR A
e osUcours 9lof is . lig li'vil thei woluinaalcku:'a ithu iiuunlv.It 6-N-7rs '.o.1= ~ H Y N S
Mralmen as efinonilyHot lt Inlalemnldle tnt. :cad o iluu p ronai o pety
iui~ii:, ii' uuuuiuua I uuiiil - WA Iir IirL Trains leans Ann Arbor by Central Stad
Moassageaeiill 'Theicopyright'la hatslua liiiSoldlI.01 r. Offie at r io:'vi'iir :1 1',. Ibry ad Tine
00od .1tret l l 011 ial v's 'llfuiintiiluilElet-lie Lt29(YlO.
I aaenilhsa lre iiii' . lSOUTH I 'NRTI
rspody aandnd Li IIa' vuulu ' i'.fr J iSE'p.'.0' '"m.Nv6. -oA -a o.1 - -01A -I
Masage, Pr o -72 t o . 0 .
o7 llullllal-rl Ie.-- hal. i.red .lh rI i' a i'eiii' "- -______No. 2-11:.10 A. S. No. 5.-i123(tP.Jy (Co,
lir se~~d h s ei-ill lllpreu''lrru'd . 0.1111110' tGuran~tedI tunain pen, $1 01. ____________________________
a ~ nln i iii .; 1111 viii 111'. 00ii usiing's Phaiimacy 'lvsiii Ni. 5 ani 6ir1un iie t in lmArbAonr
itte daint andTlledo ul.' ' dy
L. ~~~~~~ ~w EDA. ILLS, BLLADAARORgentfl 1
Loor rownsI~rii Slot Priuo gii-~:u':uri lii,'. 707 N University Ave~ ~ H6N EIA
Every Student Should In _ ~ rrgw- avl i'I lluuo0 - u Teugr~lRue
vest o Cents ( NOTI..IE ii viinteiy,1,1ii lviiit 1111 ayofI iiE HR IE
And'i get theetr)o itLFreere '-s w'il i'ulil' indsul'rIpapeur bTlIs ound ANNO RI. B R L-
*verimor i lgad t 4h n 00'' lveii'tI 'all :ulu'liiiitoIl lsii'neuvv lixor uruie.u'I'the tl vet iou .slllN R T
Arbor Daily ,'Aigil evliry earl- I Ii'o'ili':,'liupri'uuuu'u 1 vldlulIre il' elso: . I:i 'yoiuhavel anyi boks111:,' CH1ICIAGO
lag The biist Ipapers0 ll int e i''u'uiu iistartedi in l 'iuluu'' I l il) olii ur ll1 u':-linduiuua l 'ul ikan gti lBUFFA LO
state andilcityrt hevi o111 e11pr~ie ru'uiluuI' lie o1' uuiiiiiuu hook l i nd- Iili.: EpY R
of 101 rents aoart-lu Lease or- li'.s I li( NEWlar i:, \' Yuu O STO
er fif i t uiliiiiinutiluiiat i s AND ot a' nsyacr
Stlet 0.12111111i1StMeyers, c'ocks ur liv iii':,toiheiiatul airedu i jOleb l A N Dntii BO Ti- ONvbrS
411 E Wilim t. r rgs cal':111 lii'i'e p rrfect ulisfi 'hll .J.i ~ h e de wthdiet onetin a 0 Kg orS
ofl 10111uth if treetrgus ) ' I nspct ur stock, lrmuu1* ve i i nss ii 01~t1avI and 11e Wet
ol~lit~Iii 011111S~iForI iuol '' i ion and tlbovsh ickes callon
TRY THEru TWO co0 1 , I M. fi u °,vset. 411S. STAE S'1'.ltriin 00 W. .ASE AentAnAbone
Single admission 50c, $.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $2.00
Sudents Lecusociatiogn Tickth
I t 0111sio in :ells u I es o o.1 eI I Iol ,1)[ o o ;l dt _>rlXVatch this space for S. L. A. an-
11iis rne t 1te t111 ilu Ient in the for1hIc1t'i 111111. :011nouncem.ents and dates.
Always Ahead in
The Best of Every
thing in Tailoring.

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